Duskfire Glacier Katinngak
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
We don't need to do long replies. This is for any of the children who are interested in scouting for a new pack location. All of those who are tagged are welcome. I'd like to keep this somewhat swift so the actual scouting can begin, but I'll give it a few days for repliers. ^^ Thanks so much everyone!

There was little time to waste. If Lane’s conversation with Askari had been correct, it meant they had little time to spare. In addition to that, Issorartuyok knew that they would travel slower in the snow and the frozen weather. The winter had been harsh, and snowfall had not stopped for some time. He had thought himself wise for making the caches, had believed that they were one of the reasons they had as much time as they did. In the back of his mind, he could not help but to chastise himself. If they had been filled deeper, if there had been more, perhaps they would be able to face the difficulty with their heads a little higher.

Issorartuyok called to @Veteran, @Arius, @Wayfarer, and @Ensio to meet with him. As a final thought, he called too for @Heda. Her itching paws made him feel as though it was wise. 

The man knew it was a risk to offer to take those under a year, but he had faith in them. The glacier boys needed to know what was happening before he left. The northerner felt that he owed them at least that much. Issorartuyok wanted to offer them the option to travel with him. They would learn many things on the way and would return to their village stronger, if they desired it.
190 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Veteran's paws hammered the ice of glacier as he flew toward Issorartuyok's call, determined to arrive before the other children. Issorartuyok was his mentor, had been his mentor all along! It wasn't fair that now that all the other kids were vying for his attention, Veteran had to share!

A victorious smile lit across his face as Issorartuyok came into view, and Veteran saw he was alone. And the winner is... Veteran Duskfire! 

Veteran slowed his charge to a walk as he came within speaking distance of Issorartuyok. He butted the man's chest affectionately with his head. He also reached up to lick his mentor's chin a few times, in a gesture of childlike reverence. 

So thrilled was he with his imagined victory, he did not immediately notice the tenseness of Issorartuyok's bearing. He did not surmise that this gathering was for any purpose other than for some kind of lesson which Issorartuyok meant to lead. Hunting, perhaps, or scouting. Once the other children arrived, Veteran would learn more.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
His head shot up instantly when he heard the call from Issorartuyok. Clinging to his facial fur and muzzle was a dusting of snow, for he had been buried face first in it. A new sense of tense urgency and uncertainty had settled deep into the heart of Ensio. With it, it prompted him to double up on his work on contributing to the Glacier. He sensed a change might be coming, and did his best to prepare.

He took off, plodding easily through the snow with his massive paws and already impressive frame. His coat had nearly grown in completely, offering him near total protection from the bite of winter. A testament to his proud Tundrian heritage. When he arrived, seeing the black form of Issorartuyok waiting, he no longer looked upon the man with disdain. But not total trust yet, either, which he didn't show. He was not in the least bit surprised to see Veteran was there first. He looked to the other boy, his hard eyes softer than usual. Maybe he would get the sense that the dynamic between he and his dark mentor had taken a turn.

He came proudly, the reason stuffed between his jaws. Three snowshoe hares, freshly caught, which he had taken the liberty of hunting down. Their usual meat was going rotten, and he wouldn't take from the stores. If nothing less, the catch would provide some much needed calories for those who chose to travel. He set them down with a soft huff, waiting to see who else would show up.
91 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
After the funeral, Wayfarer had squirreled herself away once again. She wanted to disappear again, to take herself far beyond her birthplace and seek the solitude she so often craved, but Veteran's stupid face plagued her mind's eye enough to keep her from straying outwith his reach. She'd only recently returned - though headstrong, the flame did not have the heart to entirely abandon her littermate so soon after they'd reunited.

Still, she wished to be far enough away to make it clear to Lane that she wasn't yet prepared to welcome her proximity. The strain between them was clear to all who knew either, as was Wayfarer's unwillingness to forgive the numerous times her dam had chosen to remove herself from her life. She'd always come back, sure, but she had suffered through each absence. 

Thus, it came as a surprise to Wayfarer when her dam volunteered to step up as Duskfire's new Alphess. She had scoffed at the idea then and still nursed the crack in her heart at the insult of her decision! Why now did she root herself for others, when her own flesh and blood in infancy hadn't been enough to contain her?

