Ocean's Breath Plateau The sound of little feet
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
All Welcome 
The babies first outing from the den, no posting order. Anyone else who knows Raindrop already can stop by or make a cameo. Sumac, I’ll keep this vague if you aren’t able to join. @Pine, @Silvertip @Angel Oak, Ponderosa.

It was late morning, nearing noon, and the sun was shining bright on the backdrop of a clear blue sky with fluffy clouds. Raindrop spoke soft to their little ears, which were starting to open at last, and their eyes too. “Come, my daughters, you will finally see the sea.”

She took her muzzle and gently nudged them up towards the den mouth, up to the sun. Their legs were small, yet the girls were growing swiftly, and soon they would be walking on their own.

She wouldn’t take them far, for safety, it’s always best start out with small steps.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
16 Posts
Ooc — C.C./Annie
She had awoken from her previous nights nap filled with food. All of a sudden she had a burst of energy to wake up and go. Her mother gently nudged her, small legs and all up to the sunshine. Warm and welcoming. Her eyes and ears had opened which was unknown to her at first. It just happened….

Her mother brought them out into the sunlight. She made some little happy squeals as she looked around for her sisters and perhaps father?

Every now and then, she would dream of the stars…. Bright and glistening. This was the day time though…. What had happened to the stars in the blinking night sky?? She wondered, and wondered endlessly until her nose caught a sea ridden smell and saw a vast dark expanse know as the ocean. Though mama called it “the Sea.”
23 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
She had woken from her nap, to the sound of Mama and her sister, Silvertip, up and moving around. Ponderosa was curious, as to why Mama had been calling to them, the sisters, and she listened: “you will finally see the sea.” She didn’t understand the exact words, but she trusted Mama, and could sense the excitement Mama had, and so she climbed to her paws and with Mama’s help, exit the den. The world was SO bright, and she had to squint her little eyes, let them adjust from darkness, to light.

“Mama?” Ponderosa babbled, looking out into the distance at a big blue…thing. “See?”

Raindrop heard ‘Rosa, and told her, “Yes, that is the sea. Water, big water.”

Raindrop looked to children, pointed out with her paw, “The big water is the sea. Soon, you will get to touch it, feel it.” It was almost time to work on weaning them also, share with them meat for the first time. But she would star things out one at a time.
5 Posts
Ooc — mixed
The sleepy girl took a little time to get started, but once she understood what was happening, she was eager as any of them. She rushed out ahead, fascinated to cross through the Bright Light that she'd so often seen her parents and visitors pass in and out of. The other side was shocking both in its newness and its sameness. The area immediately outside the den was almost like the inside, only brighter and surrounded by green. She spotted sticks, like the ones that Daddy brought her sometimes, and she smelled the sea air that Mama always smelled like.

But it was all so big, and she felt smaller than she ever had before. Angel Oak crawled toward her mother and hid beneath her, afraid most of all of the blue above them.

"Mama," she called, trying to steal the attention from her sisters, "Whassat?"

She pointed her nose at the sky.
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
PPing Pine here. Permission was given to PP, of course.

Ponderosa and Silvertip seemed to be very interested in their new world, and she smiled proudly. She felt a brushing against her legs, and looked down at Angel Oak and @Pine with a chuckle. They had found a safe spot underneath their mother, and from there, she heard the frightened little voice of Angel, pointing with her little nose  up to the sky. She asked what it was, and Raindrop answered: “Angel, that is the sky. It safe.” It is from there your family watches over you.” She cooed to her daughter. 

Raindrops attention was stolen from the children for a moment. She sniffed the air, her ears swiveling, all seemed safe. On that note, she laid there in front of the den mouth, and would let her children play with the toys brought to them, if they wished. There were sticks, feathers and shells.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
16 Posts
Ooc — C.C./Annie
She had started playing with a ball of clumped feathers she found, tossing it around seeing where it would go.

She would gently chase after it, like a cat to yarn. “Got it!” She yipped to herself, “mama mama see!!” She brought it over to her mother. Proudly.

She dropped the feather ball in front of her, then distractingly looked around for her siblings. Was Rosa playing with seaweed?
23 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Quiet little Ponderosa had found herself something long and green. It was slimy and kinda stinky, and after check to make sure it wasn’t alive, she scooped it up into her mouth. She trotted over to her siblings and mother, excited to share her find.  

“Gween!” She exclaimed.
16 Posts
Ooc — C.C./Annie
She ran up to her sister to look at what she found, “gween?” “Seaweed Rosa!” Her tail wagged, she was happy to see her sister having fun finding stuff. “I found feathers!” She happily showed her sister the ball of feathers she had found just moments earlier.