Qeya River and you’re a vulture
554 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
gonna say this is backdated to the 2nd ope, wont be a long thread as colt is dipping, just establishing a timeline <3 @Sakhmet & @Sadey

turns out, miz amalia's place was along the river a ways, a little settlement that still had way too many wolves for his comfort.
colt tossed the two rabbits onto the grass and helped sadey settle. he met her eyes for a moment but neither one of them needed to say shit. the man tossed back his head and sang out for miz @Amalia.
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
I'll bring Amalia in here until Sakhmet arrives then allow her to explain and then dip. I' don't like having more than one charie in a thread unless it's a group. It gets confusing lmao.

Sadey settled down and waited, eyes on the horizon. Bile churning in her gut. She hated asking for help. Made her irritable and cranky, but she would do her best to be kind to these ones. She would owe them a debt. Also something she hated. 

She settled stiffly and painfully and waited. Her body hurt, muscles that she hadn't used in sometime aching. Her muzzle most of all, the deep gouges, causing her awful pain. Blood still seeping from it. She attempted to lick at her white fur, get the rabbit blood out of it, but she just mixed her own and caused more red streaks. She finally sighed and bowed her head low, and waited.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia heard the howl and recognized it as someone she had met only once. So with trepidation she answered the call. And jumped into action. She came across a small female and Mr. Briggs.

Why hello Mr. Briggs. Whose this? What on earth happened?

She wanted to rush forward and help, but this female screamed standoff, don't touch with her body language. And if she was beat up this bad, red streaks in her fur, her muzzle beat all to heck.

Goodness gracious was Amalia's only thought.
511 Posts
Ooc — siv
Her fur prickled.

Something had offset the once kindness of Sakhmet upon their return to the river. She was fiercely protective of the land, even moreso of those who called Natigvik home.

So who had come calling for Amalia alone?

The scent of blood on the breeze spoke to her of bad news.

She arrived with a hard stance and a harder gaze upon the ragged arrivals, but she did not speak. Amalia had already asked the important parts.
554 Posts
Ooc — ebony
i understand lol

amalia was arriving almost at once. "my friend here was roughed up somethin' fierce by some ba — feller of ill-repute," he modified at the last second. "'er name's sadey, say howdy, sadey." colt grinned in spite of the situation.
"was wonderin' if yew wouldn't mind patchin' her up. i'm gonna handle the gent myself." there was an edge to his voice. cunning eyes cut to the brilliant figure coming along the path. colt stifled his whistle and dipped his head, understanding her bearing.
"colt briggs, ma'am. just come along t'ask miz amalia won't she offer my friend here some healin'." colt indicated the pair of rabbits on the ground. "we're payin' customers."
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
Sadey managed not to laugh at Colts immediate change of conversation. It was what she figured. This girl was good, too good for the likes of them. And chances were. Her leaders know it too.

Sadey dipped her muzzle firther. A lick along the seam bringing tears to her eyes, but she opened her trap and spoke.

Hello Miss and misses.

I'm new to the area. I would just need some bergot for infection and aloe to soothe. I'm not familiar enough with the area. And i can hunt for more food for the herbs once i get me muzzle fixed up.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia waited quietly next to her leader. Knowing her leader had loat some of her kindness due to Cerne and she didn't blame her.

It sounded like the woman knew what she needed, but they didnt have a healer. Amalia knew enough but not that much.
511 Posts
Ooc — siv
Food was a vital resource to Natigvik, who yearned for hunters more than not.

But to offer two hares in exchange for guarding and healing a broken woman?

Iron for a backbone all at once now. She could no longer go back and forth on whether to be strong or soft. She must embrace the act of Issumatar. She was set on a course and was prepared to bargain with the man on it.

Amalia, take her to the saigut. I will see her after. She instructed. Sakhmet had but the barest knowledge, but surely with the words of the wounded woman, it would be easier to tend to her.

Her attention turned upon the red-eyed man.

The price for kindness is high. Is it just the two of you, Colt Briggs?
554 Posts
Ooc — ebony
colt wanted to laugh, to tell the woman fuck off, but that would hurt sadey's chances of being treated here, wouldn't it? the man drew a visible breath, reining his impatience. "just us hereabouts." not so much a lie. "i need to get gone after this bastard while the track's still fresh, ma'am. when i come back around, I'm good fer what yew need. maybe a good hunt; we been trackin' the herds to an' fro."
colt recognized a bartering tone when he heard one. that it came from a perfect little spitfire of a woman only made it sweeter. he wanted to stay on her good graces, better a chance of charming her like he managed to do almost everyone else. except for sadey.
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
Sadey stood, and grasped one of the hares. The dark girl Amalia was it, coming forward towards the other and waving her plume for her to lead the way. 

Sadey took one look at Colt and a small sense of emotion showed in her eyes. She wanted to tell the ole Colt to be careful, to come back, but she knew it wasn't in the likes of her or his ways. 

So instead she gave him a fierce nod and turned back around.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia leaned forward and touched a brief touch to her leader and then went to grasp the hare. She offered a small smile to Mr. Briggs and motioned Sadey to come with her.

This way Sadey. I have some medicinal herbs that i've been collecting near by. We'll get you settled and i'll retrieve them. I'm not as good a healer as my auntie or my granma, but I know enough to keep an infection from settling.

She grasped the hare finally in her jaws, and led the pale she wolf further into their borders. Taking the shortest way possible so as to not show off all their land. After all, she and Mr. Briggs were strangers, not a part of them.
511 Posts
Ooc — siv
She understood, she truly did. She regarded him with a level gaze as Amalia took Sadey off to the dens. Appreciative for their scout. The work she did was not unnoticed.

Your Sadey will be tended to. Go, hunt this man. Come back and you will also find healing if you need it. A hunt will be in order as celebration of such a...task.

To rid the taiga of an attacker.

She would excuse him, if he was ready to go.
554 Posts
Ooc — ebony
colt out!

"much obliged, ma'am."
he licked the ridges of his teeth and glanced toward sadey. she seemed stoic enough, following miz amalia into the brush. he was left alone with the red wolf, who told him to return and offered him a slew of herbs. colt grinned recklessly. "i'll come back. maybe with a nice jet-black pelt fer yew to put yer paws on at night."
daring, perhaps. he dipped his head and turned off, cantering into the sun before he could be stopped.
511 Posts
Ooc — siv
Bring it and you will be paid even better.

Her last words to him as they both turned, her trail following towards the river.

She would collect some things for their new company before seeing her.