She'd been seething over this for the hundredth time when a summons rose for she and her brothers. Initially, the girl disregarded the call by turning her face away. Wayfarer picked her way stubbornly in the opposite direction, easing her stride only as her conscience saw fit to remind her that her mother's faults did not extend to their pack-mates.

She expected to be the last of the youngsters to arrive, and was surprised to see only two of her three brothers on the scene. Her expression was neutral as she regarded Ensio first, amber eyes warming only for the moment they lingered on Veteran, then lifted with quiet expectation to look upon Issorartuyok.

"After all we've been through, everything I've done,
it can't all be for nothing."

Den Mother*
1,270 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
heda didn't want to go home. 
she wished there was a way to transport herself instantly to the bypass, to see her mother and sisters and mahler, but she did not want to leave the taiga.
gone for weeks from the protective bower of her home, heda had grown stronger. she had honed herself with sparring and learned a dozen new ways to track.
when issoratuyok called to her with an intriguing invitation, heda left off worrying an exhausted caribou cow and trotted off to find the tall man.
she was the last to arrive, it seemed. the rivenwood girl hesitated, but tried not to make it so obvious. there was veteran — a relieved smile spread broadly across her face to see him — and ensio, the boy who had entertained her the night of the feast. her ears warmed to magma at seeing him again, and heda went to join veteran, tail waving softly and a nod aimed toward the duskfire leader. 
there was a girl who so looked like lane that heda found it hard not to stare. aside from mireille, this was the first young she-wolf near her age she'd met. or was going to meet. maybe. the war-child swallowed with a moments trepidation.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Okay! I'll probably give this 3-4 days before starting the next round. ^^ Tagging those who responded. If there are others who want to join, feel free to crash the party. @Veteran @Ensio @Wayfarer @Heda

Veteran, come and join me, the man greeted his apprentice as the blue-eyed boy bounded into view. Veteran was the first to show up. Issorartuyok felt himself swell with pride at the image of the sharp young figure. He was filling into his frame. The time spent with the hunters of Moonglow must have helped to shape his figure, add muscle to his youthful body.

Ensio, it is good to see you again.

It was the young Duskfire who appeared next, with prizes in his teeth. Issorartuyok smiled warmly to the young man, pleased to see him, pleased that he had answered the call. Their last talk still hung in the northerner’s mind. He carried the words with him, everywhere he went.

The next figure to appear was a young girl with colors that looked so remarkably like Lane’s that Issorartuyok believed her to be Wayfarer. He bowed his head in a silent greeting to her. They did not have a foundation with each other yet. There would be time for him to know her.

Last was Heda – the northern man looked to her and smiled.

We must search for a new territory for our village, young protectors. I have called you here to ask that you join me in this scouting trip. It will be difficult and we will cross many territories, but I believe that you will be good company and will learn many things.

There was a thoughtful pause.

We must move to protect the village. The herds are dying. Those who are not infected with the illness are fleeing the hunting grounds. We will starve if we do not protect our people.
190 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Veteran was all too glad to join Issorartuyok, as his mentor requested. "Okay, ilinniatitsijuk," he responded, grinning proudly at his improved pronunciation. He'd been practicing.

Ensio arrived next, his mouth stuffed full of freshly-caught hares. "Wow," Veteran breathed, equal parts impressed by and envious of Ensio's winnings. 

After a short delay, Heda also joined them. He smiled at Heda, glad to see her again and that she would be part of this training session, or whatever it was. "Hey, Heda!" he chirped happily, tail whipping back and forth as his friend came to join him. "This is Wayfarer, my sister," he told his friend. He smiled at Wayfarer. As far as Veteran was aware, she didn't have any other girls to play with. Maybe they would be friends, and bond over.. girl stuff. Whatever that might be. 

Heda would already know Ensio; Veteran had seen them playing at the feast. 

Once introductions were finished, Issorartuyok spoke to reveal the purpose for the summons. At first, Veteran was excited and eager, gasping audibly in joy when Issorartuyok said they would be scouting for new territory. Veteran mistakenly believed that Issorartuyok meant to expand the Duskfire Glacier territory, and Veteran was a-thousand-percent on board. 

As Issorartuyok continued to speak, it became clear that Duskfire Glacier was not being expanded-- it was being abandoned. Veteran's expression would completely fall as realization set in. The Glacier had always been his home, and he had expected that it always would be, as long as he desired it. This revelation rocked his world. "We're moving..?" he uttered in dejection, wrestling to fully grasp how suddenly and significantly life as he knew it had shifted. 

