Silver Creek all i want is to have my peace of mind.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
"Oh my god, seriously! Just admit it--You're totally in love with me!"

Figment had to work hard not to flatten his ears as the banter picked up between Penn and @Fennec once again. He'd spent enough time now with the pair to recognize when the Blackthorn was trying to get a rise out of him and unfortunately, Fig had a habit of making it far too easy for Penn to tell when it was working. Not that hiding his annoyance really mattered at this point--his undesired traveling companion had learned early on that this particular topic was always effective. But still, Fig clung not-so-optimistically to the hope that if he didn't react, Penn would get bored and find something else to entertain him.

"See? Even your brother knows it. He's making his constipated face. It's cause he's overly full of the knowledge that you are completely emphatuated with me."

Or, that would happen.

Fig stifled his sigh of aggravation and glanced sidelong at his sister, trying to remind himself that she was the reason he was here and that she was a damn good reason. It was getting harder to recognize that these days. She was excelling at being on her own far more than Fig had ever expected. She really didn't seem to need him anymore, which was a bittersweet pill to swallow, made all the more frustrating because frickin' Penn Blackthorn had clearly known how capable she was all along. He had never doubted her, which just made Fig feel all the more ashamed to admit to himself that he once had.

Bitterness. Figment shook his head, trying to shake it away. He needed to get back home and away from this. He didn't like being bitter, but he would never get past it with that smug asshole around.

Even if that might mean being parted with his Fenny again.

Maybe he hadn't really decided.

Trying to ignore whatever it was Fenn said in response to the accusation, Fig lifted his head to sniff at the air and look around. He recognized this place, but not well enough to know for sure which way to turn now. He thought they needed to go more East, but he hesitated, trying to think it through further so he could be absolutely certain he wasn't going to make an incorrect recommendation, because lord knows exactly what reaction he'd get from that arrogant piece of...
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn hadn't been thrilled when Fennec's brother had joined their travelling band of miscreants when they'd inadvertently stumbled upon the Frosthawks territory. He'd preferred being a duo, but he could've made piece with becoming a trio if their third hadn't come with such a long stick shoved up his ass. The only good thing to come from it was at least he was fun to fuck with. Fig clearly was not a fan of Penn's, but that didn't bother the Blackthorn in the slightest. He tolerated him, and it had been kinda nice to have a non-blindo to hunt with if nothing else.

Plus, Fig could confirm for him what Penn had begun to suspect early on in their travels together--that Fennec was totally super in love with him.

He hoped.


For anyone wondering, the answer is: No, Penn has not matured in the least since departing the Firebirds.

Ahh... the Firebirds.

Penn watched as Fig came to a stop and began to look around. His eyes narrowed with annoyance. The Blackthorn had zero desire whatsoever to go anywhere near his old territory. He blatantly refused to admit to himself how nice it really would be to see Wraen and Towhee again. Even Eljay. But only little bitches missed their family. Case and point: Fig.

That was the only real reason he agreed to coming back. They might manage to shake Fig off, and then he and Fenn could go back to their merry gallivanting.

He hoped.

Before he could let himself worry too much about whether or not Fennec would choose to stay rather than continue with him, a mocking smirk danced across his face. "Let me guess... Not sure which direction to go?" he asked, his smirk widening as he watched the other male stiffen, "You know, you can just ask. Not everyone is a born scout like myself, and you know I'd love nothing more than to help out a friend in need."

His tail wagged as he saw the twitch in Fig's lip. He loved getting that uptight Redhawk to snarl at him, even if it meant some ass-kicking from Fenn. But let's be real, he liked it when she kicked his ass. Penn has problems.
Sun Mote Copse
2,032 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
God, Penn was such an annoying asshat at times.  He was annoying all of the time, but the asshat part really seemed to pick up when Fig joined them.  While Fennec was a little sympathetic towards her brother, she did have to admit - seeing Penn kick up the front was funny as hell.  Trust boys to be so insecure - and they thought she needed help?

