Qeya River tagraktuk ≅
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,289 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Getting this up so I don't forget. They'll be travelling soon so if Cerne doesn't want to go with them, that's ok! Let them know IC here. The plan is to visit Moonglow now that the kids are named & a little older.

The boys held their new names with pride - Kigipigak saw it within them every moment of every day. @Kivaluk would forge his own path along the river's edge and @Akkuma would follow at his heel more often than not. They were growing in to themselves and with their maturation came a shift in their living style; no longer confined to the den so much with @Sakhmet, they were free to roam under the watchful eye of either parent — or sometimes @Cerne when he made his visits.

In the coming days Kigipigak would hunt for more than necessary for the little family. He wanted to be sure they packed on weight prior to their planned journey as a safety net; the last thing he'd want to subject his sons to was the uncertainty of the open road. At least with everyone well fed their energy levels would remain high, their spirits too.

The boys had gathered as far west as Sakhmet was willing to survey them, and Kigipigak came striding through the forest to witness them tuckered out from their day's adventure. He crooned to his family and looked chiefly to his wife, wondering if this was to be their last night by the river. In the morning their journey could begin, if all was well.
399 Posts
Ooc — delaney
exhaustion rules over kivaluk now, having spent himself romping around and exploring the river that was their home. though there is much he does not yet quite grasp about his parent's plans for this place — that someday it would be more than their little family and cerne — he explores the river like the brave little adventurer he is: knowing in his bones that it was his; in whatever way his path might lead him as he grew older.

for now, he's content to remain stretched out on the flatrock he's found — beneath his mother's watchful eye — shifting his position to a more attentive, sphinx-like pose at his father's approach.
511 Posts
Ooc — siv
They have a path.

She wondered if the soothsayer might come with, perhaps he would enjoy Moonglow too. But it matters little as she looked upon the faces of her family.

Kivaluk, She moved to nudge his crown. @Akkuma, The process repeated once more with this son too.

Then her eyes settled on Kigipigak's features, warmth blooming like the spring had intended.

We have family we must see. She told them. All of them! You two have grown so much. It will be good for you to meet your cousins.

And your father will show you he is the best hunter of all villages, This said in a mock whisper near the center of her sons. A soft smile splitting her features.
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
Cerne arrived, a gentle tinkling announcing his presence as the many items in his pouch shifted with each step. He had much to carry, and his neck was heavy and stiff beneath the weight — especially his obsidian orb. He chuffed in greeting, deposited his items, then dipped his head to both Sakhmet and Kigipigak. Golden eyes wandered over to the sons, and he'd give them a small smile. Then, back to the adults. "I would go with you to see this village. I'm glad for the chance to meet others." The taiga was a lonely place. Cerne yearned for more.
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,289 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
It was pleasing to hear that Cerne would join them after all. Kigipigak was glad to have him. Even if he had been resistant to the man's spirituality and did not understand him in a deeper sense, he knew better than to turn away a willing body who could help provide for his sons.

Good! It will make life for all of us easier by having you along, and we can show you the way. Kigipigak praised Cerne warmly, then in a calmer tone - a more serious one - he focused entirely on the man while Sakhmet spoke to the boys. I thank you for your loyalty to us. Our friend who we will introduce you to, she believes in spirits, and perhaps together you can find some common ground.

With that said, they would depart.

Kigipigak looked to the riverside and beckoned for his sons to join him, and whether they did or not, his gaze soon found Sakhmet's. Let us say farewell to our village! We will return and make it ours again, but for now, we thank the river — may we meet again! It was a little bit too silly to be natural, but Kigipigak was in a good mood and he wanted his sons to have a good experience rather than think this was a bad thing.

He lifted his chin then, and sang of Natigvik.
399 Posts
Ooc — delaney
though kivaluk is a bit hesitant to leave behind the river — he takes comfort in the fact that it was assured it is not a forever departure. he isn't quite sure what a 'cousin' is, but he's ( usually ) fairly eager to meet new wolves. bolstered by his father's apparent good mood, he joins his father at the beckon; yipping along to the song his father begins, excitement at this new adventure bubbling within his chest.
511 Posts
Ooc — siv
She would nudge her sons along, eager for them to follow front with their father.

You will like them, Cerne, She assured him of Moonglow. Perhaps he would find some further understanding and teaching there. Surely she would too.

Kigpigak's good mood filled her own heart, so happy to see her husband full of joy! Soon they would return back to the taiga and its rivers — and she remained hopeful it would flourish with game in their absence. She would sing the song of Natigvik with him, tail raising as a triumphant flag.

With only one last look to the riverside (more making sure everyone was accounted for than anything somber) she would begin to follow after the group.
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
While their first interaction had been uncomfortable, Cerne still respected Kigipigak, and he was amicable enough as he spoke to Cerne. The soothsayer gave a small smile, telling the other male, "I would not pass up this chance to meet another village." Kigipigak gave news of another, and Cerne nodded in understanding. He hadn't met her yet, or so he thought. Another set of eyes and jaws would benefit them.

But now, it was time to leave. They all loosed their calls for Natigvik, and when finished, Cerne would turn to look westward; he had been told Moonglow lay beyond the mountains. Gathering his things again, Cerne readied himself to set off with the small family.
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.