The Floodlands But I don’t get out much these days
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
This way and that way the moose had wandered, leaving behind a clear set of tracks in the snow, making it a simple task for Niamh to track it down. It’d moseyed past their claimed lands and to the West, toward the Floodplains; neutral territory. She could see it in the distance, but it hadn’t taken note of her. But even from afar, she could tell something was wrong with its pelt. 

The moose was almost absolutely covered in ticks, and it was lethargic and vague in its movements and didn’t seem to care that a wolf lingered not too far away. She licked her lips- but needed to consult someone who’d know whether it was even safe to eat before she did anything. And as she’d told @Colt, she was eager to go for a hunt with @Eljay and @Wildfire. She wanted to prove to them that she was a provider, and that Colt was too- and that they would make good parents. She could only hope she could keep on their good side as she called out for all three of them.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
When Eljay heard the call, he was first afraid that there was something wrong with Niamh. Worry etched his face but soon after he realised that there was no urgency in her voice. That left him a little confused, but Eljay decided to head on down there. He was coincidentally not with Wiffle for a change, having bid her farewell earlier to do some hunting for the babies (well, and Wiffle herself, of course).

Eljay hadn't caught anything yet and he approached Niamh, being first to arrive out of those she'd called. Hiya Niamh, what's up? he asked in a friendly manner, and waited to hear what she needed from him, still rather at a loss.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Colt had been expecting the call, and had told Wildfire to be expecting it too (if that bts assumption is ok).  He knew Niamh had a hunt planned for them and was excited by the prospect, mostly because he loved a good hunt.  Especially moose.  The things were fuckin tanks and hard as hell to take down, so naturally, he had a soft spot for them.

He showed up shortly after Eljay and gave his nephew a friendly bump.  Ready for an exciting hunt with your uncle? he asked with a smile, then turned to greet Niamh.  How's it looking?
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
While Niamh knew that Eljay didn’t have the personality of a warrior, she figured he’d have to be a half decent hunter- especially now, that he was going to be a Dad. He was the first to arrive and she greeted him with a gruff, affectionate chuff and bumped her muzzle amicably against his shoulder. ”Got moose on the menu. Wildfire wanted for the four of us to hunt together, and I figured that a moose would be a good dinner.” She said, looking past Eljay as Colt strolled up. As per usual, he made her brighten up, and she rumbled an affectionate greeting to him, nuzzling her muzzle into the fur of his shoulder. 

His comment made her laugh, and momentarily, she forgot how they were related and asked, with a chortle, ”Uncle?” Until she remembered. Right. Finley was Eljay’s mom, and she was Colt’s sister. Still, Niamh believed Colt was younger than Finley, but then again, she also underestimated how old Eljay was. ”Right. Stupid me.” She said, by way of an awkward apology for forgetting their relationship. ”Well, moose- but it ain’t well. I think it’s covered in ticks, and is pretty weak. Is that gonna make it unhealthy to hunt?” She asked. Of course, she still had every intention of waiting for Wildfire- but as someone who knew ailments, she figured it was best to run the situation by Eljay first before they got their hopes up.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
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Master Ranger
Wildfire didn't feel very well today. She had nearly tossed her breakfast, though she'd managed to keep it down. Still, a vague queasiness lingered, as well as a general feeling of malaise. She knew it was likely due to the pregnancy, though she also knew the recent bad news hadn't helped. She had moved on long ago, yet the news of Thuringwethil's passing still struck her down like a heavy blow.

She didn't want to subject Eljay to her melancholy—it just felt inappropriate—so she went off on her own rather than seek the comfort of companionship. She considered paying a visit to Raven, then decided against it; she didn't feel up to the trip. Wildfire ended up moseying around the copse, stopping at a puddle to take a long drink to help settle her stomach.

She was sitting there, staring into space, when the call rose up in the air. Wildfire didn't react immediately, other than to owlishly blink her chestnut eyes. She wasn't hungry and didn't want to hunt, especially not in her condition, but she'd told Colt and Niamh that she wanted to get together. Well, she'd have to sit on the sidelines, but she could show up, at the very least.

