Rising Sun Valley blueberry
141 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
the black-eyed wolf went up from the desert into the valley of the rising sun. rabbits fed the plushness of his coat, though he was not above chasing smaller scavengers from a promising bit of carrion, or robbing foxes right in their glade.

he was hale, in his prime; apollyon paused amid the scents of many overlapping wolves and called out, announcing himself as a suitor.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Eshe was gone.

Their argument—was that all it had been? The snap of her jaws toward him had felt far from that—had been left unsettled and when she had demanded space, he had given it to her… and then some.

And when she had beckoned him back, hours after, he had determined that he had needed more time for himself.

To think.

To feel.

But now, a day after, and she had left. In heat.

It was a defining moment in their relationship, surely. Would she stay true to him? Eshe had wanted children more than anything—and he wanted to give them to her. Wanted to have a family with her… and yet… Something held him back.

So when a strange call echoed across the lands, Akavir felt his own lips pull back in a silent snarl, stalking the valley, eyes focusing upon the culprit—before his own barking growl was offered, his steps quickening with the promise of chasing the rogue male away from the valley—and hopefully away from Eshe, should she be somewhere nearby.

Because now, he felt nothing but numb.
141 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ah, fuck.

apollyon's call was not answered by some frenzied siren but a man himself, imposing and aggressive. the demon had better uses for his pretty coat to let it be chewed on, and so retreated.

but he smirked openly along his shoulder, pausing to taste the air in hopes the wind was in his favor and he could find out where the other man was from.

he was protecting something, apollyon was sure of it.

but he kept on his lope in other direction, trying to keep the same distance between he and the pack male.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
lol that opening statement, tho

The rogue was cheeky—but smart. Maybe.

The casual glance over the shoulder and the way the black-eyed wolf smirked at him ignited his ire—and while he was certainly trying to keep some roaming man away from his mate (his very missing, very angry mate…)

It wasn’t lost on him that maybe he was also just looking for a fight.

But while his pace quickened, so did the other man’s—which was fine. Akavir would continue stalking his prey until the wolf had left the valley.
141 Posts
Ooc — ebony
:D not sure where to go w this so if akavir would keep following then let's gooo otherwise they might meet again since polly is not going to do as he is told

apollyon would lead the man in the direction of a stone circle, where to his dismay and interest he found another pack.

by now the dark man was in the distance, surely, and the demon slowed to a halt. he was winded and hungry, and annoyed to have been thrown so far off-course.

defiantly, apollyon only skirted the edges of the valley and came back another way.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
should be interesting if they meet again

They skirted the edges of the valley, much to Akavir’s dismay.

When they moved closer to Kvarsheim, he began to lose sight of the rogue. The man’s scent lingered—but more importantly, Eshe’s did not. His own pace slowed—gaze set upon the rising stone that greeted him, and feeling his lip curl once more.

Let Gunnar and his wolves deal with the man if they felt him a threat—Akavir’s interest in it ran only so far.

Beginning to circle away, the dark Mayfair tested the boundaries along the meadow for a few times—scouring—waiting to see if the potential Romeo had been determined to seek out Eshe’s scent or not and was trying to come back.

He need not worry as much—upon the return of his own borders, there was still no sign of his wife—and he was under no delusion to what the potential of that truly meant.