Dragoncrest Cliffs But son, please keep a steady wing
Swiftcurrent Creek
436 Posts
Ooc — Jess
I'll pop in with Chacal here in a bit :)

"...But we foun' 'im! Or, I guess, a nice man named Ashlar found 'im. He lives in a pack called Redtail Rise now, which be not far from where I met you, an' where de eagle dropped 'im." Ever the chatterbox, Suzu had spent some of the trip back to Sapphique telling @Rykor about her family. She described her mother, her grandmothers, her aunts and uncles, cousins, and then went on to tell him about her siblings, finishing with the story about how her littermate, Requiem, had been carried away by an eagle and later found in a neighbouring pack. It was likely information overload, and she ended up naming just about every member in the pack, but she was excited. She had recruited a new member for their pack for the first time! 

"We are heeere!" She said in a singsong voice, turning to regard her companion with a grin. "You can smell de ocean air, eh? I take you down to de beach once we get you officially become part of de pack, an I'll show you de fish trap Swordfish an' I made an' we can eat beached whale!" She wiggled her shoulders enthusiastically. "Dat sound good?" She wanted to make sure he had no reservations before she drew the attention of her mother.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
39 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Rykor didn't mind Suzu going on and on about everything. It was quite interesting. He know understood her fear of big birds, as she told the story of her brother.

He loved the way she almost sang her words. It was really cute. "I would love that. I've never fished before." He said.
Trans Male -- He/Him - Should be misgendered upon first encounter for sake of 
realisticality though.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Suzu had left the borders again and it drove Etienne absolutely crazy. He didn't know where she was, what she was doing. Largely it was stupid to be so protective, especially since they were the same age and extremely adept at surviving. But it just, rubbed him the wrong way, when Suzu was gone. Perhaps it was a guilt from his brothers leaving, or getting lost. He didn't know, but what he did know was he'd walk the borders until she came.

Thus he did and was surprised when another wolf came among them. A soft growl left his maw, then quieted and he stared at them and then looked to Suzu. The only reason he would even speak was that this wolf was with his sister.

W'o are you?

There was a different edge to his voice than Suzu was probably used too, but there was a type of territorial instinct kicking at his innards. The small fur at his ruff standing on edge a bit.
Swiftcurrent Creek
436 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She was glad that she hadn't overwhelmed him with all of her information, and that he still seemed set on joining them in the pack. 

When she heard a soft growl, she hadn't expected to look and see that it was Etienne. His eyes were darkened as he looked over the newcomer, and Suzu realized he was likely upset as she had decided to go out of the pack's territory without having him as an escort. Now, she'd returned with a stranger. She hadn't known Etienne to be quite so defensive, so she was a bit alarmed to hear how gruff his voice sounded. 

"Eti! Dis be my new friend, Rykor," She said, hoping to brighten her brother's mood now that he could see that she was fine, and she'd brought along a friendly wolf. "He knows about de birds I was studying in de Tangle- not far from de borders," She insisted. "He wants to fin' a home wid us." She explained. "Rykor, dis be my brot'er, Etienne."
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
39 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Rykor dipped his head to Etienne, a friendly greeting. He made sure to keep his stance light, as he knew Etienne was also still young and he didn't want to seem scaring or aggressive to the younger boy. 

"pleased to meet you Etienne." He said calmly, even though the boy greeted him with a cautious growl
Trans Male -- He/Him - Should be misgendered upon first encounter for sake of 
realisticality though.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti looked over Suzu, and then the wolf beside him. He'd have sworn he was a female, but it wasn't for him to say. He was not familiar with such things, and it wasn't his business anyway.

A frown pressed at the sides of his maw, though his gaze softened a bit at Suzu's gaze. Then the golden of his eyes shot towards Rykor.

He dipped his muzzle in greeting, and fought to remember what manman did with people coming to the borders.

You can 'unt? Fish? Defend? Give back to our pack? Our 'ome?

Eti waited quietly, the twitch of his tail the only show of slight irritation.
Swiftcurrent Creek
436 Posts
Ooc — Jess
"Etiennnnnnne," She said his name quietly through a tense smile and slightly pursed lips. She could sense her brother's tension, and it made her feel a bit awkward. She trusted Rykor, so she wasn't certain why her brother was so stern with him. To her, at least, his subtle tail twitch had been quite noticeable. She knew her brother's face and his voice, his mannerisms and habits. This was not the voice he used when he spoke with his family or friends. Being naive to the danger of strangers, Suzu did not comprehend why he was not as welcoming as she was. 

