Swiftcurrent Creek Nameless to Named
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,220 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
@Arric + Pups

It was a few days after the birth and she felt that she was finally on the mend. She had to do a lot of self medicating as she was the only trained healer of this pack. Though, her knowledge did lack medication and pregnancy. She was very minimal in what she would take in fear it might be too much for the pups. Her body had gone through the ringer. She just slept a lot and spend her time awake as much as possible fussing over the children. She was completely in love with them, even more so when each of them had that familiar circle of light colored fur around their eyes. It was just adorable. No one could deny they were siblings.

She nosed over the small babies, checking if they were all alright. Her eyes fell on Arric. She still felt a little bad about yelling at Akavir and him. She had apologized already, clearly she had not been herself. She only remembered flashes of it, though she did remember clearly that she called them idiots. Which wasn't the worst thing she could have said. She pushed that thought aside, she had a different plan for today. We will need names for them, she spoke.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,073 Posts
Ooc — Danni
They all got the ring around their eye. Something they could boast was from a grandmother unfortunately they'd never meet and their dad of course. It was a little weird to see it sometimes. 

Arric marveled at the babies. How small and cute and their little toes and mouths. They way they moved about. His love for them was strong and deep and fierce. And Arlette to him was truly a powerhouse queen. She had done something so amazing. He couldn't even speak about it without getting a little choked up.

He had worried amd fretted silently in the last few days. While she slept a lot amd self medicated. Wondering if she was truly okay. He had almost forgotten her outrage at him and Akavir. And he hadn't blamed her at all 

Today he nosed at them gently. Giving each a quick stripe of a lick over their heads. 

Yea. How do you want to name them? I think my parents just picked a name out of thin air for me.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,220 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette smiled at how gentle Arric was with their babies. She didn't expect anything less though. She knew he would be a good father to the pups and it was just so cute to see him fuss over them as much as she did. Arlette thought about it, okay, well, she had thought about it already. I named my previous litter after plants and herbs, she admitted. But she wasn't sure if he would like that.

But, they don't have to be named after plants it just... I learned the names and some are quite pretty! Arlette glanced over her babies. They had already grown even bigger in the past few days. It was rather amazing to see them grow. Unless you already thought of names as well? Maybe wanting to name one after someone?
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,073 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was frankly afraid he'd break them. They were so tiny I mean, at least compared to him. Compared to other newborns....well. He wasn't certain, but he was pretty certain that most women didn't struggle like Arlette had. So he assumed, they were larger than most.

He tilted an ear forward and looked them over. That was a cute way to name them.

I'm fine with that. The only thing my family did was the men found their own last name, but I let that die off. I want to keep mine for my dad's memory. So. I think it would be fine to name them after plants. It's actually really really cute.

and he smiled. And besides whenever they meet their older siblings they'll have that in common.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,220 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette's eyes lit up. She was pleased to hear that Arric wouldn't mind to name them after plants. Should they have a last name? It could be the place they were born... Swiftcurrent?, she suggested. She turned a little and looked over the pups. She quirked up her lips. They were so adorable. Okay! Umm. There are several I like!! You have Burdock, for infections and ummm... Reed, Ragwort, Oak, Buckthorn, Alder.... She paused and then glanced. For girls Marigold or Lavender, Juniper? Or... Daphne! Maybe Willow or Poppy?

Arlette realized then that she was probably overwhelming the man. I might have put some more thought in it than I realized, she mused and shot him a soft grin. She looked down at the pups. Well, I do like Burdock a lot and Juniper!, she admitted. But she also did want Arric to give his opinion. But tell me which ones you like?
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,073 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arlette was happy with the plant names. And he'd be damned if he told her any different. And he liked them as well, but he definitely wasn't going to ever change his mind. Not the way she looked delighted right now. She threw some names at him and he tilted an ear forward. 

He sniffed at the babies a small smile on his face. Buckthorn, Burdock, Juniper and what about Violet? If he remembered it was a pretty flower, but he wasn't certain if he could remember the flower right. 

He shifted large shoulders. They can have the last name of the creek or they can have mine or even your sif you have one, but I don't ever recall you telling me one.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,220 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette beamed when Arric started to pick names. She grinned in agreement when he pointed out the pups with their names. She looked surprised at his name suggestion but she actually loved it. Violet? I like it, she hummed. Good suggestion, she hummed at him. She reached for him and licked his cheek. Violet kinda fit with the theme of her name and her mother's name.

