Phoenix Maplewood Pâk
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
The northerner did not stop his pace until he had left the glacier behind him and had delved deep into an unknown forest. Issorartuyok could not help but wish that he knew the surrounding territories better. He felt he had wasted his time in the glacier – a home that he had worked to know and would leave behind him.

As the man drew in the fragrance of wolves on the wind, he drew his head upward to gauge how far they were. It would be some time yet before he found claimed territory, he believed. There were hints of travelers, of wolves who carried a similar fragrance. Issorartuyok pressed his nose to the earth, hoping to draw out the familiar scent of @Heda or @Ensio. @Tuuluuwaq’s smell was not in the woodland.

Issorartuyok lifted his head and howled out to them.
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony
@Druid was gone.
when issorartuyok called for her, heda had been skirting the edge of the forest anyway, searching for her sister. the trail had not led toward rivenwood, but went in the direction of the coast. 
part of her expected that her sister had gone to join mireille in sapphique, at least for now.
part of her was enraged by the fact druid had gone without saying a word.
she didn't know why she was looking here but search she did, until the summons brought her to the dark side of her alpha. heda said nothing, only offered a respectful lap to his chin before as she waited for him to speak.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Any of the others can jump in if wanted. Welcome at any time. I will likely make a few more All Welcome threads while Issor looks for the members of Duskfire. ^o^<3

When she appeared, the man rushed forward.

Heda appeared to be safe, unharmed. The northerner prodded her figure with his nose, sniffing, searching for a sign that she had faced danger. She lapped at his chin, but he ignored her. Issorartuyok had never felt such worry. The swelling in his chest felt like a boulder. His breathing was heavy as he took a step back, letting his gaze fall on the pale young defender.

Heda, he rumbled quietly, you are well? You are safe. The words were half spoken to reassure himself. He wondered if Ensio was safe, as well. The man’s gaze drifted from the young girl to the terrain in the distance. Where was Tuuluuwaq?

I was worried. Lane has told me there was an attack on Rivenwood. Have you seen your family?
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony
something about the way that issorartuyok checked over heda was familiar. fatherly. this put her to mind of mahler, which in turn dragged the memory of druid's haunted, tear-soaked face to mind. by the time her leader asked after her family, heda was already toeing the tripwire of emotion.
and when he asked, the deluge broke.
"i don't know!" she cried nonsensically. "druid was here, and lane and i were taking care of her, and then — she wanted to go back to rivenwood. but i said, you know, what if everyone is dead. she has to stay here. she can't go. lane sent a scouting party, they haven't come back. and now druid ran away," heda sobbed, "and it's all my fault, cuz of what i said!"
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The young girl broke before his eyes.

Issorartuyok wilted, hovering close to the hysterical Heda while she cried out about her sister, about Lane, worried that it was her fault. The northerner could scarcely wrap his mind around what she had said. He stood fearful, quiet, worried that she might burst from their meeting place and disappear. The man did not need to worry for Heda more than he had, already.

Heda, his voice cracked as he spoke her name. Heda this is not your fault.

It was not the time to allow the bad spirits a place inside of him. Issorartuyok would not stand to see her hurt. Heda was good. Heda deserved good things. He would not have her blame herself for the madness that had occurred in her homeland or the aftermath of it.

These are difficult and dark times. Druid does not know what she is doing. She runs because her spirit tells her to run, yes? You know the feeling when your spirit tells you that you must do something. She is feeling this, as strong as it can be. We will find her, Heda. I will help you find Druid. We must find the others – the wolves of the glacier who have scouted to Rivenwood. Have you seen them?
187 Posts
Ooc — hela
He had heard his brother's call an hour or so after the group had left the river and finally started to head home. He might have pushed through the night just to get home, but they were all hungry and tired. He decided to help with the tiredness since none of them could do much about the hunger. 

But the call—Isso was looking for him. Tuulu's stomach dropped. He knew his brother and Lane were worried. He looked to the group. That's Issorartuyok, he told them, though it likely wasn't necessary. Let's go. 

The Tatkret kept a faster pace this time, eager to find his brother and let him know they were all okay. He knew the other three would be able to keep up.

Isso he said in relief when he could finally see his brother. Then he trotted forward to touch his forehead to Isso's shoulder. 

@Kigipigak @Ensio @Keyni
if this doesn't work for anyone, lmk!
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she shook her head, desperate to keep the rest of her tears inside. "i was just out here looking for her." worry gripped the girl's heart and she looked in the direction of the bypass where she had been born. what if whatever had attacked had also taken the duskfire party?
"i should have gone too," she began to mutter, thinking of the horrible things she had said to druid.
but then there was a voice and a relieved feeling; she looked suddenly at tuuluuwaq and gasped in shock and delight. "you're back! you found us!"
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The young Duskfire was hot on the heels of Tuuluuwaq. Issorartuyok's voice, calling them home, was like a beacon. He needed no prompting. His strong legs carried him faster, closer. He ignored the hunger pangs and tiredness that gripped at his body. He could only think of being reunited with his pack.

