Sun Mote Copse Just like dust we settle in this town
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
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tags for reference!

Ever since coming, Maia had been avoiding @Towhee like the plague.  She had less than zero desire to learn how to properly fight and had caught wind of the fact that the other woman was in charge of making sure the rest of them were up to snuff.  She knew - she had little desire to have it proven.

So instead Maia took up her old habits.  She didn't want to wander, but she hunted birds near the waterfall (typically a sunnier area than most) and rodents through the brush.  She did not have a ton of luck, but she had some, and with that she assured herself that she was doing what she could.

She wanted to support @Wraen's pack, obviously.  She just... didn't want to fight.  At all.  Nope.

Today she was taking a break, huddled up against a tree as a light dusting of snow fell.  Jack frost was running through the skies, spreading snow and kicking up a breeze.  She smiled as she saw a small flurry eddy across the small clearing.  She didn't mind winter; there was something beautiful about the snow too.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
When Wraen had suggested to Towhee that all packmates should learn, how to fight and defend themselves, regardless of trade, she had not really thought about individual points of view. That just because she thought it very important, did not mean that there weren't people in the ranks, who were either cowards or pacifists, or those, who thought that they had a choice and say in the matter. No one had approached her to speak up their mind about this and Towhee was hard at work hunting evreyone down in order to test their abilities. 

When she found Maia resting, she did not know that her own sister was on of those people, who did not see point in her idea for the greater good. Wraen thought it a little peculiar that her usually social sister was not in the middle of the goings-on, but chosen to be stranded on the outskirts, but then again - they both had changed, since they last saw each other. There was a bit of a first-moment awkwardness to step over on Wraen's side and with all the time her primary occupation took, there had not been a proper moment to sit down and talk. 

"Slacking off?" she teased her dozing sibling gently, as she took a seat opposite to her.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia was fully spacing off when Wraen came up, lost composing a story around the snowflakes drifting.  Her head shot up though, and she felt a flash of guilt.  Yeah, actually, she was.

Uhh, heh, a little yeah.  She pushed herself up to sitting and gave a small, apologetic smile.  Sorry.

Ever since she came back, things had felt a bit different between them.  Maia had been super excited to support her sister in leading before she left, but now that it had happened, it felt like Wraen was locked in a serious world that Maia wasn't sure she belonged in or even liked much.  Was it fair of her to try and take up a bunch of her attention when she had super important 'responsibilities' now?

D'you need help with anything? Maia asked, though she secretly hoped not, because she was really enjoying her break time.

referencing things in the thread where she returns that I have drafted but haven't been able to reply yet XD
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Just kidding," Wraen softened her previous statement with a warm smile, when she saw that Maia had taken her question a tad bit too seriously. They had a lot to catch up on, many gaps to fill and bridges to mend - the Sovereign was sure that after that they could be the same as they had been in the old days. Which felt like eons ago, but were - in fact - few months. 

"I haven't had a chance to hear everything about your journey," she returned to the subject about their family members, which Maia had found and briefly mentioned during the joining. Ever since every good intention on Wraen's side to sit down and talk properly with her sister, had been interrupted or entirely vanquished by one duty or the other. Running a pack with fewer members had been a lot easier than it was now. Even with all the additional help.

"Spare no details, I have time," she encouraged Maia and lied down to listen.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Of course she was.  Maia calmed down sheepishly, and remained sitting rather than standing up.  That was good, she'd been overly tired lately.  It had been a while since her body had had enough of anything and likely they'd be well into summer before she actually began to catch up again.

It was great!  Like I said, I stayed with Cori and everyone, helping out.  It was awesome to see them, but I knew I couldn't stay too long.  I wanted to come back sooner, but I got a little turned around.  More than a few times.  She had a habit of it by now. Cass wanted to know where we were, so I told her.  I dunno if they'll visit or not though!

I met a few packs between here and there, and traded stories for food.  Does that make me a pro now? she asked with a big smile.  In her mind it definitely did, and it had been insanely cool to have her skill appreciated like that.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"So, Cori and Cass are in the lead?" Wraen wanted to clear some details about her two younger siblings. She had last seen them as rowdy kids that were too small yet to wear the adult coat and shoes comfortably. Now they were all grown up and leaders themselves. Maybe they had families of their own. Hadn't Maia mentioned "everyone"?

