Lion Head Mesa now, feel
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
All Welcome 

Toula sang with reverence to Ra, whom had chased Apopis away before long! and she came away from her prayers to Iset with a grateful smile. to the other altars she would go, sure to leave Them gifts, before she would seek out her people. 
so many had come among them, but now she sought a more unfamiliar but no less important face. her gait was casual as she inspected the growth of flowers that the Sesh Haizel had begun to cultivate. she could smell the life of them! 
the Queen walked with her many attendants, though paused so that they might each drink and rest this warm day. while they lingered in the shade, Toula once more stepped into Ra’s full view and basked in the light of Him.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
Queen, queen. Queen, queen, queen. Queen, queen, queen..queen!

Ra was plentiful today; soft, but his radiance would grow as it always had, and he brought her sight upon the Queen.

Passing by her majesty had been of no action of intention. Now, her ears came to a flat, only to raise and her head to bow as she silently tried to slink by. Must not cause problems for Queen! Oh, how busy, busy she must have been. She was a lowly mazoi to her great highness!
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
the flurry of movement from another draws her attention, and she rises to look in the direction of the spiderling. how very small they tried to make themselves look—Toula would not have it from her people, especially those that contributed so greatly. 
Mazoi, she greeted with warmth, those present with her stepping aside to grant the woman better visibility as she said, come, will you not join me this beautiful day?
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
Tip-toe, tip-toe, tip-toe.. stop!

Quickly turning her head to her majesty, she wiggled her tail as a smile pulled at the corners if her lips. In airplaned ears, she quickly bound from her spot and put herself forward towards the queen. "Oh, yes!

Quickly, lowly making her way beyond her soldiers and guards, her stomach pushed itself to the ground in their passing, if they did not stop her, until her side was soon to the queen. Her head wildly shook dust from her ears. "Of course, queen. Does she have request?" In time, her speech had been improving, but their linguistics were different from hers! Their speech was new! Mismatched, mishmashed, shifting perspectives and strange linear order!
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
the lovely Legend was quick to accept and join her, to Toula’s happiness. she delighted in the musical way in which the woman spoke, and to her question, Toula’s light voice sang in turn, only to know you better, with a bright smile. 
Toula was happy for the proximity, and urged after seeing and knowing the subservience that the woman rise, and be comfortable. 
how are you enjoying Akashingo? she asked, hoping that the woman was settling in well after life at the Lake.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
Should she stand? Should she lie? Should she sit? Too much! Confusing! Strange! Customs were strange and changing, and her belly was ritual to royalty! Her paws quickly shuffled herself up, down, up, down, only so far each time, before she settled in a bowed sit. There, her tail tip-tapped on the ground before curling around her hind feet. All tidy!

Her eyes skimmed the water. "Akashingo serves.." her voice came to a little trail, "kind," she finished, her voice coming to a chirp. Her head quirked over, then her eyes blinked towards the Hemet-Nekheb. "Talk of your coronation, has such tired you?" Coronation, coronation, coronation, now what had that been to their queen?
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
kind. yes, she hoped so—and was glad to hear it was true as Legend spoke it. you are deserving of it. I want for my people to know of all things good, so that they would be comfortable, and safe—which Legend, as a mazoi, ensured! 
the question earned a grin as she rejoined, oh, no—it has kept me busy, of course, all of these plans… but I also wish to share more with you. thoughts, and ideas… things that Legend herself would partake in, soon! 
Akashingo grows full, to my pride and my joy! it is not too small, but with its fullness I think we are due to expand—a Summer palace. I would like your aid in helping the princes to find such a place, she spoke with a small smile. to her understanding, Legend enjoyed to travel. she hoped this would fulfill the Mazoi further. and to continue to humor the earlier topic, she said, I think it shall be there the coronation is held!
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
Toula's ears gave her words to respond to. So many words. Oh, like honey! Sweet, sweet, sweet to her ears! Sweet Toula. A young queen. Her ears were at a full stance as her tail swished side, side, side to side, until her head bowed down in a devilish, but cheeky giggle. Warm in nature, perhaps. "Oh, yes! Good idea. I go many places." and her head turned, thinking back to the desert.

"There is open, big desert to the East. Treasures and riches beyond eye under dunes, you would see so. Waters flourishing in its depths like a diamond in the great rough. I found so. Big, big structures I saw on my journey back to you, my queen. A coronation under moonlight and a valley of crushed gold would be beautiful, yes? You think so?" When Legend spoke of the desert, there was an undeniable passion burning through her gaze. As if she spoke of the Gods and swore it holy fire.
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
Toula could not help but giggle lightly with her, the warmth in it true and matching. she did not think she imagined the warmth in Legends own! she liked her. she liked the way that she spoke. that conquest had brought her much, one being the delightful woman before her.
and when she spoke, it was art! Toula could see it, and gasped with the delight that she felt. Toula could see it in her mind, every thing that Legend painted with her tongue. you could be an artist, you know, Toula hummed, the way in which you paint this picture... why, of course I think so! another laugh, now, full and in earnest. I am glad that you enjoy to travel. indeed, I should like you to go upon this mission, to find the most beautiful of them all, or bring my people to it if you know of it already, her eyes hold much warmth in them as she looks to the one before her. already, Toula felt her capable.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
A gentle woman. A true queen. One Akashingo did not deserve, and she would relish in the rising of her maturity and structure. How she would bend, and what she would will. Their Queen had the power to be royalty beyond title, and her visions could bring such. The strength in this, she drank more than any thought of travel. "An artist?" Legend wished to know how much this queen flourished under spotlight and language! "Oh, no, I am no artist. I am traveler! Messenger! I paint no art. I show you art! You would love the desert, my Queen. I can lead to great things- with....... princes?" And who might that entail got a delight out of her. Because perhaps one in particular she'd grown familiar with, and there'd also been another.

"I am worthy to be around such?" her head quirked. "I help ensure no death!" Fingers crossed. They played with cards. Though, Legend was exceptionally good at locating water in a dead pit of sand. "You will be most regal in time. You are very gentle and swayed from corruption. You must be careful with so. Many women, many men, will seek to tarnish that of you. Can you fend such?
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
she was amused, but not at the expense of the other. only that she did not see all that she was. not yet—but Toula would ensure that in time, she would come to. traveler, yes, protector, yes, and while no builder of things it was her tongue that painted beautiful things, that would inspire any man or woman to go on any endeavor for the prize at the end. 
you are, she said in answering, saying what she knew. the next words, though, came as some surprise to her. corruption—she knew the word, but would not see it here. not in her heart. had any tried? 
no, she did not think so—but if they had, then they had failed in their efforts. I shall always try, she answered with her humility, but knew that this was one thing she would not let herself fall victim to. so much else was out of her control, but this… it was her very own. and you will let me know when you see one who thinks to corrupt it, will you not, my dear Mazoi? that she cared enough to say these things… it warmed her heart. it led her to believe that she would do her best in what Toula had then asked of her.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
! Last from me<3

Patiently rested. She took in every word that was given to her; from the artistry that Queen Toula heard from her tongue, and the pieces of attempts their ruler would always try to gather. From the passion laced in her voice and the love for a Kingdom, an empire, ran by light bathing their skin and the undercurrents of filth, she listened.

And heard all.

"Yes, my Queen."

For a thousand times, she would listen again.