The Heartwood between the rays
Sun Mote Copse
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She sincerely doubted Towhee had ranged anywhere near this far, though it was entirely possible Prevost was somewhere around here. Meerkat shouted her younger sister's name as she picked her way through the remnants of The Heartwood, the midday sun pressing down on her mottled back like a heavy blanket. She kept her eyes peeled for any glimpses of black and red, constantly sniffing the soupy summer air.

Although she didn't know where @Phox might be searching at present, she hoped he might be in howling range now. She took a break from calling Prevost's name to send up a call, heart thumping as she pricked her ears for an answer.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
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The trot of paws on the summer earth caused Apisi to prick his ears up. The two silvery, black triangles perched atop his head found the sound to be coming from a little way north of him. 

He tipped his head up toward the sky, a howl erupting from his gullet as a warning to the stranger in his immediate area. 

I can't seem to escape the company of others, unwanted or yearned for. He thought as he started to circle around the sounds of yet another unfamiliar persona hiding in the trees. 
Just here to have fun. 
PM for one on one roleplays and always let me know if I can do something better. :)
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Ooc — Zoo
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On her way back from an exhilarating fortnight at the Highland Games, Ruenna was moving slowly, as usual. She heard Meerkat's voice in the distance, although she couldn't quite make out the intended recipient of her call. It wasn't Rue she sought, was it? Had something gone amiss in the time Ruenna was away? 

Rue probably should have expected to come home to chaos; she'd been with Redhawk Caldera nearly a near now, she knew how it went by now. Just when she'd gotten adjusted to the fallout of one Redhawk drama, there was inevitably another right on its heels, knocking everything off-balance once more. 

Even more concerning was the lone voice that met Meerkat's, issuing a warning. Rue wasn't in the habit of going anywhere quickly, but she picked up her pace, closing the distance toward Meerkat's howl. She stopped only to lift her own howl up, voicing her camaraderie with the original caller. It was not a warning exactly, but it would be evident that Meerkat had backup here in the Heartwood.

Ruenna experiences chronic lower back pain as a result of an accident from over a year ago. She moves with a very obvious, heavy limp.
Sun Mote Copse
1,991 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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The first reply startled Meerkat, her head rearing back in surprise. Did someone really claim this ruined forest? She supposed it was possible, though she hadn’t come across any noticeable scent markers.

Before she could think of how to respond to the warning, a second voice rose into the air. She recognized the voice after a moment and gasped, Rue!

Mindful of the fact that there was a stranger lurking nearby, Meekat hastened toward the sound of her pack mate’s voice. She quickly caught her familiar scent and tracked it, a sigh of relief escaping her when she clapped eyes on the hobbling Regent.

Rue! she cried again, louder this time. I’m so glad I ran into you, she added, rushing to close the distance. Mom is missing. I’m out here looking for her, she shared breathlessly, and Prevost too. Oh yeah, I found my dad! His kids too! Except the one. We’ve been searching for days but she’s still missing. When I went to tell mom the news, she wasn’t at the caldera. Nobody knows where she is.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
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Apisi wasn't too thrilled to hear another voice join in. Pack members, great. A loner like himself was never too kindly looked upon by the packs in the expansive Teekon Wilds. 

He trotted closer to see the two females conversing over family members. A pang of sadness caused his chest to ache at the mention of family. Having none to call his own from a small age he sat there with the knowledge that he would most likely remain a loner. Forever cursed to traverse the seemingly infinite territories of an all too complicated wood. 

Apisi watched, continuing to listen in on the conversation. Although it brought him great sadness, the masochistic want to listen about other people's family affairs brought a sense of happiness to Apisi. Like watching a family sitcom from the comfort of a lonely apartment complex. 
Just here to have fun. 
PM for one on one roleplays and always let me know if I can do something better. :)
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
By and by, Ruenna and Meerkat located one another. The owner of the warning howl hadn't made themselves known, but that didn't mean they weren't still nearby. Ruenna was relieved to see Meerkat's familiar face. 

