Swiftcurrent Creek [M]Why don't you just go home
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette nodded, she could see some sense in that. And he probably would have been loyal to the woman, he had just been unlucky that she had just used him. She decided not the blame him. Arlette felt a little flustered at what he said after though. Those were kind words. "That is -- I-- Thank you,' she went with in the end. It meant a lot that he said that about her, that he ... valued her. It had been one theme in her life that had always been a little iffy. She hadn't felt valued. But slowly she was gathering more wolves around her that did seem to think that about her. It was nice.

"Me?," she spoke. "Oh, well. I guess I am good," she spoke. "The care of Cygnet is a little more demanding but doable. I am mostly trying to do my best for the pack and helping out where I can," she admitted. Her lips quirking up. "It is just--- Just every day things," she shrugged. "Perhaps it is the winter dip where herbs are more scarce and it is dark all the time," she ended in a little mutter.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric would have stayed even if it were just to help with the kids had they wanted him. But the siren and her family had made it clear he was unwanted and unvalued and he had moved on. Or tried too at least.

A quiet chuckle. You're welcome.

Arric frowned in thought. He knew kids were special and innocent, but there was something about Cygnet that bothered him. She wasn't entirely normal. And she hated him which he could maybe understand and yet.

You're doing a good job. Making my job a little easier at least.

And she had. He had noticed her scent on the borders and small prey animals in the cache.

He smiled. Tell you what. Come spring you and me will go gather herbs to your hearts content. I'll carry how ever much i can back for you.
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette smiled at that. She hadn't been fishing for a compliment but, it was nice to hear when someone felt you did do a good job. "I was trying to help as much as possible," she commented. At least so he felt a little more supported. Arlette smiled brighter when she offered that. "I like that idea," she spoke. Even though Eshe would have her garden, herb and plant hunting was always nice to do.

"Thanks, Arric," she smiled. "But, perhaps we should also think of fun winter activities," she admitted, leaving the door open a little for him to accept that invitation to do more things together.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ahe was helping where she could even though some of it made her uncomfortable and he respected that. He knew Eshe had a garden started, but he also knew she had come to late to have all they'd need. 

He nodded. I'm game. My dad and i used to slide on the pond when it froze hard enough, and there are winter berries, but I'm not sure whats good and whats not. And walks after fresh snow before its all broken up are great. But I'm sure we can also think of more.
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette smiled at those ideas. She liked all of them. She had never been on the frozen water, mostly because she was told it was dangerous. In Easthollow there were not so many ponds. "That all sounds like a lot of fun," she admitted with a smile. The female hummed and quirked up her lips. It was nice to hear that Arric had so many ideas to do.

"Okay, well, I guess I will see you around then. I will make sure Cygnet won't turn into a ravenous beast again with these voles," she chuckled. The girl was probably keen on where she would be right now.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It was dangerous. You had to bw careful, but if it froze well enough one could go in. Juat had to watch. Thr key was to make sure the edges didn't crackle as you walked.

He dipped his head. Brushed her ear if she'd allow and nodded.

I have a border patrol. I'll bring her a rabbit to eat if I can catch one out.
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette shook her head. "No, I caught these voles for her to eat. It will be good for her to have them like this and try and get through skin and bones. It also might sate her more," she assured him. "Your border patrol is enough," she assured him with a soft smile. She started to pick them up one by one and fill her mouth again. She shot him a grin and then trotted away.