Swiftcurrent Creek running in circles, now look what you've done
Swiftcurrent Creek
996 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
They could speculate on Bearclaw or they could simply ask them—the likeliness of them knowing the history of the man wasn’t probable—but they were also two young wolves who were beginning a family and needed extra paws.

He wasn’t convinced they would be pleased with the creek wolves knocking at their door… But he also didn’t care.

Standing taller—a stretch of his shoulders, his gaze drifted between the Beta pair. “We leave soon,” he offered—he wanted to move fast, and he knew @Viinturuth did, also.

With a hint of mischief, the man sidled closer to Arlette, casting her an affectionate bump of his muzzle to her shoulder, while keeping from the reach of Arric as he began to leave. “Eat up, buttercup.”

Briefly—his eyes flickered over the omega—knowing it best to remove himself from her company before evening fell. “Always a pleasure, little panther,” he rumbled, sarcasm lacing his tone as he disappeared from the group.
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RE: running in circles, now look what you've done - by Akavir - May 20, 2024, 03:03 PM