Swiftcurrent Creek Darkness
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
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Days seem to be getting darker. The winter had truly settled in over their territory. It seemed it was more dark than light these days. It took a little adjustment. Arlette felt a little... alone? Which might be weird since she looked after Cygnet. But she hadn't really seen much of @Eshe. She was probably busy with Akavir, and then there was @Arric whom she also hadn't seen a lot these days. She knew he was busy. Sovereign and Ensio seemed to have headed their own path again. With was fine but she missed them. It was just... a little depressing perhaps. The pack felt small, and she just hoped that they would make it through the winter. Maybe she should check on Akavir, or Arric. But she just disliked that it felt that it was always her checking in on them.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric had promised Arlette he would make more time. And gods help him he wanted too, but winter was upon them. And he was frantic to keep everyone fed. However, he also missed the little healer so after a depressing hunt with no more to show than a weasel he headed that way.

He didn't go past the den mouth, but he lay the weasel at his large paws and chuffed. Then he settled to his haunches and waited patiently. The overcast playing shadows on hos pelt. The red showing up a little more as the sun hit it.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was quick to notice someone outside her den. She perked up her head and then smelled probably one of her favorite wolves in the pack. She pulled herself from the den and saw him there. The female's tail wagged and quirked up her lips. "Hi," she smiled at him. Her bubble of loneliness momentarily vanish en push down. She greeted him with a quick nuzzle, before realizing the weasel was there. "Oh, thank you," she breathed and then offered him a smile.

"It is so good to see you," she breathed. She had felt rather alone and just in her own bubble. The territory felt empty, while the pack never had been big... now it just felt... well, barren.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric heard her coming a gave a wolfish grin when she arrived. 

Heya lovebug.

A soft nuzzle to her head and ear. Anytime.

Arric gave a soft chuckle. It curled from his chest deep amd warm like it usually was. This place can get lonely as f, i mean hell.

A shamefaced grin at that. He tried not to swear to much around her. But it was frankly ao much a habit now. Aometimes he didn't even know he swore. But he tried to be mindful, gosh he tried.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette looked at Arric with a soft smile, it widened when he wanted to curse but corrected himself. "You can curse you know. I lived with the Saints," she spoke. She had seen and heard far worse things than him cursing. But it was cute that he tried to at least be a little gentleman-like and pay attention to his words.

"Yes, that is exactly it. I feel alone," she admitted. "I haven't seen much of Akavir and Eshe, and the territory seems just empty. I don't like it," she ended that sentence a little more quietly.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He saw the widening of her smile. And shifted. She was laughing at him and he knew it, but he didn't give a shit. A smile like that, she could laugh at him all damn day.

Well I appreciate it. I do try and watch it especially since Mae had picked up every naughty word I ever said and then some.  I think we'd rather Cygnet didn't. But honestly it's such a habit now, whew i probably won't ever stop.

Arric looked around. We've always been small. You shoulds been here when we first started it. Just Akavir and me. And on top of it we had gotten attacked. It was wide an empty. There were days i bet we both wondered it was worth it. But you aren't alone. Anytime you get lonely. You call. I'll come. Anytime.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette chuckled softly. "I doubt Cygnet was going to talk," she commented. "If she start to curse it might be a blessing," Arlette smiled. Though she didn't actually mean that. "I'm kidding," she quickly added. She wouldn't wish that on the child. She was glad that Arric was trying. Speaking of the topic of the two. "Why was a bird delivered to me while it also smelled of you?," she asked curiously.

"I can't imagine," she commented. "I know, but I also know that you are busy. I guess I just miss Sovereign. I'm used to a big family pack, even with the Saints it was never boring. Here it is just... I don't know. Perhaps I should talk to Eshe about it. Maybe start recruiting more?"
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric chuckled. I thought Akavir was gonna  throttle me after Mae said her first curse word. But it was freaking adoranle at the same time.

He shook his head. Cygnet caught it. I praised her then she got mad at me for it. So i was gonna bring it to you myself and she got all huffy all over again so i gave it back.

He grinned. Never to busy for ya Arlette.