Ruenna was met with a flood of news, and her concern over the stranger in the wood was driven from her mind. As expected, her current worries and reliefs were modified, or replaced with new ones which were equally (or perhaps even more) troubling than those previous. 

Towhee gone missing was particularly worrisome. Their Sovereign was a homebody; her wandering was, for the most part, limited to the territories surrounding the Caldera. If Towhee hadn't returned to the Caldera, especially given the tender age of her children, it was because something was forcefully preventing her. 

At least the news about Phox and the children was a comfort; but of course, that came along with its own troubles too. Rue's brow knit in concern. Prevost. "She'd be about the size of one of Towhee's.." Rue murmured, thinking aloud. She spoke again, this time addressing the young Redhawk. "Who is out searching? You, Phox, and Niamh? Do you need my help with the search, or do you think I should return to the Caldera?" Ruenna trusted Meerkat's judgement as to where the Regent was most needed.

Ruenna experiences chronic lower back pain as a result of an accident from over a year ago. She moves with a very obvious, heavy limp.
Sun Mote Copse
1,991 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
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Master Ambassador
She gently bit down on her tongue to prevent it from wagging further. A sheepish look took up residence on her face, though if she had overwhelmed Rue, the Regent didn't show it. Meerkat nodded mutely at her astute deduction, feeling a slight pang as she thought of the younger siblings she did know and how they must feel with both their parents currently out of the picture.

With that in mind, it was easy to answer Rue's question. "You should definitely head back to the caldera," Meerkat replied without hesitation, "and I'll be right behind you, once I hopefully get a hold of my dad..." Her eyes flicked from her pack mate's face to their surroundings. She didn't see Phox, nor had he answered. She would have to go a little further afield to catch his ear.

Turning back to Rue, Meerkat ran her tongue over her teeth as she contemplated how to divulge the messy details of the situation with Phox's kids. "My Neema passed away giving birth to the pups," she said slowly, her face twitching into a pensive frown, "and they were raised by Maegi and Mou of Yuèlóng. Mou's actually my uncle through mom and dad."

There was so much more to that story, yet the rest of the details—the lies and deception—were pretty much immaterial right now. "It's mostly just dad and me, while they keep an eye on the other two—Peregrine and Vesper—at the plateau directly north of here. I'm actually going to keep heading that way, see if I can track him down to give him the updates. I'll see you back at the caldera...?"
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
18 Posts
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Lost parents, huh? Apisi knew that story before but these sounded like wolves dedicated to their pack and children. He was drawn to the small exposition; the look into the younger wolf's family history. He didn't know whether to show himself or hide further into the wood but I suppose if he was treading near a pack's territory he might as well go ahead and make himself known, even if there are a few scars to be made. 

Stumbling out of the dense treeline, he flicked his ears and raised his tail in confidence. "Is everything alright? I couldn't help but overhearing the distress. I know that a shifty loner eavesdropping is probably unwelcome but if there is any way that I could help...," Apisi trailed off, not sure what else to say. Addressing that he was already suspect probably just made the tension between the two packmates and himself, a loner, rise even more. Going against his instincts to shy away from others, especially pack members, Apisi couldn't help but feel the tug at his heart. He felt sympathy for the fretting wolves and offered his services, not as a way to cause harm but to hopefully help track down the missing packmates. 

Nervousness caused Apisi's ribcage to flutter but his exterior remained composed. Even if things went south, Apisi was a man of composure, he didn't want the packmates to think he was weak. Weaklings are always picked on, whether for fun or for sport, that's the hunter's choice. 
Just here to have fun. 
PM for one on one roleplays and always let me know if I can do something better. :)
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Ruenna nodded, trusting Meerkat's judgement that she would be most useful back at the Caldera. As she spoke of Phox, Ruenna wished dearly that Meerkat might convince him to bring his family home, but of course that would ultimately be up to... 

Niamh. Oh no. "I'm so sorry, Meerkat." Ruenna's expression melted into one of sympathy. Rue hadn't had the chance to get to know Niamh herself, just because she always came off a little prickly. Perhaps that Regent position was destined to held by a standoffish wolf? Fennec's typical attitude came to mind. However, Ruenna knew that Phox's late mate had been a fixture in Meerkat's life, and that the news would be difficult for her. 

