Blacktail Deer Plateau Choosing death in order to live
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
All Welcome 
Wraen did not feel very sad to leave The Sentinels behind. Almost two months at the coastal area had been enough for her to regain strength and once again be eager to be on her way. Their next settlement was located further inland - a forest, which provided shelter from the cold winds and icy rainfall, where there were several unoccupied dens, left there by the past residents in the area. There was a wall of mountains on one side, a freshwater river on the other - a small, safe pocket for the group to reside for the coming weeks. 

In the past few days the temperatures had dropped considerably and one m morning she woke up to witness the first snow covering the ground in a soft, white blanket. No matter, how many changes of season she had experienced, there was always something very special about the first snow. As if all that had been worn-out, bad and ugly during the previous year, was put to rest and hidden to give place for something new, pristine and pure. She walked through the forest, enjoying the fairy-tale like sight and humming to herself. It was good to feel at peace and ease.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia might have been a sad sack going into this trip, but she'd bounced back considerably in the previous few weeks, and now moving on, she had nothing but enthusiasm for the new change of scene.  They'd added to their number temporarily, she was finding she quite liked @Arcturus's company now that she had bothered to get to know the poor guy, and they were in better forests!  What wasn't to love?

The plateau boasted a pretty impressive view, but Maia had steered clear of it for the moment.  No use risking a slip, especially today when there was snow on the ground.  

Maia shivered and let out a small groan.  She could be excited and still dislike the cold.  It was really only good for one thing, and that was sticking her tongue out and catching the flakes of snow dusting down from the trees.  That was what she set out to do as she bounded towards where Wraen was wandering.  

I god wo she exclaimed, tongue still out, as she spotted and frolicked 
towards her big sister.  Then she pulled it in and laughed, her breath puffing in a big old cloud in front of her face.  I can handle this for like.... a few more days, tops, and then I'm definitely down for summer part 2!  Her tail waved excitedly in greeting.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Wha-a-a-at?" Wraen arched her eyebrows in surprise, when Maia had greeted her in the oddest way possible - tongue stuck out and with words that had a very distant resemblance to a more conventional "hello". She did not elaborate on the matter, therefore it was probably nothing of importance and Wraen did not continue to rack her brain about it. 

"Well, I have to disappoint you - Lady Summer has danced with the Wintersmith already - we won't see her for many, many months to come," Wraen replied, referencing (not conciously) to a Terry Pratchett book of the same name. She looked around and then back at Maia, she sighed: "The toughest part is ahead of us. But I have high hopes - we will survive."
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Well, yeah, obviously.  Maia leaned down on her forelegs and waved her tail in an exaggerated motion, trying to lighten the mood she'd unknowingly threatened to bring down.  It wasn't as much of a given as she made it out to be, but Maia couldn't stand pessimism, even when it was realistic.  Better to be overly hopeful than sad all the time - except when it came to the heart.  Because then, for some reason, she just couldn't help it.

The Wintersmith must be a horrible dancer. she pulled a face, then sighed.  I just really hate the cold.  They get so much more snow up here than they did back home!  It's kinda crazy.  Where their parents had settled had been warmer; neither their dad nor their mom had handled the cold well health-wise when they were still alive.  She'd taken the mild winters for granted until she came up here and experienced a real rough seasonal turn first-hand.  Now she'd never take them for granted again.  What's Arcturus up to?  she asked, peeking around to see if her sister's shadow was anywhere to be seen.  Didn't appear so!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"You think? I believe he is a romantic. After all his heart melts for someone in the spring. Every year, for that matter," Wraen suggested with a good-natured smile. "Perhaps, that's the time, when lady Summer gives him that fateful kiss. Who says... you could not beat him to it?" she nudged her sister's shoulder in a friendly manner, as if suggesting that Maia should try her chances with elemental dudes. 

"Arcturus? Well, he is his introverted, quiet and very serious self as usual," Wraen shrugged, making a mental note that she should take the guy on another outing, before he shrank back too much in his own world. She had no doubt that he had good time thinking about stuff, but she believed it was healthy to let those thoughts out once in a while too. 

