Swiftcurrent Creek daze, daze, daze
22 Posts
Ooc — box
@Arric and @Akavir for visibility!

It hadn’t taken her long to realize she was starving herself out. But it had taken her entirely too long to swallow her own stupid fucking pride and seek help.

She’d got on the wrong side of a vixen protecting her cubs. While she wasn’t fully mauled, it didn’t help that the bite was ripped into her front leg in such a way that she limped even more when she walked.

Win had no way of knowing her paws followed in step with her sister’s, her brother’s (though he had been driven away), like a dance of a fucked up family. She just knew she was starving, injured, and halfway to desperate.

Winifred Daybreak Medeiros stopped on the borders, cringed at what she was doing, then tipped her head back and howled.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was on border patrol Akavir was gone again. And he worried about him, but what was he to do. Golden kissed with sea kissed eyes. He met her there at the borders a small smile.

Though he was concerned about her wounds.

You approach Swiftcurrent Creek. Do you need a healer?

He shifted large body and dug paws into the soft soil while he waited.
22 Posts
Ooc — box
The man who approached her was large and dark, faintly scarred, and Win puffed out a short breath followed by a wheezing laugh.

You could say that. Swiftcurrent Creek was the name of the claim she stood at the edges of, apparently, if tall and dark was to be believed.

’m Winifred, Win. I think I fucked up.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Creams and gold he studied her unsure. He iffered hwr a amile as she spoke.

Well all fuck up sometimes, darling. Its how you handle it that matters. I'm Arric, beta. Are you looking for safe haven, healing or home?

He shifted and moved towards the nesrest plants. Grasping some cobwebs with large paw. 

I recently heard reeds do it better but it will stop seeping blood.

she is bleeding right?
22 Posts
Ooc — box
Yes, she is!

He seemed nice, this man, in the way fathers were supposed to be.

It was a fox. She felt like a child, not the grown woman she was supposed to be. It rankled in her empty stomach, but perhaps playing the “I’m just a baby” card would work here.

I was hungry. As for the other question…I guess both? The blood twining into her fur stained it a deep red, almost maroon. She stared at it in apathy, before she looked to the man.

If it’ll stop it, I’ll do it. Even if she side-eyed the cobwebs for any sign of creepy crawlies.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric wasn't sure how'd he have felt being likened to a father being he had no children that he knew at least. But ah the bliss of ignorance.

He wrinkled his maw a dangerous glint in his eyes. He hated foxes. They had given him enough hurt in his lifetime his dad too.

Alright he held out the webbing and spoke softly. Im gonna give our healer @Arlette a cal lto better look you over. Lets get you something in your stomach and then we can figure out where youd fit in our little creekside, yea?

He called out to Arlette and then bent to help the girl if she needed it.
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had her work cut out with this pack. Pups running against trees, pregnant or hormonal women, and her daughter giving birth. She kept herself busy, but that is exactly what she liked. The pale woman lifted her head when she heard Arric call for her. The woman knew his howl by now and was quick to respond. It sounded from the borders and the tone made her turn around and grab one of the tufts of the reeds. She had stacked them neatly.

Arlette came with a loose gallop onto the scene, it seemed she had made a good guess that her help was needed. She watched the woman with a bleeding leg. With blood, it always looked worse than it was. That she had learned over the years. Arlette dipped her head to Arric who seemed to try and apply cobwebs. "Hello, dear. Let me have a look," she greeted after placing the fluf down. She gave it a look over and then started to pull the fluff out from the reed. She pushed it down against the wound, instantly soaking it, and thus building the layers to stop the bleeding. She didn't think much of it, after all Arric called and she figured he knew her.
22 Posts
Ooc — box
Win almost immediately dropped to her stomach, the protesting scars along her back end thanking her for finally letting them rest. The golden woman chewed on the inside of her cheek, watching the man carefully.

Of course, his call summoned a healer woman, who Win smiled tightly to, then focused on both the wolves in front of her.

Thanks. It was a lame offer of gratitude, but Win didn’t have much practice in sincerity.

..I’m Win. She introduced to the pale woman, before extending the leg as best she could to her.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric watched closely. Yhe girl seem3d a bit scared or nervous. Win came to our borders wounded. Figured we could get her sorted then find her a permanent place if she wants it.

