Swiftcurrent Creek running in circles, now look what you've done
Swiftcurrent Creek
996 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Tags for reference only.

“Bearclaw Valley,” he replied to Arric—his tone darkening. If he was being harbored there by Ancelin and his wife, and they knew what kind of beast he was…

He had to press the thought from his mind, for the moment. Arlette’s news wasn’t unexpected—but it was certainly deflating. “His name is Glaukos. He helped another claim land up in the bypass, or something… Apparently he knocked some of her teeth from her mouth. He’s a real fucking charmer.”

A clench of his jaws—a shared look with his Beta. He knew what his friend would be thinking—the farther this guy was from the valley, the better… if they let him leave in one piece. “I want to take a sizeable group. I plan on sending a rather big message to Ancelin and his girlfriend—but hopefully they don’t realize who’s staying with them. He’s also the size of a bear. I had the marsh on my side last time—might not be so lucky this time.”

He paused, eyes glimpsing over to Muskrat. The point of her being here was to repay—from her insistence, or whatever her culture deemed was justice—but he wasn’t looking to further injure her. The scrappy little swamp panther would need to be able to protect herself if she went back into the wilds.

When she went back into the wilds.

“Muskrat stays, then.” Succinct, to the point. Rolling his shoulders back, he felt the stretch—a light crack given to his neck. “Viinturuth is with me. I can take @Nanou. I think she’s seen some fighting in her days.” Another pause—his eyes skimming over Arlette. “I’d like to take Arric, too. But do you feel comfortable being here with just… Mae, Muskrat and Pukei?"

And finally… “I can also take @Cygnet.” But she was young and inexperienced—he wasn’t fond of the idea. “But it would be for appearances only. I worry she’ll overstep.”
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RE: running in circles, now look what you've done - by Akavir - May 16, 2024, 02:49 PM