Lion Head Mesa a[m]phorae
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony

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ramesses announced himself at @Treva's apartments, and when he was shown into her throne room, it was gilded in drunkenness and fine humour. the hour was not so late.
"dearest queen, my shabti." he kissed her cheeks. "that priest of yours, has he heeded your honeymoon command?"
328 Posts
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she showered him in kisses upon his arrival. guided him to a bed of furs, smelling softly of the last blooms of the autumn.

a name has come to me. she whispered softly, encouraging him to lay with her for discussion first. it is finally time.

she did not hide the gentle thrum of energy beneath her words.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"tell it to me," ramesses pushed his mouth against the roundness of her ear, draped his foreleg across her as he sank comfortably into the scented bed.
his eyes upon her face as he drew back was a caress; he wanted her but first she had piqued his interest and so he would listen.
328 Posts
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there is a new fellahin who came with such great obedience.

she cooed in her excitement. a nose pressed to his cheek for a moment, gaze lidded as she took in his scent. his comfort. intoxicated with power and love!

i see her fit to prove herself and the we'eb in this way.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"isa," he purled in a low tone. he had thought the same; perhaps not before she had come to him.
and yet tangled with treva now, kissing her, he thought only of how her body would warm to him. 
"shall we send them away and have her report? shall we watch," he said in soft rich laughter.
328 Posts
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they laughed in unison.

treva felt scandalized.

i have half a mind to be near, just to make sure the work is truly done. and she did not know whether she joked or meant the truth! this showed in the glint of her jade eyes as she moved to nip along the pharaoh's chest.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
pharaoh's eyes shone with mischief; he pulled her into the crook of his arm and called for a servant.
"bring the priest senmut and the fellahin @Isana here," he ordered, and sent the servant off into the semi-darkness of the halls outside the queen's apartment.
until they came, he kissed treva, completely enraptured.
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
senmut dreamt. his mind brought to him the images of the rich brown earth, the gentle green, the rush of good water. aswan. place of his birth.

so caught was he in the dream that he had to be shaken awake. he gasped from the dream, and followed the servant blearily.

senmut inched into the room, eyes averting at once from the sight of pharaoh! and queen! not quite compromised but — he turned a deep crimson and bowed with forehead to floor.
der rote sanddiener
22 Posts
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When the servant came, Isa put a quick end to her task and promptly followed after. It was a curious thing, to be summoned like this. But it was intriguing, hence her eager pace.

Once through the doorstep of the throne room, three bodies were noted. First, the hem. And then the divine ones themselves: pharoah and shabti

As her escort scurried away, Isana bowed low alongside Senmut, awaiting to hear their words.
328 Posts
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senmut could not gaze upon them.

isana bowed.

i once said that Nwt would speak a name to me, we'eb. for the proper passion for all must be found, should it not? a question asked as she gazed upon her husband.

fellahin isana, Nwt has spoken your name into my ears and heart.

now her gaze perched finely upon the newest fellahin. practically a gift she had arrived as, and now she wished to see the full extent of this gift!
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the little priest seemed embarrassed. pharaoh lay with his arm round the queen.
treva spoke and his lapis eyes darkened with amusement and desire.
in this, he deferred to her.
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
senmut blanched. he looked up sharply, then desperately in realization. he thought wildly of nazli and then makono, though swiftly he yanked his mind from considering the divine heir.

"great one." he prostrated himself, voice a plea. she ordered a sacred rite! and his heart thundered to have isa so near and knowing.
der rote sanddiener
22 Posts
Ooc —
Proper passion. Shabti wished it for this dissimilar pair. 

Part of Isa would have liked to think this an honor. Truly, it was... but as she looked to the boy who had been named hem, the pale and startled expression was noticeable. If not in the presence of divinity, she may have laughed.

Dismissing his reaction entirely, Isana focused her gaze upon both shabti and pharaoh. Whatever your desire, I will fulfill.

