Duskfire Glacier wind and stream in the ardennes
Sun Mote Copse
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Meerkat decided to leave on her own without a word to anybody. She kept an eye out for any sign of @Imaq and her son but found no trace of them by the time she arrived at the caldera. She spent a few days there, catching up with everybody, mostly Towhee and @Phox. She was glad he'd found his way home with his kids, though he still seemed understandably melancholy about everything. When Towhee told her about her recent sabbatical with the Frosthawks, Meerkat wondered if maybe her dad should take a turn too.

Speaking of the kids, she tried to seek out and spend time with any one of them willing to give her the time of day. But she didn't expect Caracal to glom onto her, begging to come back to the glacier with her. When Meerkat consulted their mother, Towhee seemed okay with a brief road trip. Feeling pretty guilty about it by this point, she wondered if @Issorartuyok might join them when it was time to take Caracal back home.

They arrived back at the glacier late in the evening. Meerkat didn't call for anyone, saving it for morning, which meant camping just outside the borders with her younger brother. She could tell how much he wanted to be a scout. He seemed to know a lot about healing too. She wondered if maybe he'd like to stay here a while and learn from the Duskfire wolves, though as far as she understood it, Caracal was only going to visit for a few days.

They settled down and she fell asleep pretty fast, exhausted from the journey. It felt like she'd only just shut her eyes when she woke to the morning light, Caracal's foot haphazardly flung across her face. She playfully shoved it away, smiling at his grumbling. Meerkat would let him sleep a little longer, so she could put off calling the leaders (one in particular) for as long as possible.

Caracal will be an NPC in this thread. It's open to anyone. :)
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The early morning hours were for patrolling. At least, the large northern wolf had created a habit of searching the edges of the glacial territory when most were still sleeping, huddled in the warmth of their dens and waiting the touch of sunlight to rouse them. Issorartuyok had been lifted by the shift in temperature and his newest role within the village. It should have been more shocking that he had been accepted by the others – those who were not Meerkat or Lane – and that even the mate of the wolf Wintersbane had given him a verbal blessing.

Issorartuyok had taken the surprises in great strides. His mind was dedicated to building himself up, for them, so that they understood how seriously he took the position. The northerner was not afraid of strife, of those who would not accept him, for he was an honorable man who had only the best in his spirit.

Nothing quite surprised him as much as finding the young Meerkat on the edges of the village with an unfamiliar young man. Issorartuyok had seen them sleeping and had opted not to approach until he had recognized the freckles that adorned her backside. The figure of the young boy squirmed slightly, just as the northerner approached. Issorartuyok sniffed gently, trying to make himself certain that they were not injured, only resting.

Meerkat? Are you safe? his deep voice broke the chilly morning air. He waited.
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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Woohoo, thanks for joining!

As she languished there, a chilly breeze picked up and sent a bunch of leaves skittering noisily across the ground. Caracal snorted and rolled over without waking, earning a fond smile from Meerkat. Then a smell on the wind captured her attention and she suddenly sat up straight, spine rigid. Had Imaq and Liak returned safely in her absence?

Someone called her name and now a hot tingle went racing down it. Sucking in a rapid breath, Meerkat turned to see none other than Issorartuyok approaching. Because of course. She opened her mouth to reply when her little brother suddenly shot to his feet, assuming a position at her flank and lowering his head in the Alpha's presence.

Comforted by Caracal's warmth pressing against her, Meerkat squared her shoulders and said, "Yes, I'm fine. This is my younger brother, Caracal. I," she continued, faltering slightly here as she suddenly wondered if he'd even noticed her absence at all, "brought him back with me from the caldera." She swallowed, having no idea how Issorartuyok would react to any of this news.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you. Are you the leader here?" her brother piped up beside her, his tail swishing and brushing her sandy haunch.
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Ooc — Teo
Both figures sparked to life. The young boy was swift to rise and lower his head near Meerkat, keeping himself close to her figure. The scout was only slightly slower to fix her light brown eyes on the large northerner. Issorartuyok listened as she introduced the boy as her brother – Caracal – and go on to explain that she had ventured from Redhawk Caldera with him.

Ah, so that is where you went, the large man said, expression shifting toward a thoughtful frown. He had been looking forward to journeying with her, to finding their way through the wilderness as a pair. It was difficult to imagine that he might have done something to revoke the offer, that perhaps she had believed he wasn’t fit as a protector. A more bothersome thought found him. Perhaps Meerkat did not want her mother to meet him because he had dishonored her village in some way.

Issorartuyok opened his mouth, ready to clarify the questions that filled his head. Caracal stopped him before he could. The young boy greeted and then asked if the larger man was the leader of the glacier. A plume of breath was exhaled through the northerner’s nostrils.

