Stone Circle Dusk will reveal...
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
All Welcome 

Valette decided that it was a good time for the pups to get some fresh air outside of the den. They were mostly steady on their feet. Valette nudged little @Keen, followed by @Merrit. She glanced over at @Arlette and decided to pick her up. She didn't seem to be as steady yet and maybe it would take too long. The mother grabbed the white pup and then got outside of the den. She placed the small thing down and woofed softly to coax the others outside. They were far more mobile and Valette wanted them to learn that they could follow her now.

The mother went to lie down just by the den opening. She felt that the young ones would probably be blinded, even though it was dusk. The light difference was quite significant. She wouldn't take them out in broad daylight yet with their adjusting eyes. So once they would step outside something familiar, their mother, would be a few steps away. "C'mon you can do it," she hummed softly. Valette also decided that this would be a good time to call the others of the pack who were curious in meeting the pups. So once she had her three little ones outside she howled to the pack.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was quite soundly asleep when she was picked up by her mother. The young girl was used to that sensation by now. Normally she would get a cleaning or some of her mother's attention. However, this time it was different. The girl blinked her eyes open and realized that her mother was moving! Arlette let out a soft squeak, which turned into a louder one when she noticed everything around her was much lighter. Her mother put her down. The blurry shapes around her were all different than what she was used to but she wasn't afraid yet. That caution would only come in the next weeks. However, the female did stay close to what she knew. The milkbar. 

Arlette was glad when the dark shape went to lie down. The pale girl instantly climbed over her mother's paw and snuggled against her neck. The soft words, that weren't meant for her, did soothe the girl. She felt bolder when looking at the shapes around her. Her ears twitched at the new sounds she heard. Arlette was listening to the soft sounds when her mother's howl startled her a bit. Though instinct kicked in and she tried a howl of herself. It was nothing compared to her mother's but the attempt was there at least. Arlette also wanted to find comfort with their siblings, who she could also see better now the background was lighter. She let out a soft whine and yip to coax them closer, mimicking her mother once more. 
246 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Brynn hadn't been awake very long. She had just bent her head to the water to drink from the river when she heard the alpha's howl. She lifted her head, drops of water dripping from her muzzle, and stared in the direction it had come from. Excitement washed over her; she had wanted to see the new pups but didn't want to upset Valette by attempting a visit before she was ready.

Now, it was clear in the alpha's howl that everyone was welcome to come meet the newest pack members, so Brynn turned and quickly trotted in the direction she knew Valette's den to be.

Once she could see Valette and her pups outside the den, she huffed to announce her presence. All three pups were out with mom. Her excitement grew, and she wanted to close the distance between her and the babies, but not wanting to startle anyone, she instead stopped a short distance away and waited for Valette's indication that it was okay to come closer.
: 0/10  : 2/5
Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear, and I can't help but ask myself how much I'll let the fear take the wheel and steer.
Тал нутгийн хатан хаан
88 Posts
Ooc — Keg
Dusk had fallen and Kegana had been trying to find herself somewhere to sleep, her nomadic ways made it hard for her find a den. And quite frankly she preferred staying somewhere new every night. It was just her luck that she had been so near the alpha site when Valette's call rank out. With a small smile she abandoned the thought of rest and made her was toward the mother and her new children. 

Kegana was excited to see the babe's, they brough morale to every pack, although the mongol wasn't really the maternal type. She was always told she wasn't caring enough, or kind enough, but there was one skill where she excelled. Protectivness. Kegana had always been extremely protective, and these pups were the perfect opportunity for her to demonstrate as such.

As she got closer, she could hear the murmuring of young pups, and the soft mumbles of an encouraging mother. She easily scented Brynn, and made her way to stand beside the woman. Although she took a few steps closer to Valette. "Greetings." Her voice was barely above a whisper, but she had no desire to startle anyone. "Congratulations." Kegana smiled softly at her last comment. 

The stark white girl was a surprise, and her red eyes gave her a ghostly effect. Kegana had only seen on other pup of a similar nature, and they hadn't lived long the Eternal Blue Skyy claimed their young life before it could even begin. It was said that those of white fur and red eyes are a blessing from Tenger, and he lived through them, gracing the mortal world with his presence. Kegana stared in wonder at the girl snuggled against her mother. "What is her name?" 

developing Keg's culture a bit, hope you don't mind the creep... :P
If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.
mongolian (hover text), common
~~ Hunter 4/5 ~~ Mercenary 2/5 ~~
391 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Sending in overly fawning slightly awkward Cebra

She'd been resting when the howl went up and immediately opened her eyes, lifting her head and ear perking to discern the message. Then she gasped and stood up tail wagging behind her as her heart lurched with happiness and excitement. puppies!! the word echoed in her mind as she set off toward the howl, arriving a few moments later and staring with an already far too excited smile on her face. 

