Wheeling Gull Isle when life’s moving too fast, we can make this dream last
202 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“Ohhh all da way out dere,” his voice falls a bit. "I don think I go dere, Papa." That was a scary place- Judah resolves never to lay paw quite as far as that.

His spirits are quick to perk again when he and Caracal pass under a tree, the sensation of dappled hot and cool, the glow of light and shadow patching across his father’s back drew an admiring exclamation as he tried to paw at dots of gold- like treasure!

It was all so overwhelming, this grand world of theirs, but in an exciting way! So long as he wasn’t going alone he wanted to see it all!

“Papa, was da bes thing see? Favoride?” He asks his father, wondering if he could have a favored spot on the island, with so much neat stuff around.
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Caracal honestly adored every inch of the island. All of it was his favorite, so he drew a blank at Judah’s question. Then purple flowers filled his mind. He grinned and turned, already headed toward the field of lavenders on the island’s eastern shore.

This is actually your mama’s favorite place, Caracal said as he walked among the swaying blooms, inhaling their fragrance.

His back ached, his feet too. He wished he could sit, though Judah would surely slide off his back. Caracal didn’t want to do that, not without checking in first…

Hey, Ju, do you think you could slide off and sit next to me for a minute?
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202 Posts
Ooc — tazi
His nose swivels as they come upon a field of pale purple blooms. They are flowers! His eyes widen, so familiar it is!

“Smell Ami!!” He gasps, overcome by the revelation. He reaches down to run a little dark paw over the tops of the lavender. They tickle his toes.

Judah is entirely unaware of anything Caracal is feeling. He is not old enough to see his father as an individual- he is an extension of himself. He is a god. Gods feel no pain or aches or sorrow, make no mistakes, commit no sins.

Caracal slows, their destination reached. It is time to disembark. Caracal might have feared his son’s reaction- but Judah slid calmly from his shoulders and down into the soft earth at his paws. His father has already shown him there isn’t anything to fear here.

“Papa- ?”
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The relief was instantaneous when Judah slid off his back. Caracal took a moment to roll his shoulders and then stretch each of his legs. All the while, he  gazed down at his little boy, his inquisitive face peering up from a backdrop of purple blossoms.

I’m good, he said. We’re good. Right? Why don’t we hang out here for a bit? Oh! Maybe you could go around and find the best flowers to make a bouquet for mama? Caracal suggested, imagining his wife’s delighted surprise when their little agoraphobe came home with a fistful of lavenders for her.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
202 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“Okie!” He jumps, “Bookay! Okie!” He turns and waddles off a ways, peering out into the lush purple sway of forest, enclosed in his mother’s scent.

Oh! But he had forgotten something!

He pads back to where his father rests, lifting one paw and placing it against his forearm to get his attention.

“Papa?” He peers alllll the way up until he can see his father’s eyes looking back at him.

“I lub you.”
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
It caught him by surprise—and made him hell’a proud—when Judah wandered off on his own without qualm. Caracal rolled his shoulders and watched his son go, planning to mosey in his wake after a moment.

Before he could move, Judah ran back to him. Caracal prepared to scoop him close, in case he’d become afraid. But the little boy merely put a paw on his foreleg and declared his love.

His papa blinked down at him for a beat before a huge grin split his face. He scooped up his son, after all, holding him high and swinging him a moment before carefully pulling him close. Caracal planted a big smooch on his head, then set him back on the ground.

Love you too, Ju, he said with feeling, nudging the boy’s bottom. Now go pick some flowers! I’ll be right behind you, always.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
202 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Judah had never particularly felt very special. He’d always thought he was a little behind, a little too nervous about the same things that never seemed to challenge his siblings.

But swept up in his father’s arms, hearing his father’s affection and the beat of his heart- it made him feel like he was the most special, most loved boy in the whole world.

And the feeling persisted, enough so that when Caracal released him Judah had the confidence to take those steps on his own. He didn’t even need to look behind to see that his father was still there. Because he knew he would be.
