Ouroboros Spine Fishing in the dark
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
@Ariadne if you have the time

Rodyn had extended his stay in moonglow. His conversations taking most of the day. But he couldn't sleep. He missed Samani here. He saw her laughter her face everywhere.

So as the stars bloomed in the sky and the moon came out to peek for her lover, he fished.

Blunt hunters body cut through the river. Yellow eyes alight on the water. This was more challenging than usual, for there were many shadows, but he relished the challenge.

He already had one fish at the edge of the water. With speed of former first hunter, he struck and pulled another large fish from the water.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Like Rodyn, Ariadne was finding it difficult to sleep. Her mind was full of thoughts regarding Kigipigak and her impending conversation with him, and she couldn't quiet her mind long enough to fall asleep. When she realized her efforts were in vain, Ariadne decided to take a walk and burn off some excess energy.

The night was clear, the air was crisp, and Ariadne enjoyed the conditions. She fell into an easy lope as she made her way down from the ulax, and headed toward the lake, figuring she'd do a lap around it and see how she'd feel after that.

After some time, she heard splashing and decided to investigate the source of it. Soon enough, she spotted Rodyn and was genuinely surprised to see him. She knew he'd been here to sing the death songs but figured he'd gone home by now.

Rodyn? she called from the shore, stopping next to the fish he'd already caught and tilting her head as she watched him; he was an impressive hunter and it was always a joy to watch him in action. Would you like some help? she offered.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was oblvious truly to the drama and grief around him. Oh he missed Shikoba, felt bad for Ariadne and Kigipigak. He too had lost a child this season.

A voice caught him. Not quite well known, but known enough. But his breath stalled in his lungs at first glance in the dark. It was almost as if...

But then he saw the white points. The younger face, different eyes. And his breath left him in a rush. He smiled as set the fish down. Swept his tail in greeting. Cleared his throat.

Hello Ariadne. Do you like to fish?

He looked around, eyes crinkling at the corners. I like to hunt or fish when I can't sleep. Its my peace.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Hello, Rodyn! It is good to see your face!

Ariadne was glad to see Rodyn's smile, and she smiled in return. I do like to fish! she called back, her voice smiling and the corners of her eyes crinkling. But, I am afraid that I am not very good at it—but will try my best if you would like some company!

She carefully stepped into the water, trying to not disrupt the fish. I hope that is okay? She said, lingering ankle-deep.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The greeting he had adopted as his own slid from her. He had embraced what he could ofSamani even if he didn't ubderstand it all. But he had tried. A small part of him felt guilt that he hadn't came to moonglow with his sons for them to know.

Rodyn shifted and motioned for her to join him. I only ask that you try. I can teach. And don't be to discouraged. It is harder to fish in the dark. More shadows.

He nodded his head and a small laugh. You are fine. Well done. I always try and hunt with their shadows, but at night there are many. I have also seen some hunt with meat.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
It would be harder to fish in the dark, but that only motivated Ariadne to try her best. She waded into the water, circling wide, and eventually came to stand next to Rodyn. I will try my hardest! she said once she was in position.

He mentioned that some hunted with meat, and this intrigued her. How do they hunt with meat? she asked, tilting her head.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He chuckled and shifted. Good.

All he asked of anyone was to try their best. And if something didn't suit them. They try another way. Perhaps it was naive of him to think in such rosy hues, but well. He had always been his own wolf.

Mmm they use chunks, some will even chew it up for like when we feed babies. Drop it in water and fish swarm it. You can then pick them off.

He motioned. Fish aren't the smartest see now how they nibble at our toes.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
How interesting! Ariadne had never heard such a thing! Hm, I will have to try that sometime ... she drawled, looking down into the water and watching the shadows that swarmed at their feet. Is there a particular meat that they like?

She laughed as he mentioned their intelligence, and she nodded in agreement. Yes! Not smart at all! she mused. Should I ... try and grab one? she asked, wanting to follow his lead.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn tilted his head. As far as I know, they don't. But they certainly like the meat from the deer hides.

