Stavanger Bay I can tell you this ain't workin' out for anyone
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Ooc — xynien
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Dated 07/05, tag for reference. I was going to try to thread this one out but I just can't right now <3 Just let me know if anything should be changed!
She'd gone to @Bridget, intending to discuss the ways she had improved and the ways she had worsened. But it was obvious. Anyone who looked at her could see that Reverie was still weakening, still withering; still fading away more with every day that passed. She could hardly keep track of the time anymore. How long had she been sick, now?
It felt like forever.
And it had all come spilling out then, all over again: the hopelessness, the exhaustion, the bitterness. It was all too much, but this was a burden Reverie could not shake, one that would stick to her and burn always. This was her life; this was her.
In the end, she told Bridget that she would not continue treatment. Reverie was done trying. She was tired. Whether the healer stayed to watch what would follow or went on her way, Reverie was unbothered. She liked Bridget, but it wouldn't make a difference. All she wanted was to sleep.
So she slept.