Ocean's Breath Plateau taġiuq
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Set on the 28th before Ariadne leaves.

Ariadne had put in hours of hard work overnight to help build up Moontide's caches, and her efforts were clearly visible in the results. She had captured six octopuses, which she arranged on a rock close to the shore to dry, along with two fish and two crabs— one of which had cut her lip. 

Despite feeling tired, she found satisfaction in the effort she had made. Even though she was tempted to continue hunting, she kept in mind @Rodyn's advice about avoiding exhaustion and respected it. As her time in Moontide drew to a close, she knew she had to conserve her energy for the journey back, the stop at Morningsong, and for her children upon reaching Moonglow. 

As she basked in the sun, her exhausted eyes watched the sea, wondering if the conditions were ideal for swimming.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had been busy himself. Pulling tradeable items from the stores. Arranging them to start the journey. Including what moonwoman had given him. He would need to gather somw things yet. But he felt confident in his plans and the work he had done. He had managed to catch a hare. And deposited it near Chakliux and co.

He was trotting along the ocean amd shore. When fiery pelt caught his eye. For briefest of moments he thought it were Samani, but quickly forced himself to return to the current state of things.

He greet Ariadne woth a smile and a low whuff. As he drew nearer
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
As Rodyn approached, he greeted her with a smile and a soft chuff, prompting her to turn her head and watch him come closer. Hello, Rodyn, she greeted with a smile as her tail swept across the sand. It is good to see your face—how are you? she asked.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He settled beside her with a soft exhale. Not realizing how truly tired he was. But it was alright.

He tilted an ear towards her. I'm well. I was gathering my trade items. Making sure they hadn't been ruined or broken. And figuring out the path. I will need to visit Moontide inbetween. Make sure all is okay. It will make for a longer journey, but i cannot let it fall apart. Not that it would without me of course.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
700 for you!

He appeared preoccupied with the trip, and she remarked, You have a lot going on. Is there anything I can do to help? Even though she had also been occupied, it paled in comparison to his workload.

I went hunting, filled up a cache, and now I'm drying some leg-fish in the sun, she gestured towards the rock with the octopuses. I figured they would make nice items to trade.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn shook his head. Not really. And it's not a lot not truly. We have everything done. Until we hunt while on the trip. I hunt for a few days then take a few days to clean furs or make things before next village. And you have already helped me quite a bit.

A lean and he nudged her shoulder. Thanks for all your help. You have been quite busy while here.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Rodyn seemed to have everything under control, and Ariadne nodded in reply and said, That sounds like a good plan. She hadn't been fully informed about their strategy before, but Rodyn's plan appeared to be the most sensible. She was certain that the furs could be prepared more quickly, but she chose not to mention it. Seeing her at work would be a delightful surprise for him, especially considering what she could achieve with limited time. 

Her heart skipped a beat when he nudged her, and she looked up at him with a grin. Oh, it is my pleasure, she replied genuinely. It has been a joy to be back here, helping out, and spending time with you. Her face started to flush as the words escaped her lips, and she prayed she hadn't been too forward! 

She quickly glanced at the ocean again, trying to divert his attention, and wondered, Do you think it's safe to swim in the water? He had promised to take her, after all!
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn always gave himself extra days for rest and because he wasn't as delicate as many. If he didn't take his time on the furs. He'd rip them or damage them. He had to be mindful of what he was doing.

A soft click in his throat. He was sure she meant nothing by her words. And he had enjoyed the last few days. But had he simply enjoyed her or had he enjoyed not being alone.

It was too soon to think too hard. He had enjoyed hinself plain and simple. The details would surface later.

I've enjoyed myself as well. Thank you.

He looked at the sea and watched carefully. We can for a few minutes before the tide returns. But before you dive in. Dip your head and make sure there are no fish bigger than you or me with dead eyes. They will attack you.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
He also showed his delight, causing her heart to skip a beat once more.

Before allowing herself to become overwhelmed by her new and perplexing emotions, she concentrated on his directions and gave a nod. The creature he depicted sounded scary, yet she made an effort not to succumb to her fear. Okay, she said as she pushed herself onto all fours and started to move towards shoreline. Let me see. 

Upon entering the water, she plunged her head in to find the creature with dead eyes. To ensure she didn't miss it the first time, she dunked her head again, double-checked, and confirmed that the area was safe. I do not see anything! she called out enthusiastically as she turned around.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn checked too. He didn't see any of the beast. He pulled his head streaming rubbing at the salt in his eyes.

It hurts but you gotta check.

He slipped into the water. And jumped into a wave with a small churr churr of laughter. Cresting it and breaking down into the water. Paddling back up to break the surface again and step into the land.

