Swiftcurrent Creek Not today, not tomorrow
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Feeling sick was not something she had to worry about anymore, now it was the absolute mass she had to distribute when walking. Okay, it wasn't too bad yet, but it was really no denying that she was pregnant. Some larger wolves might look like this on the day of birth but she knew she wasn't close. Plus, another thing she hadn't realized compared to last time was the warm weather that was starting to be ever present. Last times she had already given birth due to an earlier heat.

Still, Arlette did feel like stretching her legs, even though it was just a walk, or light trot. A full on run was not something she would attempt at the moment. Only a few minutes in she was already panting. The pale woman gathered her wits and continued to move through the territory towards the river. That might be a good reward, cool water that made her feel weightless. Yes. That sounded like a wonderful idea.

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Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Swearing

Arric was patrolling when he noticed someone to far away to distinguish yet and rather rotund. He was like who da fuck. Then as she grew closer and he saw his tiny barrel woman. He grinned. She looked like she could kick his ass. And lets be honest he'd let her and enjoy every single minute of it.

He went the rest of the way to meet her. Once he arrived. He pressed his nose to her temple.

Heya beautiful!

Nose going to her side. Little terrors.

Then he looked her over with concern. Eyeing her swollen legs and the way she panted. And he began to fret and then fuss.

You doing okay lovebug? Need anything? Want me to like rub your paws? Or get you some food?

He had to take a breath. God she smelled good. And looked good. All that vitality and virility and jesus jump thecfuck up. He was already half ready.

His eyes kinda grew unfocused as he imagined everything he really could be doing that was not exactly taking care of her, but well yea in a way.

 He shook his head. He had to snap himself out of it before he like drug her off to a bush or something. Wait could that hurt her? 

He looked her over again. really could it hurt her? Should he ask? Jesus Arric stop he berated himself.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had been so focussed on her walking that she hadn't noticed at first but she smelled him soon enough. Plus his approach was now like music to her ears. One she would instantly recognize. She shot him a scolding grin before back to panting. She felt anything but beautiful. Powerful... empowered? Yes. But beautiful, no. Not really. She mostly had to smile at the fact that he greeted the babies every single time. Hello, love, she hummed. She nudged him lovingly back and since he had been greeting her side she gave him a little nip in his butt. She couldn't help it.

She chuckled and when he asked her if she was okay. Yes, I am fine, Arric, she hummed. She looked down at her paws when he asked, they were a little swollen but cool water would help. I'm quite alright, I thought I'd go for a swim, check my current buoyancy, she joked. She could joke happily about her weight gain because well, she loved that she was pregnant. It helped with the little itches and pains. She had paused her walk but realized that if she would stop now she would probably quit all together with her walk so she moved on. But when she did she noticed Arric was sunken in thought. Do I want to know where your mind went?, she asked him.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Her look screamed bad arric, but she followed it with a nip. A grin lit up his face so quick he blinked. And nudged his nose right at her hip joint nipping at the tender spot there if she didn't move on him.

Your moms being naughty. he murmured to the little ones safely packed tight.

Arric chuckled. I'll come with. Hot day. Cool water. My absolutely gorgeous wife. The babies. I'm game. Might as well teach em to swim now.

Then his mind veered there. God he really needed to stop. He loved his wife couldn't get enough of her even before, but now. God he was like a horny teenager that couldn't handle himself.

A daring look of absolute devilry crossed his face.

Well. he drawled. I was wondering how flexible you still were and if I could twist you up like some driftwood. Then i got worried I'd hurt the babies.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic

Mature Content Warning

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: I guess??

Arlette gasped in faked shock. She laughed then because well it had been rather daring of her to do so. She then had to laugh harder. Arric clearly hadn't know much about pregnant ladies, or perhaps seen a lady giving birth. Arric, I'm pretty sure they are already swimming in my belly, she teased him. As long as they had room it seemed, and they were starting to be really packed.

Arlette started walking and shot him a look. God this man. He did realize she was already very pregnant? Though well, perhaps that was not his ultimate goal. You wouldn't heard the babies, but you might hurt me a little, she admitted. You aren't really a light weight on my back you know, she had to chuckle, because now it sounded like Arric was overweight and he clearly wasn't. But his weight and the added weight under her, she wasn't sure if he joints would hold that.

She then paused and shot him a devious look. Though I will say I could always do with a... grooming session, she dared to say and then couldn't help but laugh at her boldness then again, they were in private. Her tail swished behind her, not feeling the pain of her joints too much with Arric distracting her.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: hahah

A soft smile. I hear waters good for your joints and stuff when you're pregnant. And when they little ones are born they benefit from it to a little older. I think. Mind you pregnant ladies and babies are not my greatest knowledge. It's quite lacking.

