Sheepeater Cliff You can be chrome when you're wise
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
All welcome!!  She is optionally contagious <3

Maia was pretty sure she was dying. In the most melodramatic and non-meladramatic sense possible.  She'd dropped an alarming amount of weight, physically speaking, but her problems at the moment were that everything hurt, she was starving but couldn't keep anything down, and she was completely out of it mentally.  This last point only slightly dawned on her because she just felt off, like she was firing on maybe half a cylinder.  The extent of it was hard for her fevered mind to grasp, and as she weaved her way slowly and sluggishly through the wilds, she at least tried to scavange what she could.  She wasn't about to give up that easily.

Luckily her mom had found her, and she had greeted her enthusiastically when she appeared, grateful to see someone who might be able to help.  But - fun fact - Osprey wasn't actually in the Teekon Wilds.  Anywhere near here.  Still, Maia jabbered away at her, delirious to the fact that the wolf she was currently speaking to definitely was in her own head.

"I went to find Terence and Wraen and they weren't there, but now I'm here and I don't know where to go but I think the ocean did something wierd to me.  Mom, did you have the new pups yet? Are they awesome?"  She sat down, then slowly sank to lying, unbothered by Osprey's lack of response.  She was so freakin tired.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen had returned to the Sheepeater cliffs to scout the terrain and learn more about the smart and agile ungulates that inhabited this part of the mountains. Though she had had a good beating the last time she had attempted to hunt them, the fact that food source was prancing around just below her pack's noses and they did not have the wit or skill to take them down, did not sit well with her. Therefore the effort. 

After a few hours work and with a chipmunk (it had literally jumped in her jaws) as a prize she came down from the cliffs and was about to turn and head for Sunspire, but she noticed a lying form of a wolf not too far off. Curious and worried that it might be hurt (or worse - dead) - she approached it carefully, stopped at a comfortable distance, put down the prey and spoke to the lying wolf: "Are you still alive?"
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I figure she'd recognize her prev babysitter :D

She dozed restlessly, but woke up when someone asked if she was still alive.  Was she?

"Maybe," she groaned, not much feeling like getting up but turning her head to at least get a look at who was there.  She didn't start at the attempt; she was wondering if she wouldn't be better off if some stranger just offed her for trespassing or something like that.

At first she didn't recognize her... but then her eyes narrowed as she squinted with recognition.  "Wait... Wraen?  Did mom get you?"  Osprey wasn't around at the moment, so maybe she had?  She was too surprised by her sister's appearance to give much of a reaction otherwise... normally the greeting would have required a tremendous charge and tacklehug but that was kinda off the table at the moment.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen had last seen Maia, when she had been just a wee puppy, therefore now that she had grown up and had exceeded her former babysitter in size and build, it was no wonder that she did not recognize her right away. 

"That is jolly good," she replied and before the other had said the fateful words, she managed to interject, "dying is forbidden in these parts, just so you know." She chuckled at her own joke and wondered, what should she do with the wolf now, since it didn't look well at all. 

However, her next words caught her off guard - she took a step back and eyed the sick wolf warily. Did she know her? Was she feverish? Mad? "I will happily answer to all your questions, but we have to get you out from the open - there is rain coming our way."
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia's feverish mind didn't even register that her sister was speaking to her as if a stranger; if it had, she might have clarified, introduced herself.  As it was, she wrinkled her nose at the idea of moving.  She was very comfortable where she was, thanks a lot.

"'m good," she said, a combination of laziness and her legs feeling like aching rocks talking.  Besides, a nice cold rain sounded good.  Yeah. "D'you live here?"
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
The girl did not seem like she wanted to move at all and, Wraen, who was not strong enough to lift this boulder of a wolf herself, sighed in defeat and sat down next to her. She cast a wary glance at the sky and the dark clouds that were gathering at the horizon and decided that they might have just enough time to chat a little, before asking - no - demandind the other wolf to get up and go somewhere safer. 

