Moonspear saturday/sunday
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
Less than a day after promising he wouldn’t leave @Heda or the island, Caracal bade her a fond farewell and crossed the land bridge. Of course, he would only be away for a short time! He only meant to visit Towhee and Killdeer in Mereo, then head right back to these heavenly beaches.

He felt like taking a more scenic route today, so he didn’t follow the river inland along the familiar route. Instead, Caracal loped due south, chasing some sea lions near the shore before curving around the yonder bay. That same straight line eventually led him into a deep forest beside a quarry. He emerged on some steppes, colloquially known as Silverlight Terrace.

Now he pointed his toes east, squeezing through a corridor between the spine and the spear. He paused to recollect the time spent convalescing here in @Sialuk’s care. Caracal’s lips twitched into a smile as he thought of her. He was glad he’d sought her out and thanked her after disappearing.

His eyes roved the nearby slopes, wondering if she still split her time between Moonglow and Moonspear. Or did she live on the mountain full-time now? He sniffed, questing for whatever information he could gather with his nose, and blinked a little owlishly when he swore he caught Meerkat’s scent.
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who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
sneaking in a mobile post. tags for reference! lots of info dumping and behind the scenes stuff here. :)

Five times, the sun rose. Nasamik nor Chakliux did not return to Moonspear with her answer. Sialuk frowned. @Keen had been welcome company at night, easing the raindrop's worries for both the husband and wife, and also the young boy. Sialuk delegated much of @Quennell's needs to @Alaric and @Elentari, but she checked on him daily, monitoring his status. She instructed @Argent to hunt for the boy.

She spent time with @Njord and @Meerkat, relaying the events of the wedding and carrying short messages to the injured boy when the expecting mother could not make the journey to see him herself. She relayed the offer to stay in the ulaq Meerkat and Njord built when he was ready to leave the hollowed tree.

Now, she sought more midwinter herbs to resupply her collection, so much of her apothecary dwindling with the treatment of Quennell. Instead, she was greeted with a familiar face—and grown to a man!

A boy has become a man! she greeted, tail waving excitedly at the sight of him.
Atkan Aleut
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Was this where Meerkat lived now? He remembered Mireille saying, “your sister chose a man over de pack…” Caracal took another whiff. He swore he smelled Njord too. What were they doing here, of all places? He didn’t share Mireille’s judgments toward Meerkat and her family, he only wanted to make sure they were safe.

Before he could think about howling for them, a familiar face appeared on the nearby slope. It was Sialuk! Caracal grinned and waved his tail, ducking his head with a laugh at her remark. He supposed he had grown into himself a bit since their last encounter, here on this very mountain nearly a year ago.

Sialuk! I was just wondering if you’d settled here after all. And it smells like my sister, Meerkat, might be here too?!
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who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
you get #700!

She greeted him with an excited wiggle of her body, feeling young again even though two seasons had come and gone since they had last been among one another. Ah, but Sialuk knew the Redhawks and their kin to be good company!

Meerkat stays in village Moonspear, yes! She brings her husband, Njord. Sialuk thought of the swell of her sister's sides. And soon, babes born on this mountain. Sialuk could not contain her smile. Your ankle, it does well for you? she asked, an ever-attentive healer.
Atkan Aleut
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
*honored* :D

Sialuk confirmed it: Meerkat and her husband lived here. Although he wondered how that had come about and whether it directly correlated with the bear attack, he didn’t get a chance to ask before Sialuk spoke of more nieces and nephews to come. Despite stepping away from caregiving, his heart thumped at this happy news.

Oh, that’s awesome, Caracal said before adding, Yup! It works great. I made up for it by losing an eye. Well, the sight in it anyway, he quipped, gesturing at his face.

He wondered how soon Meerkat expected to welcome her litter. Hadn’t she been in heat during their last visit, more than a month past? It would be nice to see her today, though Caracal didn’t really want to bother her. Besides, he had an itinerary which unfortunately did not include a long visit here. But he would make the time to catch up with Sialuk a little bit.

Will you tell her I stopped by and said ‘hello’? I can’t stay for long—I’ve got places to go and people to see, all that jazz—but this is such a rad surprise. You’re the queen of the mountain!

It wasn’t even a question. There was an air about Sialuk and, besides, she’d told him her intentions a long time ago. He grinned at her, happy for her and even a little proud.
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who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk blinked at the news of his eye, eager to ask more questions. How had he lost seeing? Could he see darkness and light, but no shapes? Would his seeing come back? How long had it been gone? Caracal did not seem encumbered by his new handicap, and he also appeared in quite a hurry.

I will tell Meerkat of your visit. You will come again? When nieces and nephews are born? she asked. Perhaps she could ask after his eye then. Sialuk found her gaze bouncing between his two eyes, trying to discern which one could not see her.
Atkan Aleut
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Yeah, sure! Caracal replied easily to the invitation. Is she due in about a month? he guessed, wondering if it was weird that he recalled his own sister’s cycle and did the math.

Before I go, I wanna hear more about what you’ve been up to lately, he insisted. I mean, claiming Moonspear is a pretty big deal. How long have you been running the place? And what else have you gotten up to since we last saw each other? Married? Kids? Caracal prompted with a smile.
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who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The healer nodded at his prediction of when Meerkat would have her children. She did briefly pause to wonder how he could have known such a thing, but perhaps he had his own ways. A brother and sister sharing such things was not uncommon.