Be mindful of the waves and dont go out too far. You want to ride them into the shore not out. But not too close to shore it will hurt. he called out. Knowing she could hear but wanting to be sure
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
The salt's sting in her eyes was a discomfort she accepted for the sake of her safety. She got rid of the sensation by rubbing her eyes, then joined him as he entered the water. Yes, she agreed over the roar of the waves. I did not expect for the water to hurt!

He promptly rode a wave back to shore, leaving her a bit let down by his choice not to stay in the water, but she managed to hide her disappointment behind a smile. She listened as he instructed her from the beach, and she nodded and called back, Got it!

She was motivated to ride a wave like he had, and she took the first chance that she got. In contrast to Rodyn's familiarity with the ocean, Ariadne realized she was unprepared when it was too late. She let the current guide her to shore, only to be pulled beneath the surface and thrown around like a rag doll; just as he had warned, it was painful. 

After reaching the shore, she collapsed in a sopping heap, coughing as she expelled seawater from her throat and nose.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He frowned. I'm sorry I should have warned you. I didn't think about it until it was too late.

Rodyn wasn't planning on staying out. He just wanted to be sure he told her what to expect and what to do. If you weren't used to the water, especially the ocean it could bite you in the rear end eventually. He wanted to tell her what to do and then watch in case he was needed.

He was rather glad he did when she went under. His heart leapt to his throat, and he was running towards the ocean before he could even think about it. To lose another child of Moonwoman's near the ocean. Good lord. He was immediately fearful.

But she was soon there, coughing and hacking and he raced towards her side. Head pressed down to her shoulder. A muzzle press to her stomach.

Are you okay? You didn't get hurt did you? Can you breathe? The water needs all to come out or you'll get a heck of a tummy ache. I did this too my first swim. But are you sure you're okay?

Ernest expression, wary yellow eyes. He felt terrible.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
He wasted no time in reaching her side, asking questions and poking and prodding to ensure her safety. Initially, she had difficulty responding as her body was actively working to eliminate the extra water. The water forcefully exiting her nose and mouth caused her to feel lightheaded, but, somehow, she was able to keep her focus on him. 

After emptying her stomach, she lay on her side, her sides rising and falling in exertion. Slowly, she lifted her head, and smiled at him. 

I-I think I am okay, Rodyn, she panted, her eyes gleaming despite the plight she'd just gone through. Whew, what a ride, she remarked, suddenly seeing double as her head continued to spin. F-For some reason, there are two of you ... and now she didn't know which one to focus on.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn Knew she was probably uncomfortable with his constant poking and sniffing her over. But only when he was satisfied she was alright. Did he back up and give her the space she probably needed. Not the best choice obviously. He should have immediately given her space, but well.

A soft nod. That's because that tide will rip you right and upside and back down again. Make you dizzy. Add in the water and the lack of air. Light headed and seeing double. I'm sorry. I should have warned you a little better.

He stared at the ocean, but a brief smile. It is a rough ride, but it is a fun one.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
He stepped back and offered an explanation for her current distress, and she struggled to pay attention to what he was saying. Despite the overwhelming spinning sensation, she managed to grasp the main idea of what he said, and it made sense to her. She furrowed her brows in response to his apology, feeling it was unwarranted, and chuckled as she replied, No apologies necessary, Rodyn. I took a risk, and it didn't work out, and that is okay! She didn't fault him at all for what'd happened. Now that I know what to expect, I would like to try again ... but maybe not today. She needed time to recuperate, and it wouldn't be wise to try again now. I am sure it is more fun when you know what to expect! 

After a brief period, she began to recover, and with a shaky effort, she managed to stand on all fours. She stood there, bow-legged and uncertain, as another wave of dizziness caused her to stumble. She clumsily sidestepped, accidentally bumping into him. Oh! I am sorry! quickly speaking, she felt her face flush at their nearness once more. I guess I tried to stand again too quickly.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn watched her closely. A little unsure. Seawater was no joke and it would burn and sting for a while yet. He didn't like that for her, but it was what it was. You learned from things like this no matter how hard the lesson.

Though he felt perhaps Ariadne was receiving too many lessons of a harder nature lately. And he felt bad for her. He would try and see if he could help her making better choices come trading. Though she seemed to be learning and growing. He hoped the best for her.

He laughed then. I wouldn't expect you to try again today. We can whenever you want too. I'll make the time.

Rodyn used shoulder to block and quickly popped a paw to her leg to keep her balanced. Concern written in the plains of his face.

You alright?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne was doing her best to learn from the lessons that life had thrown at her recently—especially those concerning interpersonal relationships. She had been negligent in her behavior, causing damage to others, and was actively working on self-improvement and making peace with those she had hurt the most. 