Soon, he saw them, ahead. Issorartuyok and Heda. His tail began to beat furiously in the air behind him.  He didn't know who he was more excited to see. His Leader or his friend. Plowing forth, he immersed himself between them with an excited whine. 

He was so relieved to see they were safe. He brushed his shoulder firmly against that of Issorartuyok. "It is good to be back..." He rumbled, content. It was short lived, concern filling his features when he noticed the tear stains on Heda's cheeks. "Heda, are you okay? What's wrong?" He rushed over to her, draping his chin over her shoulders to pull her into a hug, if she'd let him.
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Keyni was not far behind Ensio and Tuuluuwaq when they heard Issorartuyok call for them. He was close. She followed them swiftly, though perhaps with not nearly as much enthusiasm as the others. The Glacier wolves were her friends, that much was very true. But she did not feel so strong a pull as that she needed to be with them. She wasn't deeply bonded to anyone there. Not like she was with Kukutux in Moonglow. Or even Lote, who she hadn't seen in ages. 

Quiet in her approach, she masked her tiredness. Her tail waved gently, jade eyes sweeping over the group, pleased to see that they were well. Mostly. A young girl appeared to be worked up, whom Ensio attached himself to, keen on trying to comfort. She stayed to the side, offering Issorartuyok a small smile.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The man worried for Heda. He wanted to take her concern from her and return her sister to safety. Coupled with the worries for his brother and the missing members of their village, Issorartuyok found that he was not certain what to do with himself. The man nudged the pale cheek of the young girl, hoping that even a small show of reassurance would help her feel less alone. Issorartuyok would not leave her to search for her sister, not without help.

Tuuluuwaq’s voice pulled the northerner from his thoughts. Relief washed through his body, flooding his limbs. The large man plodded toward his sibling and bumped his head roughly into Tuulu’s chest. Worry and grief still clouded his eyes. He noted that Keyni and Ensio were safe, as well. This was enough, at least for the time being. Issorartuyok believed that he could leave with Heda to find her sister.

Have you seen Rivenwood? Are there any dead, brother? the man asked in a hushed voice, holding Tuuluuwaq’s gaze.
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ensio — suddenly he was back and the good alpine smell of him surrounded heda. her heart thumped faster despite her worry. "druid is gone. she — she left." heda caught her breath. "she didn't go home but — you know."
her mouth twisted. she wouldn't cry she wouldn't she wouldn't. "good you're back," heda whispered before turning back to issorartuyok and tuuluuwaq. she pulled closer, wanting to know what they knew.
187 Posts
Ooc — hela
going to make some assumptions on what they would know about the rivenwood situation. if i need to change anything, lmk!

Tuulu backed up from his brother at the grim question, his gaze resting on the young ones briefly as he considered whether Heda should be here to hear all of this. But she was already so involved and Ensio knew it all anyway, so he decided he would treat them as adults. 

Rivenwood lives, he told his brother and Heda. Their leader, Mahler is severely wounded, as well as some of the other packmates. The pack that attacked them is called Ursus; they left with two of their pups, Indra and Abel. It was an awful thing to have to report. We stayed a couple days to hunt for them and help Mahler treat the wounded. They would likely benefit from more help, but I know our time on the glacier is dwindling. We need to move before there is no food even for our journey.

He paused a moment. Lane?, he asked. How is she? he knew she would be worried and stressed with everything going on. He longed to return so that he could assure her that they would all be okay.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
He drew in a tight, stiff breath. Heda was upset. Druid had ran off, but not home. And it was a good thing she didn't. Not with the carnage that had ensued at Rivenwood. "She'll...she'll be okay." He hoped. "I'll keep my eyes peeled for her."

He let his friend slip away, concern still deep in his eyes. In earlier days, he had dealt with his anguish in his own way. He would stay close though. When and if she wanted to talk, his ears were open.
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She felt that there was little more she could do, on her behalf. She had traveled to Rivenwood and assisted in healing the wounded. Kept close watch during her stay, in case their attackers returned. Duskfire had their own agenda, and she had hers. Keyni was not heartless though. It pained her to have to leave those wolves, knowing what they had went through. She worried how the Tagia would fare with the shortage of prey. Would it evene bounce back? Excusing herself with a quiet nod, she moved past, allowing the brothers to talk.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Lane is worried for you and those who have journeyed with you, Issorartuyok answered his brother with honesty. It would be best for them to return to her as swiftly as they could. At the very least, she needed to know that all were safe. The northerner was only worried for Heda, then. He did not wish to return to their glacier until they had discovered if her family was safe.

Heda and I will go on. Take the others and go back to Lane. I will not be long, Tuulu, the older brother said gently. He would only take Heda as far as learning of her family. She had been distraught over her sister. Issorartuyok would not try to take her back without making good on his word.

Gonna leave this open for a week! Then I'll archive it out. ^^
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mahler. wounded. indra and abel, gone. rivenwood had been attacked. the duskfire wolves had hunted.
heda's mind spun and spun.
she remained unable to speak, eyes fixed upon the ground; she tried to be strong but her stride to flank her alpha faltered, tipping her roughly against his shoulder.
heda found her footing and fought the angry, scared tears that wanted to well up into her eyes and throat. she was ready to leave at any moment.