Sun Mote Copse wild wind
Sun Mote Copse
343 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Maybe @Towhee Jr or @Fennec ?

In time, Seal learned the news of her elder brother, Swordfish.

She heard @Frolic's message as her friend departed for another adventure.

Now, perhaps, Seal understood the meaning of the vision she had received of stars, holding hands, and dancing around the moon. It was time for a new chapter… a return to family. To kin.

Seal howled the news to @Sialuk.

I’ll be staying in Sun Mote Copse, her song intoned. My family needs me. I send my love, dear mentor!

Then, she reclined on her haunches and loosed a deep sigh.

It was time to turn the page.
Sun Mote Copse
the muse of w a r
210 Posts
Ooc — delaney
ghost flies overhead, as he normally does; relaxed while towhee jr remains in the confines of the copse. among family and pack mates, it does not cause her anxiety to be parted with him. even so, if her feathered sentinel vanishes it is for short jaunts of half an hour at most.

surely, it must get boring shadowing her all the time, jr thinks with a low snort.

caught in her thoughts, she doesn't notice when her path diverges with another's; a surprised keen leaving jr as she realizes quickly that she is on a distracted collision course with seal.

-seal!- she clumsily signs, joy heavy in her words when she finally comes to a stop.

has a juvenile peregrine falcon companion named ghost; can be freely pp'd in threads with her; with the exception of serious injury/death.
-Ptero will look like this in posts-