And they did. They went crazy when he put deer hide in the water. Some would argue that thia was no mens work. But he cared less. He had always enjoyed treating and working his own furs. It felt more powerful when he traded. Could safely tell the ones trading the quality.

A nod. Mm yes. I always go for a little in front of the shadow if you can see it. And try not to take a breath when you dip your head in.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
I wonder if treating the hide a certain way would make them even easier to catch, she considered out loud. Like, if I were to minister the hide with a sedative ... Had that been done before? It could be helpful if it worked.

Ariadne listened to Rodyn's advice and nodded as she watched an average-sized shadow nibble at her toes. Alright, here goes nothing! she thought as she sucked in a breath, plunged her head into the water, and grabbed onto her target. To her surprise, it worked!

She pulled her head out of the water and clamped down on the fish, her eyes wide and her expression excited as she looked at him. I did it! she said, her voice muffled as she spoke around the fish.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He blinked and shifted. Head going low for a minute,but not in any type of way except unsureity. I don't know that is beyond my level of thinking. But it makes sense and it might help someone who isn't as mobile

His thoughts veered to their siser Kausiut, windering how she was.

He laughed and gave a soft shimmy. Good job.

He was pleased she had understood and made it work for her. And at night no less. No small feet. But he had found that the children of Sunman and Kukutux were all extraordinary.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne hadn't even thought about how her approach would help those with mobility challenges. Feeling even more determined to test her theory, she stated, I will have to try and make it work, and I'll let you know how it goes, with her tail looping behind her. 

She smiled at his praise, her tail still wagging as she tossed the fish ashore. Thank you—I have you to thank for the advice, she said. She was feeling awake and ready to catch some more fish. I can see why you do this when you can't sleep, she remarked. It's quite relaxing!
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded. I appreciate that. It would be nice to have that at our disposal if someone needs it.

He thought of towhee who couldn't hesr and her grandson who couldn't see. This would possibly even help them.

He laughed. It is. Though i am a bit bias. I often hunt when i am emotional happy, can't sleep. It calms me down. I love to hunt.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She nodded and said, I will come to you after I have tried it a few times. I was wanting to bring the children to the ocean to meet their cousins, and this seems like it would be the perfect opportunity to do so. 

Ariadne felt happy as Rodyn shared his love for hunting, and she smiled warmly at him. Hearing about people's passions always touched her heart, and listening to his explanation about hunting was particularly heartwarming. Do you have a favorite prey to hunt? she asked, encouraging him to elaborate.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded his head. Bear in mind. I'll be going on a trading joruney soon and hopefully get another large hunt set up before winter. If I'm not available Heph one of my good friends who is beta would listen eagerly.

A curl of toes into mud as he thought if all the things coming up.

He laughed then. Deer and Elk and Caribou. Anything ai can run fast against.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Oh! She hadn't been aware of his plans. That is good to know, I will look for Heph if you are gone. 

Curiously, and equally impressed, she asked, You are very busy! Where are you going to trade? Although she had embarrassed herself during the last hunt, she believed that organizing another one was a great idea. So, she offered, And if you need any help organizing the hunt ... let me know. I promise I will be on my best behavior this time. In her eyes, this was no joking matter, and she wanted to make sure he knew she was being serious.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled. Heph is a good wolf and she loves fishing and hunting near about as much as me. The knowledge will be good for her too.

He thought about it. I will retrace my steps from when i went on bride price journey. But I will also meet others that have become newly built. Akashingo, Brecheliant, there was a pack known as Mereo and Epoch but I don't know if they still stand.

He didn't hold it against her. She had been young and in heat. And sometimes you didn't always think.

He nodded. Well I can always use help in hunting or crafting for trade or if you want to trade. I would need messengers closer to time and help setting up the camps. Heph did most of the running last year. I would like to ease some of that from her.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne was delighted to be of help to both of them. She promised with a wag of her tail, "Even if you are there when I arrive, I will also meet Heph and share the information with her. 

