Sun Mote Copse cloudburst
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Catch-up thread for some IC events. Set for the 22nd.

The days following Towhee’s news of Swordfish were difficult. Njord grieved with Meerkat all over again for the loss of the child they once knew. Old, ugly, memories resurfaced and the Laird found himself in a depression as he sorted through his emotions.

But, eventually, the storm did pass. Husband and wife were thankful that Towhee kept their bairns preoccupied until they gathered themselves. Then, one by one, the Laird and Lady of the Copse went to every pack member to deliver the news and story of their son. First, they started with @Stingray … and then @Fennec, @Towhee Jr, and @Nyssa followed. Even @Skipjack and @Otter were informed, though the parents told them a happier, abbreviated version.

By the third day, the dust settled. Njord noticed the phase of the waxing moon and remembered his promise to Meerkat to renew their vows. Now, it felt more important than ever before.

Again, Njord sought out each member of the Copse to tell them of this desire. How he wished to show his devotion to Meerkat through a ceremony as a testimony of their growth together.

The last full moon of Spring. In a day's time, he would tell them. I plan tae call tha pack tae the Gatherin’ Place in celebration of our recommitment tae one another.

Then, with a mind full like flooded lake, he set off to hunt for a treasure to give his wife.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!