Moonspear the herobrine
Sun Mote Copse
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This is forward-dated a few days because I wanna write!

She had no choice but to rest her weary bones. Days passed and she only roused from her makeshift ulaq to relieve herself. Otherwise, she remained curled into a ball, eyes tightly shut. If @Njord, @Stingray or @Sialuk spent time there, she welcomed them by silently furling toward their warmth.

Finally, she felt well enough to spend more than two minutes outside their temporary refuge. Meerkat slowly walked toward the nearest ledge and looked out at the wilderness. She took great breaths of the cold winter air, looking pointedly away from the coast.
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Ooc — aerinne
The trio slept, and Sialuk visited frequently with food and soothing words. She thought of the blessing that none of those who appeared here were harmed, though her mind often drifted to the son who was astray: Swordfish.

Meerkat, she greeted. Sialuk had not brought food this time, but she was happy to see her sister awake and moving about. She wished to launch into what the ancestors had told her of Swordfish, but Sialuk waited. It was best to let Meerkat bring him up when she was ready. Until then, Sialuk kept the whispers close to her heart.
Atkan Aleut
Sun Mote Copse
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Sialuk slipped alongside her, as naturally and welcomed as Meerkat’s own shadow. She turned toward the pale woman and managed a half-smile, though it didn’t reach her eyes.

Hi, she said quietly. The air here is so fresh. It kind of burns but in a cleansing sort of way, Meerkat mused, knowing she would never want to smell the ocean ever again.

She took a few more deep breaths and then took a step back to seat herself, angling her face toward Sialuk. They had seen one another over the past few days, of course, but Meerkat hadn’t had the energy for anything resembling a conversation. Now she felt she did.

How are things here? she asked. How are you?
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Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk knew what it was to want distraction. Meerkat spoke of the crisp air, how it caught in one's breast as they ascended the slopes. The raindrop smiled knowingly. She had become unaccustomed to it during her travels, and she was only just now regaining her ease on the spear.

The mountain sings to my heart—she says, 'Rejoice! Star-woman is home!' And there was another thing that occupied Sialuk's thoughts.

Anaa brought together many men and women without husbands and wives to the glen. We danced and learned of each other. I gave flowers to those whose company I enjoyed. I invited them to open their hearts to the mountain, to see if she calls to them, too. A glimmer flashed in Sialuk's yellow eye, and her teeth flashed in a timid smile.

Perhaps your children will have playmates here, if any hear Moonspear's song.
Atkan Aleut
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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Sialuk regaled her with news of a song in her heart and what sounded like quite the soiree. Meerkat’s eyes flashed at the talk of dancing gaily and exchanging flowers. It sounded so joyful, she could hardly comprehend the thought of such a celebration in her sorrow. Nevertheless, she was not beyond feeling happiness for her friend’s outlook.

And though the mention of playmates made Meerkat’s stomach feel hollow, she coaxed her lips into a smile and said, That’s wonderfu, Sialuk. Tell me about ‘those whose company you enjoyed’? I want to hear everything about them.
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Ooc — aerinne
She saw her sister strain to smile. It would be long before Meerkat was able to heal, but Sialuk was glad to see the very beginnings, even now. It was good to take the mother's mind off her grief for a little while, though Sialuk knew it would be hard.

And where to begin with the hunters!

Kannoyak is a strong hunter of few words. Chakliux has a silver tongue and a clever mind. Alaric is kind, loud, and rough around edges, Sialuk let out a breathy laugh.

Glaukos is sweet, strong, and has a clouded spirit. This she knew well. Sialuk had lived with her own clouded spirit for many months.

Rhaegal will need a wife who may heal the trouble he brings to himself. Sialuk paused to peer over her shoulder.

From Brecheliant, a woman named Bridget who walks with three legs and makes me laugh. Meerkat had lived long with women who took wives, but Sialuk had not truly shared this part of herself with anyone else—not even anaa. She searched her sister's face for recognition.
Atkan Aleut
Sun Mote Copse
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There were so many names! Addled by tragedy, she did her best to memorize them and keep track of the details Sialuk included about each. Meerkat’s face froze in an expression of rapt wonder until the mention of a clouded spirit. Then her brow furrowed, remembering Sialuk’s little black cloud of yore. Was this perhaps a kindred spirit?

Some of these suitors sounded like more trouble than they were worth, especially given all the choices. Of course, Sialuk could avoid men altogether and settle with the one woman she named: Bridget. Meerkat only tipped her head at her friend’s searching look.

Meerkat didn’t want to talk about or think of Sapphique, though she did say, A woman might provide you with wonderful companionship, though she won’t be able to give you children. You can always seek out a donor, of course. Just something to consider. She sounds lovely, and familiar, though she couldn’t quite place her name.