He tilted his head. It's worth a try. We've never actively recruited.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette could imagine. She might also be a little pissed if her children would start to curse. Then again, she wasn't sure if pups were in the cards for her. "I can imagine," she chuckled.

That explanation made sense. Arlette dipped her head. "I am starting to believe that Cygnet doesn't want praise. Every time I do it, she curls her lip for some reason," Arlette sighed. She tried to be the best guardian for the girl but she was very different from all the pups she had been around.

"That is kind," she smiled. The woman quirked up her lips. But still, they could use some more members. "You... didn't?," she asked and then frowned. She couldn't remember how her mother did that, if she did that, but it was worth a try.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
If there was a future here.  And Arric couldn't deny he'd thought about it a time or too. He jnew he'd really have to curb his tongue. Which he wasn't sure he could do 100%. But if she asked.

Arric laughed. i know. She seems to purposely try and t me off. I was calm this last time and she was almosy annoyed. But i suppose whatevwr she went through in those forst few moments. Despite that she may not remember it was still traumatic and maybe. he shrugged and frowned.

He shook his head. Its kinda funny how Akavir and I made this work. We're both antisocial dicks on a good day. So i mean. We were content to have wolves come to us. Not the smartest logistically. a smile at her.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette chuckled at that comment. "Yes, I sometimes feel the same," she commented. She was a peculiar girl but not one that seemed to be too malicious. Just... different. "Perhaps, she doesn't seem to have the symptoms her mother had, at least, I think so. She doesn't talk about it."

"Interesting. I might take it up with Eshe as an offer. I could head out and see if there are wolves interested in joining our ranks." But that would mean that she would be away from the pack. Maybe that was refreshing, but that would also mean away from Arric and more... lonely days. Perhaps she could just look around the pack border.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He gave a soft sigh. That makes me feel strangely better. I thought she just disliked me personally.

Arric blinked. You okay with me going with you?

He smiled. I know your capable, but well. I'd still rather go.

He knew she would be fine, but irrationally he didn't want her out of his sight. Or at least not to where he couldn't get to her quick.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette shook her head. "No she is like that with me too," she assured him. Arlette knew to take it not personally. She quirked up her lips into a smile. "I didn't realize you were so into what others think of you, Arric," she teased.

Arlette paused for a moment when he spoke of wanting to accompany her. "I wouldn't mind the company," she started. "But, is that even possible? You have a lot of jobs and I don't really need protection if that is what you are after," she commented, her red gaze dragging over him. She slowly brought them back up.

"Are you protective of me?," she challenged, calling him out a little.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A grin like lightning and a barked laugh. Just the babies. I don't care what the adults think.

He froze did she just, no. She def didn't check him out? Right? Right? A small smile then.

 Right now border patrol is all I've been getting up to cause prey is scarce. And Akavir told me I needed to take a trip or something our last conversation.

Her next words and he short circuited a second.

I am. No use lying.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette grinned at that. She didn't think that Arric would care, or well, that wasn't entirely true. But it charmed her nonetheless. She quirked up her lips, almost feeling that she could tease him a little more about that. She already knew the answer though.

She paused when Arric admitted that he was protective over her. Arlette suddenly flushed too, feeling bashful. It had been awhile... a male cared for her like that? Arlette licked her lips, now kind of curious about something else. "As a friend?," seemed to get past her lips. She ought to know if she wasn't just looking into something that wasn't here.

If Akavir wanted Arric to take a trip she might as well join him. Try and have some members join their pack, while Arric did the job he was given to.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It was no easy task not worrying about wht others thought. And sometimes he gave in and cared. Those important to him more so than strangers. Strangers they could f off 

He blinked, whoa what did she want. A declaration of intent. It wasn't hard to think about.

 He had grown accustomed to her presence, found her adorable and sweet. And sometimes when he was real lonely. 

Eyes glowed as he slid them down one shoulder to a leg,then a hip, then snapped back to her face. And if that wasn't answer enough for her.

I'd say beyond friendship, Arlette. But I know you wanted to get to know me better.