"It would be nice, if they came for a visit some time," she said, though knew that it was highly unlikely that they would. Maia had been gone for a very long time and even with all of the detours, they probably were long way off. "You sly, little fox," Wraen grinned in response to her sister's implication and chuckled at the irony, because her younger sibling was anything but little. "Impress me and then I will tell you my verdict."
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Seemed like it. She hadn't really bothered to find out who was in charge, but it had seemed like Cori did a lot of the decision making.  Cass was a lot cooler now than she used to be.  There had been a time when they hadn't gotten along well, Maia's jealousy and her strong personality clashing in jarring ways.  Now that they were older, however, she'd enjoyed a lot of the time they'd shared.

I definitely will more than impress! But first things first, spill!! What'd I miss?!  How's leading and all going? She pulled a slight face at the last question, playfully indicating how weird it was now that she was technically in charge.  She imagined she'd probably missed quite a bit, being away for so many months.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
A lot had happened during Maia's absence - Wraen had even forgotten, when her sibling had left to see the world and from where to start. Besides she had shared the same story with other people and heard it as well. It was no worn-out and she was sick of perpetuating. Earthquakes, no large game, difficulties to make ends meet, people disappearing, people returning. Especially now with the sudden rise in the numbers due to Blackthorns and Redhawks rejoining their family members, Wraen found it hard to keep herself on top of things. 

"I am very tired," and looked like that too. Before Maia she did not have to keep up the smiles and positive attitude, she did not have to pretend that she always had a plan and was not afraid of, what future would bring. That seeing Elwood and Finley struggle with age, Eljay withering away before her eyes, sweet, little Weejay feeling despondent and withdrawn, ever since Elfie had gone away was wearing her out. She felt helpless and hated it. "I would rather not talk about it. It's not been easy - that's all you need to know," she said with a silent plea in her voice to change the subject.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Wraen's answer was disappointing, but that wasn't her fault.  Maia actually was a good deal annoyed on her sister's behalf.  Obviously no one was helping enough, that or they weren't giving her big sister the breaks she needed.  When Maia had left she hadn't realized no one would pick up where she left off.

I know I'm not old and wise or anything, but you can talk to me if you want.  she said, but she wasn't about to push it.  She wasn't the best choice she was sure; she wasn't all that smart or good at anything.  But she would listen best she could if Wraen changed her mind.  Then her voice picked up a little.  Seriously, though, nothing good?  It's a good thing I'm back then! My job is clear.  If she had to be the fun then so be it! Seems no one else was up to the task!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Why did people take your words and give them meaning that had not been implied at all? Wraen had not intended to insult Maia by refusing to talk about a subject that she did not enjoy, and yet here she was, pressing her to do so. What exactly did she want to hear? What could she possibly do about it, about anything? There was a sudden flare of anger, which she did not want to feel. The feeling was all too familiar and she did not want to scare away her only remaining sibling by being reckless and too honest. 

"What do you plan to do?" Wraen asked instead, hoping that Maia would get a hint this time and change the subject.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
There was little Wraen could have done to prevent Maia taking her silence as a comment on herself; she took everything that way by default.  Rarely did she let this self-deprecation show through the veneer of her positivity, though, and today was no exception.  Buoyant as always, she moved forward without breaking stride.

Obviously you need me to make sure you are having the proper amount of fun.  She answered with a grin, though internally she was aghast.  Nothing positive in the weeks she'd been gone.  She really never should have left.  So that's what I'm going to do!  A game that they could both handle with ease, despite being tired.  Hmmmm.....

I'm going to describe something in the worst way possible, and you are going to guess what it is.  She settled on, then waited, wondering if the game would be one Wraen might enjoy.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen really needed a Maia in her life. Someone, who was different from her, but also knew her inside and out. Someone, who saw that, while the Sovereign had so much empathy and willingness to help those, who suffered, she too needed a bit of sunlight to bask herself into and forget her problems for a while. 

"Try me," she told her sister with a smile, though the weary look in her eyes was still there.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Okay, here goes! She had to think a moment, but her mind went back to last time they'd had a pretty unpleasant encounter. It had been when they first met, and for some reason, she had it stuck in her mind.  Well, that was a thing, and she knew how to describe it!

A den made of throw up, she said with a face, wrinkling her nose.  Hopefully Wraen would guess it, but if she didn't, Maia supposed she could drop a hint or two as well.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Maia had hit a bullseye with the guessing game. Wraen was up to the challenge right away, but her eager expression changed to the incredulous "what the hell?"-one, when the riddle had been finished. Den full of vomit, geez. "Stomach?" she made the first guess. "Or an actual den full of vomit after eating something bad," she offered the second option.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Not literally, silly, Maia replied with a giggle.  You have to think outside the trees.  I can give you a hint if you realllllly want.  She bounced a little, playfully.  It felt really good to have stumped Wraen for once!!  And even better to see her get so focused on the game.