She looked the puppies over, a little brown one, a little black and white one, and a beautiful white little girl with red eyes that was snuggled right up against Valette. Instead of the proper congrats and formal words, the first thing to leave her mouth was a really odd vocalization somewhere between a groan and "Awwwww" before she inched closer and crouched down, looking to Valette for permission to come in closer.
patron saint
are we all lost like you?
253 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
The hour of dark slid swiftly toward them and soon the light would be gone. Merrit knew this; the pattern came every night, and though he didn't understand, he knew it would happen. Soon he would have nothing left to watch. Only then would he crawl back alongside his siblings and drift into dreams that pulsed with rhythm and light, until daylight came and he could start his watch over again.

And for this he prepared, in the dying rays - yet tonight the basic pattern of things shifted again. By now, he found himself used to that. Seeing had turned out to be something good, and maybe this would, too - so Merrit followed his mother without noise or complaint, until he found himself emerging to face a greater light, and his eyes widened just as quick as they reacted against the brightness and collapsed to a rapid blink and squint. The light didn't feel warm, but it stung his eyes for the first few seconds until gradually, the burn subsided and curiosity took hold.

Wide-eyed, he stared, and for the first few seconds of his life above ground, couldn't understand. There were greater things beyond the den - shapes and blurs other than the ones he knew and understood - yet familiar ones the same. Nearby, he heard the coo of his sister for closeness, and while Merrit himself felt little fear, he sensed that Arlette wanted someone near - and best he could, the child would be that.

Merrit kept an eye for Keen even as he moved himself to lean against his pale sister's opposite side, but when he reached her, he turned to her with the concreteness of his watch and cooed a soft and singular note to let her know that he was there, that she was safe with him. Around them, Others approached, their scents swirling and their voices rumbling through the soft ground underfoot. They each had a rhythm, a note, a beat, different, distinct, and lovely, and he turned to appraise them, one by one, and tried to make sense of which chords belonged to whom.
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Omg totally tell me more about Kegana's backstory/culture!! :D And I think it is so cute that there are only female wolves that are fangirling over these babies :'D

Valette hummed softly to let her little children know that everything was alright. This was the time that pups were usually less afraid of things so if they were exposed to others now they hopefully would be quite social little wolves. Valette chuckled at how cute Arlette was while copying her. Valette watched as Merrit was coaxed closer and comforted his sister. They were adorable. Valette noticed their little ears twitching, especially those of Arlette, which meant that her ears were working as they should. Valette was a little bit relieved that her smallest child was able to keep up with her bigger brother and sister.

Valette hummed when soon others started to trickle in. Brynn was first, the one Howl brought in. Valette didn't know her that well yet as she joined when she was close to giving birth. Seeing that the female was still there comforted Valette that she was here to stay. Then Kegana joined as well. Both kept a respectful distance away. They looked so excited. Valette could understand why. She motioned they could come a bit closer, just as Cebra joined them as well. She knew the female loved pups. "If you all lie down they might be willing to inspect you guys," she chuckled.

Valette noticed that Kegana was staring at Arlette. The mother felt a bit protective of the little white girl. However, the look seemed more in wonder than in disgust. "She is named Arlette," Valette spoke in return. "She looks just like my mom Scarlett," Valette then added. "So she is named after her." She then nosed over the others. "This is @Keen, named after Keoni. She was born first and the dark one is named Merrit, for good fortune," she dipped her head. Valette looked so proud of her newest little ones. Arlette's coloring had been a bit of a surprise but that didn't mean Valette was less proud of her.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
The ghostly girl licked her brother all over his face when he came closer. Sometimes she tried to give him a playful nip as well, which was more gums than teeth. Arlette couldn't really be that rough with her small size. However, her attention was taken from her bother when she noticed that other shapes were coming closer. She ducked her head down and glanced past her bigger brother. Should she be scared? 

Arlette noticed that her mother was really calm. She could tell that her mother wasn't really behaving differently than she would in the den. It soothed the girl enough to become curious about these shapes that were approaching. Her red eyes stared at the three shapes, though they were a bit blurry, she recognized that they looked like her mother but in different colors. The girl stepped forward, climbing over her mother's leg eagerly. She knew how to do that by now. 