He would go with Issorartuyok. Of course he would. He just.. needed a minute to adjust. Veteran glanced around, peering at the faces of the other pups present. Were they also struggling with this idea..?
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
He saw Wayfarer arrive, whom he rarely saw these days. Still, he acknowledged her with a simple dip of his chin. The last to arrive, Heda, elicited a much different reaction. His skin prickled and buzzed. He found himself shifting his weight from one haunch to the other, like a restless child in the classroom with ants in the pants. He wanted to go to her. But, too weighted down by the seriousness of the meeting, he watched as she sat by his half brother, Veteran. Who remarked at the granite boy's haul.

Unlike so many times before in the presence of Issorartuyok, Ensio showed no trace of his former anger. His jealously, his hurt. The cool in his sharp gaze would say that the two wolves had reached an understanding. Even an acceptance. But if Veteran wanted to hear it for himself, Ensio would oblique. Later. He cracked a slight, wry grin. "Was just being productive...with large game being all but non-existent now..."

When Issorartuyok spoke, the words didn't immediately settle in his ears. The meaning of them. The truth in what he was saying. What he meant for Duskfire Glacier. His pleasant expression slowly faded, becoming un-readable. Before their talk, one could very easily predict that he would explode into a rage at the mere mention of such a thing. Instead, silence hung thick in the air around him, while he hung his head to stare at the ground. Struggling. Comprehending. Deep in thought. And then, finally. "Veteran..." He lifted his head. "You guys...this is hard. But...this is about more than just where our doorstep is. We are more important than the land we now stand on."
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Okay! I know not all of you got a chance to reply, but I want to keep this moving. Any of you are welcome to throw in another post. Let's do this round for those who would like to volunteer to go with, and then perhaps one more to close it out. I will be making a few across the map that you all can join! I'm hoping to give plenty of chance for trade-pursuers! ^^ @Veteran @Ensio @Wayfarer @Heda

Issorartuyok was rather surprised to find the level head with which Ensio had addressed their situation. The young Duskfire had been – seemingly – hot-headed after the passing of his parents. It was something that the northern man had understood. A warmth sprung in his heart, knowing that the boy had walked away from their last talk and had found even a little peace. Newfound strength to hold himself to his word could be felt inside him.

I know this is difficult. I know this has been your home.

These words were more for Veteran, who seemed to have found himself rather speechless at the idea. The northerner worried for him, suddenly. They had talked of this, though not with Veteran in mind. Lane had wondered what the Duskfire boys might do when faced with the idea that they would need to leave their home. Talk of letting them leave had been brought up, but they had found a better way through it. Would Veteran be the one who did not leave?

Ensio is right. Issorartuyok would not allow the boy to believe that he was being ignored, not again.

We must take care of our people. We must make a home where new families can be made. I expect many of you to help teach the new pups that will come in the spring. We cannot have their spirits carried before they have a chance to learn from you, can we? The man spoke as a way to motivate them. There was trust in his words and in his heart.

I will be scouting west. We will travel far from the sickness. I wish to know if you would like to journey with me. Any of you will be welcome. It will be a long and difficult trip.

A heavy breath.

But it may save our village.
91 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
She heard the approach of another and canted a lobe toward the sound if footfall, expecting Arius to complete what was left of their sibling group. The face she turned her gaze toward, however, was not that of her brother - it belonged to someone else entirely. Wayfarer blinked, sweeping her gaze over a pale frame kissed by fire, and noted with interest how she moved to settle alongside Veteran.

There was no warning of the possessiveness that roared to life within her, and amber eyes lifted to boldly seek the gilded irises that stared right back at her.

Issorartuyok left no time for Wayfarer to issue a challenge, for he announced something most unexpected: they had to move. The russet youth turned her attention to her Alpha as he carried on in explanation. The glacier was dying, essentially, and its wolves would swiftly follow if they did not relinquish their pride. Wayfarer, having never been truly bound to the land to which she'd been born, stole a sideways glance at Ensio. Considering the land had been something of a birthright to him, this was a decision she doubted he would appreciate.

