Swiftcurrent Creek Stare al Proprio Posto
Bearclaw Valley
141 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
All Welcome 
'Stare al proprio posto, Milana.' Know your place. Her father's voice rung in her mind as she approached the borders. Grating, irritating.

Ameline had said it was alright, that she should visit her lover. Make things feel not-so forbidden. But despite the advice of the Regina, she found herself nervous - maybe even a bit shaky in the legs. There was no sense in turning back now. The sun was at it's peak, the world was bright and she was sure that good things would come from it.

Tilting her chin as she paused at the borders, she let out a howl - one that called for her dear @Frederick.
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Powerplayable by Frederick
120 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
He had been at his den by the lower part of the creek, having a nap, midday sun shining down upon his white coat. Ever the light sleeper, however, he was drifting between two realms: consciousness and the land of dreams. But it was a howl that woke him up, ringing out and reminding him of an all-too-familiar face.

Frederick jumped, then, blinking exhaustion away from his eyes as he practically raced towards the border. He would throw his own head back, then, letting out a howl of his own: Milan! It would echo. I'm coming! And it felt that his legs could not carry him fast enough; pushing himself across the pack-land and towards his lady.

And he saw her. The brown dot on the horizon, standing there, waiting for him. A beloved site, truly. Frederick had always been the one to travel closer to her own home: the meadow, the glade. Never to the valley, but here she was, now. Waiting on pack borders. Waiting for him. When he approached, finally, he would pause in front of her, searching her eyes as if he was still dreaming. The chance that this was not real.

But despite that, he pushed himself into her, their fur a mixture of white and brunette. Mingling. You're here, he breathed, then, a slight pant behind his voice. His head craned around her neck, then, nosing at the space between her shoulders. But a weariness made him pull back. Why are you here? Did something happen at the valley?

A careful examination. Nitpicking her coat, looking for any sign of harm. Yes, he wanted Milan to be here for him, but his wants did not matter if she needed respite.

[Image: LxXG4vL.png]

power-playable by milan

Bearclaw Valley
141 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She greeted Frederick with a wag of her tail, glad to meet his loving embrace with her own. His tendency to worry was endearing, and she could not help but smile.

I came to visit. She said, nudging his shoulder. Ameline suggested it - she says Bearclaw is on good terms with the creek. It was good to see Frederick - it always was. But now she had taken a step closer, made her move to show that she was truly interested.

She wanted Frederick to know that she cared, that she would be content to wait for him. He had become the center of her delicate world and she could not simply let him go.
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Powerplayable by Frederick
120 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
Her smile. He could not help but return it with one of his own. And she had come to visit! Nothing was wrong, nothing amiss, just a visit out of her own will. Perhaps he should have come to the valley, to her own home, sooner. I'm glad. he said. Mostly that their packs were friendly—that there was no need for this to be a secret.

She moved closer to him, then, and for a moment he worried that she could hear his heart drumming against his ribcage. Loud and pounding and acting as if it could not get blood to his body fast enough. Warmth flushed within him. Let me take you back to my den. he murmured, scanning her gaze almost thoughtfully. A request, though not a demand. He would make himself content with staying out here, should she wish.

But he wanted to be with her in private. Their own little bubble, their own conversations, their own presence. He wanted her scent upon his bedding. The memory of her lingering even after she would eventually have to leave. A gaze casted upon her, yearning, full of want. Of need. For connection. For more.

[Image: LxXG4vL.png]

power-playable by milan

Bearclaw Valley
141 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Sapphire eyes searched his sea glass as he spoke, her gentle smile remaining. She had been invited to his den - and wasn't that exciting! She was quick to nod. Yes, alright. Her tail waved a bit higher now.

It was a clear indication of their connection, of the trust he had for her, and Milan was glad for it. She was curious to see how he lived. Was his den kept clean? Was it warm? Cozy? For a brief moment a familiar sense of anxiety washed over her, a worry that their preferences for a den would not be the same.

But, as she stared up at that pretty pale face her troubling thoughts seemed to dissipate just as quickly as they had appeared. It was a silly thing to concern herself with. If they ever got to that point, she was sure they would both be able to make compromises.
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Powerplayable by Frederick
120 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
And so she would follow him to his den. A soft nod, a smile sent her way, before he turned, moving so that he could follow along the creek, trotting upstream. His tail swayed as he went, a confidence within his step. What's your den like? Back at the valley. Idle, yet curious chatter. A side-glance casted upon her every now and then.