The child sounded a squeak with excitement. Her tail wiggled excitedly. She did look over her shoulder for Merrit and Keen though. Were they joining her as well? The girl also checked her mother. Sometimes in the den, she would be alert and would make sure they were close to her. But now her mother seemed to be doing something with them. She wasn't sure what it was but she also did that with her daddy. She tried to open her mouth just like her mother but only babbling came out. "Wgawhaaaa taawaawaaa," she mimicked. When the shapes became smaller, Arlette stepped closer to inspect all three of them. Her curious red eyes scanning over the three wolves before her.  
246 Posts
Ooc — Hela
At Valette's instruction, Brynn padded a little closer and lied down on her sternum. She kept a watchful eye on the babies as Valette introduced them all. The small pale girl was named Arlette, the brown girl was named Keen, and the dark male was named Merrit. 

She sniffed the air trying to differentiate and learn their scents for the future. She was excited to meet them, but waited patiently for them to make there way to her, not wanting to hurt or startle them. She had barely met them and already felt protective.
: 0/10  : 2/5
Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear, and I can't help but ask myself how much I'll let the fear take the wheel and steer.
172 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
sorry I'm late!
Unsurprisingly, the crowd of wolves had Keen feeling shy. She hung back, only moving forward at her mother's nosing— even then, she kept a distance from most everyone. When the group didn't disperse, though, she became distressed. The chocolate-furred girl crept up next to her brother and nosed him, looking for comfort— and validation. He was seeing this too, right? And she wasn't the only one who was nervous, right? Keen whined softly as if to ask these things, gaze turning to her pale sister as well. She might have sought her mother for comfort, but she was the one who had put her into this mess— so for the next sixty seconds or so, they were on bad terms.
Тал нутгийн хатан хаан
88 Posts
Ooc — Keg
She was momentarily distracted from the pale girl by her siblings, all three of the young children were adorable. Taking Valette's offer Kegana approached slowly, and chose to lie down to the right and slightly in front of the new mother. Once more her ocean eyes found the red eyes girl. 

She took in their name committing each to memory. Kegana was interested in the Scarlette woman as well, it was almost unheard of for those who were one with Tenger. "They are magnificent, especially young Arlette here." Kegana couldn't stop the smile that presented as the white girl tried to speak. "I have never met one of her kind before, truly amazing. You must be very proud." There was no way for the mongol to realize that albino children were not seen any different here in this strange land, she assumed that Valette knew of Tenger and the blessing he had given the young girl.
If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.
mongolian (hover text), common
~~ Hunter 4/5 ~~ Mercenary 2/5 ~~
46 Posts
Ooc — Fira
shit post

Red was late to the party, so she came in kind of sprinting, and when she saw the large gathering of wolves already around, she quickly skidded to a halt. “Sorry I’m late,” she said, tail wagging behind her. “I’m so glad to be meeting these guys!” Despite her excitement, she kept her voice down a bit, not wanting to scare the pups. Then when she noticed that most everyone was laying down, she quickly followed suit, sidling a little closer to everyone and gazing at the pups as if they were tiny floofy angels. Usually, Red wasn’t very… touchy-feely, but puppies were cute no matter what, and she was just as excited as everyone else to be meeting them!
Cardinal will exit a thread after 10 days of no replies. Feel free to skip her after 10 days, as well.
391 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Almost as soon as Valette had said they should lay down, Cebra flopped onto her belly. She didn't speak but instead listened as Valette listed their names off which she took note of. Ever so slowly she crept forward until she was to the left of Valette and her pups, neck extended forward as she sniffed at them. When Arlette began to babble she smiled "Awww. Hello there sweetheart." she cooed softly, her voice barely above a murmur. When the small brown girl named Keen began to look rather uncomfortable, she lowered her head and wagged her tail giving a low whine that signalled she was no threat. Then she looked upward at Valette with a warm smile "They're absolutely beautiful Val. They adore you too" she began to find that she felt a strong sense of yearning growing within her chest.
252 Posts
Ooc —
he’s late to the party lol

leo was just about ready to wind down for the night. he had spent most of the day collectiong random plants, arranging them, and repeating the process. he curled in on himself and drifted into a light sleep. the sound of valette’s howl woke him up. he yawned and stretched before making his way towards the call. he could only assume that it was time for everyone to see the pups

by the time he arrived, everyone was already fawning over the young. he dropped down low and awkwardly shuffled into the crowd. he smiled at his sister and nodded to kegana and brynn before turning his attention to the trio.

happiness and bewilderment overtook his features. they all looked so small and fragile. it was strange. he hadn’t seen any pups in years, so the sizes took him by surprise. the darker pup looked like valette and the white one was like a mini version of scarlett. keen reminded him of himself in a way. she seemed very timid and overwhelmed by the situation, so he poked out his tongue and wagged his tail to reassure her somehow.

they’re very cute,” he whispered to valette,”congrats.