Okay, so she wasn't dumb.  The last few months had been really, really great for Fennec, but they'd made two things very clear.  One: she did need help.  There was no way she'd have made it without Penn, not that she'd ever tell him shit about that.  Two: She wasn't completely useless.  Sure, there were some (very important) things that she sucked at, but there were a few things she was really good at too.  Things that she definitely wouldn't have found if she hadn't been made to out on the road.

With how much you ask, seems to me like it's the other way around, she shot back, smirking at the expression she knew was on Fig's face right now.  They really were terrible company, but it was his fault for coming along.  

She was really glad he did.

If there was one thing still true of Fennec, though, it was that she still dished it out evenly.  Fig might get a smirk, but Penn wasn't immune either.  And he opened himself up so nicely to it, too.  Born scout? Who was it again who got us lost in that canyon?  Could've sworn it was you I was traveling with, but maybe I was wrong.  She was, of course, never wrong.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
As much as he loved Fenn, Fig was pretty sure he would do just about anything to get away from Penn.

It didn't surprise him that Penn had noticed. Of course he had. And of course he'd felt the need to drive that needle in just a little further. If nothing else, this had been an excellent exercise in patience and self-control--two things Fig had always had an abundance of, but that he'd never really thought impressive until he'd spent this much time in the Blackthorn's company. Penn's words grated on his ears and once again, he had to school himself in not turning around and throwing the arrogant piece of... to the ground.

Which he absolutely could, and they both knew it.

Figment turned his attention to Fennec then, once again appreciating her wit and humor--just the thing required to diffuse these situations. He shifted a bit to let his wagging tail brush against her hip since she couldn't see the smile that showed his appreciation. His sister excelled at putting Penn in his place and subsequently distracting him from his self-imposed mission to make Fig miserable. He didn't entirely love how well the pair got along, but... It was what it was. All he could do was try to look at the glass half full.

Penn was mouthing off about something in return, but Fig cut across him without concern. "We should head more East," he said, forcing Penn to fall silent, "Follow the Creek along through the woods until we get past the trees. Cut a path to the North East from there and I suspect we should get a glimpse of the Copse by nightfall."

He glanced backwards at Penn, waiting for him to find some ridiculous way to correct him. He knew he was right, though. He should be, anyway.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn was quite easily distracted by Fennec. He tried not to be, not wanting it to go to her head and also not wanting Fig to actually catch on that he was totally crushing on her. Hard. Poor guy failed to realize just how obvious he made it, but he's happy in his bubble of ignorance, so we'll just leave him there. He grinned at her retort, offering only a quick "You wish, blindo." before he was distracted once again.

So let's just dive right in--the canyon thing? Really? That was barely a thing. And... "Need I remind you who got us out of said canyon? Certainly wasn't the copilot," Penn snapped back with a grin, "I told you--reddish cliffs and rocks, everywhere the working eye can see, all look exactly the same. I might as well have been a blindo like you, and I don't have your natural born talent for that shit. And you're talkin' real big for someone who--"

Enter Fig. Talking in his big, superior, authoritative voice. Talk about annoying. Nothing was more annoying than the knowledge that no matter how much shit Penn threw at him, that guy could just turn on that quiet, unassuming voice of his and BAM--he had no choice but to shut up and listen.

Believe me, he'd tried not to. Fig was real good at ignoring him no matter how loud he got. Uptight bitch boy that he was.

Worst part of this particular moment, Fig hadn't said anything stupid. Fuck. Now what?

