Moonspear Don't you think you should take it a little easy on all the nitrates?
the bonecracker
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Master Guardian
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Master Warrior
She nodded toward the wolf she recognized, and looked over the wolf she did not, though her gaze was never critical, only interested.
Hydra heard his words and thought on his word choice, as she was wont to do only with those she favored. She knew her fathers decision on him, that he would stay until he repaid his debt. He did not explain as much, and when Towhee's gaze panned to her, Hydra spoke: he's been asked to stay and contribute some, prior to his departure, she explained. She thought that was fair, given the resources and food utilized on his behalf, but after that he was a free bird. Still, she was thoughtful. Truth be told, Hydra was tired of loyalty that did not want to be given. She did not think Gannet was such a way, and knew he was committed to his choice and decision, but she decided then and there that it was not something she would force. If Gannet decided to leave, her father would have to understand: half-assed loyalty was simply unacceptable. They'd give no wolves quarter anymore when it came to transgressions against them, and they'd spare no weaklings mowed over by strangers because, well, what business was it of theirs? They probably deserved it.

Hydra licked her chops and glanced toward Gannet. I know you chose to stay, Gannet, but if you want to go home right now, you have three able wolves who can take you, Hydra did not forget his promise to her, and a large part of her held on to that—but she could not deny him this choice. If he did not want to be here, his loyalty would never really be to them; Moonspear could not afford that any longer. Hydra wanted her friends to be true and real and hers by (their) choice. Rannoch had been fake, Wraen, too. Terance had probably only been her friend due to her uncanny resemblance to his first love, Lyra, an utterly selfish motive. Liffey had always been a selfish parasite too absorbed with her host to ever think of anything but herself.

Towhee was her trusted friend without borders, though they were not packmates (to her great annoyance). The greatly selfish part of her wanted Gannet to stay, not just due to a promise but due to what he wanted. And if he did not want to be here now, he likely never would.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal