Swiftcurrent Creek Swift and sweet
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,074 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Arric had been run ragged by his children, but he wouldn't trade it for the world. They were growing faster than he could even keep up @Buckthorn and @Burdock strong and sturdy, @Violet and @Juniper delicate, but also strong and sturdy. All were filled with the life's exuberance of a child and he couldn't help but watch them all in wonder. 

Today he lay outside their den @Arlette nearby and he watched and waited. Wondering what they would get into today as a family. His tail thumped lazily behind him and blue eyes watched the world around them. Such peace, he didn't know it exsisted. 

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Swiftcurrent Creek
16 Posts
Ooc — Me
Arric's perceived peace probably existed only in his daydreams (or he had a very low bar for it), because at least one of the fluffy potatoes called Burdock (but he did not yet respond to his name) was busy, busy, busy from the moment he woke up to the moment he fell asleep mid-activity. If he was not fighting with his siblings for the best spot at the milk restaurant, he was engaging in hairdresser (or rather "-remover") activities. It had been such a pleasant feeling to pluck out the tufts of winter undercoat from his parents's fur that he continued to do it long after the shedding had been over. Then - if he had been disciplined about being too annoying with this (and attacking and biting paws of the adults), he was actively exploring the surroundings of the den with an attention span of a... well, someone, who has none at all. Everything was interesting and he went from one thing to the other with such a speed that, if you were not careful and watchful enough, Burdock could easily disappear from the view. Here the little devil was and in a blink of an eye he no longer was present. 

Almost like magic, eh? 

Anyhow - his dad's moments of bliss had coincided with Burdock's nap - he had fallen asleep, almost face planting the ground with a twig firmly grasped in is jaws. 45 minutes later his black bead like eyes with a devillish look in them were wide open, he sprang to his feet, choked a bit on the twig and shook his coat. After quickly surveying the area, he darted towards his dad in straight line and with a tiny-needle-sharp teeth lined jaws open he pounced at his face. 
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,222 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had been feeling much like her mate, four of these active pups meant they were always on high alert. Though the mother did noticed that she had a much more relaxed disposition compared to her other years. She was vigilant but not as overprotective as she might was before. Her milk was starting to dry up which was mostly her doing as she was weaning them. She knew they didn't mean to but her nipples were not chew toys and it hurt when they would bite her with their sharp teeth. Whereas before she was far more lenient in letting them nurse now she was rather disciplinary towards them. Access was definitely revoked if they were to harsh on her.

She was outside the den with Arric, having just arrived. She often found things for the pups to chew, sniff, or explore. The mother carried a big antler to chew on, which would probably help with their teeth, along with it she had brought wild Irisis as well. She knew the pups being pups they would try to explore things with their mouth and that was exactly what she wanted them to do. She placed it all down and woofed for their attention. She shot Arric a look, perhaps having saved him from a vicious attack. She stepped towards him and greeted him with a nuzzle. "All is well?," she asked, looking to see if all four were coming to her call.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
12 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Violet loved being outside! There was so much to see and do! She also noticed that she could move at different paces now she found her four feet and not crawling. The rust colored girl was always running as fast as she could to places. She never took things calmly or quietly. She was an active girl and because she was so active she had burned some of her baby fat already. Now, mind you, Violet herself felt that she was very fast but she couldn't really run that fast yet. She was always amazed how her parents seemed to be there and stopping her. She wanted to be as fast as them!!

Though with the pale shape of her mother, or well -the milky one-, being one her focus was completely on her father. It often went that way for her, the one she had in her vision was getting her attention. Much the same with her siblings. Currently the girl had been keen on climbing on top of her father. She was trying to do this at a running pace. She leaped and bounded until she saw her mother and was instantly distracted. She was very keen on anything that moved, triggered by movement. MAAII The girl half stumbled, half rolled in her enthusiasm. She was quick to push herself back to her feet and explore what was brought today.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,074 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Burdock was there and then he wasn't and just when Arric was beginning to get nervous. The little rascal shot directly at his face with needle sharp teeth and little claws.

A soft howl  of laughter as the big bear of a wolf stood and bent his head to meet his son in a gentle push and pull moment. But was distracted by his wife's gentle presence and he tilted an ear forward. Watching her curiously while trying to keep an eye on Burdock, and he was fairly certain he'd fail at one or the other.
Swiftcurrent Creek
16 Posts
Ooc — Me
Burdock's well-aimed attack was interrupted by his mother's arrival, therefore the impact that was an explosion-cannon-ball like in the boy's imagination, lost steam and fizzled out the moment his father had caught a whiff of, where things were going and had got to his feet. There was a shadow of disappointment in is face, which disappeared the moment Arlette invited the kids to investigate the toy she had brought them. To him it seemed like a thing stolen from a giant. To be fair - everything was disproportionately huge in Burdock's little world. He let out a quiet, suspicious growl, then padded over to carefully sniff at the thing first. But then he decided - with Violet present - it was a good time to show her, who was the big bad wolf here. So with a squeaky battle cry he turned and pounced at his sister, who happened to be nearby. 
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,222 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette smiled as the pups started to come and explore. They were so cute. Burdock clearly was uncertain but was quick to show his toughness for his sister. Arlette just watched them. She was quick to locate @Juniper and @Buckthorn, but luckily they weren't too far away. She walked over to Arric and happily sagged against him. I'm so tired, she chuckled, because honestly it was sort of rewarding to be this tired and have so much joy bouncing around them. She nudged Arric with her nose. The summer was fully upon them, and Arlette was glad for her smooth summer coat. Temperatures were rising even in the forest.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
12 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Violet was extremely interested in the antler. She ran towards it, flanked by her brother. She also was a little wary, showing some caution before she was eagerly jumping on it as well. Her bother was very fierce in the way he tackled the thing. She was impressed and felt encouraged to do the same. She automatically explored with her mouth sinking her teeth into it. She grumbled and groaned, becoming more enthusiastically when it didn't yelp or nip her that she was too rough. She knew her momma didn't like it when she bit too hard, then she wasn't allowed to drink anymore.

She happily chewed on it until her eyes caught something else. She stopped and instantly jumped on top of the flowers. A cloud of pollen came off the irises, the girl sneezed as it tickled her nose. What was this?! It was very different from the antler. Experimentally she sink her teeth into it. She instantly spit it out with a twisted face. YUK!!!!
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,074 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric shifted so he was supporting his wife. Easy as pie really she was no bigger than a minute. And his laughter danced upwards when Violet got a mouthful of plant that she wasn't enthused about 

He poked his nose against Arlettes cheek. Me too but in the best way.
Swiftcurrent Creek
3 Posts
Ooc — metic
single post, can be skipped!

buckthorn had moseyed his way over to the nearest patch of wildflowers to begin the very entertaining process of bee-watching. he was not far from the gathering of commotion his family caused, but his focus was entirely upon the yellow and black flying machines. he picked out one in particular to watch, head teetering around as he tried his best to keep sight of it.

it landed upon a flower for a moment before taking back to the air not a second later. his little sniffer scrunched as he investigated the flower for himself, an abrupt jerk given as he reeled back to let out a sneeze. he glanced back to find temptation in the deer antler his mother had brought them, but the buzzing in his ear pulled his attention back to the bees.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,074 Posts
Ooc — Danni
fading this one out

Arric was pleased with everything that was going on his life. His children were happy and healthy. So was his wife.

He sighed and mouthed at Arlettes ear before he jumped into a play bow to play with his children.