Wheeling Gull Isle The Key to My Castle
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
All Welcome 
As Njord continued on with his scouting mission, he idly thought about the island off the coast and the blue-eyed youngster, and her fire-eyed babysitter, he had met. When it was time to circle home to Dragoncrest, he thought about stopping by once again to get a better feel for this island pack. Coming from an island, himself, Njord was intrigued by their community and way of life.

Luck was on his side that morning. The tides were timed just right so that the land bridge was passable. The tides were still receding, and so Njord figured he had a few hours before he had to hightail it back home. He crossed the wet stone with precision and arrived on the fringes of their wooded isle. Kicking his skull back, he let loose a short and simple howl to notify his arrival and hoped he would be received by good company.
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Daddy Moonglow
1,010 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos had allowed himself yet again to be content within the island's protection and away from the troubles on the mainland. No new information had been passed by Kukutux and he grew restless of it. For now, his time had been spent catching up with @Andromaque and ensuring @Drifter had been healing well off of his wounds. 

He was enjoying settling on the shoreline, allowing the salty water to rush around his pelt as he lay close enough for the waves to move around him. When a call sounded, the guardian was beckoned to heed it and come padding in a steady lope into the stranger's direction. Welcome to Yuelong. He greets the man with a dip of creamy muzzle.
moonglow daddy
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
It was not long before a figure appeared from between the coastal conifers. A male in his prime, with an impressive stature coated in chestnut and sand agouti, approached Njord. His demeanor was calm like placid water. Voice low and words diplomatic. A strong guardian for this island paradise; just like Rosencrantz had been.

“Ahoy!” Njord said charismatically. “Yuelong, eh?” The name sounded foreign and exotic. “I was jus’ passin’ though an’ thought I’d come say ‘ello,” Njord explained. “I met two of yer company a few moons ago. Sand colored girls, one ‘ad fire eyes an’ the other blue. She was named Aimi…” Njord paused, but then continued on to give the man some context.

“I grew up on an island, me’self… but now I run wit’ Sapphique. We live in Dragoncrest cliffs… you can barely see ‘em from ‘ere.” Njord turned his muzzle Northbound to point towards the dramatic shoreside cliffs of his home. Atmospheric perspective largely shrouded the territory. “Since we’re both wolves of tha sea, I figured we should meet. M’names Njord Sveijarn-Corten.” His ears leaned towards the other man, prompting to listen for his name.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

Daddy Moonglow
1,010 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
The other man's greeting was light and joyous. Aiolos was able to pass a nod to him of assurance to the name of the pack which now claimed the Gull Isle though did not say much else for a time as the other man continued. Friendly, talkative and curious, all things which reminded him of his Empress Hua. Aiolos wondered then if she would be able to join them soon to meet the wolf who seemed as bright as she.

Crown lifts higher, turning and brightly lit eyes would narrow towards the north and to the cliffs far off in the distance which dropped down to the sea below. To the north and being high on the rocky crests he expected the landscape to be colder, harsher and less welcoming then the beautiful island which lay here. Then again, Aiolos had never been there before. I can't say I've ever traveled that far before. He says then allowed, his furthest reaches east being within the vale of the Sunspire mountain chain.

Perhaps one day... He mused, looking back to the man with a pleasant curve of his creamy lips. I had grown up on an island myself too. A different one, of course. He added. I'm Aiolos, Lead here along side my Empress, Hua. He mentions her of course not only because he considers her higher then he as the pack's founder and as a woman, but also to see if Njord had heard the name before. Yours would be the only other pack then that I know had settled on the coast. There has been some other attempts, a few at Stavenger Bay west of here though nothing to stick. He had been informed since then of the iron woman's death and she had been the last thus far to fail in her attempts. Living seabound was not for everyone after all.
moonglow daddy
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
I’m gonna cap this one off and archive since it’s so old. Sorry for my delay! I’ll have Njord travel back soon :)

Their exchange was pleasant. Njord learned about Yeulong in broad strokes, and returned more details of Sapphique in turn. He would chat a little while, telling Aiolos of Erzulie and Rosalyn, before excusing himself to cross the land-bridge before the tide changed. Before he departed, the seafarer extended an invite if the wolves of Yeulong ever cared to visit Dragoncrest.

On his way back up the coast, Njord felt merry – happy he had ignited the embers for a potential alliance.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!