Eventually, they arrived. Grasses were lush from the rivers lifeblood, its water, but here, the shrubbery was full. A dip beneath a mossy, fallen log provided his bed, softened with ferns and grasses. He looked to Milan, then, as they drew closer, hoping for her approval. Just under the log. he advised, pointing his muzzle forwards. He would wait for her to enter first, and try to wager how she felt by the way she laid.

A hopeful gaze. Would she let him—invite him to?—get close to her?

[Image: LxXG4vL.png]

power-playable by milan

Bearclaw Valley
141 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She was glad to follow after the other, to indulge herself in his chatter. Ah, nothing much for the moment. An old den I found dug out under a tree. She responded, I assume it to be temporary, I'll need more room soon enough. She looked to Frederick as she spoke. Had she been to forward? Though, he seemed to be interested in her as well, so she supposed it might be alright to assume they may live together - when he joined her in Bearclaw, that was.

They arrived at a fallen log, Milan giving it a careful sniff before slipping inside. It was quite nice, and she certainly appreciated his taste in bedding. Gentle paws tapped the greenery as she circled, laying down to the side with them tucked underneath her. It's quite nice. Did you set this all up on your own?
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Powerplayable by Frederick
120 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
Six words that made his heart thunder within his chest. But he kept his cool. You will. Was all he said, wide smile tugging at his maw. One day, he would come to the valley, to be with her. Perhaps they would den together, too. That seemed to be her implication.

And she seemed to approve of his den, too. I did, I'm glad you like it. the man replied, padding in after her. She kept to the side of the nest, and so he would stick to the opposite. Giving her space, though it was not much, considering that it had only been built for the size of himself. Maybe he should expand it. Just in case...

He would lay on his side, then, limbs curled up by his stomach, cheek against the grasses. Watching her, analyzing. The log above them was wide, one a tall, wise oak that had fallen plenty of years ago. It kept out quite a bit of light, the surrounding plants letting only the slightest sun filter through.

It was cozy, comfortable, private. Intimate, one could say. Their distance felt both too far and too close at the same time. He closed his eyes then. A lack of words found him, almost nervous. Unlike himself. Usually charismatic, charming, nonchalant.

But not around her. He opened his eyes, then. A small chuckle: Hi, there.

[Image: LxXG4vL.png]

power-playable by milan

Bearclaw Valley
141 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Oh, he was adorable.

She had seen the change in him. He appeared far more nervous from when they first met, and Milan in comparison had grown more confident. Maybe they simply brought the best out of each other. The thought only brightened her smile. Hi there. She repeated, unable to prevent a giggle from escaping her.

I suppose we didn't think this through, hm? She said, her tail thumping against the ground. It's a bit cramped. It amused her, seeing poor Frederick pressed to the side.
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Powerplayable by Frederick
120 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
A bit cramped? More than a bit, he huffed, trying to push himself upwards, while also not stepping on her tail or her toes. I didn't actually think you'd ever end up in here, sorry. That's why it's very ... A small smile, then: ... Cozy. When she left, though, he'd make sure to expand it. For her.

He was sitting upright, now, head and neck lowered as to not bump his crown against the wood above them. Tail curled neatly around him. Do you have enough space? He murmured, then, eyes focusing on her, tail tapping against the ground.

In truth, Frederick simply wanted to sink into her. To let their furs mingle and to take in all of her scent, her being. But he remained still. Awkward and careful and too polite for his own good. Could she see that he had never met a woman he wasn't related to?

He was very new to this whole thing. Especially the feelings that came with it.

Oh, the cursed nervousness that came with attraction.

[Image: LxXG4vL.png]

power-playable by milan

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
I apologize, Arlette doesn't haha

Arlette smelled a stranger in their lands. She frowned and the first thing that came to mind was that they had a trespasser. However, then the scent of Frederick was mingled with it. Arlette's hurried steps trailed the duo in a haste. She assumed that it was probably the girl he had a crush on, or loved, but she did dislike that he took her across the border. This was their home, and instead of asking if felt behind their backs. It didn't help that she had pups this year, and that one of Suzu's pups was still missing.

