Qeya River mysterious as the dark side of the moon
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
True to his word, Njord departed for Qeya river on the full moon towards to Kigipigak’s encampment. He had invited @Loko along. For one thing, Njord saw it as an opportunity to better bond with his son and smooth over any rough patches between them. For another, it was his responsibility to prepare the lad for the many dangers outside their borders. @Meerkat had recounted the perilous run-in with Nyra – or as she called herself, Fury (the name seemed fitting). If this wolf was capable of what Avicus foretold, then it was a real possibility that one day they would find a child of Sapphique torn to shreds on their doorstep.

He kissed Meerkat goodbye, thinking about the potential of new life she carried, and gathered Loko before setting off in the wee hours of the morning. They moved at a good clip. Loko was an athletic boy with the corded silhouette of his father. If it wasn’t for his young face one might have thought him a man grown.

“I’ve brokered a deal with a Northern warrior for trainin’ lessons,” he explained. “He’s a braw man, best fighter I know…” Njord reserved his own curdled opinions of Kigipigak’s pompous attitude for another time. It would do no good to speak of them now. “His name is @Kigipigak an he lives with a woman… an’ she is with child. They need help huntin’.” Njord’s gaze looked at his son as if to say, ‘so you better be on your best behavior.’ “I agreed ta join their huntin’ party in exchange for mentorin’. We’ll be stayin’ a few days at a time.” Loko was a budding young hunter, and there was no doubt in the seafarer’s mind that he would be an asset.

The timbre of Njord’s voice dropped, tone serious. “It’s important you ken how ta properly defend yerself, lad… an I can think of no better tutor.”

They arrived at the river as the taiga’s alpenglow began to turn night into day. Njord woofed a greeting chuff and waited for Kigipigak or his shadow to emerge.

Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

there's too much left to taste that's bitter.
102 Posts
Ooc —
they left under a full moon which hung like a heavy disc in the sky. the cold, the night, the premise of fighting ahead all exhilarated loko, who kept at the quick clip of his da alight with buzzing energy.

it was his first excursion out since his encounter at the sound: loko felt his limbs stretch as if putty under the sun - he felt his tension unravel, ebbing, ebbing -- his da ahead with bright tail bobbing.

he kept quiet, reserving his energy. his da kept pace easily while talking, but loko was not so fit: it took all of his breath to simply move, there was none of it to spare for idle chatter.

night faded, giving rise to day which broke over their shoulders like an old friend welcoming them in. loko slowed when njord did, his breath rattling through his muzzle and rising in grey smoke above his head.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,272 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
It wasn't the familiar scent of his rival that brought Kigipigak prowling from the edge of the wood, but the potential for a meal fresh out of the river. The chill of winter was prevalent but to Kigipigak it held a lesser bite; he had been monitoring the riverside with some skepticism until this morning, and turned his attention away from the water when he caught two silhouettes approaching.

Then, he heard the chuff. It helped Kigipigak to zero-in on the pair as he approached, eyes wide at first and then squinting, scowling lightly, because there wasn't just Njord here but another wolf with him.

Who is this? Kigipigak's voice carried. He looked over the boy with a quick glance and then eyed Njord as if, somehow, he could not be trusted. This boy coming along was not a part of the original deal; although Kigipigak wouldn't turn him away yet, given that he was desperate for more hunters.
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
The trio met by the riverside, stopped short of one another, and Njord could see the dubious look on Kigipigak’s face. The seafarer knew, just as well, that this had not been part of their arrangement… but after Loko’s encounter with in the Sound, Njord knew he could not spare this opportunity to prepare his child for the world.

“Loko, my son,” Njord introduced simply, saving Kigipigak from the details of their unusual family arrangement. He hoped Loko wouldn't oppose, and continued on. “He’s a canny lad an’ a braw hunter,” he explained as he motioned for Loko to step forward, “he’ll be good ‘elp on our hunt.”

There was a second motive, as well. Njord thought back to a memory of Sobo asking why it was bad to be male in the female-first hierarchy of Sapphique. This epiphany had haunted the redtail ever since… and Njord knew it would be a good experience for Loko to hunt and learn among men.

“If ye canna spare time to train us both, then I ask ye coach Loko in my stead,” Njord acquiesced with a firm look, though in his heart it was difficult to relinquish these lessons… the thought of Meerkat’s face in his mind’s eye.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

there's too much left to taste that's bitter.
102 Posts
Ooc —
a pale wolf of heavy stock met them, shorn of ear and the wearer of a suspicious gaze. loko felt pinned underneath it.

every day he was learning: from his mothers, he learned the unspoken social graces -- how to speak, how to touch, how to carry oneself among peers.

from his father's reception of this man, loko learned something deeper: a kindred wariness which curled around them like a sleeping cat.

he remained silent. his da spoke for the two of them now, and it was up to the man with ox in his blood whether to accept or turn them away.
All of Sapphique is welcome to PP Loko for cohesion/continuity. Just tag for reference.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,272 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
You know what the deal is. How much I can spare. Kigipigak answered immediately. He thought they had been on the same page about this - hunting together in exchange for training, for one. Adding this young boy would give Kigipigak more to work with but also more work overall. It wasn't a wrench exactly but an unforeseen complication.

He looked to the boy again: this time with more purpose. Looking at his proportions, estimating what his strengths may be. This was his first time training anyone and Kigipigak didn't rightly know the good from the bad, but he was trying to learn as quickly as he could so that he could fulfill his end of the bargain.

So long as he can follow direction I will train him too. But you'll need to hunt for your own food together, and any extra can be part of your payment. Kigipigak concluded things there. It wasn't too far off the original plan; rather than have Kigipigak help them to hunt, they would hunt together and then take turns with spars, so that one was always resting.

Come, let me show you what we have settled so far. With that said, Kigipigak turned and began to shepherd the pair to the shallows of the river, and upon crossing it he'd lead them deep within the Qeya territory, up the hillside to the shelter of the lower forest so that they may get situated.
there's too much left to taste that's bitter.
102 Posts
Ooc —
wrapping this up <3

loko remained silent as his father negotiated with the arctic man. he had learned from erzulie when to speak, and when to fold them. today was a day to fold them.

when navigating deals was over, kigipigak assessed him. loko stood stiffly to attention, tension running along his shoulder blades.

he would do as he was bid - excited, even, to prove himself on the most noble of battling grounds: the hunt.

the hours would turn into days. loko restocked the cache where he could. he failed many hunts -- but those he stood victor over were brought to kigipigak's attention.

when it came time to leave, a mournfulness filled loko. he thrilled in the hunt. it was instinctive and daunting - the crucible in which loko was made. his mind and his blood rested naturally in these elements, and when he returned to sapphique he would be just a little harder, a little leaner, and one step closer to becoming a true huntsman.
All of Sapphique is welcome to PP Loko for cohesion/continuity. Just tag for reference.