Whether she liked it or not was not a choice she could openly make. If to do such an act was given as a command, how could she refuse? It was best to simply play along.
328 Posts
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feel free to fade/time skip, whatever feels right :)

it is not me you must bow to tonight, we'eb.

but her gaze was warm, simmering. smoldering. she leaned into the great chest of pharaoh.

i have no doubts of either one of you. do not make me have them now.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
treva ordered. ramesses folded her closer and raised an eye at both isa and senmut.
she would be poised in her passion.
but the priest would falter, and this delighted the cruelty in pharaoh.
his gaze was avid. "kiss her, priest."
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
senmut blanched! he was frantic! but there was only amusement and encouragement and command coming from the royal pair.

he looked to isa's beautiful, elegant face. he reached out, then stopped himself, then reached again:

aiming a chaste kiss for her cheek.
der rote sanddiener
22 Posts
Ooc —
The hem was nervous. If she could not feel his heart thrumming, surely she sense it in some way. She wanted to giggle in humor, but refrained. It was improper before the eyes of the divine pair!

Pharaoh commanded him. He hesitated, but eventually obeyed and planted a kiss upon her cheek.

Isana would be a fool to think she would not be commanded to action next if she did not do so on her own. But unlike Senmut, she would not wait for one of them to bestow her an invitation.

Tiptoeing closer, the woman returned the kiss. Then, in an instant, she rolled upon her back in a playful, yet seductive manner. Her ears folded upon her crown, paws lifted. Her tail even dared to wag, thrumming gently upon the earth. She observed him from then on, eyes fixated upon him in curiosity. 
328 Posts
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unexpectedly, something twisted in her gut. perhaps a flair of jealousy, of envy. that the poor we'eb was to be given one so devout!

he followed only orders, he did not pounce upon chance with passion. while isa was every bit the image of perfection in her actions.

her gaze turned sour in that moment, sharp and pointed. body tensed slightly along the side of pharaoh. as if she might be prepared to strike at a moment's notice.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he hardly felt her tensing along his flank; he took it as anticipation, as the wicked draught of erotic lust beginning to be drained by them both.
"move, priest! you are holy but you are also a man!" his voice was mocking, encouraging; he fell to kiss treva in the next moment.
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
timeskip implied! <33

senmut was catching fire. isa snatched his breath and turned it to smoke. the pierce of the queen's eyes from the semi-shadows drove him on. and pharaoh's voice was the final tinder, the reminder he too was mortal and that this was good in the sight of Amun.

and so dry-mouthed and trembling, he descended softly upon isa.

by turns he would be eager and nervous, caressing until the vital moment. and then the priest would lose himself, and in that moment he would forget the watching royal eyes.

he was shaking and spent and humbled.
der rote sanddiener
22 Posts
Ooc —
The pharaoh and shabti both were insistent.

Senmut was not easily persuaded, but he would not dismiss their urges. He could not.

The hemet drew closer, shy and hesitant. But soon, it all faded away. There was only them. No one else.

Oh, what delight she felt! And such a blessing given to her; one but a lowly servant. 

There was only bliss to follow. Isana sunk in his embrace. Kisses were shared. Warm bodies collided together. Never did she turn away her focus, nor pull away from his touch. Together they would stay until forced apart.
328 Posts
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she laid with jealousy. bitter and winding like a viper. all of the kisses and showering of affections in the world could not wash it from her in those long moments.

something ugly had burrowed into her chest.

she meant to send them away now that it was done, a burning hot stare upon them as she laid half draped over pharaoh. if they could not bother to look at her enough to catch it words would soon follow.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
treva's body stiffened and it was not with the ecstasy of his caress. he looked up to see her possessive, angered features. he looked toward the priest and the servant; if they did not leave now he would raise his voice to send them off.
pharaoh looked now upon his queen. "was that not to your liking?"
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
sen out! <3

it was impossible not to look toward isa, to want her again far away from royal eyes.

and the queen's glare scorched him.

senmut made a low obeisance, forehead kissing the floor. and then he was off, almost too fast, and when he was out of eyeshot, he ran directly for the quarters of the priests and could not be persuaded to come out for some time.
328 Posts
Ooc —
carrying on since isa is inactive! we can wrap maybe next round :)


voice blunt and sharp. she stirred so that she might stand, a hard look out towards the hall until the sound of them could no longer be heard.

it was an embarrassment to all! she seethed and yet she did not wish to elaborate on the great angry hunger that ripped through her.