Noctisardor Bypass belong together (sped up)
738 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
At just about four weeks old, Druid’s children were old enough to explore the den’s entrance and just beyond it. Presently, the Den Mother sprawled in that little dooryard, enjoying the warmth of April sunshine on her shoulders. She kept her attention loosely trained on the den’s mouth to see if @Kikimora, @Artio or @Averie would follow @Goldfinch’s example and venture out today.

Between glances at the doorway, Druid swept the surrounding woods for any sign of company. She still wanted to thank @Etienne and talk to him about pack traditions. Careful to mind her elbow, she pushed upright and stretched out her back. She then raised onto all fours and gave herself a shake, watching as countless dust motes danced in the sunbeams around her.
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Gentle doesn't mean weak
890 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had stayed away from the birthing den mostly. Anxious because he knew he would have to look at Anselm and HEda's children everyday and possibly watch Heda and Anselm start a relationship and it made him heartsick. And he didn't want to hate Heda and he couldn't help but hold that small ember of anger and pain towards her. He really needed to fix that.

Today though he could not avoid it as he saw Druid out and about. He moved closer gently. Golden eyes on them. A soft chuff, but he stood a little ways away. Unsure.
738 Posts
Ooc — Kat
I wanted to note that none of the pups are meant to be outside with her. The reference was to Goldfinch’s previous escapade! Sorry for the lack of clarity. :)

When the Oak appeared a few minutes later, Druid wondered if she’d manifested him. She didn’t think much of it, though, turning to face him with a small smile curving her lips. He seemed hesitant, so she made a welcoming motion.

I’ve been meaning to talk to you, she said to him. I wanted to thank you for looking after my wayward kid. But there’s something else I wanted to talk to you about too.
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Gentle doesn't mean weak
890 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Okay, no worries. I fixed it above. <3

Etienne always made it a point to walk past the den. Even if he didn't stay or seek out anyone in it. He did check on them. Make sure there were no distressing sounds. Druid had been lucky enough or perhaps unlucky enough to catch him in a sneak by.

Etienne smiled softly. I always be lookin' after my siblin's and cousins. It be okay. Little ones like to wander.

A furrowed brow and he settled to his haunches. Everyting okay?
738 Posts
Ooc — Kat
His words actually answered the question she hadn’t even asked yet, somewhat. Druid huffed an almost silent laugh, her tail swinging slowly. Babysitting suited him. He was so gentle, soft in a strong sort of way.

Yes, everything’s fine at the moment. I wanted to ask you about where you were born, your upbringing. I’d specifically like to hear about any traditions you’d maybe like to see put to practice here in Rivenwood.
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Gentle doesn't mean weak
890 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had always looked after his siblings. Including the ones the same age as him. His sister especially, she always had a special place in his heart. He had left his two younger sisters behind. A thing he regretted a lot.

He blinked surprised. No one ever asked him about his home or his upbringing. He was momentarily speechless. He pressed his paw tighter into the ground. As sad, grief filled memories surfaced. Colored with the good rose moments.

I was born near de sea. In de cliffs. My 'ome was Sapp'ique. It is a 'ome of strong women.

A smile then as he thought of his mother and his auntie. We were tot to respect de sea, but also survive wit' 'er near. I was tot 'ealing by my granme.

We 'ave one tradition for de babies. Once de reach a certain age. De do a pearl ceremony or someting similar. Sometimes de go to nearby island and sleep. Sometimes de have to swim in de ocean. A way of 'aving fun and also growin' up.
738 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She nodded when he mentioned Sapphique by name. Even after all these years, she still admired the matriarchy by the sea. Not for the first time, Druid wondered how @Mireille fared these days. Would her childhood friend ever stop by? Had @Val passed on her message?

Druid refocused on the sound of Etienne’s voice as he shared some of Sapphique’s traditions with her. She could tell how much they meant to him by the tone of his voice and the warmth in his eyes. She was glad she’d asked, even if they weren’t able to use all of them here.