Rodyn then described to her the destinations on his journey, leaving her amazed by the variety of places he would visit. Clearly impressed, she complimented, That is quite impressive! I am sure you will have a good time visiting all of those places. Some of the places were entirely unfamiliar to her! Is there a place you are most excited to visit? she asked. 

There seemed to be several things that she could do to contribute, and she nodded as she considered the list he'd given her. Feeling enough bandwidth to do so, she offered,  I will happily make furs, dry meats, and help spread the message when the time comes. Just let me know when to go, and when to have the fur and meat ready.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded. Good. Thank you.

He thought of Heph fondly. She was one of his dearest friends. He could not imagine life without her now. And he had met her on his bride price journey.

Rodyn had to think about it. You know i did enjoy the lower lands. So many meadows to hunt in and quiet rivers and streams. Epoch was beautiful. It was built in a small hidden vale. You hardly knew it was there.

I plan to begin hunting and trading in summer and I hope to be done by autumn. While I'm trading I'd like to invite to another big hunt like before. Just before winter hits us all. When the ground isn't yet frozen. That is the goal at least.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She had never seen the lowlands in person, but his words painted a beautiful picture of them, and she complimented it, It sounds lovely there. I have to make a visit eventually. Although she was keen on accompanying him and exploring his favorite location, she didn't want to intrude on his plans without his permission. She also didn't want to be the one to suggest the idea of her accompanying him. 

As he outlined his trading and hunting plan, she started thinking about what she could realistically achieve in the given time frame and realized she needed to start sooner rather than later. 

After outlining the timeline for the hunt, he received a nod of agreement from her as she commented, It'll be a more enjoyable time with softer ground and better weather. Also, they wouldn't run the risk of anyone going into season.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He chuckled. You are more than welcome to accompany me, Ariadne. Company is always better. For the whole time or only part. I don't mind. But I can get a bit one minded when hunting. You may just need to remind me to be less serious.

Rodyn had no doubt she could do it. She was a sinshine woman like her mother, her sisters. Who proved the impossible to him daily. Samani who had been so brave even as the darkness took her. Who had fought every inch of the darkness to have her children alive. Of moonwoman who pulled strings far and wide. Kept packs running smoothly and well. Sialuk, Callyope. The sunshine women were a breed apart. And he was honored to have them care for him.

He nodded. That is my hope. Smaller bulls too as most will be yearlings.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She became noticeably happier when he invited her to come along. Thank you, Rodyn! she said, placing a paw on his shoulder and giving it a friendly shake. And don't worry—I will make sure we have a good time! Plus, since I'm an anaa now, I have the best snacks, so I will bring those for us, too! Aya! They were about to have a great time on the road! 

I will not be able to join you for the entire time because of the children, but I will come along for as long as I can, she promised. 

It appeared that Rodyn had carefully considered the hunt, and she appreciated his commitment and preparation. I'm sure it will go great, she said.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He was surprised at her touch and shifted quickly so as to not overbalance himself or her. He chuckled at her delight.

I always like snacks.

He was a man who liked to eat. It was true. He wouldn't deny this.

I understand. Panuk and Rolayne may join me for a time too. So you can see how big they've grown.

A swift firm nod. With your help and the others helping me. It will go very well. I have faith.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Upon hearing his fondness for snacks, she released him and asked, Is there a specific kind you like? I'll make sure to have it ready for you and the boys as well. She was delighted to know that her nephews would also be joining them. 

She smiled as he spoke of his faith in the hunt, and she nodded in agreement. If it's anything like last time, it'll go amazing, she assured him.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,424 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Aa tilt of russet ear. Yellow eyes narrowed in thought. I havecgrown quite fond of fat and berries, but I also enjoy dried meat of any kind. I have a lot of dried fish at home.

He hoped it would go well as last time. There had been very few hiccups and they all had done their parts. Though in no small part to Heph and moonwoman. It felt different to spear head such things. But he would do his best to do as well as Heph had.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.