Qeya River The Return
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
Forward dated 3 days so it takes place on 4/14! I'm impatient and want so many Cerne threads lol

Cerne had fulfilled his promise; he made his way to the river, his hareskin pouch weighed down, mostly with the obsidian orb he had found, but also with various shells, and of course, hare bones. On his neck, he wore two carved bone pendants, threaded with tough, dried seaweed he'd found along the coast. He had removed the bone needle that was holding his pouch together, and it now resided in the pouch itself among the other items; more dried seaweed had been fashioned into cordage which now sealed the pouch, which he also carried about his neck.

As he made his way towards the river, he called for @Sakhmet and @Kigipigak, just as he had been instructed. At the edge of the river, he removed the bone pendants and the hareskin pouch — one carved bone on the pendant, a gift for Sakhmet was pulled free, and he placed it gently at his paws before putting the other back on; he had blessed own pendant to give him protection and good luck — now it was time to bless Sakhmet's.

Cerne reached out with one paw, gently touching the gift bone, and murmured softly, "I bless this gift with True Sight, so that the wearer may better utilize her skills as a Soothsayer, and so she might better see the truth in others."
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The children were growing more rapidly than Kigipigak could handle. He'd begun to bring little fish for them to study, or to eat, and sometimes pieces of bark for them to chew on. Nothing felt like enough. He wanted to give Sakhmet a break from their constant needs but could not find a way, being a man and unable to feed them the way a woman might, and having no skills with children to begin with.

So when he wasn't bringing gifts, or food, he kept his distance. He'd watch the ulaq where the children slept and sometimes commune with his wife during the rare moments she could escape their proximity. He'd most recently brought a discarded antler from a young buck, broken where the tines were sharp so that they could not harm themselves with it.

He needed to find more food. For once, Kigipigak wished he had more company to help with his work. He missed Njord's presence, and that crafty son of his. Having them around to hunt had been a blessing. He trailed his way alongside the river when a foreign scent hit his nose—a young man was here, one he did not know.

Kigipigak was concerned and alert, but he was not afraid. He drew closer, and that was when he spotted the stranger with the mud-brown cloak, speaking over a pile of objects. This further concerned him. Kigipigak began to tread closer but he was not subtle about it—better to confront the oddity he'd found outright.
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
I wasn't sure if I was supposed to wait for Sakhmet, so I hope this is okay <3

A man approached, and Cerne glanced up from the pendant. "Ah — Kigipigak, I presume?" He gave a small smile, then bowed his head. "I am Cerne. Your wife recruited me several days ago — I was told to call for you both upon my return to the taiga." He then glanced past the man, golden eyes searching for Sakhmet. "Is Sakhmet here? I have brought her a gift." The man gestured down to the carved bone, then looked back to the other.
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
I think its ok!

The man was quick to speak. He knew the hunter's name and spoke of Kigipigak's wife also, which drew immediate concern from him, only he relaxed a moment later when things were properly explained.

Sakhmet had spoken of a possible recruit once before. The man gives a nod but does not look happy about it, but his seriousness has nothing to do with the man before him. His hunting has kept him away from his sons and he is eager to return home.

She is with our children, he answers Cerne. Kigipigak looks to the carved bone and wonders what such a thing could be for. He is not a spiritual creature - nor are his people - but Sakhmet was not of Tartok, she could have made such a request for herself.

Come. I will show you where we make camp. He motioned for the man to gather his gift and walk, and when they were on their way together, Kigipigak wondered aloud: If you plan to pledge yourself to our family, I would like to know why. This land is a wild and wonderful place - there are established villages who could use someone such as yourself. That said, he did not want to dissuade the man. I hunt alone for my family at the moment and another set of teeth would be a blessing.
511 Posts
Ooc — siv
oops, totally okay <3 don't wait on me if i hold this up again!

Soothsayer returned, as promised.

But she found herself currently monitoring a rowdy @Attuaserk and a curious @Malrok. They grew with independence each day and soon, she feared, they would take off after the calls of visitors and strangers. She practically morphed a headache at the simple thought.

She returned a howl to their guest (and husband) for them to come meet her, she hoped good news traveled with them.
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
Cerne nodded as he was told of Sakhmet's whereabouts, then when beckoned to follow, he quickly took up his tools and headed after the other man. He was questioned, and he gave the answer with a small laugh and a grin. "Ah, of course. It was actually your wife that asked for my help. She mentioned wanting to learn my trade — and I would not be opposed to helping you in hunts, so long as I am still allowed to travel." He thought of what quarry he and the other man might be able to catch — the bones, the pelt! He could make a larger pouch, several, even.

Perhaps it was good he had come to stay here. "What of you, Kigipigak? Have you any interest in the bones?" A call came, then, and he recognized it as Sakhmet's. Another grin, and he looked to Kigipigak again.
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
This man held a trade that Kigipigak did not knew existed. He spoke of bones; this earned a mixed look from Kigipigak, who was vague with his curiosity while also skeptical, lacking in understanding for something such as this. He shook his head as an answer to the question.

I see no use of bones, except as play-things for the children. He had not meant for this statement to sound so infantilizing and did not notice the derision with which he said it. The call came, and Kigipigak's mood shifted to something brighter - distracted by the love he felt for his wife, for a moment.
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
apologies for the wait, super depressed and struggling with muse.

Cerne did not miss Kigipigak's look, half skeptic, half curious, and he would have told the man more, before he spoke his next words. They were derisive, condescending. Cerne felt himself bristling, and his reply came coldly. "These play-things can tell the future. Your wife wishes to learn my trade — I would ask for more respect." He said nothing more as they walked, though he was stiffer than before. Perhaps the other man's mind was too closed for this.
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The man is bothered by something Kigipigak has said. He has done this before, to men. Found a thread of their beliefs and tugged at it, either to watch everything unravel or to taunt them in to some game of masculinity. This time it is by accident — but the tone that Cerne holds in his voice gives the man pause, and he knows he's done something wrong... Just, not what exactly.

Cerne goes on to explain. Still, Kigipigak does not see the issue. He does not care what the man believes. He does not appreciate the posturing, and looks upon the man with a stern eye until the mention of Sakhmet.

If that is what she desires, then you are welcome here. Kigipigak accepts this. He knows his wife has different views and fills in the pieces of himself that are lacking in faith, among other things. He does not feel threatend that this stranger wants to be her tutor.

I will show you a place where you may sleep, or to keep your things. I only ask that your lessons remain for her alone. For now, Kigipigak was not so keen on learning anything himself. He was much to busy keeping everyone fed and had less time for such musing.
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
The tension was diffused, for the most part, but still Cerne found himself rubbed the wrong way. He chalked it up to mere cultural difference, and brushed it away. "I do not intend to teach those who do not ask." Cerne's reply was clipped; he had no interest in taking on more than one pupil at the moment. "But yes, a place to rest would be ideal. I have travelled far. But..." He trailed off, frowning slightly. "I must see Sakhmet first." They still needed to trade gifts.
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.