She thought a while on her friend’s list, then said, Too many choices is a good problem to have, Sialuk, and I’m so happy so many realize you’re a catch. Is it possible to take more than one…? Meerkat meant it lightheartedly, though she truly wondered.
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who stole my toe?!
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Ooc — aerinne
She smiled as Meerkat commented on the various suitors, especially relieved when she did not balk at the mention of Bridget. Sialuk did not know if she would pursue a wife, but she felt better knowing there was nothing in Meerkat that would object on a base level.

The raindrop sensed that her sister's question was in jest, but Sialuk responded in sincerity. Kukutux is one of two wives, she said with a warm smile. Such things may happen if many spirits are in sync. For the suitors Sialuk had met, she did not know if it was an outcome that would come to be. A selfish part of her wished to warm the ulaq of each one, if only once.
Atkan Aleut
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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The news that Kukutuk shared her hearth with a sister-wife caused Meerkat’s head to rear back in surprise. The “moon woman” was such a powerful figure in her mind, it was hard to imagine her sharing something so intimate with someone else. It seemed like the sort of thing a meeker woman might accept, though perhaps it took strength of character to commune and share in this way.

That train of thought guided her down a branching path. Suddenly, she pondered what it would be like to share Njord with Sialuk. She felt a great jealousy rise up inside her, a fierce feeling of possessiveness over her husband. She didn’t like the thought of him showing her friend anything but platonic affection, though on the other hand, she enjoyed the image of raising litters together with the pale woman…

And then another thought struck her and she voiced this one, asking, Is her husband married to your anaa and another woman? Or are they all married to one another?
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who stole my toe?!
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Ooc — aerinne
i had to consult with ebony on this, lol.

Sialuk realized she had misspoken. It is anaa and her wife—Sakhmet, she clarified, and also anaa and the sun man—Aiolos. He gives children to them both, but he is not husband to Sakhmet; only to Kukutux. She looked to Meerkat for recognition, wishing for this to make sense. To Sialuk, who had spent much of the past months in many different cultures, it was not so uncommon. Many different bonds were formed to complete one's life.

She idly wondered if Meerkat would take a wife. There was a time—long ago—when Sialuk had fancied that idea. But Njord had come and given Meerkat children when Sialuk could not. Together, they were happy and content, and the raindrop did not wish to interfere.
Atkan Aleut
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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She was too weary to even catch Sialuk’s contradiction, the clarification immediately capturing the whole of her threadbare attention. Would something like that work between herself, her husband and the Ostrega? She couldn’t stop thinking about it once she started.

Meerkat supposed she could bear the thought of Njord fathering children on another woman, as long as she permitted him to act wholly as their da. Part of her actually thrilled at the idea of mutually raising a bunch of Njord’s offspring. Children were a gift and he deserved them all!

But she simply didn’t feel that way about women. Much as she loved Sialuk, her affections were purely platonic. She had never known whether sensuality took place between two women, though if that was a part of a same-sex partnership, Meerkat knew it just wouldn’t work for her.

Realizing she’d lapsed into thoughtful silence for several minutes, Meerkat nudged Sialuk apologetically and murmured, Sorry, I was just thinking. I’ve seen many unconventional families before, even been part of one myself. As long as everyone’s happy, healthy and safe, well, that’s all that mattered.
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Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk nodded, understanding. She wished only that Meerkat and Njord would find that same peace and happiness here, in whatever capacity made them most fulfilled. Moonspear had given that to the raindrop, and it was her intention to spread that joy to others, even in their darkest days.

She looked outward from the mountain now, down at the expanse of the wilds that stretched on as far as her yellowed eyes could see. He is out there, she said, and your love for Swordfish will one day reunite your spirits. The spear had told her so, and Sialuk fully believed it to be true. She leaned in close to Meerkat, a shoulder should the young mother need to shed more tears for her traveling son.
Atkan Aleut
Sun Mote Copse
1,984 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Want to wrap and/or ship this to the archives? :)

Sialuk mistook the nature of her contemplation. Her words touched Meerkat, who naturally didn’t bother setting the record straight. Her eyes dropped at the mention of her son and then raised again, seeking Sialuk’s. She nodded.

Thank you, Sialuk.

She was suddenly very glad she would get to live close to her friend again. Meerkat would get to witness Sialuk’s courtships firsthand and, eventually, see which suitor or suitors she chose. She would get to watch Sialuk experience the joys of motherhood for the first time. It really lifted her bruised and sore heart.

Leaning into her pale cohort a little, Meerkat’s cheek brushed Sialuk’s pale shoulder as she murmured, Thank you for everything.
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who stole my toe?!
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Ooc — aerinne
It is a pleasure to help, Sialuk replied. She spoke from her heart, knowing it was good to help Meerkat and Njord in this difficult time. With all that had happened to them, the raindrop was glad that they had come to the spear. Their appearance at her doorstep had felt destined.

I will bring a gift to welcome your family this evening; a fine pelt to make the spear your home. For now, Sialuk was content to simply be for Meerkat in whatever way was most supportive.
Atkan Aleut