Mou and Maegi? The second name sparked a flicker of recognition, but Ruenna couldn't quite place it. Her brow furrowed. If Mou was family, why hadn't he sent word that his great-nieces and great-nephews were safe with him? 

Ruenna might have asked, if she hadn't been distracted by the mention of Blacktail Deer Plateau. Now that tugged painfully at her heart; she'd mourned the loss of her home there just as deeply as if she'd lost a friend. Part of her wished she could return with Meerkat-- just to see it now-- but with the other two pups there they would likely have enough to manage without having to worry about having a heartsick gimp in tow. 

The stranger, presumably the one that had howled, made himself known then. His sudden appearance triggered Ruenna to raise her hackles, although it was unlikely that made her appear any more fearsome to the hulking man. 

His offer of help registered, and Ruenna allowed her ruff to settle. She recognized his sincerity, and that prevented her from dismissing him on the spot. "We're missing packmates from Redhawk Caldera. One is a small child," she explained. No matter how well-meaning, it was likely that a stranger would merely slow down the search party, particularly because he wouldn't be trusted by the other wolves around the children. However, there was one way the man might be of use..

"If you could guide me through Bramblepoint-- the thicket directly south of here-- I'd be very grateful." Stars, when had she become the old lady who needed help crossing the road? But time was of the essence here, and wispy little Ruenna would have a devil of a time fighting through that thick underbrush all on her own. She could definitely use a bulldozer like this man to help her clear the way. She doubted he'd even notice a few brambles here or there. Without his help, she'd have to go around the whole thicket, which would cost even more precious time.

Ruenna experiences chronic lower back pain as a result of an accident from over a year ago. She moves with a very obvious, heavy limp.
Sun Mote Copse
1,991 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Master Ambassador
Just as she was about to turn and go, a stranger stumbled out of the nearby brush. Meerkat started, taking a step toward her pack mate but keeping her eyes fixed on the unfamiliar male. He probably outweighed the two of them together, a thought which made her spine stiffen as Meerkat recollected the earlier warning call. Was this the same guy? He offered his help, which disarmed her a bit.

Rue explained the situation before taking up his offer, requesting to be guided homeward. The yearling made a point to catch the Regent's eye, mouthing, "You sure you're okay?" She could've helped Rue home herself, yet of course there was the matter of the continuing search for their missing loved ones.

Once assured, Meerkat hoofed it in the other direction, shouting, "Mom!" and "Prevost!" in turn. Occasionally, she would send up another summoning howl for Phox as well, though he must be asleep, busy or out of earshot, as no reply came.

Abruptly, she remembered something she'd forgotten to mention to Rue: the whole deal with Reyes. She should've warned the Regent that she might find him lurking around the caldera, looking for Towhee. Did Rue even know about his attack on Caracal? It wasn't often that Meerkat swore, aloud or otherwise, yet she drew in a breath and thought, Fuck.

There was nothing for it now, though. Hopefully the stranger would get Rue back home soon, where hopefully someone else would fill her in about her mother's estranged mate. Still mentally swearing, Meerkat resumed her frantic search.

Feel free to continue without me, of course! :)
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Going to wrap and archive, since Apisi is inactive. When he's reactivated, you're welcome to bring him to the Caldera on Rue's invitation.

Rue responded to Meerkat's silent question with a confident dip of her muzzle and a flicker of a knowing smile. Meerkat had seen who she was with, and that was good enough for Ruenna. If anything did happen to her, she imagined that Meerkat would burn this forest down-- again-- to find the stranger. 

After watching Meerkat depart, Ruenna turned to the helpful stranger. "Shall we?" She would look forward to getting to know a new soul, and if he seemed like a good apple, she would invite him to visit at the Caldera-- on his own time, when he was ready-- as a potential recruit.

Ruenna experiences chronic lower back pain as a result of an accident from over a year ago. She moves with a very obvious, heavy limp.