I know we’re not by the sea, though there’s the lagoon. What exactly does this pearl ceremony entail? Do you think we could adapt something like it here?
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Gentle doesn't mean weak
890 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne loved his home by the sea. His family. His auntie. He missed them like a dull ache, but he also felt so anxious there. As if he would never live up to what they wanted of him. That he was not who they wanted. That his face would constantly remind them of who was no longer with them.

He chuckled. My mama C'acal and Auntie Mirielle dove for oysters in de mornin'. Den we all got called toget'er to look at our oysters. And open dem. Sort of race, just for fun. And wut de pearl inside was colored was our traits or c'aracteristics or tings we need work on. Stuff like dat. We could per'aps wit' rocks or make someting of our own. Sometimes dem are de tings dat mean de most to de littles. Tings de 'elp make.
738 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Pearls came from oysters, which Druid had never seen in the fresh waters of the lagoon. Her expression grew thoughtful as Etienne suggested they substitute rocks instead. She liked that he was open to adapting this ceremony, though part of Druid wanted to truly honor its origins.

What if you and I went to Sapphique to gather oysters when the time is right? she proposed, head tilting slightly.

She certainly wouldn’t mind paying a visit and seeing Mireille. Surely Etienne would enjoy seeing everybody there too, even more than she did. Then they could bring home their souvenirs and the tradition, authentically.
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Gentle doesn't mean weak
890 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Pearls were hard to come by. You had to dive for them. Etienne was unsure how Druid did with diving. However, there was no denying the coastal air and the salt in the sea may actually do her some good. And of course he was always happy to go home.

However, he didn't know if mama and auntie would let them into Sapphique just like that. Him perhaps, but he wasn't sure about Druid.

We can try, but we would need permisison from Mama and Auntie.
738 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Of course, she agreed. If they’d rather not let us plunder their oysters, we could always do that part somewhere else along the coast, though Druid caught herself picturing those same beachscapes she’d frolicked upon with Mireille way back in the day.

Maybe one day, her kids would get to enjoy the seaside too. But Druid was getting way ahead of herself. She would need to heal before she could go anywhere, though she knew it wouldn’t happen soon regardless. Etienne hadn’t said at what age this was usually celebrated, though she assumed they would want all six pups to be old enough to appreciate the ceremony.

At what age is it usually celebrated? she asked. If you think of any other traditions you’d like to see used here, let me know. Almost everyone here in Rivenwood came from a different background. I want to honor that.
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Gentle doesn't mean weak
890 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne chuckled quietly. If you knew my auntie Mireille den you would know she would take dat very seriously.

He chuckled again thinking of his auntie's reaction. Not realizing that Druid knew his aunt as Heda did. Though truthfully he should have put two and two together honestly.

I was about 6 mont's old.

A sort of sadness found him then and he shook his head. I am not sure wut else my family does unfortunately. I left w'en I was only a year old. And before dat my life was very um chaotic. My brudder was taken by big bird, den bear attacked family and killed so many. Den granmes died and I just. It 'as not been easy. I wis' i could tell you more, but I cannot. But Anselm may 'ave someing from 'is 'ome or Fiona.
738 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Six months, she repeated in her mind, filing away that information even as the suddenly forlorn expression on Etienne’s face distracted her. Her gray ears pricked, then splayed a bit.

I remember when you first told me about Erzulie’s passing, she recollected. That’s hard, Etienne. I think each of us has a very difficult past. Heda and I even have bad memories of this very place. But I think we can still build a brighter future for Rivenwood.

Her tail swished, lips pursed before Druid relaxed her face. The sun’s fingers touched her cheeks warmly, reminding her to glance at the den. Weren’t the pups curious? Exploratory?

Facing Etienne again, she said, I did speak with both Fiona and Anselm about their traditions too. I’m excited to put some of them to use, hopefully not too far in the future. Did you know that everyone in Fiona’s birth pack had a familiar? Not just her.
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Gentle doesn't mean weak
890 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne missed home. But he also was unsure if he could face everything that home held for him. He always felt so different than even his siblings. He wasn't quite sure how to handle it.

