Redtail Rise High Risk, High Reward
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the bull was wounded.

they fell back.

blood was hot in the air. thorn caller and the young ones had done a good job of spattering the elk's coat and the churned ground with scarlet.

wolverine grabbed for the high muzzle. this would have been his blow in an easier hunt.

the elk bellowed. it slipped, its leg hanging uselessly now, and slid heavily to one haunch.

augur was upon the back of its neck. between himself and wolverine, the beast's muzzle was pinned while the hunt-lead bit through to white bone.

not yet dead, the elk collapsed, legs flailing in wild revolutions. it was still gravely dangerous, even as it tried to stand in its death throes.

augur circled, though there was time now for another lesson: to dash between the flying hooves and wound for a quicker death.
951 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Tracker
Despite repeating Augur’s command to fall back twice, the others did not heed them this time. Masquerade felt partly if not fully responsible for that, as they’d unwittingly sent mixed signals. They thought about calling out again but so much happened so quickly, there was no harnessing the pack’s chaotic power.

They could only suck in a sharp breath when Wanderer skirted around the adults, deftly dodging a kick as she tore at the gaping wound in the elk’s backside. Perhaps spurred on by the sight, Riley leaped in to lend his assist. Although the Ulfr was impressed by their pack mates’ maneuvers, their tail lashed in consternation.

Masquerade began to lose hope of anyone controlling the hunt, even the Ulfhedinn. They still looked to Augur, keen for his guidance, only for their eye to be drawn by Lilia’s risky move. Then their ears picked up the sound of a hoof making impact.

Their head swiveled sharply back, bouncing among the younger hunters, before realizing it was Riley who’d been struck. They felt a great deal of relief at that. He could take it. Nonetheless, they watched him with concern, though only for a moment. They couldn’t continue standing by, letting others take the risks.

They glanced toward the Ulfhedinn one last time, inspired by the sight of him taking advantage of the Berskerk’s stunt as he leaped for the stumbling stag’s neck. Masque didn’t see him bury his fangs there, already launching in to aid the effort. They found a mouthful near the creature’s fore this time, eager to help drag him to the ground before he could swing his rack again.

Masque felt something sharp brush their upper back, though they held on until the bull collapsed. Quickly they released and leaped clear, ignoring the sting just behind their shoulders. While the others circled, waiting for the prey’s blood and energy to drain and looking for any opportunity to get their teeth to him, the Ulfr fell back to do a visual check on each of their comrades.
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: Graphic violence is a common theme in this character's threads. Reader discretion is advised.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Bearclaw Valley
521 Posts
Ooc — ebony
goddamn, this was — intense was the best word, if you didn't have any others. and ancelin certainly did not, focused entirely on his teeth holding the flesh of the lunging animal. he couldn't see shit, damn, he couldn't even smell anything outside of blood and then piss when the ruminant slipped.
he was nearly crushed beneath that giant hard hip; slipping free just in time, he joined augur and lilia at the beast's head, darting around to its front to dodge the forelegs and grab for its heaving jugular.
despite the missteps, this had been a fantastic hunt, and ancelin was humming with a delicious adrenaline.
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She saw white fur and knew that it was Augur's fangs that had found the elk's neck, and she growled with satisfaction as she heard the grinding of tooth and bone. He pulled back, and she released the elk's muzzle, bounding backwards a step to avoid a sweep of the tines though noticeably weaker than before. The Ulfedhinn's teeth had done a great deal of damage and the animal would die soon, now that it had been brought to the ground.

Masque was suddenly in the area, having abandoned the animal's rear to move to the front. Ancelin dove for the jugular, and in contrast, the Ulfr moved back, gawking at the others rather than moving forward again. Lilia eyed the wolf's movements, judicious. Masque was likely better off as a Caru. She snapped her jaws to assert her frustration with the red-faced wolf, and moved behind the animal's antlers to sink her teeth in and pull its head back. Once the blood flowed freely, the elk would weaken significantly. Soon, they would feast.