Yeah that makes sense. We can let them choose what they want, she hummed. She looked down at the pups. I'm so very happy with them, Arric. They are perfect. I love them. I love you, she hummed. She wanted him to know. The birth might be a little difficult but she still would do it again to have these pups.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,073 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Right this second, in this moment. His eyes grew unfocused and his heart ratcheting up a notch. The way she smiled was breathtaking. And he was lost. A ship unmoored.

He came to himself with a shake of his head and a smile. I'm glad you like it. I'm not the best at plants, but my mom liked flowers.

He curled his head around her. Me too. I love them amd you. Hear that little ones. I love you to the moon. I know you cant hear yet. So I'll just have to tell you everday.
Swiftcurrent Creek
3 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Juniper's nap was disrupted by the conversation between her parents, and wasn't happy about it. She made some noise of her own, wriggled to find a more comfortable spot, and finally settled with a deep sigh, expressing her annoyance at the disturbance. 

When she was her calm once more, she soon slipped back into slumber, accompanied by a soft snore.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,220 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette hummed. It is a wonderful edition, she hummed happily. She never really used violets for medical purposes, perhaps they had some she didn't know yet. Didn't you say that your mother was also red in coloring? Just like her, it makes sense, she smiled.

Juniper seemed to fuss a little but Arlette wasn't too worried. Sometimes they squeaked or cried and then there wasn't really something amiss. She grinned at Arric. Not sure if Juniper is convinced, darling, she teased him. Gosh she was so lucky.

How is the pack? Did you speak to Pukei?, she knew she had been rather feral with her. She hoped things would be okay between them.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,073 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric chuckled at his daughter making her protests known. She was not happy that she had been disturbed. I get it kid. Sometimes we just want to sleep.

He nodded his head. Yea my dad had a thing for redfurred wolves. His first love that he never really got over was red and small. So was my mom.

HE shook his head. I haven't spoken to her yet. But I Doubt she'll hold it against you. But I can try and hunt her down today if you want me too.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,220 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette looked at him with curiosity. I didn't know someone would select a mate on that aesthetic, she chuckled. Seems you went for red eyes instead of red fur, she teased him a little. She was also small compared to him. Luckily it had all worked out. She was glad she was doing better.

Arlette then nodded. I know, but still. I kind of want to apologize to her, Arlette admitted. Or at least let her know it wasn't anything personal. It's okay but if you happen to see her please insist she is welcome now.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,073 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric shrugged a broad shoulder. My dad was a strange one. And he had been. He hadn't been cruel or anything by any means, but he had been a bit unusual as far as standards went. 

He pressed his nose to her head. Naw i went for the heart not the eyes. Arlette was super small compared to him and that had not been his original plan. Hell nothing had been in his plan, granted he didn't even have a plan so what the hell was he going on about. He shook his head, amused at himself for a moment. 

IF i see her I'll tell her. I'll apologize too. I can go look for her now if you want?
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,220 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette happily hummed when he moved his muzzle close. You are such a charmer, she hummed. But she really liked his answer actually. Arlette had long gotten over the fact that she was an unusual color. The same for her scars. Before she might be really embarrassed about them but since joining swiftcurrent she had never even thought about them. Strange how those things went.

Hmm, no. I want you all to myself, she hummed. Well, with the pups. I'd like you to stay. Honestly the pups had been great because Arric was around a lot and she loved spending time with him even if it was just watching their babies.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,073 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Just for you. He huffed back. Surprise coloring his face. He wasn't trying to be charming actually. This time he was just being honest and a straight shooter. Because he never really had been one to go for looks. He liked the heart and the personalities. Looks were just a bonus and sometimes they faded. And if you were shallow and went for them what next. Even he one day would be wrinkly and loose skinned where toned muscle had been. 

I'll stay then. No place i'd rather be. He snaked along the spines of the little ones. Dipping his nuzzle to their shoulder blades. Marveling at the little perfect darlings.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,220 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was pleased that she got him to stay. She happily snuggled closer against him. Me neither, she smiled and gave him a lick on his cheek. She hoped that this time with the pups also gave him some necessary rest. So they could just beam with pride about their perfect little pups!

- fin -
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Chewed up nipples