Redhawk Caldera Even a well lit place, can hide salvation
The Phoenix General
180 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
Hiya! :D
@Towhee, @Fennec, or @Ruenna?

Only the heavens would know how long Azon's been traveling by now. Through mountains, through the forests, and wherever else his long legs forced the brute to carry on in order to reach these wilds -- the very ones he strayed away from in the first place: The Teekons. Things seemed much more barren, so it seemed, since the last time Ignis had visited -- so much more unfamiliar. Then again, what else would he expect from being gone for that long?

Ever since the fall of the Glen, and the death of his mentor @Keres, Ignis hadn't been the same. These wilds, the glen, his silver-crested friend, and the many others who he had befriended along the way were supposed to be his new beginning -- a way to escape the past and learn to forgive himself for all the wrongs he had done. Azon was supposed to be a brand new man -- but instead, he was miserable as hell, lonelier than ever before, and ten times uglier than usual because of this goddamned scar on his mug. New beginnings? How laughable. 

And yet despite that, it was the thought of a 'New beginning' that kept him from drifting any further from these wilds.

Ignis truly was an idiot for returning here, just what was he thinking? 'Am I some kinda masochist or somthin'?' he even thought for a moment during his trip back. It had been months -- so many days and nights that anything familiar might've felt unfamiliar for a while, but the same gullible, child-like hunger to chase after change was what kept him moving. 

All tears of mourning had long hit the ground running -- it was time to continue the chapters..... 

His stop had been the Caldera, a place he hadn't visited in some time. A short trip to get Azon more familiar with the Glen's allies, but nothing more. It was still a place of familiarity nonetheless, and hopefully, one that would keep the Tundrian's mind busy with work. Did Towhee even need any more wolves under her belt right now? Was Towhee even still here? Only one way to find out then.

One nervous step after another was inched closer towards scented borders and a loud gulp was forced down his throat before throwing his head back to initiate a call......A call that was cut short at the sound of squelching beneath his toes -- and upon peering down, a fly-ridden pile of Elk shit looked to be the culprit.

"Oh fuck off. Are you fucking kidding me right now??"

The Pheonix General
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
A call on the borders. Fennec likely should have thought twice on answering it but didn't - the job was hers to do, especially now that she'd stepped up into the Regent role.

It was still a little unreal, how much had changed so quickly.

Ruenna might join, but Fennec assumed her mom wouldn't, not unless someone was nearby to alert her to it. But she was apparently the first one here, because when she arrived she only heard one.

You called? She said with a smirk, raising her voice a bit. We're only accepting members who can keep up at least a 10 second howl. That the best you got? She was in a pretty high humor today, despite trying to play the joke straight. Even after she found where he was, however, she'd keep a bit of a healthy distance. At least until she knew for sure what he wanted here.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
The Phoenix General
180 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
A scowl etched his face as he scrapped his forepaw against the grass, attempting to get as much of it off him before any company came. Āzon just got here and mother nature was already deadset on trying to make a damn fool out of him -- the brute was not going to stink of animal shit while trying to prove his worth to a new pack. Though it seemed like it was too late for any of that, because as quickly as he called, they'd arrive.

The woman that came to greet him at the borders was not Towhee, but someone he'd never met before. A pattern of soft fawns and faded browns patterned their pelt, and the slight elongation of their ears almost reminded him of a this one very much smelled like a wolf.  Nevertheless, the Phoenix greeted them with respect and dipped his muzzle closer to sniff them. There was something slightly off about the way her eyes looked when they made eye contact for a brief moment, but the Tundrian would simply brush it off as them having grey-colored eyes.

Admittedly, there was a wave of anxiety that flowed through him because he didn't really know what to expect of this interaction at first, but the playfulness in her wordplay both surprised him and helped him relax a bit. "Can't say it is, though 'fraid I ain't much of an experienced singer ma'am." He quipped back with a soft laugh, which was more or less a nervous one in hoping she didn't start smelling the air around them.

A deep breath was taken before Āzon spoke his next words. Here's to hoping his life doesn't get torn to pieces a third time...."But yeah...I was more or less hopin' you guys had any room in yer ranks left for another...."

The Pheonix General
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was right, look at that. Her fortune tellin skills were sharpening up. Also history kinda showed that any stranger calling in the borders in a friendly way was probably looking for a ticket in.

I wouldn't say your singing's complete shit, though, Fennec replied, totally straight. That there was a good one. She had no way of knowing if he'd even get the joke, but yeah... she'd caught a whiff.

