Firefly Glen you're burning up my mind
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
All Welcome 
The strange dreams didn't remain confined to that one night after the finding howl.

'I'll tear you apart if you do that again,' barked @Osiris with a scowl on his face, not unlike when he'd made Charles piss himself. 'Oh yeah? How are you going to make me?' Charles returned with a playful spark in his eyes. There was no such amusement on Osiris' face. His frown darkened and he said, warning dancing in his eyes, 'Look away.'

Much like that fateful day, Charles couldn't look away. Not because he physically couldn't, but because he didn't want to. He was drawn into those beautiful eyes, however angry they were. 'What if I don't want to?' Charles said, his voice hushed and out of breath. 'What if I...'

Osiris pushed him to the ground and stared back into his eyes. There was a moment of dreadful terror rushing through Charles' gut. He held his breath while he waited for the pain, the insults, the embarrassment and worst of all, the humiliation. '.. can't?' the Alpha filled in, and a grin broke through the storm on his face. 'Oh, Charles, I know. I know everything. I know why you can't look away from me. I know why you challenge me...' Charles licked his lips and suddenly felt nervous, and yet very at ease. 'Y-You do? It's because of @Leta, isn't it? Because I'm afraid she'll realise that you are better than me in every way? Because I'm afraid chilling with you makes her realise I'm ugly trash? Because I'm afraid she'll fall for you?'

Osiris laughed. 'No, silly!' He leaned down and nibbled gently on Charles' ear. It was the best feeling he had ever felt. Then Osiris whispered: 'Because you're afraid you will.'


Charles bumped his head into the ceiling of the small makeshift den he'd made for shelter. The sweet feeling of Osiris nibbling on his fucking earlobe was suddenly not so sweet anymore. Charles felt disgusting and disgusted and horrible and -- WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! FUCK YOU, DREAMS! he screamed loudly as he climbed out of the den and considered shouting some more or like... Throwing up, maybe.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec had a tendency to sleep when she felt like it.  Night and day made very little difference to her outside of temperature, physically speaking, but night was usually quieter.  Usually.  Tonight she was wandering without much purpose other than to simply wander.  For her this was enough of a reason, and just as important as sparring or hunting.

She froze when something started screaming nearby and spooked her.  Were those words?  Fear turned to annoyance as she caught some kind of nonsense behind them.  Who in their right mind screamed like that in the middle of the night?

Fennec might have been smarter reserving the impulse to act on snap judgements until she was a little less green here.  Unfortunately for all of them, she rarely reserved anything.  WHY DON'T YOU FUCK YOURSELF AND SHUT IT?  She hollered back.  There was absolutely zero animosity behind the yell.  Just a gentle, minute touch of pure and utter enjoyment, because it was not often she got to yell fuck yourself and actually make it a damn (awful) joke.

WC: 177
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Charles hadn't even considered that anyone might be nearby as he stormed out of the den screaming and in a mood to tear up some shit. When someone suddenly shouted back at him he initially was torn from his own anger and he crouched low to the ground in a reflexive response. Quickly he recovered himself and stood upright. The coywolf was glad when he looked around that nobody was actually nearby; at least not in immediate seeing distance, so he was safe on the dumbass instant-submit-reaction.

Realising now that the shout hadn't been anything upset-sounding, Charles grinned and realised that this was now becoming a game sort of thing. He could sure use the distraction. I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU, YOU DUMB FUCK! Like his so far anonymous co-shouter, Charles' voice held no animosity and instead contained a good dose of humour and sarcasm. He could actually use a good-natured shouting match to get all of this... blech... out of his system.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec had paused to listen for a response, but she wasn't sure what she was expecting.  Definitely anger.  Possibly crying?  Sometimes wolves really couldn't handle a joke, which was fine, she just... kept doing it anway, since that was their problem.  But what she got was so much better than any of her expectations.

She grinned, full teeth, and let out a sharp, loud laugh when he yelled back.  It took a LOT to make Fennec laugh aloud, but fuck if this wasn't the best thing to happen to her since coming here.  THEN WHY DO I HAVE TO HEAR IT, ASSHOLE?!! she hollered back.  It was quite possible that there were others in the glen who wouldn't appreciate this game of night telemegaphone they were playing, but she didn't give a shit about them.

WC: 135
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Charles honestly didn't really think that there might be anyone else nearby to hear their little shouting match. He was enjoying this way too much, anyway. This was precisely what he needed. After her latest shout he stopped to think a moment how he would respond. Then he shouted back, meanwhile having turned his head in the direction the mystery shouts were coming from: NOBODY'S FORCING YOU TO, YOU DICK HEAD! Somehow, the insults at the end of every shout had become a part of this now.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, okay.  So he wasn't only mouthy, but he knew how to go at an argument like this.  That one made her think a minute.  Then she had it, and lifted her muzzle to holler.  IF I COULD TAKE MY EARS OFF, FUCK KNUCKLE, I WOULD!  TOO BAD THAT AINT REALLY AN OPTION.  She cackled again.

