Swiftcurrent Creek broken heartbeats sound like breakbeats
10 Posts
Ooc — Oti
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she's heading towards @Jakoul but aw <3

The scent of milk and babes hung heavy in the air around Swiftcurrent Creek these days. Pan was still largely a stranger to the many that lived here; she was yet to meet the mother yet alone any pups and she doubted she'd be allowed anywhere near them. Though she set off early that morning with one thing on her mind - a gift. She hadn't much experience of pregnancy - leaving before her baby siblings were born had made sure of that - but growing mini wolves seemed like hungry work.

A rabbit, soft and fluffy from its winter coat, hung limp in her jaws as she made her way deeper into the territory, tail waving and ears alert for signs of life.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Reverie's own pregnancy had sparked in her a new protectiveness over Jakoul. Her lethargy had forced her visits to become sparse and brief, but the pups were old enough now that it wasn't necessary anyway. The visits were more for Jakoul. She was headed that way and nearly there when she crossed paths with the newcomer to the Creek, and her hackles rippled slightly until she registered the gift.
Is that for Jakoul? I'm sure she'll appreciate it, She greeted, hoping she sounded friendlier than she felt. The girl was very pretty, and where normally Reverie might have felt admiration, she was gripped by a stab of jealous fear. What if Lestan thought she was pretty too? What if he wanted her? I'm Reverie. She added as an afterthought.
10 Posts
Ooc — Oti
Luckily, her alertness paid off; the theta was well aware of a wolf approaching before her blonde frame came into view.

"Jakoul?" she put two and two together, settling the rabbit at her paws so she could speak clearly, "ah - yes! I wanted to give her something but I'm not sure she'd appreciate a complete stranger turning up unannounced." Glancing sheepishly at the woman, she offered her a bashful grin. Usually Pan was pretty good when it came to meeting others for the first time but there was something about this one that sent a prickle down her spine. Perhaps it was the way her hackles had been raised, or roundness of her belly that hinted of something more - the girl chose not to dwell on it for now.

Adjusting her paws slightly, she listened as woman introduced herself as Reverie. "That's a super pretty name," she mused, feeling the hairs along her back begin to settle. "You can call me Pan. Were you heading to see Jakoul too?" Perhaps she'd let her tag along!
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
The girl spoke a lot. Reverie regarded her tiredly, still consumed by thoughts of Lestan. She tried to be friendly, though; she smiled when it seemed appropriate and kept her posture relaxed. Oh! Thank you, Reverie turned a little shy at the compliment. She almost added I picked it myself — but she hadn't, not really. The name had chosen her, although she couldn't quite remember how...
But that was a thought for another time. I was going that way, yeah. We could go together! She made the offer without much thought. Surely Jakoul would trust her judgment. And if this girl proved anything but completely polite and respectful of the new mother's boundaries, Reverie would chase her off herself, no matter the consequences she might face later from Akavir and Arric.
Ultimately she did not get the chance to see whether Pan would pass this test or not. The girl seemed to lose her nerve, and took her leave instead. Reverie was only a little disappointed to find that she would be visiting Jakoul on her own.