”the voices”
patron saint
are we all lost like you?
253 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Merrit squinted through the shower of kisses, and he held himself firm. Her force might have toppled a smaller child, but his sister was small compared to him. His legs stayed steady and kept him upright even as she pressed against him. While stoic in composure, Merrit's content showed in the slightest wag of his tail, and the occasional steal of his tongue to return a peck across her cheek.

But Arlette seemed to gather her courage, and soon she clambered off to present herself to the party. Merrit watched, unafraid, but content to remain in the background. The attention of the bigger wolves seemed most fixed on Arlette, and he had no desire to take that from her. He blinked when she glanced his way, but his periphery caught movement, and when he turned, Keen had already moved to press against his side.

His duty shifted from his youngest sister then to focus on the older, who seemed to have drawn just as much attention as Arlette, yet in subtler ways. Merrit felt the anxiety that reeled from her fur, and he pressed closer to offer Keen his strength. With a lean, he reached his nose to her ear, and whispered something soft for only her to hear - mono-syllabic, and babbled, but his murmur ran with the intent to comfort and reassure.
A cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner
707 Posts
Ooc — Sonia
// no need to wait for me in any responses! 

Stark awkwardly had a doe he was dragging on along, shuffling his way back towards the densite. It was purely good fortune and had little to do with his own skill, he'd merely found her with a broken leg tangled in a downed tree in the forest. He didn't know if the tree had fallen on her, or she'd tried to jump it and landed poorly, or what. All he knew was it was nearly a mercy when he had ended her life. He was surprised by the howl and the commotion near their den but it was as good a time as any. He slung the deer down, careful of the pups, and pulled off the first piece of meat for Valette.

He delivered the kill to his mates side before grabbing some for himself. Everyone else was welcome to the kill as they pleaded, but, for now the father took up a proud seat to watch his children with their friends and pack mates. 
i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.
[Image: gamekeeper.gif] 3/5
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Since there are so many people! Yay! I decided it might be best to make this into rounds! No posting order after Valette's post!

Valette smiled at all the wolves that came to visit. It did her well. It was quite amazing to see how bold Arlette was and how she stepped towards the bigger shapes. Val was reminded of the boldness Stark had but even herself as a pup. Valette watched how Merrit was a rock of support for both the girl but especially for Keen. Val wanted to make sure they weren't scared at their first contact though.

The mother nudged Merrit forward gently with her nose. She hoped that it would stimulate to go after Arlette and meet the orders. The mother ignored Keen's behavior, not fussing over her as she didn't want the female to think that being afraid was afraid. So she stimulated Merrit in the hope that Keen would copy his behavior instead. That would be rewarded by the mother after all.

Then Stark joined. Valette's tail patted against the ground. She hummed in greeting and offered him some licks under his jaw. Valette took a quick bite. With the pups nursing she was hungry all the time. She could use the meat. She let the others coo over her children and meet them further. She let Arlette explore as she liked. Valette was positively surprised by her boldness.
246 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Brynn watched as the two pups named Merrit and Arlette fearlessly made their way to the group. The other one, Keen, seemed a little more timid, but she hoped she would soon see that she didn't need to be nervous. She could see how a group of large strangers might be alarming to a young pup, but Brynn hoped the boldness of Keen's two littermates would coax her out of her shell a little. 

Stark soon arrived with food in tow, and Brynn's mouth watered at the enticing scent. He offered it to Valette first and then took some for himself. When it was clear everyone else was welcome to the kill, Brynn rose to her feet and trotted over to the deer. She tore a piece from the carcass and returned to her spot, lying back down and holding the piece between her two front paws while she began to eat. She reveled in the feeling of togetherness this moment brought her; it was a feeling she had not felt in a long time.
: 0/10  : 2/5
Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear, and I can't help but ask myself how much I'll let the fear take the wheel and steer.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was watching the big shapes and tried to get closer to them. She gave them a good sniff from where she was standing. They all smelled so different but also the same! How curious. She looked over her shoulder at her mother and then noticed the incoming shape of her daddy. The girl's red eyes glinted. She made a U-turn and rushed to meet him. She tried a little bouncy run to get there faster. She almost crashed into him with her excitement and wanted to shower him with licks. Once she did properly greet him she turned around to find her siblings.