Shouting had always been good stress relief for her, and even if she wasn't particularly stressed right now, she never failed to enjoy it.  Plus, whoever it was seemed to be having some fun too.  Slowly, Fennec began to make her way in the direction of her mysterious 'caller'.  She wasn't sure she'd reveal herself at all, but suddenly she was a whole lot more interested in finding out who exactly this wolf was.

WC: 130
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Charles was only ever really used to internalising all of his problems. He knew that shouting would only upset mother, after all, and he didn't want to upset mother (well, most of the time, anyway). He had never really realised how incredibly rewarding it was to just shout whatever profanities came to mind into the wind. Much less with a shouting partner of his own.

Without even thinking, he shouted back instantly this time: WELL IF YOU KEEP GOING LIKE THIS YOU'LL MAKE ME COME OVER THERE AND FUCKING RIP THEM OFF FOR YOU, DIPSHIT! After he went silent Charles chuckled to himself, not really realising that maybe this one was getting a little borderline-threat-y.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ooooh, spicier this time.  Same tone, though.  She'd gotten closer, she could tell by the vicinity, and no doubt her response would clue him in as well.  She stopped a moment to determine if she minded - nah.  I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY IT, PINHEAD!!  She hollered, letting a little bit of a taunting lilt enter.  She wanted to see if this guy was for real or if he just talked big talk.  It didn't sound like he was mad enough to make good on it, but how the fuck did she know?

WC: 93
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
His taunt was responded to with an invitation of sorts. A smile twitched on the edges of Charles' face and his large ears twitched along with it while he contemplated his next action. Would she chew his face off if he suddenly pounced her? The tone of her voice suggested that it was all fun and games stuff, despite the darker notes in her last comment. Maybe she'd chew his face off.. humourously? She'd come closer, he could tell, though he hadn't realised it before. It was as if he suddenly realised that she was getting quite close by.

Rather than hollering something back, Charles remained silent. With a big smirk on his face the coywolf snuck towards her voice. When he saw someone as he came over a little hill — which he could only really assume was her, but didn't know for sure in any way — Charles suppressed a laugh and he pounced quite suddenly, yelling, I'M GONNA GET YOU, DICKS-FOR-FACE! with a burst of uncontrollable laughter.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
rolled for her to notice XD

Fennec was always alert as she moved, so when Charles snuck up the hill, she heard the whisper of someone approaching over the rise.  It had been a minute since he responded, so she could only guess that it was him, though she had no idea what he was going to do.

His pounce still took her by surprise, but luckily, the yell was in the same manner as previous!  So while her first instinct was to defensively hunch, she didn't have time to snap into instinctual danger-mode.  Instead she grinned and tried to roll him away from her, yelling back.  OH YEAH?  AS IF, SHIT-FOR-BRAINS!  The volume was still absolutely unnecessary - and honestly, a little iffy on her ears.  But it was still all good fun.

WC: 127
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
As he yelled and pounced she didn't seem to be totally onto him, although it was undoubtedly expected that he would do this anyway. Charles laughed as he pounced on top of her, but, especially since he was not really trying hard, he was easily rolled to the side while he was wheezing with laughter even as his ears were assaulted with her unnecessarily loud shout.

Charles turned to face his new arch-nemesis, took a deep breath and shouted in her face: ONLY REASON I'M NOT OWNING YOU IS-- Hey, what's wrong with your eyes? He blinked as he looked at her glazed over eyes. They looked kinda spooky, and he was taken aback by them instantly. Probably was for the better that he didn't finish that sentence, anyway.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was prepping for a yell back, something about sure, of course, since his butt was the one in the dirt. But he broke off halfway through probably a pretty good zinger to ask about her eyes.

Fennec had never actually, surprisingly, had it confirmed for her that her eyes looked different.  Her parents and family had always just known and strangers she met usually assumed.  

