Moonspear ukuak ⦖
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Ooc — ebony
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it was known to the duck that she must go to moongrove next. each daughter had been given support in her building; each packland was visited by their anaa. she must not remove this from callyope, even if kukutux was barely able to think of the lake.

she returned to moonspear, the last of her dried salmon and the first of her raspberries. sheep's-fat and sealmeat comprised the rest. she carried it entire in the skin of a tall sunfurred hare.

it was for @Arrluk and @Ajei she looked now, finding their scents overlaid thickly and smiling around her carryskin as she followed that path.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
546 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei was busying herself with furs fir the hunt. Alaric had hunted a few rabbits and weasels for her. Maybe 2 of each and she was trimming them, and cleaning them.

 Eager to add her own help to the wolves of the moonvillageS. Wolves who had accepted her mother, accepted her.

How she missed her mother on days like today. Qhen they could have hunted or spend the day together. She felt ribbed and yet so blessed to have the time she had.
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Ajei busied herself with the business of prepping skins for the great hunt. Arrluk sat at the water edge and looked out at the land before them. Both their dens lay next to the riverside, arcing to face one another though remaining a seperate space. Two silvered fish sat at his side, ready for him to take to a cache though for the moment took a break from his fishing. His legs had grown sore from standing in one place for too long a time. 

In the distance, he sees his mother. A bright rabbit's fur in her mouth, stuffed with some manner of trinkets which she carried. It was not very often his mother didn't carry herself with a skin in her mouth and a skin over her back. She always brought gifts! 

Anaa! He calls out to her, lifting from his spot and trotting into her direction. Let me take that. He insists, making to reach for the bundle she carried to ease her neck and so then to bring it wherever she settled down to rest a moment from her travel.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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Master Medic
kukutux could not help but beam in spirited relief at the sights which greeted her eyes; ajei, shining in a woman's silent way as she worked, and arrluk approaching now, polite, joyous.

"it is good to see your face, my son," the duck said, kissing his cheek. how tall he had grown! he took up the bundle and she walked at his side.

and ajei! as she came up the path, she held out an embrace for the lovely one, daughter of shikoba.

daughter of the star woman. "it is good also to see yours, sweet girl."

"i have brought good things to eat," she revealed, "and my heart anticipates the hunt that is to come."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
546 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei quickly dropped what she was doing and eagerly took the older woman into an soft embrace. The scent of river water and herbs coming with her as she did so. 

It is good to see you as well Moonwoman.

Ajei nodded and motioned at the few items she had. These are for trading if you wish too.
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Arrluk's black and white tail sways left and right as he follows his mother's steps along her side to the little area which he and Ajei called their own. He settled back down the bundle in front of his mother and sat down once Ajei had joined them. 

I am eager for it as well. His ears perked with an excitement at the thought. It had been quire exhilarating the first go around yet he was far less young and dumb now and hoped he would be more helpful this time around. How is aapa now that he is back? ...How are you? His voice softened, ears sweeping back.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"yes, please, ajei. bring them for moonspear camp," kukutux invited, already filled with joy at the idea of their attendance together.

a dutiful son, he asked now after his father, and her eyes were light. "he walks more upright. he is stronger." the sadness still lived in aiolos, as it did in her.

"our hearts are touched by peace when we sing with our grandchildren," she said, not wishing it to be an allusion, but not restraining such a thing all the same.

"now, look!" she said with pleasure, unwrapping the skin to show the things from moonglow she had brought.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
546 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei stopped her ministrations. Placing them nicely along the shore to pick back up. It was nice.

She did move towards moonwoman to listen. To study. Green eyes taking in the treasures Kukutux brought.

It was nice to hear and see.
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Super pissed! Had a 3 paragraph long response and then accidently deleted it. Apparently Samsung notes doesn't have an undo button anymore!!

Arrluk spoke no more of it and instead forcused on the gift bag his mom had sent. He woofed down a hunk of seal meat and a few of the rasberries. Oh, I almost forgot... He went trotting back to the riverside. You hungry? Back to the two silver fish he caught, he lifted up both by the tails with a grin and a wagging tail.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]