"Why do you ask?" she returned the question. "Is something wrong?"
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was still skeptical, but she liked that explanation for spring.  I guess fall is when she leaves, and his heart gets colder.  Oh my gosh.  She grinned, then burst out with laughter, realizing what she'd said.  Leaves.

She shook her head at Wraen's concern.  Nah, nothing's wrong!  I just wondered, is all.  She paused for a second, then continued.  We hung out a little the other day, turns out he's a better storyteller than I thought.  How did you two meet?  She didn't remember if she'd ever asked before.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"I think that we should come up with a new poem. Bardship would be that one novel thing we could bring into this dynasty of storytellers," Wraen mused idly. Though classical storytelling never grew old with her, trying new and unusual forms to express tales was both challenging and exciting. 

"Something like... 
When leaves of autumn turn bright gold,
It's time for a song and dance age old. 
With full moon bright... two seasons meet, 
To dance all night on featherlight feet...

...what do you think?" she asked, but Maia had already moved on to the next subject. "I take credit for that," Wraen chuckled. "Before meeting me you could not squeeze two words out of him. Frankly speaking, I do not remember, how exactly we met each other. It happened somewhere on the outskirts of the copse and ever since I have a feeling that Arcturus has always been my friend." 
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia liked the sound of a poem!  She was also seriously curious (as a proper sister) of all the juicy details of Wraen and Arcturus so far.  But her older sister's segue was effective.

Seems like you've been good for him.  He even helped me make a new story.  She reached out to paw at her sister playfully, then stood up, chewing her lip thoughtfully.

With whirling snow and the wind's soft song,
they join and part, and the dance goes long.
Then winter bows with an icy air,
And takes his leave from the twirling pair.

She liked the image they conjured up... winter a stiff and cold partner, autumn vibrant and colorful.  It led well into spring, she figured!  And she waited eagerly to see what Wraen would add.

WC: 131
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Lady Summer bows and laughs, 
And then she stops him in his tracks.
She reaches to his icy lips,
And plants a single firey kiss. 

He gasps and closes his ice-blue eyes,
And all frost and snow rises in the skies. 
And then he's there no more to be, 
And first green shoots appear in the trees."
This was Wraen's contribution the poem they were creating together. It was nice to speak verses and think about the very beginning of the spring. When the Wintersmith still had got it's hold during the frosty nights, but Lady Summer did all his magic away by morning with help of warm sunlight. 
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She loved the image they were painting of the seasons like a dance of changing partners.  Lady Summer was the first partner, not autumn, and had the power to dismiss winter with a kiss.  It was the perfect rivalry turned love story except for the fact that the cycle would always continue.  Unless?

As the flowers bloom and sun warms the breeze,
the lady dances alone, with only the swaying trees,
As she begins to tire and needs to rest,
A laugh comes forth from another chest

The Wintersmith approaches with a fresh twinkling eye,
and moves in to join her, side by side,
Together they spin as Lady Summer's steps slow,
the leaves around them deepening with reds and gold.

Some of them weren't strictly rhymes, but she liked the way the cadence flowed, and she thought that this story was turning out to be quite beautiful.  She passed it on now eagerly, wondering if Wraen would tie the story off or continue it.  There was only so long one could go with a poem like this unless you turned it into a tale.

WC: 185
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Maia was getting really good at this - verses flowed like music and Wraen found great joy listening to them. If her sister's story bubbled like a rivulet, hers were bumpy and uneven as the ground beneath their feet. But just as not all people are good at dancing, so are not equally gifted in making poetry. Therefore she felt that she should give a well-deserved compliment: "This is truly beautiful. I love it!"
"They dance through the glory that autumn is,
Through darker nights and colder mists.
Lady's step grows slower, she begins to yawn,
And finally she rests, when a new day dawns.

The Wintersmith leans in and caress her face,
He gives her a kiss and she vanishes without a trace.
Throughout the dark months he now wanders alone,
Thinking about the Summer he has never truly known."
Here you go! Wraen left it for Maia to finish the story.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It really was, wasn't it!  Maia felt a lot of pride warm her chest as Wraen complimented the poem, only to have it grow even more as she continued into one of, she thought, the most beautiful verses yet.  Maia always forgot what a romantic she was until someone gave her a really great story like this one, and she let out a little sigh when Wraen finished.  She could just imagine how the Lady might feel, having the Wintersmith swoop in, dark and mysterious, and sweep her off her feet (quite literally).