A few questions then. How's your hunting? And have you ever killed another wolf? Fennec sat down casually. Normally she wouldn't have bothered but her back was getting sore standing here like this: Second one isn't a total dealbreaker, so long as it's a good story.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Ruenna finally limped her way to the borderlands, and she was not surprised to find Fennec already engaged with the stranger. It pretty much took Rue forever to get anywhere these days, with her injured back slowing her down. Come to think of it, she'd meant to speak with Fennec about the problem ages ago, but the self-proclaimed witch had not made herself the easiest woman to track down. Rue was never quite sure if Fennec was here or if she was off again (similar to the other young Redhawks), and she seemed to more or less keep to herself when she was here. Or at least, it seemed like she had lately. 

Rue joined Fennec quietly, dipping her head to the wintery stranger. She stood back a few paces to indicate that Fennec was still in charge, and she had no intention of interrupting. The questions that she had overheard might not have been Rue's first inquiries for an aspiring recruit, but if this was Fennec's style, she would roll with it. Rue had to admit, now that the question was out there, she was curious.
The Phoenix General
180 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
Could've sworn I subscribed to this thread lol

Azon, in fact, did not get the joke at all (probably because he was too slow to process it at first, but oh well) and simply stood there chuckling at the sandy woman's quip as if he understood what she was talking about -- all the while continuously scrapping a paw against the ground.

She started asking questions, relating to his ability to provide for the pack, and relief soon flushed him......which was long-lived, because it was one of his weaknesses that was brought up first: Hunting. 'Well fuck me.' the Tundrian thought to himself -- Ignis may have not been a completely bogus hunter, but the success rate wasn't exactly a high one when the job was left up to him. There might've been a chance this might be his pack if luck swung his way and he got accepted, so Azon decided the smartest thing to do is to be truthful about it.

"Huntin' s'not a speciality of mine, I specialize more in combat and guarding. Although, I ain't completely useless when it comes to group hunts..." He may shit himself trying to catch a squirrel or something, but taking down prey with the help of a group was more his forte. Hopefully, that would bode well enough with her...

Another she-wolf who shared similar colors to this one got in the mix, and Azon would greet them with a soft nod. Though attention was quick to snap off of them with the next question. Has he ever killed another wolf -- goddamn, she wanted to know it all, didn't she? He blinked with surprise and ears perked at the direct question, but his lips soon gave into the inquiry -- 'Be truthful', he reminded himself. "I won't lie and say I haven't, but it was either that or being killed myself." Or when he was backed in a corner -- though that was a story he didn't wish to share. He was quickly reminded of his yearling years back in the Imperium's guard, and suddenly felt a cloud of something in his chest.

The Pheonix General
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec twitched an ear and wondered, for a split second, if he was turning a joke at her expense with the 'completely useless' comment. If she'd been having a bad day, just that thought might have been enough to turn this meeting a completely different direction... but she wasn't, and Ruenna was here, and he actually fuckin answered her second question with a response she wasn't expecting. Any perceived slight she might have taken was completely lost.

So you're a fighter. Sweet. Fennec smirked. You're in on one condition, and that's that you show me what you've got. God, it was tempting to just have him do it now. She hadn't had a good spar in a long time and suddenly was itching for one like no other. But she knew she couldn't, and something deeper even than common sense stopped her. I'll let you know when I'm ready. Deal?
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
That was a shame about the hunting. Towhee's pups were growing, and so were their appetites. 

The stranger admitted that he had killed before, and Fennec took that as... a positive thing? Rue wasn't sure what was more surprising; the new recruit's honesty, or her fellow regent's response. Did one kill in self-defense make this man a fighter? Rue herself once taken out a man's eye by complete accident.

Perhaps Fennec was thinking along the same lines, because she challenged the man on the spot. It was a fight that Rue would had loved to witness, but as quickly as the challenge was made, it was retracted. Or rather, delayed. This conversation was full of surprising twists and turns, it seemed. 

If he and Fennec had covered introductions earlier, she hadn't been present to hear them. Rue would wait for him to give his response to Fennec before asking simply, "What do we call you?" 
The Phoenix General
180 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
For a moment, he internally cringed. It was a little scary to admit, really, and Ignis could've been on the impression that he just made himself sound like some kinda serial killer was trying to join their ranks -- that is, if it weren't for the sand pelted fae's strange reaction. Instead of turning him away as expected, she....challenged him to some kind of spar? I mean, it wasn't as if Āzon was completely opposed to such an idea, but in context this situation all together was just flat out strange.