Etienne sighed softly. It was not just granme Erzulie. We also lost Granme Roz soon after dat. Dat was de one dat 'urt me de most. 'er was close to me.

A soft nod. Memories are wut you make dem so dey say. I am better now at rememberin' good tings, but it takes time.

He hoped that Heda and Druid could build what they wanted. He was unsure if he would stay here long term. After all if Heda and Anselm started a relationship. Etienne was fairly certain he wouldn't be able to stomach it.

A shake of downy head. No, but Fiona and I aren't close. Dat is pretty neat dough. My sister Suzu always liked birds 'erself.
738 Posts
Ooc — Kat
His mention of birds made her wonder if he’d noticed the finch that seemed to haunt her family, particularly her runaway child. Druid glanced around, wondering if she’d get a glimpse of him now. There were many birds flitting among the treetops, singing their songs.

She couldn’t help but wonder about something he’d just said and asked, When you say you aren’t close… is there bad blood there? Sorry if that’s nosey.

She wanted to know everyone who lived here, which included how they all got along with one another. Particularly after weeding out Glaukos—at odds with everyone, seemingly, except Druid and her sister—she didn’t want to see any further malcontent sewn among the members of the pack.
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Gentle doesn't mean weak
890 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had noticed the finch the day they had found the little girl. It had flown and flittered and followed. He had not chased it off. IT seemed that this was a gift for the little one and he would not be the one to rip it from her.

He shook his head. Fiona and I just disagree on tings and I don't like 'er diggin' into my life. If i want to tell someone someting i want to tell dem. I don't like constant questions. Like dis today, dis was fine for me. Fiona is good wolf, good 'ealer. "er and I just disagree on 'ow we 'eal dat is all. Noting to worry about.

It was not nosey and she had a right ot know. She had enough bad blood lately he was sure. He would nto add more. He didn't get along with Fiona, but he didn't dislike her. They just didn't agree.
738 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Just when she was wondering if she should feel bad for all her inquiries, Etienne reassured her that her line of questioning hadn’t bothered him. Druid supposed she hadn’t been digging at him, though the conversation had without a doubt touched nerves of the sentimental sort.

Okay. Well, if I ever bother you with my demands or questions, you let me know, alright? I know you’ve put up with a great deal of bullshit and I don’t want any part of that, Druid said with a little smile.

She felt a yawn coming on suddenly and turned her head. Not only didn’t the Den Mother want to be rude, she was occasionally self-conscious of all the obvious gaps in her teeth. She didn’t have a forepaw to spare—the one good one was supporting her weight—so she just hoped Etienne wasn’t looking too closely.

Facing him again, Druid mused, I was hoping the kids would want to come out and enjoy some of this sunshine. Maybe I should go inside and check on them…
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Gentle doesn't mean weak
890 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Fiona didn't always bother him with her line of questioning either. But when she really tried to dig was when he was unhappy about it. But he thought of their conversation recently fondly. It hadn't been so terrible.

He nodded his head. A soft laugh leaving him at her words. He had hadn't he, and he was sure before he died there would be more that he would need to deal with, but for now.

I will let you know.

I will keep an eye on dem if you want a nap away from dem. And I will talk to you later, Druid. Just let me know yea?
738 Posts
Ooc — Kat
A good mother would check on them herself, Druid thought. Yet Etienne’s offer gave her pause. She stood still a moment, considering it. Well, she wasn’t exactly in the running for Mother of the Year anyway, was she?

You know what? I’ll take you up on that. You keep an eye on them while I actually sneak off to see if I can fish, mangled leg aside. The talk of oysters really wetted my appetite, Druid quipped, hoping Etienne would get the joke.

She offered his cheek a grateful nudge, then slowly made her way west out of Dawnleaf. Her bum leg was, well, a bummer. And she probably wouldn’t catch much of anything. But the idea of whiling away some time beside the lagoon still held plenty of appeal.
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