"Dude, Fennec is blind. Way to rub it in," he shot back, "We should get a glimpse? C'mon man. That's like, super rude. Learn some sensitivity." He stepped a little closer to Fenn, eyeing Fig in hopes he would notice and be irked. It wasn't much, but it would do.
Sun Mote Copse
2,032 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec scoffed at Penn's retort, though the nickname made her smile.  Yeah, so, she for some reason liked that only he got to call her that.  Anyone else tried it and they'd get a facefull (or, well, something approxomating the face-full) of her teeth.  It was made even better when he complimented her natural talent.  She was just about to comment on how nice it was he noticed her assets when Fig broke in.  At least her brother knew where they were going.  She wasn't about to admit it, but she was ready to hear everyone again.

Perfect deflection for that, though.  Yeah, Fig, if you are going to insult me at least try to come up with something better than that. she said, stepping past Penn and nipping for her brother's cheek as she said it.  But I guess I can forgive you since I got all the gifts of being an asshole.  Thankfully she was his sister and not Penn's.  That was probably why she'd never gotten along with the rest of his siblings.. he'd taken literally all of the interesting from all of them.  Well, Sugar Glider had been nice she guessed... but way too intense.  Nightfall, though, really?  Awesome.  Wonder what dad 'n mom are gonna say.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
He did have to hand it to the guy--he was frustratingly clever.

Fig merely blinked at the other male as he accused him of being insensitive to his blind sister. Him. The one who didn't refer to her as 'Blindo' at every opportunity he had. Figment might've pointed this out to him, but he knew by now there was little point. Penn Blackthorn would do and say whatever Penn Blackthorn wanted to do and say. Fig's best defense was to ignore him as best as he could. And so he did.

Fenn's remark followed a similar vein, but it still made him smile. There was nothing vindictive about the way she teased. She wasn't trying to get under his skin or be an asshole. Her teasing was good-natured. Penn was just a dick.

"I'll try to be more clever for you next time..." Fig commented with a little swish of his tail, "Least I can do since you took on all the undesirable qualities for us." He paused, contemplating her last comment. He too wondered what they would say. Fig had been open-ended in his timeline, not wanting to set expectations and fail to uphold them. But even he hadn't intended to be away for so long. Fenn's arrival at the Frosthawks had been timely as he'd intended to head home the next day. Instead, he'd tagged along with the two of them.

Now here they were.

"I imagine they'll be thrilled to know we're all doing well," Fig answered after a beat, "And very interested to know if we'll be staying." He was pretty interested in that too, at least as far as his sister was concerned.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn grinned as Fennec jumped in on the joke. Unfortunately, it made Figment smile as well when he was supposed to be grumbly, but that was alright. He supposed the other guy didn't have to be miserable all the time. It wasn't as if Penn hated Fennec's brother. He simply thought the guy needed to loosen the fuck up. And give Penn more alone time with his hot sister.

When the conversation turned towards their impending reunion with the pack, Penn grimaced. While the other two were excited to see their family again, the Blackthorn had no real desire to partake. He was still on the fence about even going to the borders with them. He'd come to the decision that he was just going to play it by ear--if he felt like it, he'd go. If he didn't, then he wouldn't.

His gaze trailed over to Fenn when Figment let that last comment linger--about whether they'd be staying. In the silent, rarely looked upon space in his head where he was honest with himself, he recognized that she was the true deciding factor. Outwardly, he was pretty adamant on his position. "I'll be sticking with no chance in hell," he said casually as he began to stride forward, past Figment and away from Fenn as though he didn't care what she would say or what she would do.
Sun Mote Copse
2,032 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She should have probably known that the question would come, but she hadn't really considered it much.  Let alone found a place to land on it.  She missed her family incredibly, but traveling with Penn had been freeing. Even with his nicknames and teasing, he never made her feel like she wasn't good enough to be there.  Because the way he treated her had never been any different than the way he treated everyone else... and it was one of the things she liked best about him.

Would Towhee and Phox see her differently now? Or would they make her stay?

Yeah, I bet, she said, dismissively.  It was clearly not an answer, but she wasn't ready to give one yet.  Penn's own made her snort quietly, but she wondered if she would be able to let him leave without her.