"I live here and a couple of others," she replied. "How did you come here?"
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Wraen didn't push the issue, which was good.  Instead she changed the subject, which was fine too.  It took her a minute to reply, but she sorted it out.

"I was looking for you."  She said, "but you weren't where they said you'd be."  She forgot about Terance for the moment (sorry bro).  He had too been her objective, but he'd been gone so long she barely remembered him outside of stories.

"Lucky mom..." she began, but then stopped as a moment of clarity swept over her. Had she really seen mom? That was impossible.... when she had left, mom was super preggo.  If she wasn't real... was Wraen even really here?

"What's happening to me," she whimpered softly, finally struggling to her feet to take a step back from her sister.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
How should a person react, if they find out that a stranger not only knows you by name, but also admits that she has been looking for you? Wraen had no idea, therefore she turned her head away to collect some thoughts for the most proper answer. Then a very simple solution occurred to her and she faced the girl, who seemed a lot more confused (and unwell) as she was, and asked: "If you tell me your name, I might be able to help you."
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Her head and heart were both pounding as she stared at Wraen, trying to decide if she was real or imaginary.  Or maybe this wasn't her sister at all.  It had been a long time, and while Maia had thought she'd recognize her awesome babysitter anywhere, maybe she was mistaken.  Something that was emphasized when she asked her name.

"Maia," she responded, sitting heavily as she did so.  "Are you Wraen?"  If she was wrong, she didn't know what she'd do.  All of the enthusiasm left her at the thought that she wasn't there yet.  Maybe it was time to turn tail for home.  She was obviously never going to find them, and she'd failed pretty hard at the taking care of herself thing.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
When it came to recognizing your younger siblings, who weren't fluffy potatoes with sharp teeth and button eyes anymore, she was very slow. And, when the she-wolf revealed her identity, the unsuspecting sister could have pounded herself on the head for her ignorance. 

"You?" she asked incredulously, taking now a very good look at the other's face and recognizing, if not Maia herself, then her father's features. "How the hell did you come this far?" she asked, still having a hard time to believe that her younger sister was here. "It has been ages... you have grown up so much..."
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It was Wraen, thank goodness.  Or at least, Maia assumed, though no yes was answered.  She asked a lot of questions (yes one is a lot right now) and Maia wasn't feelin an interrogation, but her tail did beat the ground behind her some, and she did smile.  Alright, she supppoooosed she could answer a little.

"I walked," she said, "found the ocean, but then I started feelin real bad.  And I didn't find you guys at the moon place or redbird place.  Mom and dad only gave me those."  Her stomach gave another roll, but she luckily (or unluckily) didn't have anything in it.  She slid down to a sphinx pose to try and help.  "This is the worst."
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen shuddered, when Maia mentioned visiting "moon place" - her sibling might not realize, how lucky she was that she was standing here now. Though she did not believe that either Charon or Amekaze would take any actions against an innocent, she was not so sure about Cerberus. They had proven to have a very complex understanding of loyalty and revenge. 

"Did you eat something by the ocean, that you should not have?" she asked, feeling a little worried. Because if Maia was seriously sick, then Sunspire had no competent person, who could help her. Plus, there was the risk of safety. What if she was contagious? "How long have you been like this?"
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia didn't notice her sister's reaction to her mentioning Moonspear.  Her encounter there had been entirely pleasant, surprisingly, though maybe that would have been different had Charon showed up.

How long had it been? "No," she responded, thinking back.  "Uh, couple weeks, I think?"  That seemed short, but lately days had stretched endlessly, so she couldn't say for sure.  She didn't remember parts of the past few days either, which was scarier still.  "I just met a couple..." wait.  The one guy.

She abruptly turned away from Wraen and tucked her nose into her side.  "You should go," she said, though her muffled voice was small as she did.  Her selfish side, the one that wanted her big sister there, battled and lost to the one that knew she might have caught this from that mangy guy in the cave.  She wasn't about to risk that.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
You are not planning to kill her with mange?

"A couple of what?" Wraen asked, keen to find out, who or what had done this to her sister. She would have no way to retaliate, but she would at least have a clearer idea of, what to do and, how to help her. 