A small smile.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had to admit she rather liked that he made his intentions known to her. She noticed how his eyes traveled over her. She couldn't help but feel wanted. His attention was nice and something she hadn't expected when they first became acquainted. She had grown fond of him too, cursing and all.

She battered a smile at him. For a moment she felt not good enough for him, but she pushed that away rather quickly. "I'd like that," she admitted to him. "Well, then it is a good thing we are going on this trip together," she offered, hoping that it told him that she was open to his advances. It might be nice to spend some more time together, alone. Not that they had a lot of wolves interrupting them, in all honesty. But still... Arlette stepped forward and nudged his cheek before she gave it a little lick.

"What does Akavir want you to do outside the territory?"
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was a pretty no nonsense guy or at least he tried to be. On occasion he fell short, but eh he was only mortal. And what was the point of lying about how you felt or mixing up signals? It just made for broken hearts and bruised mental health.

Though he hoped she didn't try and curb his mouth cause he didn't know if he could. Maybe a little, maybe 

A soft noise of delight on his throat at her touch. All to quickly it was gone and he nodded. Alright so he had a chance to woo, but honestly he wasn't sure how. But well you succeeded by trying so try he would.

Arric lifted a shoulder. He didn't give me a job just told me to take a break.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette stepped back a little when Arric spoke, just so she could see his expression better. It was curious to hear that Akavir had said that. "But-- Can you do that? Isn't he still ill? Though I do agree that a break would be good for you," she spoke, and realized that she probably should check in with him about that or with Eshe. She just didn't want to intrude since Eshe was a healer too.

"I am kind of looking forward to travel a bit. So maybe I could see Eshe or Akavir to suggest trying to recruit a few wolves and that you are coming with me?," she offered. Arlette rather would want their permission, though she doubted it would be really a problem.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric chuckled, but it was a bit hollow.

arlette i haven't talked to Akavir since before he was sick. Everytime i try he's busy, doesn't show or Eshe comes along.

I'd ask Akavir. he smiled. Eshe still unnerved him a little. Not because she was cruel or anything. But simply because he wasn't sure how she would handle leadership yet.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette dipped her head. "Okay, that is good," she agreed. She would let him handle it then, just to be sure. Arlette then wagged her tail. Onto other matters. "Anything you have planned since you came to visit?," she asked with a hum. She was open to do things with him, especially since he made his motives clear to her. They could already start with that now, the getting to know each other. She wondered if he even knew where her scars came from.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He realized he'd just volunteered himself. And he would head over to Akavir after this impromtu date? Was over.

Arric made a soft himm. I didn't, but.

He looked around and motioned over to the left. Near the river is some overgrown briars that have made a sort of quiet enclosed space. And with the snow and ice its really rather pretty. Want to walk it? And should we bring the little terror or is she good?

He didn't in fact know where her scars were from he didn't think. But she would tell him if she wanted that was not a question to ask.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette chuckled. She perhaps shouldn't think too much of a male thinking ahead. No critique to Arric because she liked that he came to her, even if he didn't have a plan. He quickly came with an idea to do something together. Arlette instantly beamed when hearing it. 'Sounds lovely," she smiled at him, her tail wagging excitedly. She thought about Cygnet when he asked. She could handle herself for a moment. Arlette currently didn't know where she was, probably somewhere close.

"We aren't leaving the territory, so she will find me when she is probably hungry," Arlette chuckled. Perhaps this location could be a little retreat from her guardian duties. She motioned for him to lead the way.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,072 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Had he planned to come to Arlette earlier he would have thought of something, but since this was sort of an unplanned thing. He hadn't. He just wanted to see her, but he also hadn't planned on confessing either 
 So it was all sorts of an impromtu day.

Alright lovebug this way.

The place he was thinking of wasn't very far. But they still had a little bit of a way.

Forest or meadow? Which ones your favorite?
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette happily walked with him. The nickname was something she really started to listen to. Then he asked her a question, her mind instantly contemplating between the two. That was such a tough one! "So difficult," she exclaimed to him, thinking about it. "I think the forest to live in. Though the meadow is such a good resource for medical plants," she admitted. "I like the coziness of the forest though."

"How about you?" She wondered.