He blinked and a sad look went on his face. He sniffed at her.I didn't hurt you before did I? If I do please tell me. It should be fun and pleasurable for both of us. And I don't want to hurt ya.

Then she apoke further and his brain went dead. If someone listened all they'd hear was static while he short circuited. A shift and a devious smile.

Swim first and then I'll do my best to uh groom well.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic

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Arlette thought about that, it made sense to her as a healer that water would help with her weight. She did feel weightless in the water, or at least there was less pressure on her joints. Thank god for Swiftcurrent having so much water. It was also a worry with the pups but that would come later. No worries I can teach you everything, unless you don't want to know, she chuckled. I think you are right though. I do like to be in the water, she admitted.

Arlette's smile fell when his did. She had only been joking, she briefly stopped walking and instantly shook her head. Honey, no. You didn't, she assured him. You never have ever hurt me, she added then. Her tail wagged gently as she resumed her walk to the river. Though it was starting to look more like a waddle. I was just joking but I won't lie that my body is under a little stress due to the pregnancy, which is normal. Plus, our size difference doesn't help hence the extra weight joke. I'm sorry, she didn't want him to feel bad.

Arlette couldn't help but blush a little and then laugh a little again. Only if you want to, she assured him. She might just need a nap after swimming though. She was glad when they arrived at the water. She slowly stepped in and let the cool water soak into her fur. She let out a happy sigh and moved a little deeper until she could barely stand. It was nice to have the weight of the pups off her back. She hummed. Oh yeah, this is worth the walk. There the river had less current, she didn't want to be swept away after all.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Juat gonna leave it on in case of

Arric tipped his ears forward. I'm game. If it helps you and the littles. I'll learn it all. And besides i like lesrning new things anyway.

And he did. He liked knowledge for knowledges sake.

He shook his head. Don't feel bad. I was just unsure.  We do have a pretty sizable difference i guess.

He teased.

He smiled then.I always want too. I can never get enough of you. But we'll see how you feel. You might be hungry or sleepy after the swim. Or the babies might be cranky.

Arric followed her in, but stayed near her side and rear, so if the current came in to hot she'd hit him first.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette smiled, because this was why she liked Arric. He didn't shy away from topics to learn about and always had her in mind to do well. The water does feel nice. No weight on my back, she admitted to him.

Know that I will always tell you or be honest. Or at least I try. My belly is getting rather heavy on my back, so that is why. She wouldn't lie about the facts, but it seemed obvious that she had to carry added weight around. But she didn't want Arric to feel too bad about it. She wanted to pregnant and she knew it would be more than worth it.

She was glad for Arric being in the water with her. Now at least she didn't feel like she would float away when the current got stronger. That is true. I never know what to expect, she chuckled. She happily let herself float on the cool water.

Arric, she started then. You must know I rather enjoy being pregnant, even though I know it comes with discomfort and pain, she explained. Because... Well giving birth is never really that easy. But you must promise me that you won't feel guilty or bad about yourself. I know it is part of the process.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He studied the water. He had always felt a little weightless in the water, but he never had understood why. It seemed it was helping he was glad.

He listened. And she wasn't wrong. Her belly was lower than it had been. Personally, he thought she was adorable, but he could see how the added weight could cause pain.

He chuckled. I rather enjoy you pregnant. Not even gonna lie. I promise to try not too.

He offered her a rather cheeky smile. And he would do hia best, but he knew he'd worry and feel guilty because it was how he was made.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
The woman chuckled softly. She had realized that too. Well, I don't want to get ahead of ourselves but who knows, maybe we are blessed with another heat next time. she chuckled. I know it is hard. But just a fair warning that you will see me in pain, she warned him. Especially if he gave the pups his size.

Arlette happily floated in the cool water. Perhaps she should set up her den closer to the river. However, the river could also be dangerous for young pups. Where would you like the den to be? Any preferences? She was curious if Arric had one. If I don't find something suitable I might ask you to help dig one maybe by the tree we usually sleep?
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
If that thought didn't make him cold all over. He ahivered a little. The thought of Arlette in pain made his stomach sick. He would do what he could to help. He vowed quietly.

I know, doesn't mean I have to like that part.

He shook his head. I prefer trees and the sound of the river, but that's like three quarters of thr pack lands anyway.