Arlette didn't even give the meal a glance. She was more interested in her siblings and all these different shapes. When she noticed that Keen didn't look so great she went to her sister's side and gave her a little nudge to see if she was okay. The little girl cooed softly to made sure that her sister would feel better. She wasn't sure what made her sister so scared but she would help her if she needed her help. 
46 Posts
Ooc — Fira
Red did not want to scare the pups by getting too close to them, so she just continued to lay there, green eyes staring widely. She’d seen a few pups in her day, but it had been a long time and she was glad to be experiencing all of this with her packmates. She couldn’t wipe the grin off of her face as she studied them. Feeling inspired, she lowered her head to her paws so that her face was on their level and softly called in their direction, hoping one would come up and, she didn’t know, boop her nose or something?
Cardinal will exit a thread after 10 days of no replies. Feel free to skip her after 10 days, as well.
391 Posts
Ooc — Chey
While most of the others paid Arlette the most attention, Cebra found herself focused mainly on the shy form of Keen and her older brother who was by her side for comfort. Slowly, inch by inch while also wary of Valette in case she was not welcome to come close she scooted on her belly until she was right before them. To make herself seem less threatening she rolled onto her back and extended her neck  so her nose booped ever so gently against the four tiny paws. Her tail tapped a pattern on the dirt behind her and she gave a little series of friendly and inviting whines. "Hello sweet things. Don't be scared" she whispered and smiled warmly while looking at them upside down. Hopefully it was a goofy enough looking position to them that their guard fell around her.
patron saint
are we all lost like you?
253 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Merrit shifted and turned to blink at his mother’s nudge. The push urged him forward, but he had no intent to budge. He would not leave Keen if the presence of the others instilled her with fear. Surely she knew that.

While his loyalty stood by Keen, his attention fixed outward, and his baby blue eyes warmed when he lit upon Arlette’s beelined approach. His throat rumbled with a hum in response to the soft melody she murmured, an extension of comfort he hoped would collectively soothe their timid sister. If she felt fear in being alone, then perhaps they could move to meet these giants together.

He wasn’t afraid, after all, and neither was Arlette. So when one giant brushed close enough to brisk her nose across he and his sister’s paws, Merrit edged toward her with paw extended, until he touched his pearly toes to the snout of the upside down giant. They could reach the giants one at a time, if his sister would will it - and he pitched his head to turn with a calm beckon for Keen to follow his lead and reach out to touch the giant herself.
Тал нутгийн хатан хаан
88 Posts
Ooc — Keg
Kegana was not new to pups, she had cared for her younger siblings quite a bit, but she had never encountered unrelated pups before. She wasn't exactly sure of the proper ettiqute when greeting such naive creatures. She preferred to watch from her own prone (upright) position. 

She was still impressed by Arlette posessing the touch of Tenger, but her ocean gaze glanced over each pup slowly. Taking in their features and attaching their names to their forms. She looked around at all that had gathered and knew that Valette and Stark were deeply loved. 

She thought about telling a story, but thought better of it. She had no desire to bore her gathered pack mates.
If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.
mongolian (hover text), common
~~ Hunter 4/5 ~~ Mercenary 2/5 ~~
172 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
edit for clarification: Keen's intended target is/was @Leo ! (who I realize is PPC now haha)
Keen hesitated for several more moments, feeling rebuffed by her mother ignoring her. It was ultimately her brother's presence that reassured her most. She pressed into Merrit, giving him several sloppy, grateful kisses across his cheek before she turned her gaze back to the crowd. The white wolf who first turned his attention to her was met with a bright, still-slightly-nervous smile.
Her attention was drawn away soon enough— Arlette had come to add her own support, for which Keen found herself even more grateful. She gifted her sister with the same kisses she had given their other littermate. Then— another wolf came up to them! The chocolate-cloaked girl resisted the urge to cower, instead watching her brother and trying to mimic his boldness. She crept closer and pushed her nose briefly against the upside-down woman's head.
She promptly decided she did not like this. Keen turned and gave her brother another sloppy kiss— then her sister— then marched with purpose towards the sole stranger out of all of them that she'd decided was safe. The white wolf— the one who'd made the silly face. When she'd reached him, she glanced over to her brother as if to say 'Look, I can do it!' and raised one paw to push it into the white wolf's foreleg. Then, she retreated back to his side, certain this would satisfy everyone gathered.
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette watched as the other wolves were trying to coach her children closer. She thought it was good that the pack mates would try to soothe the children. Then they would realise that the pack mates were good. Plus it was extremely heartwarming that Keen found such support in her siblings. Valette was pleased. Especially more so when she saw her daughter go to Leo. It was adorable.

Valette instantly shifted closer to her chocolate daughter and showered her with proud licks and all the attention in the world. She wanted the pup to know that she was proud of her, and that it was good what she did. She also nosed over her other children that were close. She was very pleased with this first meeting. So hopefully they would become social wolves.