Greetings to you, Caracal. I am Issorartuyok Tatkret, of the white north. I am leading while the glacier needs a leader. Have you ventured far, young spirit? The man’s gaze was fixed on the boy, fighting the urge to turn to Meerkat questioningly.
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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Her heart lodged itself in her throat at Issorartuyok's words. So, he'd noticed. But he didn't seem particularly upset by the fact she'd left him behind without a word. Meerkat supposed she should've been relieved, yet it made her skin prickle uncomfortably. They'd talked about it so much and she'd really beat herself up about going without him, yet he didn't seem very bothered. She didn't know what to make of that. Did that mean he'd never really cared that much? Why did she suddenly feel like someone had punched her in the throat?

Fortunately, Caracal readily took over the conversation. "Wow, I don't think I can pronounce that," he rejoined with a grin. "This is only my second scouting trip," he went on. "My dad took me and my sister to Sapphique a couple weeks ago. Mom says I've got some sort of 'bug' now. I want to travel everywhere." He ran out of breath.

Meerkat gently cut in then, saying, "I'm sorry I went without you." She really was sorry about that, even though it didn't seem to be a big deal to him. What a double edged sword. "I just needed to get away for a bit. And I wanted to help Rye look for Imaq and Liak. But I just smelled their scents. Have they come home?"
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The boy was delighted and quite talkative once he had received a response. Caracal went on to say that he didn’t believe he could pronounce the northerner’s name. Issorartuyok chuckled gently and nodded his head in understanding. It was not uncommon for children to struggle with such a moniker. It was not all that uncommon for other wolves to mispronounce it. The large male was not perturbed by this and only wished to make it easier for the boy to address him.

You may call me Tatkret, if it is easier, the man stated, a small nod dipped his head toward the ground.

Meerkat was apologizing for going without him, traveling to the caldera when they had been intended to go together. Issorartuyok glanced toward her but did not say anything. His mind mulled over the information she offered, that she had ventured out because she’d needed to get away, she had wanted to search for two missing members of their village.

You do not need to apologize, scout Meerkat, he said with a small grunt, eyes shifting toward the boy instead of the young woman he had grown to know. I do not believe they have returned.

Then, I hope this one did not… offend you, to make you wish to leave. Issorartuyok shifted upon his large paws and then drew his head up proudly, flustered with the chattering of emotions.
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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"Oh," she said, her sense of hope deflating. Poor Rye, she thought.

Meerkat fell silent, letting him finish, her eyes cast downward until Issorartuyok asked her if he'd offended her. Then her eyes swiftly cut to his face, then skittered sideways to her brother. He cocked his head almost comically at her, as if he was also curious about the answer to the Alpha's question.

Feeling rather flustered herself, the yearling flushed beneath her pale fur and quickly said, "No, you didn't do anything wrong." Meerkat paused, wondering if she should elaborate. "I guess I just figured you couldn't come, since you're the Alpha now. I didn't want to bother you about it, with everything else going on. You have more important things to deal with." And that was actually most of the truth.

She took a couple of breaths, collecting herself a little bit, then added, "But I realized that was kind of a dick move." Meerkat's lip twitched faintly at her little brother's loud snort. "So I wanted to invite you to come with us when I take Caracal back home in a few days."

Caracal groaned loudly. "I don't want to go home, that's so boring. Aren't you a scout? Don't you travel a bunch? Can't I be your sidekick?"

"That's not how this works and not what mom agreed to, and you know it," Meerkat replied, pretending to swat at him. She knew neither of them were being particularly serious and she actually appreciated her brother's presence and levity a lot right now.

Bringing her attention back to Issorartuyok, she tried to ignore the uptick in her heartbeat as she asked, "So?"
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Ooc — Zoo
In an effort to emulate his mentor, Veteran had also begun a morning patrol-- on mornings he woke up for it, at least. He was running a bit behind schedule; he liked to time it so that he was rounding the eastern edge of the glacier just as the sun peeked up over the horizon line. 

A gathering of wolves on the Glacier's border stopped the aspiring guardian in his tracks. He approached slowly, squinting through the dim lighting. Every hair stood on edge as he neared the group with careful steps. Best case scenario, this was Sikuliak and his family returning. Worst case, it was a sneak attack of bloodthirsty cannibals. He wasn't even sure which one he was hoping for, at this point. Either would be pretty exciting.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Some information was offered. Issorartuyok listened to what Meerkat said carefully. He did not want to risk making her upset or painting himself in a poor light. It was important that he earn her trust and he did not believe it could be done if he acted in a way that offended her. She seemed to think that because he had stepped into a leadership role, he could not travel such a great distance from their village. The scout said that he had more important matters to attend to.

It is important to me that I keep my word to you. I am not the only one who leads this village. Lane is capable and she has a desire to prove herself in this role. She is more familiar with the glacier and its people.

When Meerkat offered to let him join her on the return trip, the northerner nodded slowly.

I will go with you when you return, yes. If you wish me to join.