He dipped his muzzle to Arlette and thr girl. Blue eyes glittered with wonder. He didn't know if he was doing the right tbing, but bodies to help hint and fill caches wouldn't go amiss.
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette kept on pulling the fluff out of the reed she carried until it was cleared. The female made sure it was layered on thick. "Hi, I'm Arlette," she greeted back. She pressed it down on the wound, making sure that the bleeding would stop. Arlette nodded to Arric. It was someone they didn't know then. But she was glad that Arric hadn't turned her away.

"I will hold the fluff down so it absorbs the blood. This so it stops bleeding," she explained. "Later we will clean your fur, and you will probably need some plants that help against infection." Arlette looked at the female. 'Who or what caused this?"
22 Posts
Ooc — box
Win coughed shortly at the question, feeling her cheeks flame.

Fox. Came the words to her tongue, just as easily followed by a lie.

Got too close to her kits chasin’ a squirrel. She didn’t appreciate my presence. She wouldn’t say it aloud, how desperation had turned her into a creature, how that creature had hunted the kits like the squirrel she was lying about.

She was…ah, very physical about that anger. I guess I’m lucky she didn’t maul me anymore than that.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There was a scent to her that was recognizable, and yet so very different. Arric couldn't quite place it. He frowned in thought while she chatted with Arlette. He couldn't figure it out, so he decided he was just being to suspicious lately.

Foxes could be mean, but he'd never known one to attack something else for hunting. Though how close had she been to the kits. I mean if she had been right on top of them? Maybe. But how hadn't she smelled them. And usually they ran away? He was confused, but he remembered the story of the foxes that had attacked his dad. So maybe.

Well Win are you looking for a place to just lay up or a home?

If she just needed a place for a little bit. He could find one closer to the border's edges. If she wanted full term. Well he'd take her deeper.
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette never knew that foxes could be so territorial but then the girl mentions that she had young. Well that would explain things. It was a brave vixen to stand up against a wolf. A mother at heart. "I think you will be okay, they have less jaw strength than a wolf. But you will need to take it easy, and have someone monitor you for injuries for infection."

She looked at Arric, letting the girl answer that question.

feel free to skip Arlette if needed!
22 Posts
Ooc — box
Win listened to the woman with a slant to her ears, feeling chastised even if she wasn’t being. It had been a stupid decision on her part, she knew, but she couldn’t help the desperation that drove her there.

Her green eyes left Arlette, traveling to Arric. Her stomach rolled, but she wasn’t as stupid now with a clearer head than before. She wouldn’t last one more winter by herself.

A home.

She wondered what those felt like.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The girl was young, but she was capable of learning he'd wager and he'd bet she'd be a good member to their pack with care and teaching. 

So he nodded. Very well. Welcome home then. You go ahead with Arlette she can get you settled and watch for any infection. Thank you Arlette. Once you get settled and get to feeling better. Come find me I'll take you on a tour and you can join me for a hunt or two. Feel free to eat from the caches if you're hungry.
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette made such the wound was covered by the fluff. She pressed more against it so it was more compacted. At least that would stop the bleeding. She would need to bring the girl with her to her stash so she could give her something against the infection. A fox's mouth wasn't really a clean one, nor was a wolf. She therefor decided against licking. The girl spoke of needing a home. Arlette would leave that decision to Arric.
22 Posts
Ooc — box
And just like that, she’d done it.

Win’s face broke into wide eyed relief, the knowledge that she was safe washing over her like a wave. It left her shaky at the knees, if she were standing she didn’t think she’d be for long.

She smiled, shaking with the relief of it all.

Thank you, Arric. Arlette. Her eyes shone with tears she would not allow to fall until she was alone.

I’ll make sure you don’t regret this.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric nodded his head. He doubted he would. He turned to look at Arlette and gave her a small wink. 

Let me know if you need anything to help you out, alright.

Then he turned back to win and gave her a small smile. Welcome to the pack, Win.

Then he turned and head back the way he had come. broad shoulders disappearing over the hills and valleys. Perhaps he'd stop and get something to drink or do a little hunting. Something to make himself useful.
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette did as she was told. She would help the young lady and bring her into the territory. She would also try and do something with her leg before letting her explore the territory. She knew the girl would be okay on three legs for awhile. She had seen a male live with three legs, so she was pretty sure she would be okay for the next couple of days being looked after and fed.