To Rykor, she smiled and gave an encouraging wave of her tail. She felt confident he would meet her brother's expectations, and was eager for him to prove himself because he'd already won her over.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
39 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"Yes, I can hunt and fight quite well. I've been out on my own for a while so i've learned those arts. I promise I won't be any kind of burden to your pack and that I will help out and earn my place." Rykor said to Etienne. He liked the strength and boldness the boy showed at such a young age. It would take him places later in life.
Trans Male -- He/Him - Should be misgendered upon first encounter for sake of 
realisticality though.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne, looked to his sister, meeting her gaze. But there was an edge to his actions. This was a stranger at their borders. They couldn't just let anyone in. He had watched as the older family members had stopped others from coming and if you passed into the territory without permission, they drew blood. He didn't understand why Suzu was so lax with her trust.

Alrite, manman 'as to accept you. Or granme. or matant or tonton

Eti howled out for his manman @Chacal and his granme @Rosalyn whom he was extremely close too, if nothing more than he wanted her presence. And his matant @Mireille and tonton @Sobo.
Swiftcurrent Creek
436 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Unshaken by the protective border guard, Rykor answered in an affirmative way. Suzu was proud that she'd found someone to potentially join the pack who had good skills, and a great personality. He was calm, unaffected by her brother's careful skepticism. Naturally, neither of them had the authority to claim him as a part of their pack, but they had the right connections. Etienne called out, and Suzu smiled. 

"Is like I told you. We be related to de authority of de pack," She said warmly, hoping that that might come across as a reassuring thing. After all, Etienne had seemed to accept Rykor, and would in the very least give him a chance.
819 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Etienne's call startled Chacal slightly. Not because it was an emergency, but simply because she'd been close enough that his voice was clear and bright. Her son never raised his voice any more than what was needed, anyway, so it wasn't often she caught his howl this close. This was also the beauty of being often on patrol- it meant that she might be close by when a call came up. 

Her nose twitched as she approached, taking in the scents of her children as well as the scent of another. When they came into view, she took note of the sharp-featured wolf with her young ones, a stranger whose scent was fresh and wild. Etienne's posture was sturdy and slightly tense, her daughter was relaxed and hopeful, though there was a slight hint of anxiety in the corners of her lips that only a mother would notice. 

She approached with an even step, halting once she'd reached her children. Given that Etienne had been the one to call out, she turned her gaze to him, after appraising the stranger to be young and healthy...Non-threatening in demeanour thus far. This was a learning experience for her children, but she was a lenient teacher. "Who be dis?" She asked, her voice melodic.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
39 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"Hello. My name is Rykor. I met Suzu here earlier, watching some birds. We clicked quite fast and are now friends. She told me all about your pack and brought me here when we encountered her brother. He quizzed me a bit on who i am and I think he is satisfied now." Rykor said.

"Who might you me?" He asked.
Trans Male -- He/Him - Should be misgendered upon first encounter for sake of 
realisticality though.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne frowned. HE wasn't satisfied, he didn't know this wolf, but this was no manman's game, not his. He had done what he was supposed to do, had called for her had remembered what was supposed to ask.

'e says 'e's a fair u'nter and fig'ter. I asked.

Then Eti grew quiet again. Watched and waited. There was not much else to be done.
Swiftcurrent Creek
436 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Suzu wished that she had been given the look, so that she could step forward and introduce Rykor, but her mother's gaze had fallen to Etienne, not her. Rykor spoke up- which caused Suzu to fret for a moment, as Etienne was the one Chacal had addressed, not her brother. But he was able to advocate for himself, and Etienne confirmed the interview, albeit in a somewhat dull way. As soon as Etienne had finished speaking, Suzu stepped forward, tail waving, and piped up in Rykor's favour. 

"Rykor be very friendly, Maman," She expained. "'E was teaching me about birds- de chickadees dat I found in de woods." She said. "Please, Maman, 'e is good. An' 'e really wants a home, an' a family," She said. "I will keep an eye on 'im an' take 'im hunting!" She was ready and willing to beg if she needed to.
819 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Chacal's gaze shifted when she was spoken to, despite the fact that she had asked her son for an introduction. Her tail flicked once; an indication that she would have preferred to have been answered by Etienne, but she didn't mind a wolf with confidence, so long as they were polite. Chacal assessed the stranger, Rykor, to be female. She didn't clarify, and asked in a light voice who she was. She tilted her chin up slightly and gazed at the stranger for a moment, flicking an ear to her son. 