Still, "Oh, uh...well you got yerself a deal then..." if she was still giving him the opportunity to join their ranks and prove himself, why would he be stupid enough to pass it up? Not to long after and the augoti woman standing beside the girl asked him for his name, and his audits flickered forward as he soon remembered that he hadn't introduced himself yet. All they knew was a guy standing on their borders asking for a home. So he cleared his throat.

"My names Āzon, nice t'meet you two."

The Pheonix General
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
this can be last for me, welcome!

This was all excellent news for Fennec who, after Niamh's departure, had been worried she'd be stuck training with just her mom forever. Reyes had shown some interest but she got kinda a mixed vibe on if he'd actually deliver well, but if this wolf had killed like her step-mother had, she had way more confidence in his ability to provide her a real fight.

It really sucked she couldn't go for it now. Regretfully, she stood up, stretching her back muscles as she did. Ugh. Nice to meetcha. I'm holdin you to that. For now, I think you got this. The last statement was directed at Rue and wasn't a question, and she didn't exactly wait for a response before jetting out of there. Truth was, she pretty abruptly had to take a leak, and when nature called lately she wasn't about to make it wait. That didn't tend to end well.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Their future spar was settled, and Fennec excused herself almost immediately. 

Ruenna watched her fellow regent stride away, for the first time noticing an odd heaviness in her gait. There was something familiar about that purposeful lumber, and Rue realized with a start that Fennec was walking exactly the way Towhee had walked when she was carrying her litter. Was Fennec pregnant..? No. No, Rue wouldn't even entertain the thought. She couldn't be.. could she? 

A bit distracted, Rue turned back to her present company. 

"Āzon," she said after a pause. "I'm Ruenna Redfern. That was Fennec Redhawk. We're the Regents here in Redhawk Caldera. We are second to Towhee Redhawk, the Sovereign." The wind shifted, bringing an unpleasant, pungent scent to Ruenna's nose. Her gaze flicked down to Azon's feet for a moment. She then lifted her eyes to meet his with a knowing smile. 

"May I suggest a trip the Caldera's lake? It's a lovely walk..." And of course, he'd have the opportunity to wash. The last thing Rue wanted to do to this poor guy was make him introduce himself to Towhee while he was coated up to his ankles in waste. Stars, Towhee would never let him live it down.

Ruenna experiences chronic lower back pain as a result of an accident from over a year ago. She moves with a very obvious, heavy limp.
The Phoenix General
180 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
Wanna wrap this one up?

Āzon was not gonna bother processing whatever just happened, but he was pleased with the result, at least he was here in one piece now instead of being driven off?? Who knows -- seems as though he had a spar to look forward to in the future then...

As the sandy woman with a notably pronounced waist began trudging off, his forest fire gaze then turned to the small agouti woman who approached not too long after. A friendly wave of his tail was used to greet her while she introduced herself as Ruenna, and the other as Fennec. "Nice t'meet you ma'am. Hope my stay is as welcomed with th'others as it was with you two..."  he worded with a soft laugh. Ignis was not one to feel insecure in his own skin, but even he had to admit that being surrounded by strangers made him feel a little naked at times.

The flicker of her downcasted gaze did not go on blind eyes, and by the time Ignis nervously began shuffling -- it would seem that Ruenna had already noticed.

The skin beneath the pale fur of his face flushed furiously in embarrassment.

"Y'know? A walk to th'lake's just what I needed today." The Phoenix would admit with a sigh, ears splayed and a bashful grin creeping along his lips. No point in hiding it now -- but at least it didn't fuck up his chances in being accepted, right?


The Pheonix General
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Sure! Feel free to post one more time or just archive it.

"It will be," Rue assured him. The Caldera wolves had welcomed Rue in easily enough, and she was even family now, known affectionately as "Auntie Woo" by the youngest generation. She had no doubt that they would do the same for Āzon, provided he stuck around and showed that he was worthy. 

"If you run into any trouble, just send them to me." Confidence was a new addition to her typical mannerism, but Rue would find in time that it suited her. 

Rue smiled as he agreed; only the smallest twinkle of humor was discernible in her expression. She was genuinely glad for the company. 

"I'll show you," she offered, nodding over her shoulder toward the heart of the Caldera. She was looking forward to a swim herself; the heat of the day was decidedly upon them.

Ruenna experiences chronic lower back pain as a result of an accident from over a year ago. She moves with a very obvious, heavy limp.