She felt warmth and pride at Caracal's comments on her newly established village upon Moonspear. The road had been long, but Sialuk had always known she would end up here. Only handful of days, she replied. I returned after a long journey away, learned many things from many distant villages. I know much now of healing, other ways of seeing the world, other ways of living. And, of course, the final two questions, to which a coy smile played on her lips as she thought of her many suitors (and lover Keen!).

No husband—or wife—but when time comes, I will take one—or many—and bring children to Moonspear.
Atkan Aleut
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Her claim seemed such a foregone conclusion, it surprised Caracal to hear she’d only held it a handful of days. Good for you! he thought, relating to her tales of traveling and learning things. Although he’d actually dropped his own specialty, he had also met all sorts of wolves with a variety of lifestyles.

He couldn’t say he’d run across many who took multiple spouses though! His eyes widened a little, then Caracal smirked. It softened into a smile when he realized the two of them had something in common. He’d told Heda. Was he prepared to tell Sialuk? They were old friends too.

Damn, girl, he said playfully, you’re ballin’ outta control! Good for you, he voiced his previous thought. So, you like both ladies and gents? he prodded, hoping the open look on his face would tell her it was a well-meaning question.
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who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
She laughed freely at his foreign phrases, amused and slightly perturbed by them. With his inflection, she knew he meant well. His question was not one she had ever truly considered. It had always come naturally for her to find beauty and attraction in both. Yes, she said easily, curious as to where he meant to go with this information.

Sialuk thought of the warmth of Keen, but also the stoic nature of both Kannoyak and Argent. They were different—all three—but each one held qualities she admired. Even Caracal had qualities she found attractive, and he would have been a fine husband if his heart was not already set on moving on to find his family afar.
Atkan Aleut
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The breezy way she answered gave him the little push he needed to open up and share this piece of himself Caracal had admitted to few others.

Cool, he said to her, me too.

He supposed that would remain true no matter how his relationship developed with Heda, though unlike Sialuk here, Caracal couldn’t picture pursuing a man—or anyone else—if they ended up together. It did make him think, though.

Hey, when I come back to meet Meerkat’s kids, mind if we carve out some time to hang out and catch up properly? Caracal asked.

If he did come back in a month’s time, those babies would be too small to do anything but eat, poop and sleep. Caracal would still love to be introduced, though he imagined there would be ample opportunity to chat with both Meerkat and Sialuk at the same time.
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who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The surprise on Sialuk's face lasted only half a second, and it was quickly replaced with a warm smile. She had not known this thing of Caracal, but she was happy to share it with him. His question was met with an eager nod. Where do you make your home now, Caracal? she asked. She did not know if she would be able to visit, but it would be nice to know where he could be found if she wished to do so. She considered him a friend, and she hoped that they would be able to run into one another again.
Atkan Aleut
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Shoot, why hadn’t he thought to mention this already? And invite Sialuk to come visit him? Surely she was a busy woman but if she ever needed a break, the island would be a great getaway!

He ducked his head with a self-deprecating laugh and said, I’m living on Wheeling Gull Isle with my—friend, Heda. Do you know of it? It’s the most mellow place I’ve ever been. You should definitely stop by sometime! Anytime!
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
He spoke of an island that brought back some faded memory. The woman's brow creased as she tried to place the name, and then her eyes widened. This isle is the place of what was once village Yuelong! she beamed. My mother's husband lived there for many moons. Aiolos or Kukutux could surely set her in the right direction, and it would be good to see his former home. He once had brought his son to meet her, Sialuk recalled with some clarity, though she could not remember the boy's name.

It would be good to see you—she paused, eyes glimmering—and this... Heda? Was she merely a friend to Caracal, or had he found himself a wife?
Atkan Aleut
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He’d never heard that name, though it made him think of the day when he and Killdeer had swum to the island to find the black wolf on the distant shore. He’d found some of his own relatives. Had they been part of this selfsame village?

Sweet, was all he said, glad there was some shared history there and that Sialuk would likely know the way. Yeah, Heda, he repeated stupidly when he said his companion’s name. You’ll like her, she’s fantastic. Super sweet and welcoming.

A somewhat dopey look crossed his face just then, before a realization struck him. Caracal’s eyes brightened and when he spoke again, it was sotto voce.

And she’s gorgeous. But please don’t steal her from me.
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who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Ah, there it was! She grinned at the redfox when he spoke in low tones. I cannot prevent that all are enchanted! she laughed, her eyelashes batting at him. Sialuk did not intend to draw Heda into her embrace, but the jesting came too easily. I am sure she will be unaffected, if she has you, the starwoman said. Caracal had always been a sweet boy, and now he was a sweet man. Sialuk thought him a good husband, and Heda was lucky to have him pursue her.
Atkan Aleut
666 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He laughed openly when she batted her eyelashes at him. Sialuk was quite a catch and Caracal had no doubt she had many suitors, men and women. He supposed that wasn’t even a problem, if she intended to take multiple spouses. Maybe she would just collect them all.

Thank you for letting me keep this one, Caracal quipped with a wink. Speaking of her, though, I need to be on my way. The sooner I knock out my itinerary, the sooner I get back to her. But I’ll see you soon, okay? Have fun with all your admirers, Sialuk! I hope you find the one…s!
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk nodded, knowing. She knew what it was to have a home that called to one's spirit. She was glad Caracal had found his.

Long days and pleasant nights, redfox! she called after him, watching as he disappeared into the ever-thickening pine forest that surrounded the spear. Then, she turned back to the heart of the village to seek out her village sister and tell her of Caracal's visit.
Atkan Aleut