Oh, I would like that very much! Maybe we could go fishing in the ocean, too! she suggested with a flick of her tail. 

When he held her and asked if she was alright, she hesitated. I ... think that I might need to go and rest, she said, already regretting the words as she said them. She wanted to spend more time with him, but she was in no condition to do so. Is there an empty ulaq nearby where I can nap?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had seen her growth with his own eyes. And he was proud of her. He hoped that Kigigpigak could grow as well. Treat this as a lesson too and that the children wouldn't be hurt or scarred too badly. IT seemed that they were both worrying after them. So Rodyn didn't worry too much.

He laughed and nodded. We can, but be warned this fish are alittle stronger than river fish. So we may have to double up on one.

He nodded. Yes there are quite a few. There are three by the tree line, one by my den and I believe one over by Chakliux.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
One positive aspect of her divorce was Kigipigak's attentiveness for his children. Despite the circumstances, he did his best and she appreciated his care. The children were cherished by both parents, and she prayed they sensed that love. 

That is fine with me, she answered in regard to teaming up for fishing. It will be a fun challenge! I am excited. Then, she wondered, Are the ocean fish bigger? Is that why they are stronger? Her growing interest in marine life was bringing her a sense of joy that took her by surprise. While she had never been particularly interested in hunting, she started to enjoy the sport more as she took the time to discover her own preferences. 

He mentioned a handful of locations, and she asked, Which one is closest? I am not sure that I can go very far ... and then, right on cue, she sank down onto her haunches and hung her head, feeling the sting of saltwater in her eyes, nose, and throat as she coughed.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't ask for details. And he didn't need to know the details. What he did know for sure was that wiggle room was needed by all parties. And some grace.

Excitement. It lit a fire in his chest and head. He liked it when other's loved hunting as much as him. Fishing was not his favorite, but that didn't mean he didn't relish it, live on the challenge. Enjoy it. They are much bigger. Some are too big and we won't even try to go after them. I don't know if it is because the ocean itself is so big or what.

HE had to do some figured. His or Chakliux's were even keel. So he nodded. Either the one near mine or Chakliux will do you well. Would you like silence to rest or noise? Because near Chakliux you also have the girls, and the children.

A smile lit up his face. He knew Marina and Tullik would take good care of her if that was where she went.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
The concept of catching a fish bigger than a freshwater one seemed hard to believe, considering she had come across some sizable fish. She looked at him, amazed by the concept, as a grin grew on her lips. Oh, wow, she marveled, funneling all of her energy into her excitement. This is going to be so much fun! Then, considering his thought, she guessed, Maybe they are bigger because they have more room to grow? Rivers and lakes had their limitations, while the ocean appeared to stretch endlessly.

Contemplating his question, she recognized that while silence and being near his den had its appeal, she was more at home with the noise her children made. I am fine with the noise, she responded, raising her head to meet his eyes, It would be a comforting reminder of home and my children.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had seen some very large fish in streams and rivers too. But he had seen monsters in the ocean. Monsters with dead eyes and sharp teeth. But also some that were almost comical. And many with pretty colors. Though he tried to stay away from brighter things. They usually carried a sting or a poison on them.

Perhaps. I have seen fish twice the size of it's brethren in lakes versus rivers. So it stands to reason.

He nodded. I will take you then. And remind Chakliux though he should keep an eye on you to let you rest and not badger you with ceaseless talking.

He said it in jest. He didn't mind the hunter man, and he knew that he would take good care of the moon girl.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Chakliux was a man of great kindness and generosity, always ready to engage in conversation. While it wasn't exactly a bad thing, she couldn't help but chuckle at the jest. I will be sure to remind him, she assured, despite her difficulty in resisting his conversation. 

She got up slowly, then turned to Rodyn and wagged her tail, signaling her readiness to head off towards the den. Thank you, by the way, she said as they started walking, her legs shaking and her gait unsteady. For everything—I have really enjoyed myself during my visit here.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had known how Chakliux had started in this place. He had known how he had been struck from Moonglow. But Rodyn had chosen to give him a second chance and the man had not disappointed. And he had grown more mature in his ways since then.

Rodyn made sure to stick to her side. For if she should be too shaky he would be there to help. But she seemed to get her sea legs so to speak and she wasn't having too much of a problem time.

You're welcome. I have enjoyed myself too. It has been some time since I simply had fun.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
With each step, she became stronger, but the tiredness and stinging from the salt continued to affect her. From time to time, she would take a break to rub her nose or eyes before proceeding with their casual stroll. 

She was delighted to hear that he'd had fun, too, and her tail wagged as she said, Well, there will be more fun for us to have on the trading trip. She intended to keep things enjoyable and lighthearted as she had promised. And snacks. Many snacks.