She blinked the first time the wolf's gender was stated. The second time, she glanced to her son, as though to correct him for misgendering the wolf he had apparently interviewed. His professionalism, though, was near to flawless, as per usual. Etienne was the sort of wolf who grew up quickly, and learned just as fast. It was odd for him to have made a mistake which she thought might be simply a linguistic error.

Her daughter was not quite as wary of strangers, it seemed, nor was she as respectful of border protocol. Her case was explained, and Chacal felt lenient toward her outgoing daughter, though her eyebrow quirked as her daughter, as well, misgendered the wolf before her. Her gaze softened, and quietly, she spoke to her children, in words she thought only they might understand. "Sa se yon famn." Her words were kind, a gentle correction. She hoped that Rykor was not offended by the way her children spoke, though Rykor had not flinched once during the introduction. She couldn't help but feel that she had missed something. 

She sat down, indicating that she would begin her own investigation into the wolf whose claims would only get them so far. 

"I be Chacal, de Tanzanite of Sapphique,
dese be my children, to whom you speak.
Tell me more of your training, an' of your skills,
we will see if dere be a role you can fill."
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
39 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Rykor did not know the words Chacal said. But he could figure from the look she gave her kids when they used male pronouns on him that they were something about his gender. So the first thing he said once given the chance was to address that. "I am not sure what you said, but I could tell your confusion when the youngers used male pronouns on me. I am indeed a man. I know I appear female though." He clarified, hoping she would understand.

"As Etienne said, I am a fair hunter and fighter. I was telling Suzu earlier that I could teach her to catch birds one day maybe. Not the chickadees, they're much too pretty to catch, but sparrows and robins and blackbirds. I have learned to hunt those. I can also fend for myself quite well, i've lived alone since i was 5 months old, and i've encountered others not as friendly as your daughter before..." Rykor said.

"Suzu is correct with her statements too. I don't like being alone... I was cast out by my family for being the runt, being more dog-like, and well, for being born female but changing my gender to male as that is how I feel, how I know I really am." Rykor said, outing himself, though he wasn't sure the others would understand the definition of transgender he'd just given.
Trans Male -- He/Him - Should be misgendered upon first encounter for sake of 
realisticality though.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti eyed the wolf dog, before he could speak and tell his manman that this was how Suzu had introduced him. He wouldn't have gotten something so wrong. At least he didn't think he would, but he wasn't a grown up yet. Mistakes happened often.

Li itilize mo ti gason

He looked ot his manman, then back to Rykor. It was a little confusing, but it was not his place to question another for something that felt so personal.

Eti stood by while his mother and sister, and this new wolf would speak. He felt a bit out of place now, that his duty was done.
Swiftcurrent Creek
436 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Her mother's expression changed- and it was with a gentle tone that she spoke, but the words made Suzu's ears drop. She glanced quickly to Rykor, who seemed to have caught in the very least the gist of what had just been spoken, and Etienne's response. Suzu wanted desperately for her mother to just understand. She felt embarrassed that her own mother had said those words, even in another language. She nodded fervently along with Etienne's response, scooting forward so that perhaps the next time her mother went to make a mistake, Suzu could be close enough to correct her. 

But this wasn't something new to Rykor, though it wounded Suzu lightly to hear him have to explain for what she thought must've been the hundredth time that he identified as being male. She felt her heart thudding quickly in her chest, and she held her breath. Rykor was doing everything right. She just hoped that her mother would understand that they hadn't been wrong. She had. 

In a voice quiet but urgent, she pleaded. Li impòtan, Maman,"
819 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Boy words. Her son was calm and confident, and one look at her daughter's expression made her realize that her children weren't mistaken. Her senses weren't, either- but Rykor sensed the confusion and spoke, clarifying. This was something new to Chacal, who merely opened her mouth and inhaled, nodding, to show that she'd at least grasped the correction. 

How would Rykor find Sapphique, then? A pack very matrilineal in nature, and biased toward women. Rykor's biological assignment might have proven an asset, but he made it very clear that that was not his identity. The pack's values remained the same and in the light of that fact, she would have to consider him not for the way he was formed, but for who he was. This challenged her notion of femininity; she wondered if she would have had an easier time trying to accept a transgender woman, and when she realized that the answer to that was 'likely, yes,' then she knew that she could come to accept Rykor in the same way. She couldn't treat him the same way she would treat a woman. He would not receive the same favour as a woman would. But she felt that it might be even more affirming for him if he was simply treated the way men were treated. 

