Sleepy Fox Hollow Lay It On Me
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Loose backdate to early March after Paeon's joining. @Mahler

She had spent the day before and evening investigating this new place called home. Making sure her body was comfortable with the surrounding before trying to comprehend it all mentally.

Leaving Mereo and arriving in Paleo was an abrupt change, but one she would take advantage of. This was going to be a new start for her. She wanted to be more known, more helpful, a productive member of society. At least to start. Getting her footing here before seeking out a more grand adventure.

To do that she headed straight for the source. Mahler. She'd met him at the border and he had been the one to invite her here. Germanicus said he was a good man. Finding out from him what this pack needed and where she could help seemed the most direct.
2,664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
paleo remained small and familial as he had wanted. as wylla had wanted also, mahler believed.
he filled his days with preparing his herb-storage, clearing out what was rotted or too dried or no longer potent.
paeon was given a particular interest as she was new; therefore he was not far, and called out to the herbalist as he came forward. "guten tag, frau," mahler said in a jolly tone. "how vas your rest?"
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
A garbling of words caught her attention. Turning to look she saw Mahler rummaging through what looked to be an herbal cache beckoning her to him. She wasn't sure what he had said and thought the next sentence to be a translation. "I slept all right"

"What do we have here?" she asked referring to the cache. "Is this the pack's herbal pantry?" she inquired
2,664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
"ah, yes. this is my pharmacy, frau paeon," mahler smiled, stepping back to allow her inspection of the neat shelves, the careful little leaf-wrapped packages separated by herbal type.
in all, twenty-five sorts of herbs called this larder their space. and he was collecting fresh supply of each, setting them on yet another shelf for drying.
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
She stuck her head into the den's opening and was shocked to see how large it was on the inside. Shelves and shelves of herbs all at different stages of use and age. "Damn this is cool..." she blurted out in excitement. "... and organized." a restraint could be heard in her voice. Everything was so neat and clean she felt almost scared to touch anything. 

"Is this your pharmacy or the herbalists' pharmacy?" she asked wanting to know if he wanted to keep other's potentially more messy paws out of here or was willing to risk it for the convenience of a centralized storage location.
2,664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
"it vill be ours," mahler grunted. "bring your things here, feel free to set up a garden nearby. if you vant to keep other herbs than mine, wrap them differently as not to be confused."
the gargoyle resumed his place beside her. "do you have any questions, paeon?" the larder was free for use and visits; she could come alone at her own leisure.
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186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
A daring question to ask Paeon if she had any questions. Of course, there were several and with it still being her first days here she was trying to hold the most... extroverted bits of herself back. Her invitation into this pack was still so fresh.

Perhaps she should stick with the basics. That is what she thought were the basics. "I've got... a few" she began. 

"What's the breakdown of our rankings? I know you're positioned at the top as our leader, and well, I've the greenhorn. But I've seen a few other wolves here but too many. Any important players I should know about?"
2,664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
"i am the chieftain. vylla is the advisor. mayblossom vas our gamekeeper, but she has gone for now, until summer. the boys are greenhorns, soon to graduate to hunter. you vill be our herbalist. it is simple, divided by roles and longevity."
birds twittered overhead as they spoke.
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186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
"Umm..." she thought about the best way to put this.

"That's not a very long list... Are we on the lookout for any additional types of wolves to fill our ranks?" she asked.

She wanted to make the most of this new pack, but part of doing that was making sure there was still a pack to be a part of. Though she didn't have much say now, anything she could do to help, she'd be willing to try.
2,664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
mahler smiled. "hunters first, then herbalists. those who know how to track and cure skins. those who vill be villing to learn any role. you can also teach, paeon. you do not need for me to assign you a pupil."
his voice was warm, approving of her efforts to integrate and help.
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186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
A teacher. She had never thought of herself as such. Had she enough knowledge to have a pupil? She pondered for a moment and looked back, as there were times that she had educated others on what she believed to be common sense medicine. But not everyone had the benefit of being raised by a pack of subject matter experts and legends. 

She thought over her checklist. 
Make a garden. Keep an eye out for new members, preferably hunters and herbalists. Find a pupil... That's a decent start.

There would be more to ask down the line but with a long enough to-do list her initial curiosity was satisfied. "Yeah. I'll see if I can find any willing guinea pigs" she said with a smile and light chuckle. "Is there anything you would like to ask me?"
2,664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
his stoneflower eyes shone, a broad smile spreading across his greyed muzzle.
"not all all, paeon. your villingness to learn is very good," he praised her, knowing that her devotion to her studies was all he could ask for in a member of paleo.
"vill you finish a patrol vith me?" the gargoyle offered brightly.
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186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Thanks for your patience! Want to fade here?

"Yeah. Definitely" she said with a big smile ready to trot the border alongside him.

She felt good knowing that she had found another place to feed her curiosity and ambition to learn. This would not be Mereo 2.0 she decided, and although there were still things out of her control she wanted to take more change of her own destiny.

But one step at a time...