It was stupid to worry about that before she even got home, yeah?

I can't wait to tell Wraen about all the places we went.  She added, changing the subject.  Is there anyone in particular you're excited to see, Fig?  Her tone raised a bit in a teasing lilt at the end.  She remembered he and Nellie had hung out it felt like a lot, though she didn't actually honestly want to know more than that.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Fennec didn't take the bait, which wasn't surprising. She was smarter than to do that. Whichever she chose, she would disappoint either Fig or Penn. He knew he'd rather not be the disappointed party, but he also knew that of her two relationships, only one was beyond damaging. Fennec was his sister and she would always be his sister. There was nothing she could do to break the bond between them. Penn was just her friend, though. Friendships were more fragile. And Penn didn't seem like the kind who would be cool about being the one left behind. He'd probably act like he didn't care, but Fig always knew better.

In any event, that was a problem for the future. This was now, and for now, they still had some miles to read before they got back home. Fig turned and followed Penn's lead, casting his gaze to the side to smile at his sister. "Mom and Dad, of course," he answered, "But... don't tell them this, but I'm kinda more excited to see the kids. I'm sure they've probably tripled in size by now, though it's so hard to imagine. They were so small when I left." He knew they grew up quickly, though. Fig had been stunned by how much Liffey's and Rannoch's pups had grown in the time he'd been away. It had been far longer of a gap in when he'd seen them last, but still.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn tried not to listen, but of course he couldn't stop himself. He was pleased that she hadn't answered the question, even though some part of him knew that just because she hadn't said 'no' didn't mean she would say 'yes' to continuing to travel with him. He was pretty sure she would come with him, though. They'd had way more fun together than he'd ever had hanging around the Copse and it was impossible that the same wasn't true for Fenn. But still, some part of him couldn't help but think that if his parents were still around, maybe he wouldn't have wanted to leave.

He blinked that thought away, wicked annoyed with himself for letting it cross his mind.

Penn had nothing to add to their conversation, so for once he kept his mouth shut and merely trudged on. He rolled his eyes at Fig's commentary about the kids. He was such a loser. Who gave a fuck about puppies? He was acting like he was their dad, which for all Penn knew, maybe he was. Their family tree was bizarre enough. If your aunt could also be your mom, then hell, maybe your brother could be your dad. Instead of verbally mocking, he merely let his eyes wander here and there in hopes of finding something interesting that he could distract them all with in an effort to delay their arrival.
Sun Mote Copse
2,032 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
By return, Fig ignored her tone, which only made her pouty for a second.  She couldn't really tease him about the kids, though.  Oh, yeah, right. She hadn't forgotten about them, but she hadn't thought about them being older.  They'd been too young for her to really know them before, and as it led up to her leaving, she'd been balking at babysitting pretty hard.  Hopefully they were old enough not to need it anymore; even now, it still felt a bit like a way to keep her busy.

As she had been talking, she'd been passively listening, following behind Fig and adjusting to his stride as he went.  It was a nice early warning to anything she might have to deal with when she came upon it, and a habit she picked up from following Penn (all but those times she forced him to let her take point).  Now she switched, dropping back to follow Penn.  You're being weirdly quiet.  There's gotta be something you're looking forward to, she said, nudging him firmly onto the spot with her words.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
It chafed when Fenn abandoned him and went to pester Penn about why he was being so quiet. Fig took a breath and let it go, though. They were friends. There was nothing that could be done about that until Fennec saw for herself what a bad choice that was to have made. It would be an awful day, but something told Fig it would happen sooner or later. He typically liked to give others the benefit of doubt, but... Penn was Penn.

No matter, the Redhawk shook his head and strode forward, eager to finish their journey. He could hear Penn say something sarcastic about something, but he tried to let his focus on the journey ahead drown out the banter that once again ensued between the pair. Soon, they would be home, and that was what mattered.

slapping an end on this'un <3
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.