As her daughter pressed- this was an important matter. 

Rykor had overcome the odds on his own. His family had been discriminate, both due to his identity and his genetics it seemed. His sharp features and symmetrical build were explained though it bothered Chacal none to have a wolf in the pack who had dog blood. The first wolf who had drawn her eye had been part dog, after all. Her sweet daughter had been the runt as well, and every day she was blessed for having put in as much effort as possible to make sure that her tiny daughter survived. Now, she was being entrusted with Suzu's friend. A fighter, indeed. 

She dipped her head in apology. 

"Dat be my mistake, it is true,
I am sorry for 'aving misgendered you.
It...takes me a moment to understand...
...But I see no reason to keep you from becoming a part of our land."
She said. 

"If you be trained as you say,
we will find a place for you to stay.
Hunt, defend, patrol an' you will earn
a place of respect, an' a place to call home."
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
39 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Rykor liked how the younger's stood up for him, telling their mother she was wrong. And then her humble response to her mistake made him feel really welcomed and understood.

"Thank you Chacal. I would love to call Sapphique my home, train alongside your ranks, learn to be one of them. And to be able to spend time with my new friend Suzu here." He added, shooting a smile at the girl. He brought his face back to being solumn quickly though and dipped his head in a respectful thanks to Chacal. He did the same for Etienne even though the boy was younger than him, he seemed to have some sort of authority around here.
Trans Male -- He/Him - Should be misgendered upon first encounter for sake of 
realisticality though.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne nodded his head at the wolf. Welcome to Sapp'ique Rykor. Suzu you want 'elp showin' 'im aroun?

Eti would help if she wanted it, but he had an inkling that his sister was a little upset with him right now, and he didn't want to press his luck against her. He loved Suzu, but he also knew she was a rascal and could probably make him rue the day.
Swiftcurrent Creek
436 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She sensed her mother's sincerity when she apologized, but Suzu would make sure that it wasn't simply words- that she would continue to respect him. She made a quiet but happy squeal when her friend was accepted, and rushed forward to press kisses to her mother's cheek. 

"T'ank you Maman! Ou!" She breathed, her voice barely above a whisper both out of respect for Etienne's hearing and because she was nearly breathless with excitement. Her brother graciously offered to help her show Rykor around, so she bounded to him and head-butted his shoulder in a cat-like fashion. "Yes! Come wid us! dat be OK wid you, Rykor?"
819 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Her daughter was elated. Etienne seemed a bit less phased, but then again, Rykor was still a stranger to him though he did offer to accompany them to the beach. The Obsidian smiled faintly at their interactions before she turned her warm gaze back to Rykor. He took her apology with grace, and she was grateful for it. 

"Welcome to Sapphique," she chimed. 

She did not want to delay them or interrupt- but she passed by Etienne's side and paused to ruffle the fur at the top of his head affectionately, rumbling a low, quiet note almost like a purr. He had done very well in his position as a guardian. Not only was he caring, but he had the confidence to be austere as well. Very much a picture of what they wanted to see in the men of Sapphique. She departed then, allowing the youths to explore their home together.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
39 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Rykor nodded at the two youngsters. "Yes, I would love if you two could show me around." He said with a smile, nudging Suzu playfully.

Before following those two though, he turned to Chacal. "Thank you. Your pups seem wonderful and I'm am very happy to join your pack. I promise I will be loyal to you all and help the pack with my skills in hunt and battle." He told her.

Then he turned to Suzu and Etienne. "C'mon, lets go!" He said.

fade here and make a new thread for Suzu and Eti so show him around?
Trans Male -- He/Him - Should be misgendered upon first encounter for sake of 
realisticality though.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti took the compliments and he enjoyed them. This wolf was kind he supposed.

He took his mother's nudge and purr and returned it. A small smile on his face, warm golden eyes peeking at her with love and laughter. He loved his manman so very much, and when she praised him, even silently. It was the best thing.

His sister headbutted him and he had to refirm his feet, but it was alright.

However, his ears went to his head when the wolf Rykor spoke louder than he had been. He winced. Such a big voice. It hurt.

Last from me. Let me know if i need to start one for them <3