Phoenix Maplewood transparent soul
161 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Blueberry had snapped to attention upon @Bronco's call, and when the message sank in, her stomach had plummeted.

She'd taken off without a care for anything or anyone else, immediately trying to track him down. Following each and every clue she could find—his scent, his haunts, and so on. She traveled north, panting, desperate for answers.

Because if he was leaving. . .she was sure as fuck going with him.

BRONCO! Blueberry called out, voice startling birds from their roosts in the maple trees. She paced through the well-worn forest trails, eyes darting. ARE YOU HERE, SOMEWHERE?!

She had to find him.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Regret followed him like a shadow. He mourned the loss of a relationship, of friendships, of a home he’d wanted to badly to establish. He couldn’t imagine sharing a home with Fennec now, with the rift between them. They’d been unfit partners, and wouldn’t have made for a fit leadership team either. So he surrendered, leaving the pack to her. She hadn’t tried to turn it down, either; she’d quietly accepted the responsibility, and that disappointed him. It only reaffirmed his belief that she was selfish. 

He heard his name shouted, vaguely, and lifted his head. The voice called out again and he recognized it as Blueberry’s. He groaned softly. He didn’t want to pull the pack apart. Maybe he should have left silently, but part of him had wanted to be just a little bit petty. He’d also wanted to inform them, so they could make decisions of their own. 

So, rather than choosing to tell Blueberry to go back with Fennec, he turned and called out, and headed toward where her voice had come from. If she chose him over Fennec and the pack, fair enough.
161 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Finally, he replied, and she barreled toward the source of the sound, panting slightly. She pulled to a stop and looked into his handsome, scarred face, expression drawn with worry.

What happened? Blueberry asked, frowning. Why are you leaving, Bronco?

She couldn't bear the thought of him gone. She couldn't stay. She had nowhere else to go and she'd follow him to the ends of the earth, if he'd allow. The only other wolf she cared more about was Vesper, and she was gone without a trace.

Her heart hammered hard against her ribcage, loud enough for her to think he might hear it. She hoped he heard it. She hoped he knew how much she cared.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
He’d have to explain what had happened, and more than just once. Part of his intended plans was to find Killdeer and let him know what was going on. When Blueberry asked her question, he drew in a breath, and exhaled slowly.

”Fendec and I broke up. I…Don’t want to make her have to move, so I’b just…I’b leaving. Heading South, probably, see if I can find Killdeer.” He explained. His nose, still wounded from his injury, smarted when he spoke and impeded his speech a touch. Still, he didn’t regret it. Being able to deny that Fennec was in heat had potentially kept them from having that difficult conversation.
161 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She gaped, wondering if she was hearing things correctly. Fennec and him. . .broke up? Wait, what the fuck was up with his nose? Killdeer? Oh—that was his kid, right?

Blueberry was completely and utterly lost, and yet with the realization that Bronco was now unattached. . .

She could have floated upon the air she breathed.

Oh, wow, was all she could manage, voice tinged in surprise and sympathy. That's—wow. I'm sorry, Bronco. Well, no, but it's a nice thing to say. What's up with your nose? Can I go with you?

She had no loyalty to Fennec, only this man. If he were truly leaving, then she would follow—even, truthfully, if he said no. She'd just follow at a distance, or something.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
He looked away, not wanting to really see her reaction. He didn’t want pity, he simply wanted for the pain to be gone. He nodded simply at her apology, but discomfort settled about his shoulders like a thorny cloak, causing his skin to prickle. Avoidance seemed an easier route, even if it was cowardly, and her next two questions gave him both a means to avoid the hard topic, and a choice to make.

He wasn’t in the mood to waffle over whether or not his decision would have repercussions and so, he addressed her second question with a nod. ”Sure.” It wasn’t as if he could stop her, and considering her tie to his family, he felt it would’ve been shallow of him to insist she’s stay behind with Figment and Fennec while he abandoned them. If she wanted to leave the Emberwoods with him, he wouldn’t stop her. And as soon as he gave her permission, he warmed to the idea, slightly. It might be nice to travel with someone who was as easy to get along with as Blueberry. 

He gestured for them to keep walking. It wasn’t like him to enable someone while running away, but Blueberry was old enough to make her own decisions anyway. Surely, Figment and Fennec would figure out that she’d chosen to go with him. Whether or not she gave her leave was inconsequential to him. 

”I was just clumsy. Sorta slipped, and when I tried to catch myself I smacked by dose off a branch. Class act as usual,” He tried to brush off his injury casually. Considering the amount of scars he already had, it wasn’t like he looked like he was all precision and grace anyway. ”I think…I’d like to get South of the mountains, down toward where I used to live when I was younger; pass by the seaside on the way, an’ try and find Killdeer. That all sound OK to you?” He asked. He had plans, so he figured he may as well make her aware of them.
161 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She beamed at his acceptance, even while wincing at the description of his injury. After all was said, Blueberry nodded. She didn't really have much input into where they went. She wasn't sure where she even wanted to go. All she knew was that she wanted to be with Bronco.

Maybe we'll find a healer on the way, she said, frowning at his nose. It'll be nice to see the ocean again. Maybe—

Blueberry abruptly cut that thought short. It didn't do any good to pine over Vesper. Not anymore.

If her sister had wanted to see her again, she'd have been back by now. She was gone. Just like her parents, and Peregrine, and Prevost. She was gone, and Bronco was all Blueberry had.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
It was just like Blueberry to be optimistic. He didn’t think he’d need another healer for his nose, now that it had stopped bleeding. But when she nearly went on to mention her siblings, she stopped. He didn’t want to give her feelings too much fuel, lest she fly on loose hope, but still, there was a chance. 

”Maybe we’ll see Vesper along the way,” He finished, not willing to let her give up completely on the possibility of seeing her sister again.