She waited a second for confirmation, letting Wraen have one more guess before she laid a hint down. Though that was mainly because she had to actually think of a good hint that wouldn't give the thing away.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Think outside the box, great! Wraen furrowed her brow, but her mind could not come up with the bizarre thing that Maia had in mind. Cave full of vomit. Described in the worst possible way. Hell, if she knew. She was still convinced it was stomach or something else-gastrointenstinally related. 
"You are messing with me now," she decided to give up, but have at least a little dignity in doing so. If Maia told, what she had thought, Wraen would have a good position to begin an argument from.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Okay, this hint was probably too easy, but she snickered as Wraen accused her of messing with her.  Of course I am, that's like, my entire job.  Ok!  So, a den made of throw up, but it makes a buzzing noise.

She'd give it up next round if Wraen didn't get it still, and then she'd win!! Well, unless Wraen wanted a turn, and then she'd have to guess to keep her crown! She so had this, this was her game after all.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Oh my God," Wraen murmured, when Maia gave her some hints and she became aware of, what it was that her sister had in mind. "Beehive? With honey?" she guessed, almost sure that this had to be right. Though she knew that both wasp and hornet nests also buzzed, but she was not so sure about the vomit. She did not even know, what they ate, nor did she care to find out. Because the angry voices of those two beasts were enough for her to scram.

"You are disgusting," she told Maia with a smile. "I will have to think about a special rank for you, after we are done with this."
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
DING, you got it!  She beamed, then pulled a face.  I watched them making one once, it was super gross!!  I dunno if it's throw up or what but honey tastes real good for what they put it in.  She giggled at that mental image, and how it grossed her sister out.  She liked the sound of a special rank, something cool!

I mean, we do have our secret group.  The Awesome Club.  It was a little sad to think, since Epic was long gone now, but as the standing members they had to keep the awesomeness alive.  She wondered where he was now.  So we could totally have real ranks and then secret ranks!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen had forgotten about the "Club Awesome" or whatever they had called themselves a year prior, when Epic had been part of the group. Frankly speaking, she had also forgotten about the adventurous yearling that had joined their ranks for a while and had been an entertaining partner in crime. For a while then she had almost considered herself in love, but that emotion had gone and disappeared the same way the young wolf had. 

"I think that we once established that you were "The Rightful Queen of Loonies"?" Wraen tried to remember all the other far-fetched and silly titles. "You can be the official Jester," she suggested. "Now - guess my riddle. It has no paws or jaws, but it picks up everything and carries away!" even if her riddle was not disgusting, it was clever still.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She liked the sound of that, official Jester.  On one hand, it was terribly unofficial for an official name.  But a jester's role was purely to bring joy and that was definitely all she ever wanted to do.  I think Rightful Queen of the Loonies is your title now, Maia replied with a laugh.  But I'm sure there's a better one too.  She would just have to come up with it.

First, though, to business!!! The riddle.  There were a few things it could be, but Maia's brain instantly went to a single place.  A river? she asked.  It certainly carried things! And it had no claws or fangs.  It didn't exactly carry everything, but riddles didn't always have to be completely literal.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
 "Close, but no," Wraen shook her head and smiled victoriously (and unashamedly at Maia). Revenge was sweet as cake and she was going to enjoy it as long as possible. "What was the phrase..." she pretended to think for a while and then, mimicking her sister's voice exactly as it had sounded previously, she said. "You have to think outside the trees.  I can give you a hint if you really, really, really want," she offered slyly.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, c'mon, she groaned as Wraen repeated her words back at her, but she couldn't keep from laughing too.  Well played, sister, well played!  Okay, she totally kinda maybe deserved that.

Okay, guess two!  And then you can totally hint me!  Is it... wind?  This time her guess was less sure.  She'd underestimated this riddle!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Bingo!" Wraen cheered, when Maia got the riddle right. "And it only took you two guesses," she teased her in a good-natured manner. "Now we are even, I think?" she asked, doing quick maths (you see - with all the Mary Sue qualities Wraen possessed, numbers made her life complicated) in her head and then nodding in agreement with her statement. "So - fire your digusting description away!" 
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Aha!  A tie!

Maia was obviously pleased with herself as Wraen announced it, and she knew she had to think of a super good one to stump her sis into losing. What was gross?  Or something super boring that would never ever be expected....

AHA! Killer plant drool.  She said with a laugh.  She was so sure Wraen wouldn't get this one in one guess! But she'd find out.