Emberwood So once for the bright sky, twice for the pig sty, thrice for another day
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 
The world really ought to have been more frightened of Reverie and her ability to reproduce.

Her daughters were more than old enough to have true whims of their own by now, and the Dancing Queen never could say no to a pair of wide pleading puppy eyes. She didn't really think they could dig a hole to the center of the earth, but she figured it couldn't hurt anything to try. Besides — digging was fun!

It'd been Foxglove's idea at first, but @Petal and @Dahlia too had quickly become fascinated with the idea. Reverie couldn't deny that her own interest had turned into something of an obsession. While her daughters eventually grew tired and found a fern to nap beneath in their typical puppy-pile fashion, Reverie continued to dig. And dig. And dig.

And dig.
Hushed Willows
22 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Peridot was not one to venture far from her brother, but he had requested some time to himself, so she obliged him, making use of her time by going out hunting for small prey animals. The little mouse stuck to the shadows, avoiding the light lest she wanted to bring attention to herself for others to find her. Carnelian would usually be found beside her, acting as her shield and her guide, protecting her from others and herself.

The girl had always been flighty. Nervous. Aloof. Even now, while she hunted, her thoughts were fleetingly irregular, unable to hold one thought long enough to delve deeper, always moving on to what’s next, her brain continuously pre-occupied. It would also be the reason why she suddenly found herself stepping onto nothing but air, her body dragged down by gravity with an oof as she hit the bottom of a recently dug hole.

A cloud of dirt and other debris would signal her accidental arrival amongst the small family’s outing.
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Her digging was interrupted by a very loud thud as a wolven form crashed into the hole before her. Reverie scarcely managed to get out of the way in time. She recognized the fallen girl immediately as Peridot.

Oh! Are you alright? Reverie stepped closer to inspect her niece, wiping dirt from her own face. She hadn't expected anyone to fall in the hole. Maybe she would put up a barrier of sorts later.
Hushed Willows
22 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
“Plegh!” A sputter and a cough later, green eyes found gold ones as she spat out dirt and debris. Her shoulder’s hunched, afraid of the backlash for her clumsiness. The tremors returned in anticipation, but she didn’t expect for the concerned tone from her aunt, which settled her. Slightly. The shivers never truly seemed to ease.

Shaking herself to settle the self-inflicted tension, she nodded, shyly. “I’m…I’m okay. I’m sorry…I wasn’t paying attention.” Her ears flattened apologetically, until a thought came to her and they bolted upright at attention, eyes wide in sudden dread.

“I didn’t hurt anyone, did I? Where are they?” She started to twirl in the dirt, frantically searching for squished children.
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Reverie reached out to pat the girl gently on the back with a paw as she coughed. She was such a nervous thing, not at all like the other Medeiros women. The women of their family were notoriously brazen and bold, the men soft-spoken; Reverie had noticed, too, that these two carried not a hint of Medeiros gold. She couldn't help but wonder after their sire.

But that was a matter for another time. Reverie withdrew her paw with a quiet widening of her eyes as the girl started to panic and whirl in search of the puppies. Her confusion could be excused; their scents were still thick and fresh all around.

It's alright, it's alright, Reverie assured her quickly. They're just napping. Come on, why don't we get out of this hole and get cleaned up? She moved to help her niece up before the girl could panic any further.
Hushed Willows
22 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
The mouse deflated in relief at her aunt’s reassurance, letting loose a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding until now. “Oh, thank goodness.” Another shake to release tension before she stopped and turned to Reverie as the woman spoke again. 

The offer to leave the hole was accepted with a small nod. The initial embarrassment she felt had dissipated, replaced with excitement to spend time with those of her blood. Her life in the Gilded Sea was a foggy memory, her brain barely able to even remember her own mother’s face. All she had known until that fateful day below the Cliffs was Carnelian and that had been enough.

And, when she found out that there were more Medeiros’ beyond the Sea—and in this new pack, no less—she felt the intense want for more. Just her brother for family had not been enough. 

She heaved herself out of the hole and waited for her aunt to catch up. “Can I play with the girls when they’re done their nap? And…and…what were you guys doing out here, anyway? I was hunting by myself ‘cause Carnie needed some alone time.” Eyes the color of her namesake rolled as she pouted. “He never wanted alone time before. Now that he got to spend some time learning with Uncle Tybault, he’s always needing time away from me. Stupid brother…” She grumbled the last few words, softly, kicking at rocks.
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Reverie was reminded in some ways of herself and Tybault. Her brother, too, had been quite clingy with her in their early months. Cross when she went off by herself or with Rose. Especially with Rose.

When they were both safely out of the hole, she reached out to help dust off her niece's coat. Of course you can play with them, Reverie assured the girl easily. You can always come stay with us when Carnelian is busy. Maybe I'll show you some places around the valley, hm? It felt natural to speak to the girl as if she were one of her own daughters. She seemed so... young. Much younger than Reverie had felt at her age.
Hushed Willows
22 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Her eyes closed briefly as Reverie dusted her off, imagining it was her mother, Opal—and Reina, too—caring for her, instead. The brief thought brought a smile and it remained even after her eyes regarded her aunt once more. It grew in size, the corners of her mouth reaching her eyes at the promise of play with her cousins, and even wider-if that were even possible—at the offer to show her around the Valley.

“Y-you want to do that with me, Aunt Reverie?” The title of aunt fell from her mouth; she wasn’t sure how it would be received as she had not done so since meeting the golden woman. Everything in her life was filled to the brim with uncertainty, starting the moment she opened her eyes from slumber. It was tough to live so fearfully, to not know how the world will be until the day was done, but she did it. Every day.

It was exhausting, so say the least. Maybe, that would change. She hoped for it with all her heart, anyway.
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Aunt Reverie. Odd to hear it from the youth's lips, but the Dancing Queen had once anticipated this title. To be an aunt, an older sister, a mother; to welcome new generations of Medeiros children to the fiery birthright of their homeland. That was all gone now. The Gilded Sea, gone.

This was their birthright, then; Hushed Willows, its ways and its wolves, all that Reverie had built. Of course, She murmured, offering a gentle smile. We're family, aren't we? And this is your home now - so you should see it. They would make a nomad of the girl, Reverie decided, as was proper for a Medeiros. She hoped that in time Peridot would learn that freedom was a sweeter taste than fear.