Whaddya mean?  She asked abruptly.  There wasn't any offense to it, but she was suddenly keenly interested in what he was about to say.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Charles blinked as he looked at her eyes, and the longer he looked at them, the more freaked out he got. The only thing that kept him from running off screaming was the fact that she was just talking to him like a regular person and not some creepy-ass zombie. They're all... Weird, he said, sounding incredibly weirded out. Like, there's no black bit but just clouds? Shit, you sure you're okay? Do I need to call a medic? Charles continued to sound pretty freaked out as he got to his feet and kept staring directly at her. Lucky she couldn't see because it would be pretty disrespectful otherwise.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Clouds?  The hell were clouds.  She tried to sort out what he was saying, but couldn't relate.  It had been far too long since she'd seen another wolf's face to remember the specifics on how eyes worked.  I mean, you can try, but pretty sure I won't answer.  Fennec smirked smugly, or know what the fuck you're going on about.  Who's to say you aren't the weird one?  Clearly she wasn't taking his alarm seriously.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
It was pretty weird that she didn't seem to know what clouds were. Maybe she was soft in the head? Dropped on the head too many times as a wee baby? Charles was annoyed that she didn't take him seriously, and to boot, she was being all smug about being the medic herself. He rolled his eyes and decide to just give up rather than confront her with how much of a bitch she was being. Fine, your loss. If your eyes fall out of your skull later, don't say I didn't warn. He wanted to stop thinking about her eyes, but honestly those eyes were just so freaky. It was like a train crash he couldn't look away from. Charles shuddered involuntarily while he tried to put his mind elsewhere and tried to remember what he'd been doing again. Aw, yeah, shit, the Osiris-dream. Charles noped right back to freaky-eyes because it was still a lot better than thinking about Osiris right now.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She wondered how weird they actually were compared to others.  And, in a way, how off-putting.  There was a side of her that enjoyed the thought that they made others uncomfortable, but she also wondered why Bronco or Penn or anyone else had ever mentioned it.  A prickle of discomfort that she dismissed with a dubious snort.  If they fall out, not like I'd know the difference.  So why don't you tell me?  Wasn't like they did her much good anymore anyway.  She hardly remembered a time when she saw anything but the flat nothing, long enough for the longing to be all but gone.  She didn't even really dream in images anymore; just sounds and smells and the awareness she carried with her of the land around her.

What were you yelling for anyway, weirdo?  She asked, turning it back on him.  Despite the somewhat insulting manner of all of their exchange so far, in Fennec's mind, they were fast friends already.  Anyone who could give and take insults like this always was.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
.. What? Charles responded in confusion when she said she wouldn't even tell the difference if they fell out of her skull. That was pretty weird. Charles had literally never heard of any wolf that couldn't see in his life, so even though the dots were pretty connectable by now, he had no idea what she meant.

She turned it back to him then, and oddly enough, being called a weirdo in normal speech was a little off-putting even though Charles had felt much the same as her during their shouting match (about being friends already). What? Oh, nothing — Uh, just a weird dream. He hoped others had weird dreams too, because if they didn't then he was in for more humiliation for sure. He totally forgot to add an insult, but when he thought about it, it was already too late. It would just be awkward to add something now.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec ignored Charles' question, which she didn't really get either.  She wansn't sure what about what she'd said was confusing, but it likely didn't matter, because she was more interested in his weird dreams.

Y'know, dreams usually have meaning.  If you wanted to tell me about it, I could help you figure it out.  Fennec smirked, catching the dismissiveness and taking it as a slight unwillingness to talk about it.  Either way, she'd get dirt or a rise.  And neither of those things were a bad thing.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Charles laughed with a touch of bitter sarcasm as she said that dreams usually had meaning. God, he hoped not! He rolled his eyes when she said that she could help him figure it out. Sure you could, Charles said. Too bad I want to tell no one ever. Which essentially meant that her helping with figuring it out was pretty hard, because he would never tell her. Well, probably. He told himself not to be a push-over here, knowing that he was prone to be, well, a push-over and have his secrets extracted from him or be pushed into doing stuff he didn't really want to do. He would be strong this time though, he promised himself.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Unfortunately for him, that meant it was juicy.  He could have said 'you wouldn't want to hear it' or 'I don't remember' but instead he had to give the most interesting answer.  She had to think on how to get him to spill, because whatever he was hiding, it was probably worth knowing.

If you're scared, that's fine.  I can always find out later if I want.  If I can see the future, seein what someone dreams is no problem at all.  Fennec replied casually.  Can't promise it will be fun for you, though?  Never tried it before.  She didn't make it as though it were a threat, because she didn't really want to throw that vibe in here.  But it was an interesting note to think about, because that would be a pretty awesome power to have.  And if she were a witch, of course she could.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Heck yeah, he was scared that anyone at all ever would find out about the dream he just had! But was he going to admit that to sassy girl? No, of course not! Lucky for Charles, he didn't believe in supernatural stuff, so he definitely didn't believe in her being able to tell the future, much less his dreams. Pffr, sure you can. Then I guess I don't have to tell you, ever. You can just seeeee it. Charles rolled his eyes mockingly (still unaware she wouldn't see anyway).

