From Moonspear, it was a straight shot to the canyon across the flat lands. Despite his earlier moseying, he made haste past the smaller lake, the berry meadow and the bigger lake on its far side. His feet were a little sore by the time he began to climb into the mountains but he was so eager to call on his mom and @Killdeer, he paid no attention.
As soon as he stood at the canyon’s lip, Caracal loosed a howl. He knew Towhee wouldn’t hear, though someone else—hopefully Killer—surely would. He sank to his haunches in the meantime, taking a moment to nibble some pebbles from between his achy toes.
As soon as he stood at the canyon’s lip, Caracal loosed a howl. He knew Towhee wouldn’t hear, though someone else—hopefully Killer—surely would. He sank to his haunches in the meantime, taking a moment to nibble some pebbles from between his achy toes.
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February 16, 2023, 01:48 PM
He wandered the borders, though his mind was anywhere but here. Most of the time, Atreus thought about Inkeri. How badly he wanted to pay another visit to Kvarsheim! But if he wanted to see her, he would have to wait. The Imperator had tasked him with keeping watch during his mysterious absence. Perhaps Ink would miss him too and come calling?
Instead, he heard a masculine voice cutting through the chilly February air. Atreus paused to listen, then pointed in his toes in that direction. It didn’t take him long to locate the visitor, a willowy man with a red pelt. Squaring his jaw, the young Signifer approached.
Who are you? And what do you want?he asked frankly.
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February 16, 2023, 01:51 PM
It wasn’t Towhee or Killdeer who approached him but a young stranger. Caracal nipped at his lip and double checked his posture. He was a kid, though the way he spoke distinctly reminded him of Sphyra. He meant business. Caracal respected that.
Heya, my name’s Caracal Redhawk. I’m here to visit my mom, Towhee, and my nephew, Killdeer,he stated succinctly when prompted.
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February 16, 2023, 01:57 PM
The surname didn’t trigger any particular recognition, though of course he knew Killdeer’s name quite well. And Atreus had heard of Towhee. He was sure of that much, though it took him a moment to recall any sort of context.
There was a pause as he considered introducing himself. Instead, he found himself caught up in the Redhawk family tree. If Towhee was Caracal’s grandmother and Killdeer was his nephew, didn’t that mean the Imperatrix was also his relative? Specifically, his sister?
Killdeer is probably busy,Atreus said, thinking again of Germanicus’s instructions prior to departure,
and Towhee doesn’t live here. I think she went to Epoch,though his tone said, Don’t hold me to that.
There was a pause as he considered introducing himself. Instead, he found himself caught up in the Redhawk family tree. If Towhee was Caracal’s grandmother and Killdeer was his nephew, didn’t that mean the Imperatrix was also his relative? Specifically, his sister?
We could try calling for Fennec but she’s probably busy too,Atreus said.
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February 16, 2023, 02:00 PM
Well, damn! He’d come all this way and neither one of them was available. His mom wasn’t even here. Where on earth was Epoch? Caracal’s face probably conveyed his disappointment, though before he could give voice to any of his thoughts, the young guardian offered to call for Fennec.
Fennec lived here too? Had he known that? Caracal blinked, considering. He then shook his head. He was glad his older sister had come here to live with her son, though they weren’t close. And he didn’t want to bother her if she was busy. That went for Killer too, which was kind of a giant bummer.
Fennec lived here too? Had he known that? Caracal blinked, considering. He then shook his head. He was glad his older sister had come here to live with her son, though they weren’t close. And he didn’t want to bother her if she was busy. That went for Killer too, which was kind of a giant bummer.
Nah, that’s okay,Caracal replied.
Where’s Epoch?
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February 16, 2023, 02:02 PM
Just there,Atreus said, pointing over Caracal’s shoulder.
Since Caracal had declined his offer to summon Fennec, Atreus wasn’t quite sure what to say otherwise now. Would the visitor head next door to visit his mother? He assumed as much, though he waited patiently, wondering if Caracal might leave a message for Killdeer or something.
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February 16, 2023, 02:05 PM
He turned to look where the kid pointed, his heart lifting a little. Maybe he could still catch his mother! Caracal wondered why she’d left Mereo to live in a pack next door. If he had to guess, maybe she got sick of the militant lifestyle. He knew she was a seasoned warrior, though from what he knew of it, this place seemed really rigorous.
Okay, cool. Uh, would you mind letting Killdeer know I was here? Tell him I’m living on Wheeling Gull Isle now, the place where he nearly drowned and I saved his life.Caracal smirked.
And that he’s welcome to visit anytime, of course. Thanks, uh… I didn’t catch your name?
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February 16, 2023, 02:08 PM
That sounded like an interesting story. Atreus might have to ask Killdeer for details when he passed along the message. He supposed that sort of task fell under the duties of a Signifer, though he would do it regardless. They were comrades, after all.
Sure,he answered simply.
Icarus,he added, thinking about offering a farewell but waiting to be sure Caracal planned to take off first.
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February 16, 2023, 02:10 PM
Okay,Caracal repeated,
He supposed he should get going now, though it still felt slightly disappointing to have come all this way only to miss Killdeer. He just hoped Icarus here would convey his message and Killer could swing by the island someday. Well, he’d definitely be there if and when he did!
Raising a nimble red paw to his brow, Caracal offered a parting salute and a smile to the guardian before turning and loping to what appeared to be the valley next door.
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February 16, 2023, 02:12 PM
In lieu of a verbal farewell, Atreus nodded at Caracal’s salute. When the red wolf disappeared toward the vale, he pivoted on his heel. He would finish his patrol—and his daydreams of Inkeri—before eventually tracking down and passing Caracal’s message along to @Killdeer.
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