The Sovereign was the last to arrive for the impromptu rendezvous. She sidled over to Eljay, slipping her charcoal-dusted snout beneath his chin, then looked over at the other pair. "Hey guys. I'm not feeling too well today but I didn't want to leave you hanging," she offered apologetically.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Uncle Colt was the one to answer his question first. Eljay smiled as he found out that it was a hunt they were going for and nothing bad, or nothing. He admittedly felt a little relieved at that, and he knew he was good enough at hunting to pull that one off, so didn't worry. Wiffle showed up last, and Eljay frowned in worry as she said she wasn't feeling well. Is it the babies? he asked, then added: Sorry, I mean -- You should be careful, maybe... He glanced at Niamh and Colt, wondering if a hunt was the best idea for Wiffle, but deciding to leave it up to her ultimately.

Niamh had asked about the moose, Eljay realised then. He wasn't entirely sure as it depended a lot on how unhealthy it was, exactly. If it's sick with something like a parasite it could be bad, but I don't think ticks or it being weak will matter as much. So much for his expert hunter slash caregiver opinion.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Colt was gratified when Eljay seemed excited by the prospect. He had a low key desire to be closer than he was to Fin's kids, but unsure how to do so, he simply made time for them when he could and tried to be there when they needed it.  There was a time when he'd been closer to Clover (after saving her from who knew what) and Tegan, but kids grew up and they didn't seem to much need advice anymore.

Wildfire showed up and Colt felt a little concern too.  If you aren't feeling it, I think we can handle it.  Just be careful you don't let any of the buggers hop on you, he said, directing that comment at Niamh with a playful nudge to her cheek.  Tics could cause problems, on a serious note.  And on a less serious note, they shared a sleeping space, and he wasn't thrilled at the idea of bringing any bugs with them.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Wildfire- looking a bit tired and a bit more slow than usual, joined them and gave them a perfectly good excuse as to why she might not participate- and like the others, Niamh was quick to agree that she ought to sit this one out. No sense in jeopardizing her health and the health of her kids. From the look of the moose that Niamh had seen anyway, it was already on its way toward death, tottering along on weakened long, gangly legs. Its head hung down and its eyes had looked dull. The ticks that seemed to line its pelt like brown pearls had assumably drained some large volume of blood from it- enough to make it so frail and sickly. Though ticks were bothersome, they were also bulging and easy to see, unlike little ticks that had yet to feed. Something told Niamh that this was going to be one of the easiest hunts she'd ever taken part in. 

But she wanted Eljay's advice first. She didn't know if ticks would pass on a disease through the blood of an animal they'd been eating, but he seemed to give it the go-ahead. "I think it's just drained, honestly. It's covered." She said. Nothing like anything she'd ever seen before, but she nodded to Wildfire. "If you just wanna tail along an' supervise, we should honestly be able to talk this guy down no problem. Not a very fun hunt, but sometimes it's nice to have something served without a struggle," She said. So Wildfire wouldn't be missing out on something thrilling, and Niamh gestured that they close in on the moose, so that the others could get a good look at it too. 

When the moose came into view, it was standing still, head down. It still had a good amount of muscle to its legs and body, but it looked quite thin otherwise, its fat reserves drained. With its head low, it might've at first appeared as though it was looking for foor, any little bit of herb growing up past the snow- but it wasn't. It was simply standing, and looked like it would lie down any instant. She looked to the others and shrugged. She wasn't sure what to think of the creature that had been weakened by something so small- but at the same time, it was almost like getting a free meal.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
All three of her companions expressed concern and sympathy; there was no sign of annoyance or even disappointment. Wildfire shot them a grateful smile and shook her head lightly at Eljay's question. "Nah, it's not the babies' fault," she fibbed with a crooked smile. "In any case, I'll be fine. I'm just a bit queasy, that's all."

They seemed fairly confident that they could handle the moose among the three of them. When Niamh suggested that Wildfire supervise, she smiled. Despite her condition, her chestnut eyes laughed a little at the term. They were certainly capable hunters and didn't need the Sovereign's supervision at all, though she understood the sentiment and agreed, "Sure, I'll definitely spectate from the sidelines."

Niamh gestured for the other three to follow. Wildfire waited for Colt and Eljay to trot after her, then brought up the rear. If she'd had any reservations about a triad attempting to hunt a moose, they disappeared at the sight of the sickly creature. They would be putting it out of its misery; there would be no real struggle here.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
When Wiffle eventually agreed that she'd sit this one out, Eljay breathed an audible breath of relief. He hadn't realised up until then that he'd been holding his breath. He was glad to hear they were okay, and that she was just nauseous. Hopefully it'd stay at that. Take care, he unnecessarily reiterated and awkwardly nuzzled Wiffle's face before he looked at Niamh and Colt for further instructions on the hunt.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Wildfire agreed to sit it out and watch, which wouldn't be a problem Colt figured as soon as he set eyes on the moose.  Niamh wasn't kidding - this thing was on its last legs.  Kinda sad.