He smiled. I'm good with that. I'll make Akavir help. You can sit in the shade and call out orders.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette watched his expression. She could understand that he wouldn't like that, as long as he realized it would be part of it. She wasn't going to tell him that it was an easy job. But luckily he did seem to understand that.

Yes, I'd rather settle closer to a small stream rather than the big river, she admitted. Their normal place of settlement was a little away from the river, but still able to hear it. However, water was not as close and she did like a little stream at least so she didn't have to go too far away? I will have a scout through the territory and if not I will settle there.

She had to laugh though. You almost make it sound that Akavir and you are my servants, she chuckled. He already hunted for me, and was very thoughtful with revenge on that big guy... I don't think we should ask more of him. Surely, she reasoned. Though she knew Arric made a sport out of it, she knew. But facts was that Arric had knocked her up and not Akavir.
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Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric knew it was going to be the hardest day or days of his life when she was laboring. He knew it like he knew he'd take his next breath. And he was so fiercely proud of her. Of them. Of the life they were building.

Arric dipped his nose. There is a much smaller little place in the center I think. I only saw it once. But it was a trickle rather than a force. Unless it was juat from rain.

Arric mock glared. That bandy ass trying to move in. Yea i don't wanna ask him anymore

He was only teasing. He knew Akavir would never. He turned his furrow into a smile and shifted. Running a muzzle along her back. 

I'll dig wherever you want me too love bug.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette nodded. She would have a look into that place and otherwise she would just have to make something new. She didn't mind to spend the nights in the open air but not with little ones. She wanted them save into the ground. She knew she always got rater protective of her babies, especially when they were very young.

I will look into it then, she hummed. Then she had to laugh. Doubt you would want to share me, she teased Arric. She doubted he would move in though, probably just joking. You must thank him for being such a great help.

I warn ya, soon all this power might get into my head, she chuckled. This is nice, isn't it?, she sighed, feeling rather refreshed because of the cool water.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric couldn't remember even fully how to tell her to get to where he was talking about. It had been so long since he had seen it. It had almost been when he first arrived. He hoped she found it. He'd ask Akavir if he knew of such a place, or if maybe Arric was just going nuts. It was possible. 

He snorted. Not really. Thank you. Arric sighed, but it was with a small grin. I guess i can say thank you. It is only deserved though.

Arric shrugged. I'm okay with it going to your head. You're a queen among them all anyway. So only just desserts if you ask me.

He lay his head along the end of her spine and looked around. yea it is nice. Always has been this little place.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette chuckled. I would find it rather cozy! Two shadows at my side, she teased him. She then slowly smiled. I think you should thank him. It was only a few months that Eshe left, and I know he struggled with it but it didn't seem to affect the pack, she reasoned. And it could have if their leader was too distraught. It reminded her that she should maybe ask him how things were.

Arlette blushed because honestly she had never really pictured herself as a queen or anything related to such rank. Frankly that she managed to get to Beta had been a surprise to her. I think I would truly explode if I would live on that, she chuckled. But thank you for the compliment.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric pulled a face and looked at her with blue eyes. Giving a small snort. But his eyes danced merrily at her.

I will thank him. He did, but he won't talk about it. Arric shifted. Uncomfortable that he couldn't help the man more. That Akavir obviously needed to talk but wouldn't. It drove him mad how tight lipped the leader could be at times. He could usually break his icy exterior with words or jests. But this time. He wasn't sharing. 

Let's not do that. I'm already scared to death, I broke you with my size. You're welcome.

Frighteningly that image popped right into his head. Just a barrel bellied Arlette and then pop! And he grimaced and shook his head.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was glad to her it. Perhaps Akavir would open up to his best friend. But perhaps, he already went through the break up and there was nothing left to talk about. It was also possible.

Arlette shot him a wiry smile. I will try not to, she joked, like it was a possibility. How mean of her. She was still happily floating, not sure if she wanted to get out. But she also was starting to feel the water soak her fur and pull her down a little. She slowly moved from the water. It dripped off her body before she gave herself a good shake.

God, now out of the water she felt so large. Mostly, wide. Walk me back home?
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric didn't know if Akavir would talk about this one. It had been short lived and Arric had an inkling that he hadn't really cared as much about Eshe as he did about a silver wisp of a wolf that had broken his friend. Who had even broken him, but not in the same ways. IT killed him to think that Silver his very good friend had suffered in silence about anything. 

The big black beast was quick to follow Arlette from the water. Licking away some of the excess water so she wasn't so bedraggled and uncomfortable. A glint of laughter in his eye. 

Sure will.