His acceptance was not what she expected, but she had nothing to say on the matter. Wayfarer lifted her muzzle and regarded the raven-pelted leader again, to whom she would make a vow: "I will go with you."

Any excuse to spread her wings and be free of the misery she felt to be tied to Duskfire Glacier.

"After all we've been through, everything I've done,
it can't all be for nothing."

190 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
"I know this is difficult. I know this has been your home."

Emotion welled in Veteran. Maybe it was babyish of him, but he wanted his mom. He had never had to face such heavy news without her immediately present. His eyes darted wildly as he sought validation for his emotions in the faces of his siblings. Wayfarer looked unfazed. Ensio had the decency to look pained, at least. 

Then Ensio spoke with words that Veteran would never have expected to hear from him. His jaw dropped open. Ensio was going to give up the Glacier, their namesake, just like that? Issorartuyok praised Ensio, and Veteran looked away, annoyed. The last time Veteran had gotten emotional and called Ensio out, Issorartuyok had taken Ensio's side. This situation was shaping up exactly the same. When did Ensio turn into the golden boy? 

Suddenly, the three rabbits that Ensio carried were no longer impressive to Veteran-- they now seemed like more of a show-offy boast, which was just irritating. 

Issorartuyok was talking about the pack having more pups now, which was additionally overwhelming and confusing. Where were pups going to come from? His dad was dead, and so was Tzila. How could there be more pups, with just Lane left as the only parent..?

Was Lane pregnant?

Veteran spiraled. He was losing his home to disease and probably losing his mentor to Ensio... would he also have to lose his mom to some new litter? His face felt really hot, and his heart was beating too fast. 

Wayfarer piped up with her offer to go, and Veteran looked over to her, his distress evident on his face. He then looked to Issorartuyok. 

"I want to save the village," he stammered out, voice small. He didn't want to break down or make any kind of scene in front of the other kids, but his eyes pleaded silently with Issorartuyok for reassurance. Comfort. Support. Anything.
Den Mother*
1,270 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
"i'll come."
issorartuyok laid out a pragmatic plan. heda itched for travel and to be away from the taiga and its death. she steped up alongside veteran, offering him a small grin before her gaze shot toward ensio. he still fascinated her, he and his silent, unreachable brother.
perhaps it was because she'd never had any of her own.
without a true attachment to the glacier itself despite her appreciation for its beauty, heda was ready to leave. she ached in wanderlust and being part of a move so integral sat well with the girl.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Ensio sighed, watching the other kids and gauging their reactions, their expressions. Wayfarer and Heda seemed willing to go with Issorartuyok, but Veteran was hesitant. He wanted to stay and try to save the village. It was understandable. The Glacier was their birthplace. The only home they had ever known. Just because he didn't show it, didn't mean it wasn't just as hard to leave it behind for Ensio as well. Not so long ago, he would have fought tooth and nail against this decision. 

He didn't know what they would find out there in the west. Hopefully someplace just as good as their home, where this sickness couldn't touch the prey. He couldn't help but wonder, momentarily, why Heda would want to go so far from her birthplace in Rivenwood. He shook that aside. "I will come too." He affirmed to Issorartuyok.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Okay! I will be closing this one out in one week. I’ve slowed down my pace a bit to help with making people feel a bit more comfortable with how quickly they’re pushing to move. ^^; I think I can get carried away a bit and hadn’t considered that I was pushing on the gas too hard. You guys can write in some closing posts before I archive this one in 7 days. <3 Thank you all for being so patient with me and so kind. ;w;

@Veteran @Ensio @Wayfarer @Heda

Issorartuyok worried for Veteran. He did not want the young man to feel helpless. He wanted to empower him – to bring him a sense of purpose in helping to save their people. The other children had not appeared as distraught, though the northern man could not have said why. He imagined that some would be more attached to their homeland than others.

All of them agreed to go, however. All of them would help him journey in search of something better for their people. Relief washed over him. Issorartuyok regarded each of the young wolves with a grateful bow of his head. They might have been young, but they were old enough to have investment in their people and the safety of their village. They were old enough, too, to do what they could in order to assist.

We will prepare to depart soon, then. I am honored to have you all with me. Your hearts and spirits are strong, to journey into the unknown. Please talk with each other, and if you have questions for me, I will be available to all of you.

The man searched each of their youthful faces and wondered if there was hope beyond the illness that had devastated their herds.