You think it will even run? He asked quietly, taking a few paces forward.

It wouldn't likely be hard, but a cornered animal could always be dangerous.  They should proceed carefully, and he watched Niamh.  This was her show, and he'd follow her lead.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
For reference (though it's grim) I got the idea from the occurrance of winter ticks which can actually drain and incapacitate a moose over time.

Niamh regarded the creature as it remained more or less motionless, only turning its head when it finally caught wind of the predators nearby. Its eyes were sad and tired, the mark of a creature who had no energy to fight for its life, but just enough energy to feel the remorse for its own impending doom. Colt questioned the creature's ability to flee, and Niamh shrugged. "I doubt it." The moose didn't appear to be too old- maybe four or five years old at best- but it was too hard to tell in its anemic state. Patches of its fur had thinned out, revealing whiteish skin which from a distance appeared bumpy from the amount of ticks clinging to it. 

"I don't think this'll be tough. How 'bout Eljay and I split up and keep it more or less immobilized- a hard stare ought to do it with this fella- an' Colt you can go in for the kill?" She asked. "I'll be right there if he does find some energy," She said, glancing over as the moose began to slowly amble away from the predators at a swaying, slow walk. It faltered as it dragged its large hooves through the thin layer of snow, its toes catching on a slender stick and causing it to stumble slightly. "Yeh, let's just put this guy out of his misery." She said, flicking her ears forward, and if her companions agreed to their roles, she'd move forward into a trot, watching the moose for any unlikely sudden reactions.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Colt wondered if it'd even run in its present state and Eljay listened to Niamh's suggestion of the hunt. He nodded at the suggestions and said, Let's go then. Though waited for Niamh to lead the way in their role, then following her.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
light pp to help move the scene <3 msg if it needs edited

The plan seemed sound, though it surprised him that Niamh would give the kill to him rather than taking it herself. He appreciated the trust.

He jogged forward alongside both of them, but broke off as they circled to test the waters. As they closed in, he'd remain back a pace, watching the moose's reactions. If it began to react wildly, they may need to harry it more. If it seemed slow, or sluggish, he'd dart in among them and take the kill, either tearing the throat or clamping it to suffocate the poor creature.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
With Wildfire hanging back and the moose sluggishly making its way away from them, Niamh closed in, watching for Colt's movements, and keeping track of Eljay in her peripheral vision, as the two of them would need to work together to keep the moose from bolting- if it even could. While it sensed the danger, or seemed to, it seemed incapable of moving away from them at any pace, so Niamh let ouy a shrill bark, just to test the waters and see if it would spook. They were close enough now that even if it did spook, they'd be able to catch up. The moose flicked an ear in their direction and rolled one weary eye their way, but did not hasten its pace. 

That was enough for Niamh. She pressed forward, coming up along one side of it and snapped at one of its hind legs. A long second later, it kicked out, its movement slow and clumsy. "Go for it, Colt," She said, assuredly. She was certain they could bring it down- and a bit disappointed their hunt would be so easy.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay made sure to move on opposite side of Niamh to keep the animal in place. In contrary to what might make sense to think, Eljay was actually pretty good at this; he wasn't all too bad when he knew exactly what was expected of him and, being a wolf and having terribly messed up a pack hunt in his childhood, Eljay had hunted often in groups and had grown quite good at it. He felt anxious as they closed in, eager to do his best and always feeling that his best was not quite good enough, but in this case their prey wasn't all that hard, which helped.

The moose's movements were quite slow so Eljay managed to easily avoid the kicks. He stayed at a safe distance, on the other side of the animal than Niamh, and focussed on his task of keeping it in place 'til Colt would manage to get it.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It was about time to put the poor creature out of its misery.  It didn't make a single move as Niamh or Eljay went closer, not when Niamh barked.  By the time she urged him on, he was already leveling to sprint.

Despite the ticks, the moose was still a beefy animal.  Colt lunges for the throat and latched on without issue, but it wasn't a one and done thing quite yet.  Finally the poor thing let out a bellow and jerked, but Colt was already adjusting his grip into a vice, twisting his head so that they could hopefully sever and end this.