She found the couple snuggled together under a fallen tree. The Beta female stepped forward, ears pinned back as she approached. She understood she was barging into a private moment, but as a new member Frederick did not have a respected status yet. She didn't know him that well, and bringing a stranger into their home was not something she could condone. Frederick. Please escort your friend outside of our home immediately, she spoke, her tone was calm but one with clear warning that she was not pleased about this situation. Her red eyes fell on the female, she didn't look too dangerous still it was a principle matter.

Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,136 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was surprised that Arlette hurried away until a scent came upon him. And then he was hot on her heels. One he didn't know who it was nor did he know much about Frederick. He had let the man in anyway. So he was his responsibility. Two if one of them even raised their voice at his wife. Well.

So he followed letting her take the lead. He was merely the back up. A truth that he and Akavir had come to know the day Pukei was chased. And honestly he was alright with this. Blue eyes landed on the two lovers. A firm glare in his face.

just a cameo unless needed. Arlette can Powerplay
Bearclaw Valley
141 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
It seemed that this would only be a fleeting moment of privacy, an unfamiliar voice cutting through the air. The disappointment was clear on her face - it was not something she could very well hide.

She looked to Frederick. This was his pack, not her own. She would heed the advice of her father and remain mindful of her place here. A guest, an unwanted one at that, should be seen and not heard.

It was embarrassing, terrifying, humiliating. She would surely be kept up at night for some time with this. A familiar pit in her stomach returned, the confidence that came from her time with Frederick spilling out of her until she was returned to the meek woman she had arrived to the Teekons as.

But now was not the time to sulk. Later when she returned home she was sure she could cry with the company of Ameline or Cole.
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Powerplayable by Frederick
120 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
Whatever moment he could have had with Milan was fleeting before it could even arrive. He noticed Arlette's steps, her scent too late, only noticing her presence when her voice sounded outside of his ear. He nearly bumped his head on the log above them trying to get out. When he padded out of the den, his eyes swam with embarrassment.

My apologies, Arlette, guilt made his throat feel thick. humiliation warmed his face in an increasingly uncomfortable way. I wasn't thinking—I'll escort her to the border, now. And when he looked back at the oaken woman, his face was hardened, stoic, as if to not betray vulnerability. A reflex. An instinct. He looked back at her.

Stepping aside to allow her space to exit, he would cast one more apologetic glance at Arlette, and when he realised Arric in the distance, he knew he was truly fucked. His gaze returned to Milan, eyes cold, lacking the affection they had held only a few moments prior. This way. He guided, making pace towards the border.

He would have to apologise for this. To both parties: Milan and Arlette.

[Image: LxXG4vL.png]

power-playable by milan

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Okay, so perhaps she felt slightly awful after seeing their faces of shock and embarrassment. Frederick was quick to apologize and Arlette dipped her head in reaction that she accepted it. Thank you, Frederick, she told him. Her red eyes glancing that the female who stayed quiet. She could understand that, it was probably overwhelming.

She watched as Frederick glanced over his shoulder again with guilt in his eyes. Next time just ask, alright?, she reminded him. Also her tone not as strict, wanting him to know that she wasn't mad at him. She knew that Frederick liked this female, and by the looks of it, it was something that was returned. She didn't want to stand between love, their love, but she was a stranger and they were not welcome in their home. If she was not as much of a stranger to Arlette she might be more lenient about it all.

She then glanced over her own shoulder, seeing her mate. She quirked up her lip at him. Here she thought the pale male had been scared of her, but it was probably the large shadow lurking behind her that made him look the way he did. Oh well. She watched the couple leave, glad that Arric and her had been in the same pack from the start.

Bearclaw Valley
141 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She followed after Frederick, her steps heavy and her silence nearly deafening. Eyes fixed on the ground, her mind ran rampant with thoughts she could barely keep track of.

Milan did not know who was to blame. She did not know if she had a right to be upset.

She could not understand why he had suddenly grown cold. Once the border was reached, she took her exit without offering Frederick so much as a 'goodbye'.
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Powerplayable by Frederick