The rank of Delta was honorable to say- but Desdemona felt undeserved. She never dreamed of being the Beta or further then a simple Mu, she only wished to not be an Omega once more. That was all the guard could ask for, to not dwelve into the pits of the ranking system again. Though being so used to the bottom, she felt too uncomfortable being near the top of ranks.
It stalled within her mind for quite some time, until finally, she sought out @Hydra to lower herself into the proper position; even though she was recently called a cousin by the Queen.
It stalled within her mind for quite some time, until finally, she sought out @Hydra to lower herself into the proper position; even though she was recently called a cousin by the Queen.
October 27, 2020, 08:01 PM
She had been seeking her silver daughter after counseling @Mira further in the art of self-defense; time to suggest the trip she had been meaning to go on, and after that advise her son on the state of things. And, she supposed, Hydra ought to go and check in on @Mal while she was at it, prior to heading to her sister. Much to do and update him on, she knew, and it was time to do so. Though she had spoken of claiming the Glen in passing in her desire to protect it more feverently their last meet, it would not hurt to let him know the state of things there and that her daughter had been found.
An ear backturned as she heard footsteps; she slowed, knowing well by now the sound of Desdemona, so the other could meet her all the quicker.
An ear backturned as she heard footsteps; she slowed, knowing well by now the sound of Desdemona, so the other could meet her all the quicker.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
October 27, 2020, 09:15 PM
The guard picked up her pace to catch Hydra, and thankfully so the Queen had noticed her and slowed her pace. To the side did she go to, but with hesitation as the guard opened her maw, only to close moments later. She was not sure how to ask this particular request, as Desdemona rarely asked, nor' share about much.
"My liege," the old-ways she would talk picked up in a bundle of nerves, but even so perhaps out of politeness, "I understand the ranks fluxuate often- though I do not feel mine is appropriate." Just below the Gamma, did she peacefully rest onto the Delta. It was perhaps the highest she had gotten, often switching around in the middle ranks. Though satisfied, with being on the lowest bracket, and even proud how far it was-
but it still simply felt wrong to the bastardly woman born as an Omega.
"I'd like to request returning lower ranks, a Mu if so."
"My liege," the old-ways she would talk picked up in a bundle of nerves, but even so perhaps out of politeness, "I understand the ranks fluxuate often- though I do not feel mine is appropriate." Just below the Gamma, did she peacefully rest onto the Delta. It was perhaps the highest she had gotten, often switching around in the middle ranks. Though satisfied, with being on the lowest bracket, and even proud how far it was-
but it still simply felt wrong to the bastardly woman born as an Omega.
"I'd like to request returning lower ranks, a Mu if so."
October 30, 2020, 12:21 PM
Hydra did not mind the formality. She, for one, enjoyed it, a formal woman herself. She listened to the grievance of her subordinate, and tilted her head.
But caring enough to delve deeper, Hydra inquired,
Desdemona,she started with, pausing for a moment while considering how best to reply to her,
you are important to me. You are a protector of our family. And you have been so for quite some time. You have showed loyalty and devotion both, along with sound judgment. And as a protector of our family, it would not sit right with me to give so honorable woman so low a rank. In fact, I would only place you in such a place as Mu only if your behavior altered so to prove the contrary. You are a hard worker. You are an extension of the shadow Moonspear casts, just as the rest of our family,she hummed.
But caring enough to delve deeper, Hydra inquired,
does your place here make you feel any discomfort?Desdemona had earned it. All could see her efforts and loyalty. She could not understand the request entirely, and willed Desdemona to explain.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
November 02, 2020, 04:44 PM
"It is everything I dreamed of." Not once did she regret joining Moonspear, and neither did she dwelve into the missing of Morningside. The place may have held a place into her heart, but in the end, it was weak, and a place where she could not grow anymore. Here, within the mountains, could she grow into something other then an omega, or more then just a 'comrade' in arms. Desdemona felt proud to be a apart of them.
But even then, it didn't feel deserved. It all, felt but a dream.
"I was born as an omega, and nothing more. My bloodline, cursed in all its ways, could never prove further," she so confessed, "it does not feel deserving, for my birthright has been set in stone." It was had been hammered in long ago; that she deserves nothing.
But even then, it didn't feel deserved. It all, felt but a dream.
"I was born as an omega, and nothing more. My bloodline, cursed in all its ways, could never prove further," she so confessed, "it does not feel deserving, for my birthright has been set in stone." It was had been hammered in long ago; that she deserves nothing.
November 03, 2020, 06:16 PM
Hydra regarded Desdemona's words, and by the end of them she drawled,
Thinking, and then looking to Desdemona, the matriarch hummed,
you have been as a blessing to me, not a curse. I wonder if such things such as curses might be lifted through service,she pondered aloud. For her own part, Hydra did not believe in such things. If she did, Hydra would have cursed many—at least one wolf had referred to her as the witch of Moonspear.
Thinking, and then looking to Desdemona, the matriarch hummed,
given time, stone will change with erosion. What once was set might disappear entirely. You are the master of your fate, Desdemona,she drawled,
not whatever witch or warlock might have cursed you and yours. You undo their work with every deed,she declared.
Let the curse die here.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
November 09, 2020, 11:35 AM
"It has been ingrained into my borns since birth, to the point even my littermates fled without a word to me." Her voice cracked a bit at the thought of them. Days in and out did the two plague her thought, knowing that they were possibly alive somewhere, but seemingly not wishing to reunite with Desdemona. She remembered the day she thought to see Othello's shadow, and chased until finally, she gave up. Upon returning;
Morningside was gone.
She was thankful to Hydra, who said to discard what the past was. However at the same time there was a bitterment within her heart, for not too many of the Ostrega's could understand the hardships that were outside the mountain. Born and raised in so, how could they have such a difficult like? Though she too, understood the hypocrital thinking, as life itself as a wolf, was never easy.