I hope those things are happy on him, he thought as he caught sight of a clump of ticks out of the corner of his eye, hanging there.  As he thought this, he gave a final last jerk of his head and finally, the warm rush of the end.  The moose's knees finally buckled and Colt let go, twisting back to avoid it as it fell.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Fortune, it seemed, was on their side that day. She and Eljay managed to keep the beast in one place, flanking it on either side, but Niamh kept Colt in her peripheral vision, so she could continue to keep the moose from side-stepping while her man went for the kill. The little bit of life the moose had left wasn’t enough to help it get away from the hungry wolves, and warm blood spattered down Colt’s front as he tore loose a section of the moose’s throat. 

There wasn’t anything left to do then, as the moose would easily die on its own without being able to stagger far away from them. In the meantime, Niamh gave a bark to Wildfire to invite her over and she moved to Colt’s side, licking his bloodstained cheek. Giddy with delight at the prospect of a large meal, she whispered in his ear something more or less borrowed from one of the silliest country tunes. ”Later, we’re gonna have to check each other for ticks.” She said playfully, and licked the bridge of his nose. She watched as the moose slowly sank to its knees, and then flopped onto its side. She gave Eljay a wink and an appreciative nod. ”Dinner time!” She said, gesturing for he two higher ranked wolves to eat first. Meanwhile, she set about helping Colt get himself clean as an appetizer.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
It didn't take long for Uncle Colt to take down the moose. Eljay watched as the tick-riddled beast fell down to the earth. Pretty much at the same time as Niamh he woofed for @Wildfire, then chuckled awkwardly at Niamh at the realisation they'd both called for her to come and eat at the same time. Well done, everyone, he applauded the hunting team, giving a fond smile to Uncle Colt specifically who had made the kill. Eljay waited for Wiffle to get there before he started eating.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
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Master Ranger
She silently observed as her three comrades took down the moose, making it appear fairly effortless. Wildfire couldn't help but admire Niamh in particular—at least, her eyes usually followed the towheaded Tradesman—but if asked why, she wouldn't be able to provide any specific reason. In any case, the whole endeavor didn't take long. They called for her and she stepped forward, debating whether she would actually eat or welcome them to go first. Her stomach was still troubling her.

When she approached the kill, the sight of the swarming ticks affected her more than she might have anticipated. She recoiled and, though she tried to slap her mouth shut, nothing could stop the fount of vomit that filled her throat. Wildfire spun away from her companions as she retched. It was over in a moment, leaving her with a slightly more settled stomach and a sour taste in her mouth.

"I'm sorry," the Sovereign said, shooting everyone an apologetic glance. "You guys eat. I'm just going to step over here and rest," Wildfire added, avoiding looking at the infested corpse as she sought a patch of shade beneath a nearby tree and dropped unceremoniously to the dirt.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, please, he replied with feeling, distaste wrinkling his nose at the thought of those on him.  He let her help clean the blood off, and lowered his own chin to get some off his chest as well.  

He too had assumed that the lead pair would eat first, but seemed Wildfire might need to wait.  He didn't blame her.... it wasn't the most appetizing it sights.

Once we get them off, won't know the difference, he said, smiling and moving between the moose and the nauseous expecting mother.  Picking a spot carefully, devoid of most of the insects, he began to work at getting the hide off.  If he could get a swatch away, they could begin to harvest the meat underneath, and all of them would have to deal with as little contact as possible.

prob last for me if we want to wrap it up!
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Last for me too :)

Niamh chuckled at Colt’s reply and turned her head as Wildfire approached. To Niamh, the ticks weren’t too much of an issue. She, of course, had no idea that they could cause harm beyond just sucking blood- well, with the exception of the harm they’d obviously caused the moose. Wildfire seemed to pale a bit in expression, and turned swiftly to vomit. Niamh winced lightly, not knowing if she was so disgusted by the moose, or if this was a continuation of her earlier queasiness. 

”We’ll get the hide off it,” She offered, as Colt began to do so. There wasn’t much to the moose under its thick, tick infested pelt, but enough for all four- plus however many kids Wildfire was carrying- to eat once they were done.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Wiffle didn't seem hungry, and only after a few moments did Eljay realise it was because of the ticks and the blood. Oh! Well, he supposed he understood. He'd not been queasy about this sort of stuff himself often, but he agreed with the ideas of Colt and Niamh. Yeah, we'll -- we can strip a piece. He smiled at Wiffle as she moved away to rest, and then got to work, intent on getting his pregnant mate a good piece before he ate anything himself.

this seems like a good place to wrap it up! :)