Now the conclusion was all hers!  And she thought she had an idea of how to close it out nicely.

He would never touch her forests when rich with green,
Or dance in the full golden light of his queen,
But she would never see his sparkling wonder,
Or smell the ice in the air, feel the muffled snow under,

Yet while each dances with splendor and beauty their own,
They yearn for the meeting where they won't be alone,
When fall and spring will draw them together once more,
And they'll meet, hand in hand, on that familiar floor.

Maia's tail waved, but she let it fade in silence for a moment before she replied.  I think that's my favorite we've done yet!  She closed her eyes and sighed.  I've always really loved fall and spring, but now I love them ten times more, and winter doesn't seem so bad either.  Not if he's handsome.  She giggled, picturing a wolf who honestly reminded her a lot of a boy she'd known a long time ago.  Large, white, with electric blue eyes.  If she had to cast the part, he'd have been perfect.

WC: 286
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen wasn't overly emotional, when it came to stories, but the ending Maia brought forth was something truly amazing. It got straight to her heart - every verse. The feeling is very similar to one, when you have had an all-nighter in a company of a very interesting book and after a sleepless night, you are tired, but happy that you have had the experience. 

"Superb, Maia! Bravo!" she said, paused, repeating the last words to immortalize them in her memory. "I think that we should do more practice - because I may never achieve heights, but you definitely have an artistic talent that needs to be developed!" she told her. "We have found the best past-time to get through the winter too."

This was absolutely amazing!!! Thank you! We can wrap this up, but we have to do it again!
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fun fact!  I used to write poetry as a kid <3 my second grade teacher actually gave me a book to put my poems in because she noticed me writing so many haha!  And I haven't really since, so this has been a really fun revisiting of an old old hobby. <3  We definitely need to again!

Maia blushed as Wraen complimented her enthusiastically and ducked her head, though her smile grew even more bright (if that was even possible!).  Half of that was you! She protested playfully, though she glowed at the idea she might have any kind of 'talent'.  She loved storytelling, and she loved bringing joy to others with it, but she'd always considered it more of a hobby and a trade than a talent.  She wasn't sure she'd go so far as to agree with Wraen yet, but the verses they'd been creating lately added a new level of depth with the rhythm of the spoken pattern that she found fascinating to play with.  

Winter poetry, and maybe if we flatter him enough, the Wintersmith won't dump so much snow on our heads.  She gave her sister a nuzzle of affectionate thanks for the compliments, then stood up.  I was going to go explore some, want to come?  Maybe we can find Arcturus along the way and have him try.  She was mostly joking, but the image of their quiet friend spouting verses was a good one!  Who knew, maybe he had a secret talent?!

WC: 192
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
I think it is two years now that I and my siblings come up with fun verses for Christmas. It is a tradition here that in order to get a present, you have to recite a poem. Hence, me being lazy at learning anything by heart, I write funny rhymes. :)

"Definitely!" Wraen agreed eagerly. Exploring with Maia was the next best thing after story-telling and poem-making sessions. "I recall mom telling me that they had a troll spot here somewhere," she told, looking around and seeing nothing but trees and even forest floor. "Kind of like swampish place that stank and looked just as if a troll would live there," she added. 

"We can challenge him on it, but we have to be gentle too. We do not want to scare him into a heart attack because of our bizarre requests do we?" she joked. "Last one to that tree is a frog!" she bumped her shoulder against Maia's playfully and then dashed off in full speed.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Score, troll swamp!!! She somewhat remembered that!!  Suddenly the exploration looked all the better now that Wraen would be along and they'd again be going somewhere magical.  Maybe she even had stories from mom that Maia had forgotten or just hadn't had the chance to hear.  

Maia laughed as Wraen took off and immediately followed.  It was a bit of a lost cause but she raced eagerly regardless!  They could find Arcturus and torture "go easy on him" later - for now, this was perfect.

WC: 84