"Don't be stupid, just answer the questions," she barked at her more sharply that she had intended. Now that Maia was here, she was Wraen's responsibility and she was not letting her younger sibling out of sight or to waste out in the wilds for that matter. "Please - we will figure out then, what to do," she added in a softer tone, seeking Maia's gaze with her own.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
hahaha awww nah, she's got some kinda fever, I've been doing rolls to see what happens.  Gotta get myself attached before I do that <3 :D

Wraen didn't listen and the teenager felt a little miffed, despite her relief, that her noble intentions had been so quickly disposed of.  She lifted her head briefly. "There was a guy in a cave.  Maybe.  I don't think he was ok."  It was hard to remember specifics right now, but she remembered skidaddling out of there pretty fast.  "I don't wanna give you it."  She'd just found her, finally, but even Maia knew hanging around someone sick was bad news.  She wasn't sure what she would do if Wraen did leave, but she'd made it this far, right?  It didn't even sound all that convincing to herself, but it helped a little.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"What the hell were you doing with a guy in a cave?" Wraen was momentarly more concerned about her sister's virtue than the fact that she had some sort of mystery illness about her. She hoped that Maia had got the good sense of not getting too engaged, because having a fourth pregnant wolf in the ranks? 

"Don't worry about me - if need be, I can wait out with you, until you are better," she told her again in a softer tone, noting that she was a little too bipolar in her dialogue. "I am away from Sunspire half the time anyway," she said. "Come - let's find you a shelter here and I will find someone, who can have an expert look at you and understand, what is wrong."
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia's nose wrinkled at the insinuation... she didn't catch it immediately, but when she did, major ugh.  "Not like that," she exclaimed, for a minute sounding like her normal self.  "He was gross, it was storming and I didn't know when I went in.  I didn't stick around long."  

She didn't want to argue, so she didn't.  Relief flooded over her as she realized she didn't have to do it alone anymore, and she hadn't realized how frightened she'd been of Wraen agreeing and leaving before she refused. "Thanks," she said, choking up a bit despite not wanting to show it. "I'm really glad I found you."

She felt slightly dizzy as she stood, but stayed up, ready now to follow.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen eyed Maia warily, as she got up to her feet and seemed quite unsteady, but there was no other choice. Her little sister was too big for the older sibling to drag her or be of any aid to her. And Sunspire was too far away to yell for someone to come and help them. 

"Take everything you have got," she tried to encourage her. "I know a good place, where you will be able to rest safely for as long as you need it, but you have to focus and get there first. Follow me," she then turned and led the way.

At a slow pace, keeping in check that her sister was not far behind and deciding that - perhaps - having the conversation going would be the best choice to drive Maia's mind away from, how bad she felt. "I live in Sunspire - that's the name of the pack. And Terance is there too - he is one of the leaders, by the way," she told. 

"What about home? How is everyone doing?"
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was drifting when Wraen spoke again, and it took her a minute to register that she'd asked her a question.  Back home?  How was... oh.  Right.

"Good.  Mom's having more kids soon.  Or maybe already."  She didn't quite remember the timing on it.  "She seemed tired still, but happy.  Sarah took over leading for her."  There was clear admiration in Wraen's tone when she talked about her second older sister... Maia had pretty well idolized her when she was back home.  Cool older sister always down for anything, even if she could be pushy sometimes.  She didn't remember if Wraen was still there when Sarah stepped up or not, it had been a while.  "Dad's the same, pretty much."  He didn't change much from what she could tell, though he was getting older, same as mom.  To her they were both ageless, timeless.

The talking definitely was helping, so she kept going.  It kept her focused, stopped her mind from drifting away with the fever.  "Terance is a leader? I don't remember him much".  She was honestly a little nervous to meet him again.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"More siblings - that is wonderful," Wraen's face lit up thinking about the new batch of fluffy potatoes and regretted that she could not be there to see them for herself. She had no doubt that they would turn out to be just as amazing as the second batch. Or the first for that matter. 