"I don't think i'm strong enough to do that, Hydra." How the words warmed her heart, and a pitiful smile could be seen from the wolf, who continued to call herself a bastard.
Morningside was gone.
She was thankful to Hydra, who said to discard what the past was. However at the same time there was a bitterment within her heart, for not too many of the Ostrega's could understand the hardships that were outside the mountain. Born and raised in so, how could they have such a difficult like? Though she too, understood the hypocrital thinking, as life itself as a wolf, was never easy.
"I don't think i'm strong enough to do that, Hydra." How the words warmed her heart, and a pitiful smile could be seen from the wolf, who continued to call herself a bastard.
December 14, 2020, 01:03 PM
Much to their own misfortune, I would imagine. It sounds as though they cling to a curse they themselves will see to fulfillment. Let them exist in that space while you leave it,she drawled, her lack of amusement with those that mistreated Desdemona quite plain. But they were the reason Desdemona came here, in part. Where her curse might finally come to an end, should she have the mind for it.
When Desdemona spoke of not being strong enough, Hydra regarded her with a long look, gaze sharp to start before softening. She was quiet for even longer, until she spoke again.
I can see that you believe that,she began, voice gentle enough.
You see, I do not like being lied to. It offends me greatly; a relationship of any sort cannot be had without trust,she explained.
You might not think so, that you are strong enough... but I have seen you at work. Watched you determine the character of a wolf, seen your decisions made and entrusted you to protect my own children. When you are at my side, or theirs, I feel confident that you are strong enough to stand there. To protect, to defend. I trust in that strength every day,she drawled,
and I hope there will come a time where you trust your own strength and capabilities too, Desdemona—you, who when that time comes, will become cursebreaker,voice firm, it was evident that Hydra wholeheartedly believed all of this.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
December 15, 2020, 02:58 PM
To the day she was born, to the day she left; Desdemona was always reminded she was a lower being. Her blood was a mistake, a night of fun that resulted in but cursed aftermath, and while no one blamed the man who did the deed, everyone cursed the mother who dared bring them near. How dare she continue to let them live, knowing they were filthy half-breeds. The very factor of their existence should of been ended, but they were of his blood, and he could not.
Tools is what they became, but alas it only worked for one; Desdemona.
Watching the demise of her brave brother broke something within, and the very thought of selling her sister out as but another whore was disgusting.. All the loyalty she gave, was but to waste for only because, the blood she has was not fully the wolf she wanted to be.
Even her current time, did she stay in the background watching the glow of Moonspear, feeling undeserved by the moonlit touch. Paws bordering it, and inch by inch would she draw closer.. Before removing herself once more, and back to the stoic guard she always has, and always will be.
To Desdemona, Hydra was the peak of that glorious glow. She was strong and confident, leading the wolves of the mountain without doubt, and everyone followed with the upmost loyalty, including her. Many came just drawn to the beauty that the dark Queen produced, and many strive to gain a hand within that power. Alliances and friendships, for all wanted a piece to what they could not fully obtain themselves.
Truly, the Queen of the Wilderness.
"I hope for the day." A weak smile, was given. She truly hoped that perhaps one day these feelings of hers could be passed down and buried to the earthy grave. The words Alya had given 'lighten up,' in a general sense had grown her to be stronger.. Then Hydra's own words, confident of her growth, pushed the small, broken girl into but a light.
All could Desdemona do was hope, and with words at a loss, but a tinge of thankfulness to the Alpha, there was only a smile.
Tools is what they became, but alas it only worked for one; Desdemona.
Watching the demise of her brave brother broke something within, and the very thought of selling her sister out as but another whore was disgusting.. All the loyalty she gave, was but to waste for only because, the blood she has was not fully the wolf she wanted to be.
Even her current time, did she stay in the background watching the glow of Moonspear, feeling undeserved by the moonlit touch. Paws bordering it, and inch by inch would she draw closer.. Before removing herself once more, and back to the stoic guard she always has, and always will be.
To Desdemona, Hydra was the peak of that glorious glow. She was strong and confident, leading the wolves of the mountain without doubt, and everyone followed with the upmost loyalty, including her. Many came just drawn to the beauty that the dark Queen produced, and many strive to gain a hand within that power. Alliances and friendships, for all wanted a piece to what they could not fully obtain themselves.
Truly, the Queen of the Wilderness.
"I hope for the day." A weak smile, was given. She truly hoped that perhaps one day these feelings of hers could be passed down and buried to the earthy grave. The words Alya had given 'lighten up,' in a general sense had grown her to be stronger.. Then Hydra's own words, confident of her growth, pushed the small, broken girl into but a light.
All could Desdemona do was hope, and with words at a loss, but a tinge of thankfulness to the Alpha, there was only a smile.
January 29, 2021, 01:06 PM
It was not enough for the matriarch, who simply wanted it to be so. Wanted Desdemona to see herself as Hydra did. Hydra wondered if she might ever meet the things that put such poison within the mind of her family members—Hydra hope that she would, so that she could show them, too, that they bled the same shade of red as their bastard relative did.
Looking Desdemona over, and nosing her in familial affection, she rumbled,
It was not enough for the matriarch, who simply wanted it to be so. Wanted Desdemona to see herself as Hydra did. Hydra wondered if she might ever meet the things that put such poison within the mind of her family members—Hydra hope that she would, so that she could show them, too, that they bled the same shade of red as their bastard relative did.
Looking Desdemona over, and nosing her in familial affection, she rumbled,
come, let us patrol.These thoughts Desdemona had would not serve her, and Hydra hoped to distract her from them. Should Desdemona move to follow, Hydra would move with her to the borders to look after the land.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
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