Swiftcurrent Creek ahorita
955 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 

silvertongue did not leave so soon; she took advantage of riverclan's alliance to swim in their lovely creek, preen herself to dampened glow upon the bank, warmed through by both akavir's want and the validation of his immediate embrace. here she was neither mother nor leader, only visiting courtesan, and this pleased her entirely. the glassblue eyes glowed, and quietly she searched for @Arric, pausing only once to watch mayflies winging in lacey flight over the water.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,134 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He had scented her on the wind and part of him knew she'd visit Akavir first. And he held no qualms of this. But he didn't know where to stand in this scenario. If she came just to see him as a friend he was fine, but if she wanted more. He wasn't sure if his conscience could take it.

Akavir hadn't said a word. But the few times he'd seen them together he could see some type of affection there. And Akavir bless his heart wasn't built like Arric willing to have shared partners if all agreed. At least he didn't seem to be. Arric really should just ask him outright.

He felt that no one could find him in a spot on the riverbend so he felt okay to swim in the waters. He hated the scars that riddled him when his fur wasn't fluffy and long hence when he was wet. It wasn't that he was vain more so he didn't want questions of how his father and he had lived.
955 Posts
Ooc — ebony

she found the rugged, bearish man ahead of her; the sharpfang quickened her step and flicked her tailtip against her hip as she watched arric move in and out of the water. she waited, poised upon the warm bank, until he noticed her. "wren came to visit riverclan not so long ago," came the honeypour of her voice. "she is an interesting woman, arric."
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,134 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She was quick to get to the meat of the issue the reason or part of the reason he'd wager she was there.

He shifted and pulled himself from the water moving a bit away to shake the excess. A soft humm in his throat.

Is she? i didn't notice. I've only talked to her twice. Once upon her entrance and we found outs shes friends or at least knew the cowboy that attacked us and then again when she met Reverie and had questions.
955 Posts
Ooc — ebony

arric was businesslike, even with his casual tone; he shared pertinent information and no more of his opinions on wren. this satisfied that insecurity in silvertongue for a moment. she and akavir — she felt they shared some bleakness between them. loss; the shadow of love unrequited. with arric, her words felt easier, and she leaned into them. "is this so? do you not worry she is a spy, arric?" silvertongue purred, watching droplets of water trace their way along his muscular shoulders with open admiration.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,134 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A wrinkle of his nose as he thought. Stopping mid motion to ponder on her questions.

I don't think so. She seemed pretty pissed off at the guy herself. Apparently he lied to her pretty good. 

He gave a shrug of the shoulders she was admiring. 

And if she is. I'll just rip her throat out and call it a day. Yea?

He wasn't a fan of violence, but he also wasn't about to let those he cared for get hurt because he and Akavir placed trust in the wrong wolf. But she had seemed genuine in her hate of the cowboy and it had appeased him.
955 Posts
Ooc — ebony

that elicited a chuckle from silvertongue, who had thus far lived a very peaceful existence. and still she remembered the coldness and the conflict of the palace, and what it demanded of its bearers. "maybe she is not, then." her eyes were warm on him. "but tell me how you have been, arric. i see the creek has grown," and eyebrow flicked, alluding to the femininity of their ranks.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,134 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric nodded. Only time will tell i suppose.

He shifted his weight and her next words made him laugh.

Yea and most of them will probably have pups in 9 weeks or so so growing even more. Imma be honest. I'm not sure we can keep them all fed come winter. I'm actually really worried about it.

He frowned in thought. There were very few able bodied right now. Once they were no longer pregnant and the babes were weaned maybe. But that near fall then and that was a short window to fill caches.
955 Posts
Ooc — ebony

many children; she wondered with the briefest touch of envy if more belonged to akavir, the rest to arric. somehow she doubted such things, but the season still burned and did not yet close, not for several weeks. silvertongue shifted closer, and if allowed, would seek to catch one such droplet on the tip of her tongue with a teasing glance upward. "you have riverclan, always. and kvarsheim. i will even send that fool germanicus to you. if you do not succeed, we do not succeed, arric." the alliance must hold in its current strength.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,134 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric wasn't even sure how many belonged to his slutty best friend anymore. Because Akavir was going a little wild. But he wasn't about to say that. He could say with absolute certainty none belonged to him.

Arric chuckled as the sprite moved closer and tasted the river water from him. 

He briefly thought about agreeing to Germanicus coming, but stopped. That would have to be a conversation between him and Akavir.

I'll ask Akavir and let you know about that dude.

He brushed a muzzle along the downy softness of her ears and head.
955 Posts
Ooc — ebony

silvertongue purled her answer, arching her body under the brush of his breath and the way the heat of it cowled around her shoulders. devilishly then, a rapt smile on her lips, the riverwolf reached up and up, pulling his broad head down to her level. "do you want me to show you something i once learned?" silvertongue murmured in an affectionate tease, pulling back with a glittering smile and a promise in her eyes.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,134 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She looked up at him with a look of pure sin and he was done. All his well thought out plans, his want to try and be nice and not love on the she wolf that his friend and leader liked. But there it was and Akavir was certainly aware she shared affections with Arric too right. Because if not the behemoth would probably break his own heart if his friend didn't like him anymore.

And it would help to eleviate some of the tension that had settled into his back and his shoulders, because what was he to do when there was a million women around in heat and Akavir seemed intent upon breeding his own little army.

So Arric nodded his head. I'm always eager to learn something new.
955 Posts
Ooc — ebony

a laugh, moonglittering, a dare in her face. it was a singular skill, one plied not with the body as before, but centered. illustrious. she wished the heavens to beam down upon his face and for this peace to have no disturbance, applying all of her focus in this one regard. silvertongue considered herself skilled, irreplaceable; she sought to prove it now and at length came away with that same shimmer and mischevious dazzle.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,134 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Holy mother of god. Arric liked to think he knew a thing or two about a thing or two, but. When she plied something that she knew he was toast. Mind blank absolute rapture. It stole his breath and he swore it stopped his heart.

Then suddenly he was upon her, pulling her tightly to his broad chest, forelegs caging her in while he rained kisses upon her.

His voice was strangled and husky all at once.

Let me catch my breath and see if I can make your mind blank yea.
955 Posts
Ooc — ebony

arric's voice was a balm to her ears; silvertongue smirked and kissed through the dark furring of his chest. "yes." a murmur as she came alive, leapt into her own flame. this, for her, was a type of love, a kind of bonding that she treasured with the blackpelted guardian of swiftcurrent, and now she made to back away, to lead arric off into the faewood trees where she might entertain him for a long while to come.