The wind carried a familiar scent, drawing the large man’s gaze toward its origin. He imagined that Veteran was eager to show his worth and prove his fighting spirit. He had noticed the young wolf’s marks upon the border in recent days.

Perhaps, we could bring along young Veteran. He is seeking to learn from skilled wolves and the trip would be a valuable means to mentor him, Issorartuyok suggested to Meerkat with a smile. They would already have young Caracal with them. It would not hurt to have another spirited young wolf in their midst. That was, if Veteran's mother allowed him to go.
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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Truth be told, Meerkat didn't hear much beyond, "It is important to me that I keep my word to you..." He would join them, then. She felt a lot of different things in that moment, though she realized she'd lost track of what he was saying and tuned in again just in time to catch, "...will go with you when you return, yes. If you wish me to join."

Swallowing, the yearling nodded and said a simple (and slightly breathy), "Yeah."

Before she could get another word in edgewise, Caracal cut in to say, "Hey, who's that?" and then, when Veteran appeared and sidled closer, "Are you here for the tour?"

"Isn't that his line?" Meerkat quipped at her brother, eyes cutting over to Veteran even as Issorartuyok mentioned bringing him along too. Her brows raised a little but she said nothing (outside of greeting him, of course), waiting for the boy himself to acknowledge the invitation.

"Why are we talking about me leaving? I literally just got here. Who's gonna show me around?" Caracal interrupted again.

This time, Meerkat actually swatted him, saying, "You're being rude." She gave Caracal a pointy look then shifted her eyes between the two glacier wolves. "Sorry about him. He's a bit socially inept." She felt someone nip her tail. "Is it okay if we walk and talk?"
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
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Ooc — Zoo
"Hey, who's that?" 

Veteran froze in his tracks as unfamiliar voice cut through the air. He'd been spotted. 

Other voices responded. Voices he knew. "Coach Meekah!" he piped once recognition dawned. He bounded up to the group at the border. Now that he was closer, he could see that Issorartuyok was also part of the gathering. 

"Tour? Huh? ..Wh- are we going somewhere?" Veteran asked, looking between his coach and his mentor. They were talking about some kind of trip, and he felt very much out of the loop. 

The new boy spoke again, asking who was going to show him around, and Veteran wagged his tail. "I will," he volunteered in a small voice, almost shyly. This was the first kid he'd met outside the Glacier.. except for that weird shadow girl, but she hadn't talked or anything so she didn't count. 

Veteran was used to being the oldest around here. Would a big kid like Caracal think he was a baby?
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
That is one of our young protectors. His name is Veteran. I am certain he would show you the glacier, if you would like to explore with him, Issorartuyok answered Caracal with a smile. He gestured to his mentee with a proud swing of his head, pleased that the young figure had ventured toward the edges of their claim to search for signs of weakness. It was promising that Veteran had taken an interest in those tasks, that he had started to grow into a responsible and dutiful young warrior of the glacier.

Veteran, I would like to take you on a journey. It would do well for your learning for you to venture. I am certain Caracal would like to have a strong spirit to walk with, as well. We must ask your mother before it is decided. They would do nothing without her permission, no matter how pleased the young boys were by the idea.

Will you show Caracal the glacier, Veteran? You know the village well.

Issorartuyok looked to Meerkat with a soft smile upon his features. He would gladly share his time with her, walking, talking, whatever she might like to do. The northerner only believed they would have an easier time if the two young men were occupied elsewhere.
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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While Meerkat couldn't help but be captivated by the way Issarortuyok articulated, Caracal only said, "Yeah, sure," when prompted about Veteran joining them on the return trip. "Yeah, let's go!" he added eagerly when the younger boy was formally elected to lead the tour, then accepted. "Did you know I live on a giant rock too..." he said, his voice fading as the two youngsters presumably headed off together.

Meerkat began walking in the same direction, albeit at a much lazier pace. "I wanted to say I'm sorry, again," she said to Issorartuyok, "and I'm glad you'll be coming with us on the way back. Vet too. It'll be quite the road trip." She laughed lightly, then mused, "He'll probably stay a few days, maybe a week. Just in case you wanted a timeline."

She shot him a quick sideways smile, then glanced ahead to watch the boys' retreating figures. It was good to be home and she was quietly glad that Veteran had taken Caracal off her hands for a little bit, especially after traveling with him the past few days. She loved him but she could use the break, as well as the adult conversation.

Wanna fade this one? :)
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
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Ooc — Teo
There is no need for apologies, he assured her with a small nod.

The boys raced ahead to journey through the glacier while he moved to step alongside the young scout. The man’s earthy gaze followed them until they had faded from sight.

Issorartuyok spent the remainder of the walk chatting with Meerkat. Her company was pleasant, as always, and their conversations were light enough to leave him feeling sound. The man felt that the glacier had become more of a home. The unfamiliarity of it was no longer weighing upon his shoulders. In the months to come, he hoped that the village would accept him into their fold.