Hearing that Sarah had stepped up was not such a surprise - Wraen had known that her sister was cut for the job and there had been a talk about it right before she had left as well. 

"If that makes you feel any better - he won't remember much of you either. You were a tiny blob this big," she lifted one of her paws to indicate, how small Maia had been around the time he had left. "However, I think that you almost match him in size," maybe a notch or two shorter. "What about Cassandra and Cori? What have they been up to?"
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It was pretty great.  She'd been enthused to find out, and while that enthusiasm didn't show now, she had considered sticking around. "Dad tried to convince me to stay and help out," she confessed, "but I dunno.  I wanted to see."  What was out there, but a sudden wave of nausea cut her off, and she clenched her teeth.

She got along rather well with her littermates, and her tail waved a bit at the mention.  "They are good," she began tentatively, somewhat proud.  She was the only one of them to venture out; the first.  "Still home.  Cori helps mom a lot."  Her brother was the caretaker type; Cass tended to run around with Sarah moreso, like Maia had.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"I imagine he would have," Wraen said again overcome with a feeling of regret. If it had been possible to be at two places at once, she would have split her time between Sunspire and her parents' family. On the other hand, if mom and dad had not thought ahead, they wouldn't have created the third litter, would they?

"Does he really? I always thought that with him being the only man among the siblings, he would have gone in Terance's footsteps - mercenary stuff. And Cass? I remember her being a princess back then. Has she changed?" she asked. "We are almost there, by the way."
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh thank goodness. She wasn't willing to whine quite as openly as she normally would in front of a big sister she very much wanted to impress out the gate, but wow was she ready to sit down again.

"She's still a princess about a lot," she answered, one ear canting sideways.  Usually if she and Maia had arguments, it was because of this.  She got along way better with her much chiller brother, and it was Cori she would miss the most while here.  "Dad's teaching Cori to fight but I think he likes helping better.  Cass is ok so long as she doesn't have to get too dirty."  She gave a little snort of laughter - who cared about a little mud?  But a few of her better moments had involved shoving her sister into said mud so.... yeah.

"What's your new pack like?" She asked, turning the questions to her table for a bit of a break.  She was interested to; if Terance was a leader, and Wraen was in it, they had to be awesome right?  Maybe even awesome enough to let her stick around, though she suddenly felt a self-conscious lurch.  What if her older siblings didn't want her latching on like that, following them here.  Especially now.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"We are quite a cool bunch," Wraen replied and it did not occur her for a moment that Maia would not be joining or being welcome in the group. She already considered her as one of their own.

"There is Rannoch, who you will like, Liffey to go cougar-hunting with, there is Terance, who has a knack of getting scars, whenever he decides to valiantly fight for what is right. There is Bernard - he is a huge wolf-dog, who can take down an elk single-handedly, Seabreeze, who is kind of a girlfriend to Terance, Nara - a great hunting companion and more," she was getting lost on the count now and did not want to repeat herself.

"You will fit in, once you get better," she finished, her tone implying that any other suggestions of not joining would be met with fierce opposition. "And here we are," she told her - they had come to the forest at the foot of Sunspire. None of the guardians were there at present, therefore Wraen did not have to explain to anyone, why and who she was bringing back home. Some distance away there was a den mouth looming underneath a tall tree. 

"That's all yours - get yourself comfortable," she told her, "and I will go get one of the leaders to tell about you. Everything will be alright from now on. I will make sure about that."
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia could have cried when Wraen started talking as if she was already joining them, and all the worry she had turned into crushing relief.  Being alone sucked and she was more than tired of it.  She hadn't even had to ask, but she was going to.  If she was feeling better she woulda tackled her sister right then and there, but instead she just grinned despite her state.

By the time they reached the spot, her legs were aching and her Head was spinning, so she collapsed gratefully in, ready for a nap but unsure if she'd be able to sleep.  She looked up at Wraen and again gratitude welled up to have her looking out for her.  "Thanks sis, for this."  And for that, and for everything.  But she was already drifting off as Wraen departed.