She tried to mess with him more, but Charles held on tight. Do your worst, then. He didn't think she really could, anyway. But what if? No, no, she had no clue, for sure.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec let out a pretty massive guffaw when he said she could just see it.  She didn't know if he had done it intentionally or not, but jokes about her sight tickled her immensely when they were made by wolves she didn't dislike.  Damn, he really wasn't going to crack, was he?

Not even for a trade?  You give me a hint and I'll tell your future.  Fennec asked, cheshire-like.  If she pushed too far she'd lose this new friend and he seemed more interesting than half the wolves she'd run into in the glen so far.  She wasn't keen on chasing him off if there was an alternative, but she was curious as hell and he was not making this easy.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
She seemed annoyed by his comment and then suggested a trade - a hint for the future. Charles was silent for about ten seconds as he contemplated this. What hint could he give that was vague enough? Fine, tell me my future, Charles eventually agreed. He didn't really think she had the capacity to, but if she gave him something good then maybe he'd give her a hint. It just needed to be sufficiently vague enough so that she would never guess in a million years what it actually was.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
YESSSS ho'kay.  gonna do a brief fun one for him!

A future, eh?  No question, just a simple telling.  She mused on it, considering what she knew of him.  He was intense, and he spun insults with the same glee that she did.  Maybe a temper, though maybe not?  Definitely sulky.  Stubborn, perhaps, though she'd gotten him to cave to the future fairly fast.  So he was curious, and perhaps prone to peer pressure.  Just had to be the right peers (and/or the right pressure).  A wolf who hid his dreams likely had hidden insecurities, especially given how quick he was to defend.

It wasn't a great deal to go on, but it was enough for her to have a general idea while she took a breath and listened, feeling the ground beneath her paws.  There was a gentle trembling to it, she felt?  Like a far of something moving slowly.  Your future is quiet.  A gentle breeze passed by.  It won't make large waves, but it won't be unhappy.  Peaceful and fulfilling.  It sounded a bit like hell to her, but hey, maybe he liked quiet despite his yelling.

Then, for a moment, the shifting landscape that normally made up her vision transitioned.... dark clarifying suddenly into light.  It always shifted, never into anything recognizable enough to comment or make note of.  But this was the first time she'd seen it significantly enough to introduce it within a reading.  You'll need to move past whatever darkness you are holding onto and find the truth for yourself.  Forgive or move on, but don't dwell.  She stepped backwards, a little put off by the vision change, and her hind leg met a barrier of roots.  Push through the barriers.  Something has you fenced in.  It will trap you if you let it.  She smirked, then waited for one more.... ah.  The faint scent of a packmate.

Another wolf, maybe?  She asked, smiling lightly.  Someone who isn't good for you.  If you are stuck on them, you have to let them go.  She had no clue that her fortune had lined up with his dream, but she found it to be a rather fun one to tell.  With strangers, the darker ones tended to be more fun because they paved the way to more intrigue and secrets.  She could imagine Charles now with some unknown figure in his past, some wolf who had it's grip on him and wouldn't release.  But she stopped there, waiting for his response, benignly silent.  She tried to exude an aura of knowledge, though who knew how well that would hold up when she was also trying not to laugh.

clarity spread!
overall situation - daughter of pentacles
contributing factors - judgement, X of wands, the devil

this is perfect omg
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
She said his future would be quiet, at which Charles rolled his eyes. He'd already had quiet -- well, most the time -- and it wasn't exactly his jam. It was one of the reasons he had come here instead. Then she said that he needed to move past whatever 'darkness' he was holding onto. Whatever that even meant. Riley. Laurel. .. Yeah, whatever that meant, he didn't have a clue, really, so this was all wrong and just some generic bullshit. Bull. Shit.

Again he rolled his eyes as if to emphasise the point that everything she was saying was bullshit. But he kept quiet, because he wasn't really sure how he could tell her how bullshitty her stupid predictions were without betraying that she was getting to him.

Another wolf, maybe? What kind of bullshit was this even?! Charles' eyes widened and he was clearly shook, but he didn't tell her about it. Someone who wasn't good for him. When she finished talking, Charles immediately said, Well, none of that is close to the truth. His voice cracked up to betray that he was lying. Charles didn't give her time to interject and instead hastily continued: So your hint is that the dream was not about anything you just said. Well gotta go bye! And without further ado Charles quickly scrambled off, not waiting for her response (because it would probably not be very positive). There was no way he was going to tell her what was going on. There was no way he was going to tell anyone what was going on.

even more perfect because after this, Charles runs into Riley :D